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基金信息: 辽宁省社科基金;沈阳师范大学博士科研启动基金 展开











The speech act in modern Chinese apology belongs to the expression category of Searle speech act theory,which is one of our daily communication polite speech acts and one of civil liability in Chinese civil law,visible,it is a very important language phenomenon.Previous research on apology speech acts were mostly in certain aspects and clips,this text attempts to research under the overall framework of apology event,interpret the realization process of apology speech act in order to obtain comprehensive and profound cognition of modern Chinese apology speech act.

First,we need to clear and sort out the basic situation of apology speech act.Redefine apology speech acts are“Communication between A and B,A due to offend,guilt caused by other reasons,apologize to B compensatory speech acts,in order to restore interpersonal harmony between A and B(A is apologize side,B is affected apologize side)”. Definition emphasizes the causes and consequences of behavior.Speech act of apology and compensatory nature is triggered,it generates for a reason,offensive behavior is caused by psychological trigger guilt; Its implementation is based on compensation,the compensation can be divided into two cases: offset losses,consumption and make up the shortcomings and the differences.Speech act of apology reflects the compensation requires of apology side in specific implementation process,calm down anxiety of apology side and repairs the relationships between both sides.Among them,the compensation requires of apology side and calm down anxiety of apology side are direct functions,repair the relationships are indirect function.Based on the distribution of direct function,we divide the apology speech act into four virtual apology speech act,pararuistic behavior,self-serving apology speech act,win apology speech acts,relative to virtual apology speech acts,the first three can be called real apology speech act,and this article focuses on real apology speech act.

The structure of apologize apology speech act includes main body,the intention of an apology,the way of an apology and so on.The main body of apology is an apology speech act of the perpetrators and receiver respectively is an Apology party and apology receiver.First of all,the subject is the social main body; the main body of apology has the social role which is relatively fixed.Secondly,the main body of apology is communication subject,the main body of apology has communication role which is temporary.The Apology party and the apology receiver are temporary communicative roles; their apology speech act is influenced by its inherent social role factors.In addition,the apology party originates in offending party that transforms communication role; apology receiver originates in the offended party that transforms communication role.Apology intention is the core of apology speech act; apology speech act is the starting point and the point of the returning.Apologize for the realization of the intention or not is the most important standard.Apology intention carrying out apology speech act is an apology sincerely of intrinsic motivation,through the questionnaire we know apology intentions causes stems mainly from offending fact,the guilt of apology party,considering apology receiver's heart feeling,maintaining the harmonious of the interpersonal relationship and social rules and so on five aspects.Among them,the occurrence of offense is prompt apology attempt of the cause of the most important and core.Recognizing offense has two standards: one is from the Angle of the offender to recognize,this is the most important standard.The feelings for the offended play a decisive role in defining whether a particular act constitutes offensive.Second,it can be identified from the perspective of the offender,which is a secondary standard.The offended and the offender judge offensive behavior mainly on the acquisition of the ethical conduct of social groups,recognition feelings,personal life and special experiences during growing up.parahough the sources of that standard of both sides are the same,the specific standards they hold varies,resulting from the differences where each body learn moral codes of social groups and behavior standards,recognition of different circumstances,personal life and special growing-up ex periences.The structure of apology intention is: apology[X],which indicates the apology intention made by apology party on X,the content of the apology.As a whole part,the intention and content of apology both do exist.However,in the specific verbal expression of apology,it differs in the language chosen to express the structure of apology intention.Apology intention mainly uses apology signs.The implementation of speech act of apology lies in linguistic form and accompanied by nonverbal form.

The language form of speech act of apology mainly performs as the language form of identifying the apology intention,the language form of identifying the apology subject and the language form of identifying the apology degree.Apology intention must be realized within the framework of the event,and the process of its implementation is also the process to construct the significance of apology.Apology signs include per formative verbs and idioms people are accustomed to,such as to,apologize,sorry,feel shy and so on.They all have their own characteristics in syntactic,semantic and pragmatic.The appellation is generally located in the beginning of sentences and is the position of the apology party apologizing to your own and the other communicative role.The appropriate use of appellations can create the better apology atmosphere,reaching the ideal perlocutionary effect.The appellation of the people who receives the apology mainly manifests in the kinship appellation,social appellation,name appellation and courtesy appellation which is one of the four big pronominal appellation systems.Self reference mainly performs depreciation of,normal self referential,normal self referential,fuzzy self referential.

Apology degree is the degree of one party expressed in the speech act of apology.Apology degree is important to both apology party and the apology party.For the apology party,the appropriate of apology is helpful to avoid the loss of too much“face”.And at the same time,it can achieve successful and graceful apology.For the apology party,because suffering from some degree of offense,he or she is expected to receive the apology,only the apology can meet the expectation from him or her,the person who receive the apology can forgive the apology party.If the apology is much higher than offence degree,the apology receiver will question the communicative intention.The apology and of fensive behavior is closely related to the degree of the offence.The apology degree is mainly depend on the quantity iconicity principles,take the language syntax,words,overlapping,strategy and non language expressions,means in action.

The implementation ofthe apology speech behavior will be effected by the offensive behavior factors,the apology party attitude of apology speech behavior,the personal factors and its differences of communicative subject,and the context factor etc.We believe that the offensive behavior is the most important factor in the apology speech behavior; it not only affects the likelihood of their occurrence,but also restricts the way of occurrence.The apology party attitude of apology speech behavior mainly affects the likelihood of behavior occurrence.The speculation and the evaluation about the personal factors of communicative subject and the contextual factors made by the apology party attitude mainly restrict the way of the apology speech behavior occurrence.The implementation of the apology intention and the understanding cannot do without the subject and its own cognition participation.The subject status,gender,age,occupation,character,emotion,as well as the intersubjective social distance,power relations,gender differences,age difference,etc.,all these factors have more or less impact on the choice of speech form of the apology party attitude.The context is the time-space environment of language communication and very important pragmatic factor,and it can make fully significance supplement on the inadequate expression of speech,affecting the pragmatic strategies and the choice of the speech form.The context includes the communicative context,communicative background and communicative way.

Based on the study and research of more than 1000 apologies cases,six kinds of expressions of the speech act of Apology have been summarized: Statement of fact,explain offend reasons,expression of guilt emotion,puts forward compensation measures,ensure to start with a clean slate,request others to forgive.

At last,the pragmatic principles,which are used to give someguidance to apology party to get the successful apology speech act.That is sincerity principle,polite principle,appropriate principle and relevant principle.

The act of apology belongs to the expression category in the classification of Searle's speech behavior theory, which is one of the polite speech behaviors in our daily communication, and is a kind of civil liability stipulated in China's "General Principles of Civil Law", which shows that it is a very important linguistic phenomenon. In the past, most of the research on apology behavior was in some aspects and a certain fragment, and this book attempts to study it within the overall framework of the apology event and interpret the realization process of apology speech behavior, in order to obtain a comprehensive and profound understanding of the apology speech behavior in modern Chinese. We sort out and clarify the basic situation of the act of apology. Redefine the act of apologizing as "a compensatory verbal act of expressing apology to B between the communication subjects A and B, triggered by offense, guilt, etc., and then restoring the harmony of the interpersonal relationship between A and B (A is the apologetic party, B is the apologetic party)". The causes and consequences of the conduct are emphasized in the definition. The nature of the act of apology is triggering and compensatory, and it is caused by offensive behavior, triggered by the psychology of regret; Its implementation is based on compensation, which can be divided into two situations: offsetting losses, consumption and making up deficiencies, differences. In the specific implementation process, the act of apology embodies the three functions of making up for the compensation needs of the apologized party, calming the apologetic party's anxiety, and repairing the interpersonal relationship between the two parties. Among them, the need to compensate the apologetic party and calm the uneasy psychology of the apologetic party is a direct function, and repairing the interpersonal relationship between the two parties is an indirect function. According to the distribution of direct functions, we divide apologetic speech behaviors into four categories: beneficial apology behavior, self-interested apology behavior, win-win apology behavior, and virtual apology behavior, compared with virtual apology behavior, the first three categories can be called real apology behavior, and this book focuses on real apology behavior. The structure of the act of apology includes the subject of the apology, the intention of the apology, the form of the apology, etc., and the subject of the apology is the implementer and recipient of the act of apologizing, which are the party that makes the apology and the party who receives the apology. First of all, the subject of apology is a social subject, with a social role, and the social role is relatively fixed. Secondly, the subject of apology is a communicative subject, with a communicative role, and the communicative role is temporary. Both the apologetic and the apologetic party are temporary communicative roles, and their apology speech behavior is influenced by their inherent social role factors. In addition, the apologizing party is changed by the offending party to a communicative role, and the apologetic party is changed from the offended party to a communicative role. The intention to apologize is the core of the act of apologizing, and it is the starting point and return point of the act of apologizing. The fulfillment of the apology intention is the most important criterion for evaluating the success of the apology act. We learned through questionnaire surveys that the cause of the apology intention mainly stems from the five aspects of causing offense, the apologizing party feeling guilty, considering the feelings of the apologized party, maintaining the harmony of interpersonal relationships between the two parties, and abiding by social norms. Among them, the occurrence of offensive behavior is the most important and core cause that prompts the apologizing party to have the intention to apologize. There are two criteria for determining offensive behavior: one is from the perspective of the offended, which is the most important criterion, and the feelings of the offended person play a decisive role in whether a specific act constitutes an offense. The second is to determine from the point of view of the offender, which is the auxiliary standard. The criteria for the offender and the offender to judge the offending behavior mainly stem from the acquisition and recognition of the moral code of conduct of the social group and the special experience of personal life and growth. Although the source channels of the recognition standards of the two parties are the same, there must be differences between the specific standards they grasp due to the different specific conditions of each subject's acquisition of the morality and code of conduct of the social group in which they belong, and the specific experience of personal life and growth. The structure of the apology intent is: apologize [X]. This schema indicates that the apologizing party has an apology intention regarding "X", and "X" is the content of the apology intention. As a whole, the intention to apologize and the content of the intention exist, but in the specific expression of the apology, there are certain differences in how to choose the language that expresses the structure of the apology intention. The apology intention is mainly marked by the apology sign. The act of apology is carried out in a verbal form and the accompanying non-verbal form. The linguistic form of the act of apology is mainly manifested as the language form of marking the intention to apologize, the language form of the subject of the apology, and the language form of indicating the degree of apology. The intention of apology must be realized within the framework of the apology event, and the process of its realization is also the process of constructing the meaning of the apology speech act. Apology signs include verbs and idiomatic expressions that people take for granted, such as reparation, apology, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, etc., which have their own characteristics in syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. The salutation predicate is generally located at the beginning of the conversation, which is the positioning of the apologizer's own and the other party's communication role, and the appropriate use of the predicate can create a better apology atmosphere and obtain the ideal after-speech effect. The title of the apologized party is mainly manifested in the polite title in the four major systems of kinship title, social title, name title and referential title. The self-designation of the apologetic party is mainly manifested as derogatory self-referential, normal self-referential, and vague self-referential. Apology is the degree of apology expressed by the apologizing party in the act of apologizing words. Apology is a very important factor for both the apologetic and the apologetic party. For the apologizing party, the proper grasp of the apology degree can avoid its unnecessary loss of too much "face", and at the same time, it can achieve a successful and appropriate apology. For the apologetic party, because he or she has suffered some degree of offense, he or she has expectations for the apology of the apologetic party, and only by meeting or exceeding his/her expectations can the apologetic party truly understand the apologetic party. However, if the apology is too high than the offense, the apologetic party will question the apologetic party's communication intentions. The degree of apology is closely related to the degree of offense generated by the offense. The realization of apologies mainly relies on the guidance of the principle of quantitative similarity, and adopts means such as words, syntax, overlap, and strategy in linguistic methods and expressions and actions in non-verbal methods. The implementation of the act of apology will be affected by the factors of offensive behavior, the attitude of the apologizing party to the act of apology, the personal factors of the communication subject and its differences, contextual factors, etc. We believe that offensive behavior is the most important constraint to the act of apologizing speech, affecting both the likelihood of its occurrence and the manner in which it occurs. The attitude of the apology party to the act of apology mainly affects the likelihood of the act occurring. The apologetic party's speculation and assessment of the personal factors of the communication subject, as well as their differences and contextual factors, mainly restricts the way in which the apology speech behavior occurs. The implementation and understanding of the intention to apologize are inseparable from the participation of the subject and its own cognitive situation. The subject's status, gender, age, occupation, personality, emotions, etc., as well as the social distance, power relationship, gender difference, age gap, etc. between the subjects, all affect the choice of the form of the apology party's discourse to a greater or lesser extent. Context is the temporal and spatial environment of language communication, which is a very important pragmatic factor, which can supplement the meaning of insufficient expression and affect the pragmatic strategy and discourse form of the apology party. Context includes the communicative context, the context of the communication, and the way of communicating. Based on the analysis and research of more than 1,000 apology examples, we abstract and summarize six major strategies for apology behavior: stating the facts of the offense, explaining the reasons for the offense, expressing regrets, proposing compensation measures, ensuring rehabilitation, and asking for forgiveness. Finally, we explore the pragmatic principles that lead to the successful apology behavior of the apologetic party: the principle of sincerity, the principle of courtesy, the principle of appropriateness, and the principle of relevance. AbstractThe speech act in modern Chinese apology belongs to the expression category of Searle speech act theory,which is one of our daily communication polite speech acts and one of civil liability in Chinese civil law,visible,it is a very important language phenomenon. Previous research on apology speech acts were mostly in certain aspects and clips,this text attempts to research under the overall framework of apology event,interpret the realization process of apology speech act in order to obtain comprehensive and profound cognition of modern Chinese apology speech act. First,we need to clear and sort out the basic situation of apology speech act. Redefine apology speech acts are“Communication between A and B,A due to offend,guilt caused by other reasons,apologize to B compensatory speech acts,in order to restore interpersonal harmony between A and B(A is apologize side,B is affected apologize side)”. Definition emphasizes the causes and consequences of behavior. Speech act of apology and compensatory nature is triggered,it generates for a reason,offensive behavior is caused by psychological trigger guilt; Its implementation is based on compensation,the compensation can be divided into two cases: offset losses,consumption and make up the shortcomings and the differences. Speech act of apology reflects the compensation requires of apology side in specific implementation process,calm down anxiety of apology side and repairs the relationships between both sides. Among them,the compensation requires of apology side and calm down anxiety of apology side are direct functions,repair the relationships are indirect function. Based on the distribution of direct function,we divide the apology speech act into four virtual apology speech act,pararuistic behavior,self-serving apology speech act,win apology speech acts,relative to virtual apology speech acts,the first three can be called real apology speech act,and this article focuses on real apology speech act. The structure of apologize apology speech act includes main body,the intention of an apology,the way of an apology and so on. The main body of apology is an apology speech act of the perpetrators and receiver respectively is an Apology party and apology receiver. First of all,the subject is the social main body; the main body of apology has the social role which is relatively fixed. Secondly,the main body of apology is communication subject,the main body of apology has communication role which is temporary. The Apology party and the apology receiver are temporary communicative roles; their apology speech act is influenced by its inherent social role factors. In addition,the apology party originates in offending party that transforms communication role; apology receiver originates in the offended party that transforms communication role. Apology intention is the core of apology speech act; apology speech act is the starting point and the point of the returning. Apologize for the realization of the intention or not is the most important standard. Apology intention carrying out apology speech act is an apology sincerely of intrinsic motivation,through the questionnaire we know apology intentions causes stems mainly from offending fact, the guilt of apology party,considering apology receiver's heart feeling,maintaining the harmonious of the interpersonal relationship and social rules and so on five aspects. Among them,the occurrence of offense is prompt apology attempt of the cause of the most important and core. Recognizing offense has two standards: one is from the Angle of the offender to recognize,this is the most important standard. The feelings for the offended play a decisive role in defining whether a particular act constitutes offensive. Second,it can be identified from the perspective of the offender,which is a secondary standard. The offended and the offender judge offensive behavior mainly on the acquisition of the ethical conduct of social groups,recognition feelings,personal life and special experiences during growing up.parahough the sources of that standard of both sides are the same,the specific standards they hold varies,resulting from the differences where each body learn moral codes of social groups and behavior standards,recognition of different circumstances,personal life and special growing-up ex periences. The structure of apology intention is: apology[X],which indicates the apology intention made by apology party on X,the content of the apology. As a whole part,the intention and content of apology both do exist. However,in the specific verbal expression of apology,it differs in the language chosen to express the structure of apology intention. Apology intention mainly uses apology signs. The implementation of speech act of apology lies in linguistic form and accompanied by nonverbal form. The language form of speech act of apology mainly performs as the language form of identifying the apology intention,the language form of identifying the apology subject and the language form of identifying the apology degree. Apology intention must be realized within the framework of the event,and the process of its implementation is also the process to construct the significance of apology. Apology signs include per formative verbs and idioms people are accustomed to,such as to,apologize,sorry,feel shy and so on. They all have their own characteristics in syntactic,semantic and pragmatic. The appellation is generally located in the beginning of sentences and is the position of the apology party apologizing to your own and the other communicative role. The appropriate use of appellations can create the better apology atmosphere,reaching the ideal perlocutionary effect. The appellation of the people who receives the apology mainly manifests in the kinship appellation,social appellation,name appellation and courtesy appellation which is one of the four big pronominal appellation systems. Self reference mainly performs depreciation of,normal self referential,normal self referential,fuzzy self referential. Apology degree is the degree of one party expressed in the speech act of apology. Apology degree is important to both apology party and the apology party. For the apology party,the appropriate of apology is helpful to avoid the loss of too much“face”. And at the same time,it can achieve successful and graceful apology. For the apology party,because suffering from some degree of offense,he or she is expected to receive the apology,only the apology can meet the expectation from him or her,the person who receive the apology can forgive the apology party. If the apology is much higher than offence degree,the apology receiver will question the communicative intention. The apology and of fensive behavior is closely related to the degree of the offence. The apology degree is mainly depend on the quantity iconicity principles,take the language syntax,words,overlapping,strategy and non language expressions,means in action. The implementation ofthe apology speech behavior will be effected by the offensive behavior factors,the apology party attitude of apology speech behavior,the personal factors and its differences of communicative subject,and the context factor etc. We believe that the offensive behavior is the most important factor in the apology speech behavior; it not only affects the likelihood of their occurrence,but also restricts the way of occurrence. The apology party attitude of apology speech behavior mainly affects the likelihood of behavior occurrence. The speculation and the evaluation about the personal factors of communicative subject and the contextual factors made by the apology party attitude mainly restrict the way of the apology speech behavior occurrence. The implementation of the apology intention and the understanding cannot do without the subject and its own cognition participation. The subject status,gender,age,occupation,character,emotion,as well as the intersubjective social distance,power relations,gender differences,age difference,etc.,all these factors have more or less impact on the choice of speech form of the apology party attitude. The context is the time-space environment of language communication and very important pragmatic factor,and it can make fully significance supplement on the inadequate expression of speech, affecting the pragmatic strategies and the choice of the speech form. The context includes the communicative context,communicative background and communicative way. Based on the study and research of more than 1000 apologies cases,six kinds of expressions of the speech act of Apology have been summarized: Statement of fact,explain offend reasons,expression of guilt emotion,puts forward compensation measures,ensure to start with a clean slate,request others to forgive. At last,the pragmatic principles,which are used to give someguidance to apology party to get the successful apology speech act. That is sincerity principle,polite principle,appropriate principle and relevant principle.(AI翻译)





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