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From a global perspective, building and industry, transportation are the three major energy-consuming industries, according to the experience of developed countries, China's future building energy consumption will exceed industrial energy consumption. Since energy-saving buildings are more expensive than ordinary buildings, building energy conservation requires the government to lead its development through policy means for a long time, but each microeconomic entity is the decisive force to promote the transformation of the building energy-saving market. China is in the stage of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode and the rapid improvement of urbanization level, building energy consumption will be greatly improved, but China's energy conservation potential is very large, building energy conservation is very important for China's low-carbon transformation, and the demand for policies is also very urgent. Real estate development enterprises and consumers, as the most representative microeconomic subjects in the field of building energy conservation, have strong policy needs, and in order to achieve the social goal of building energy conservation, it is necessary to fully mobilize the initiative of microeconomic subjects through policy design. China's economic and social development strategy has predicted the future profit opportunities of building energy conservation, to a certain extent change the expectations of development enterprises and consumers, and the existence of positive externalities, information asymmetry and institutional policy obstacles is the essential reason for the micro subject demand for building energy conservation policies. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's building energy conservation work has made great progress, but there are still many obstacles. Building energy conservation changes the balance of interests among various subjects, and the party whose interests are damaged is not reasonably compensated, which naturally becomes an obstructive force for building energy conservation. When the balance of interests is changed, the original policy balance can no longer maximize individual interests. The need for new policies will arise, so obstacles are only a symptom of building energy efficiency, and conflicts of interest are the essence of the problem. Policy imbalances such as lack of policies and poor implementation of policies lead to obstacles to the development of building energy efficiency. Among them, the root cause of the lack of policy is: China's market economy system is not perfect, and economic incentive policies in the form of taxation and loans are facing constraints; Independent third-party evaluation institutions and voluntary agreement policy tools need to be based on a sound social credit system, which China does not currently have. The reasons for the weak implementation of policies include: lack of coercive laws and regulations, imperfect monitoring mechanisms, and insufficient implementation by local governments. These problems should be gradually resolved in the course of the continuous advancement of China's economic and political structural reform. The design of China's building energy conservation policy should follow the four principles of balanced policy demand and supply, overall consideration of the interests of all subjects, effective cost and benefit and overall coordination of policy system, which can be used to guide the design of energy conservation policy design of new buildings and the design of energy conservation renovation policy of existing buildings. The overall goal of China's building energy conservation work is to reduce the terminal energy consumption per unit area of buildings at the lowest cost under the premise of meeting the same indoor environmental comfort requirements. With this as the goal, the selection of policy instruments and the arrangement of implementation mechanisms are carried out. In addition, building energy conservation policy can not exist in isolation and play a role, energy price reform, energy conservation service system, energy efficiency labeling system, building energy consumption statistics system is the building energy conservation support system, its rapid development can greatly improve the implementation effect of building energy conservation policy. China's new building energy-saving market has two development directions: one is to make all new buildings meet the minimum energy consumption requirements through mandatory energy-saving standards, and on this basis, encourage the development of ordinary buildings with higher energy-saving levels; The second is to take the route of high-end energy-saving buildings. The second direction is inconsistent with the policy goals set by the government, which originally encouraged the use of simple technology and low-cost energy efficiency in buildings, rather than taking the road of building energy efficiency that only a few people can afford. The reason why China's new building energy-saving market has not yet formed is that the advantages of energy-saving buildings in terms of economic benefits, environmental benefits and social benefits cannot be easily transformed into market power, and cannot stimulate the enthusiasm of development enterprises, material supply enterprises and consumers to participate. All subjects in the building energy-saving industry chain have a close connection of interests, and by influencing the interaction between them, finding the entry point of policy design can achieve good policy results. The design of energy conservation policies for new buildings should take the difference between the personal goals and social goals of stakeholders as the starting point. The social goal of energy efficiency in new buildings is to reduce the final energy consumption per unit area of buildings at low cost. Achieving this goal requires two efforts: first, to ensure that all new buildings comply with the national mandatory energy conservation standards (50% or 65% energy savings), and secondly, to encourage microeconomic actors who provide and purchase higher energy efficiency levels (energy savings above 65%) and lower incremental cost buildings to help them achieve market transformation. Such goals and efforts are in the interest of the majority of society. The main contents of the energy conservation policy design of new buildings include: (1) Continue to strengthen the implementation and supervision of mandatory energy conservation standards. Insist on special inspections of the implementation of energy conservation standards for new buildings, and the scope of inspection should be expanded from megacities and large cities to small and medium-sized cities; Insist on energy-saving performance as one of the most important indicators for building quality acceptance. (2) During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, strengthen the pilot work of economic incentive policies for building energy conservation. Establish preferential tax and loan policies for development enterprises, construction units and consumers, and improve the special fund and government procurement system for building energy conservation. (3) Improve the building energy-saving industry chain. Gradually establish national standards for building energy-saving materials and building energy-saving technologies. The national departments in charge of construction, energy conservation, and science and technology shall, in conjunction with standard-setting bodies, formulate standards related to building energy-saving materials and technologies step by step. First, formulate unified energy efficiency standards for mainstream technologies and key technologies; Provide policy guidance for the research and development, application and promotion of new integrated equipment or technologies emerging in the market, and introduce guiding technical policies. (4) Take the industrialization of housing as the medium- and long-term goal of national building energy conservation. Residential industrialization is an important path for the development of energy-saving buildings, and only by fundamentally changing the arbitrariness of building "manufacturing" methods can we ultimately achieve the goal of building energy conservation and green. Starting from the pilot cities, strengthen the housing industrialization alliance, and the government will give preferential policies to encourage development enterprises with strength and residential industrialization practice to pilot first. The biggest obstacle to the energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings is the institutional barrier. The biggest resistance to the implementation of heat metering comes from heating enterprises, and the short-term interests of heating enterprises are damaged by the reform of heat metering, which is the fundamental reason for the difficulty in promoting metering and charging. The principle of cost-sharing is the key to whether the transformation can achieve the desired policy objectives. The Tangshan project provides a model for future projects, in which insisting that beneficiary users bear part of the costs and cooperating with product enterprises to raise part of the funds provide options for latecomers. In the case of housing privatization, the investment and financing mechanism is the key to whether China can carry out comprehensive energy-saving renovation of existing buildings on a large scale. In this project, the occupants are both the owners of the housing and the beneficiaries of the energy-saving renovation, and should contribute to the renovation. When formulating the financing policy, the Tangshan project determined the general idea of merging residents to invest in energy-saving transformation, but because the project has an international cooperation background and the funding of the two governments, the residents' investment can be less, but the investment of energy-saving renovation residents is an important feature of the project, which lays the foundation for the formulation of appropriate financing policies for large-scale transformation. The main contents of the policy design of existing building energy conservation renovation: (1) The main body responsible for the energy conservation transformation of existing buildings and the funding channel. In the case that the existing building energy-saving renovation market is not perfect, a government-led investment and financing model should be implemented. Through the rational allocation of energy cost savings, encourage social capital to enter the field of energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and encourage important microeconomic entities in the energy-saving renovation market of existing buildings, such as heating supply enterprises, building energy-saving materials and parts enterprises, heat metering product enterprises, and energy-saving service companies, to actively participate. (2) Implement metered charging based on heat consumption. During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the focus of heat metering reform should be to vigorously promote charging according to heat consumption, and insist that the transformation of heat metering and charging according to heat consumption should be carried out simultaneously. All local governments should formulate specific plans for heat metering and charging during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period and promulgate relevant policies. Take the reform of heat metering as the focus of special inspection of building energy conservation. (3) Build five major guarantee systems for energy conservation in large public buildings. Energy conservation in large public buildings needs to be achieved through price leverage and energy consumption assessment under government supervision, specifically requiring five major systems to support, namely large public building energy consumption statistics system, energy audit system, energy consumption limit standard, ladder energy price and public supervision system. (4) Support the development of energy-saving service companies. Introduce as soon as possible fiscal and tax preferential policies and energy-saving financing policies to encourage energy-saving service companies to implement energy-saving projects in large-scale public buildings, and actively support energy-saving service companies to explore energy-saving service models for large-scale public buildings that meet China's national conditions.(AI翻译)





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