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产业转移是全球经济一体化推动下不可逆转的发展趋势,是市场经济规律作用下优化区域产业分工格局的必然要求,也是我国经济新常态下实现经济结构调整的必然选择。近年来,我国区域经济发展格局正在发生深刻的调整,不仅有大量的国外产业向我国转移,也有大量的国内产业由东部发达地区向中西部地区转移。进入“十一五”计划以后,产业转移已经成为国家五年规划纲要中的一项重要内容。2010年9月,国务院及时出台了《国务院关于中西部地区承接产业转移的指导意见》,明确指出:“引导和支持中西部地区承接产业转移,是深入实施西部大开发和促进中部地区崛起战略的重大任务。”“十二五”计划后,中央政府更加重视国内产业转移工作。李克强总理指出,“引导国内产业有序转移对于促进区域梯度、联动、协调发展,带动中西部新型城镇化和贫困地区致富,拓展就业和发展新空间,推动经济向中高端水平跃升,具有重大意义”。当前,许多内地地方政府,特别是广大西部地区政府,都把承接国内外产业转移视为一次实现经济赶超的重大战略机遇,甚至视为“一把手工程”。但是,对产业转移与承接绝对不能理想化、简单化。目前,我国产业转移与承接中存在许多问题,如产业转移拦截、污染产业转移、圈地造园运动、招商恶性竞争等乱象环生。特别需要指出的是,随着西部承接国内外产业转移的增加,工业的快速发展,也带来了环境污染和资源利用问题,对我国生态文明建设构成了严重威胁与挑战。因此,迫切需要对西部地区承接国内外产业转移进行全面、深入、系统的研究,为西部地区科学地承接国内外产业转移提供必要的理论指导和实践探索。鉴于上述背景,笔者从2008年起开始关注国内产业转移与承接问题,并陆续发表了近20篇相关学术论文。2012年,又有幸获得教育部人文社科基金项目“基于循环经济的西部承接国内外产业转移研究”(项目号: 12YJA790043)经费资助,使笔者对这一问题的研究更具信心和动力,也使笔者萌发了出版专著的想法。可以说,本书既是教育部项目的最终成果,也是笔者多年来对产业转移问题研究的心血。通览全书,笔者认为,本书在学术和实践方面有以下几点创新:一是全面系统地分析了国内外产业转移的规律与趋势。不仅定性分析了国内产业转移趋势呈现的四大特点,即向有一定配套能力的地区转移、以劳动密集型产业转移为主、省内转移或就近转移较多和受制于资源与环境约束的被动转移;而且定量分析了我国东西部产业转移的基本规律,通过对2000—2012年我国东部、西部各省(市、自治区)主要工业品产量面板数据的研究,揭示东西部地区13年来产业转移的一些基本规律,并由此得出一些有益的结论。研究表明,对东部而言,电子信息产业、无机化工产业、白色家电产业及水泥工业由东部强势转出,能源产业等从东部明显转出;纺织工业、汽车工业及黑色家电产业向东部强势转入,部分有机化工产业等向东部明显转入。对西部而言,能源、化工、建材及电子信息产业向西部强势转入;轿车、电力及部分食品和家电产业向西部明显转入;纺织、钢铁和部分家电和造纸产业从西部微弱转出。而且表现出一定的地域规律。二是研究了西部地区承接产业转移的生态环境效应。通过对2000—2011年国内污染密集型产业相关工业产品产量面板数据的研究,揭示国内东部、中部、西部及东北部四大区域污染密集型产业的转移路径。从全国来看,西部地区成为污染密集型产业的净转入区。转入的主要是资源和能源类产业,无产业转出。主要原因是西部地区招商引资的环境门槛过低,导致发达地区的一些污染产业转移到了西部,使国内“污染避难所假说”成立。在上述实证研究的基础上,对西部地区承接产业转移的生态环境效应进行了分析。研究认为,就西部地区经济发展的状况和产业承接态势而言,该地区的产业承接处于初期至中期阶段,12个省(市、自治区)中,有些省(市、自治区)由于人均GDP仍较低,存在明显的生态环境规模负效应,但也有个别省(市、自治区)接近环境库兹涅茨曲线的拐点。由于西部地区尚处于工业化阶段,产业转移对西部地区存在明显的生态环境结构负效应。而由于政策引导,产业转移对西部地区生态环境的技术效应基本上是正面的。三是以国家主体功能区规划为背景,结合西部地区优势产业对西部地区承接产业转移空间分布进行了研究。结合西部主体功能规划,综合各区域的自然资源和社会经济资源状况,从区域比较优势和竞争优势出发,分别从整体和部分两个方面划分出西部各地区承接产业转移的竞争力空间分布和承接产业转移的类型空间分布。研究认为,产业转移的承接地必然是资源环境承接能力较强的“优先开发区”和“重点开发区”、西部各省(市、区)的大中城市尤是以省会城市为中心的都市圈、城市群成为产业转移的优选地。具体来看,西部产业转移承接地主要分布在成渝经济圈、关中城市群、呼包鄂城市群、滇中城市群、南宁经济圈、兰西银经济圈、天山北坡经济圈、贵阳经济圈等。四是提出了西部地区承接产业转移的有效载体——循环经济产业园区。研究认为,产业转移为发展循环经济模式提供了宝贵契机,而循环经济产业园区是承接产业转移的重要平台。建设循环经济产业园区,关键在于形成企业集群、产业集群,循环经济产业园区建设的难点是内部企业关系的处理。研究还认为,从承接产业转移角度出发,西部地区循环经济产业园区可尝试四种建设模式,即以承接产业转移为契机改造现有传统工业园区、围绕核心企业承接产业转移构建循环经济产业园、以承接产业转移为目的规划新型循环经济产业园和通过承接产业转移构建虚拟循环经济产业园区。五是提出了西部地区承接国内外产业转移的基本逻辑思路。不仅系统地提出了西部地区承接国内外产业转移的六大原则,而且基于循环经济提出了西部地区承接产业转移的主要领域与区域以及主要途径与方式。同时,还从国家统筹管理、建设产业集群、产业结构调整和打造循环经济产业园区四大方面提出了一些可操作的对策建议。诚然,本书也存在一些不足和缺憾,并非一部完美之作。可是,鉴于国内产业转移相关文献多关注于国际产业转移与东部地区承接,而针对西部地区承接国内外产业转移的专著比较少,特别是从循环经济角度研究西部承接产业转移更为少见。因此,在当前西部地区承接产业转移迫切需要理论指导的情况下,本书也算是探索西部地区承接国内外产业转移的一部“接地气”之作。笔者衷心希望专著能对西部经济发展和生态文明建设起到推动作用,也希望能引起更多学者的关注,对相关学科的发展起到一定的推动作用。本书在写作过程中,得到了课题组成员的积极配合,得到了陕西理工学院有关领导的热心鼓励和大力支持,还得到了西部地区部分市、县、区政府部门的热情帮助,特别感谢教育部社会科学司为笔者提供了必要的研究和出版经费,没有他们,专著难以按时完稿,项目也难以按时结题。本书在出版过程中,得到了中国社会科学出版社卢小生老师的大力帮助,他不仅对书稿提出来很多宝贵的修改意见,而且认真审校,精益求精,令人感动万分。另外,本书在完成过程中查阅了大量的学术专著和文献资料,参考和借鉴了许多专家学者的研究成果和学术观点。在此,一并表示最诚挚的感谢!囿于笔者学术水平和时间仓促,书中难免存在疏漏和欠妥之处,恳请各位读者不吝指正。何龙斌2015年5月于汉中

Industrial transfer is an irreversible development trend driven by global economic integration, an inevitable requirement for optimizing the regional industrial division of labor pattern under the action of the law of market economy, and an inevitable choice for realizing economic restructuring under the new normal of China's economy. In recent years, China's regional economic development pattern is undergoing profound adjustments, not only a large number of foreign industries have been transferred to China, but also a large number of domestic industries have been transferred from the developed eastern regions to the central and western regions. After entering the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", industrial transfer has become an important part of the national five-year plan. In September 2010, the State Council promptly issued the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Undertaking Industrial Transfer in the Central and Western Regions", which clearly pointed out: "Guiding and supporting the central and western regions to undertake industrial transfer is a major task for the in-depth implementation of the strategy of large-scale development of the western region and promoting the rise of the central region." After the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", the central government paid more attention to the domestic industrial transfer work. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that "guiding the orderly transfer of domestic industries is of great significance to promoting regional gradient, linkage and coordinated development, driving new-type urbanization in central and western China and the prosperity of poor areas, expanding new space for employment and development, and promoting the economy to leap to the mid-to-high-end level." At present, many local governments in the hinterland, especially the governments of the vast western regions, regard undertaking industrial transfer at home and abroad as a major strategic opportunity to achieve economic catch-up, and even as a "first-class project". However, industrial transfer and undertaking must not be idealized and simplified. At present, there are many problems in China's industrial transfer and undertaking, such as industrial transfer interception, polluting industrial transfer, enclosure and gardening movement, investment vicious competition and other chaos. In particular, it should be pointed out that with the increase of industrial transfer at home and abroad in the western region, the rapid development of industry has also brought about environmental pollution and resource utilization problems, which has posed a serious threat and challenge to China's ecological civilization construction. Therefore, it is urgent to conduct comprehensive, in-depth and systematic research on the western region's undertaking of domestic and foreign industrial transfer, and provide necessary theoretical guidance and practical exploration for the western region to scientifically undertake domestic and foreign industrial transfer. In view of the above background, the author has been concerned about domestic industrial transfer and undertaking since 2008, and has published nearly 20 related academic papers. In 2012, I was fortunate to receive the Humanities and Social Sciences Fund of the Ministry of Education for the project "Research on Undertaking Domestic and Foreign Industrial Transfer in the Western Region Based on Circular Economy" (Project No.: 12YJA790043), which made the author more confident and motivated in his research on this issue, and also gave me the idea of publishing a monograph. It can be said that this book is not only the final result of the Ministry of Education's project, but also the author's research on industrial transfer for many years. Throughout the book, the author believes that this book has the following innovations in academic and practical aspects: First, it comprehensively and systematically analyzes the laws and trends of industrial transfer at home and abroad. It not only qualitatively analyzes the four characteristics of the domestic industrial transfer trend, namely, the transfer to areas with certain supporting capabilities, the transfer of labor-intensive industries, the transfer of more provinces or nearby transfers, and the passive transfer subject to resource and environmental constraints; Moreover, the basic laws of industrial transfer in the east and west of China are quantitatively analyzed, and through the research on the output data of major industrial products in the eastern and western provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) of China from 2000 to 2012, some basic laws of industrial transfer in the eastern and western regions in the past 13 years are revealed, and some useful conclusions are drawn. Studies show that for the east, the electronic information industry, inorganic chemical industry, white goods industry and cement industry have strongly shifted out from the east, and the energy industry has obviously shifted out from the east. The textile industry, automobile industry and black household appliance industry have strongly transferred to the east, and some organic chemical industries have obviously transferred to the east. For the west, the energy, chemical, building materials and electronic information industries have strongly shifted to the west; The cars, electricity and some food and home appliance industries have obviously shifted to the west; The textile, iron and steel and some household appliances and paper industries moved weakly from the west. And it shows a certain regional law. Second, the ecological and environmental effects of undertaking industrial transfer in the western region were studied. Through the study of the output data of related industrial products in domestic pollution-intensive industries from 2000 to 2011, the transfer paths of pollution-intensive industries in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions of China are revealed. Nationally, the western region has become a net transfer area for pollution-intensive industries. The transfer is mainly to the resource and energy industries, and no industries are transferred out. The main reason is that the environmental threshold for attracting investment in the western region is too low, which has led to the transfer of some polluting industries in developed areas to the west, so that the domestic "pollution shelter hypothesis" is established. On the basis of the above empirical research, the ecological and environmental effects of undertaking industrial transfer in the western region are analyzed. The study believes that in terms of the economic development and industrial undertaking trend in the western region, the industrial undertaking in the region is in the early to mid-stage stage, and some of the 12 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) have obvious negative effects on the scale of the ecological environment due to the low per capita GDP, but some provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) are close to the inflection point of the environmental Kuznets curve. Since the western region is still in the stage of industrialization, industrial transfer has obvious negative effects on the ecological environment structure in the western region. Due to policy guidance, the technical effect of industrial transfer on the ecological environment in the western region is basically positive. Third, based on the planning of the main functional areas of the state, combined with the advantageous industries in the western region, the spatial distribution of industrial transfer undertaken in the western region was studied. Combined with the planning of the main functions of the western region, the spatial distribution of competitiveness and the spatial distribution of types of undertaking industrial transfer in each region in the western region are divided from the overall and partial aspects based on the regional comparative advantage and competitive advantage. The study believes that the undertaking of industrial transfer must be "priority development areas" and "key development areas" with strong resource and environmental undertaking capacity, and large and medium-sized cities in western provinces (municipalities and districts), especially metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations centered on provincial capitals, have become the preferred places for industrial transfer. Specifically, the western industrial transfer bearings are mainly distributed in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, Guanzhong City Agglomeration, Hubao'e City Agglomeration, Yunzhong City Agglomeration, Nanning Economic Circle, Lanxiyin Economic Circle, Tianshan North Slope Economic Circle, Guiyang Economic Circle, etc. The fourth is to propose an effective carrier for undertaking industrial transfer in the western region - circular economy industrial park. The study believes that industrial transfer provides a valuable opportunity for the development of circular economy model, and circular economy industrial parks are an important platform for undertaking industrial transfer. The key to building a circular economy industrial park lies in the formation of enterprise clusters and industrial clusters, and the difficulty in the construction of circular economy industrial parks is the handling of internal enterprise relations. The study also believes that from the perspective of undertaking industrial transfer, circular economy industrial parks in the western region can try four construction modes, namely, to transform existing traditional industrial parks by undertaking industrial transfer, to build circular economy industrial parks around core enterprises to undertake industrial transfer, to plan new circular economy industrial parks for the purpose of undertaking industrial transfer, and to build virtual circular economy industrial parks by undertaking industrial transfer. Fifth, it put forward the basic logical idea of the western region in undertaking industrial transfer at home and abroad. It not only systematically puts forward the six principles of undertaking industrial transfer at home and abroad in the western region, but also puts forward the main fields and regions and the main ways and methods for undertaking industrial transfer in the western region based on the circular economy. At the same time, some practical countermeasures and suggestions were put forward from four aspects: national overall management, construction of industrial clusters, industrial structure adjustment and building of circular economy industrial parks. Admittedly, this book also has some shortcomings and shortcomings, and it is not a perfect work. However, in view of the fact that the literature related to domestic industrial transfer mostly focuses on international industrial transfer and the undertaking of the eastern region, there are relatively few monographs on the undertaking of domestic and foreign industrial transfer in the western region, especially from the perspective of circular economy, the study of industrial transfer in the western region is even rarer. Therefore, under the current situation that the western region urgently needs theoretical guidance to undertake industrial transfer, this book can also be regarded as a "grounded" work to explore the western region's undertaking of domestic and foreign industrial transfer. The author sincerely hopes that the monograph can play a role in promoting the economic development and ecological civilization construction of the western region, and also hopes that it will attract the attention of more scholars and play a certain role in promoting the development of related disciplines. In the process of writing this book, we have received the active cooperation of the members of the research group, the enthusiastic encouragement and strong support of the relevant leaders of Shaanxi Institute of Technology, and the enthusiastic help of some city, county and district government departments in the western region, especially thanks to the Department of Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education for providing the author with the necessary research and publication funds. In the process of publishing this book, he received great help from Lu Xiaosheng, a teacher from China Social Sciences Press, who not only put forward many valuable revisions to the manuscript, but also carefully reviewed it and kept improving, which was very moving. In addition, in the process of completion, this book consulted a large number of academic monographs and literature, and referred to and drew on the research results and academic views of many experts and scholars. Here, I would like to express my sincerest thanks! Due to the author's academic level and lack of time, it is inevitable that there will be omissions and improprieties in the book, and I kindly ask readers to correct them. He Longbin in Hanzhong in May 2015(AI翻译)





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