Abstract: After entering the 21 st century,the scale of land expropriation in China is unprecedented,fierce land expropriation conflicts kick off,and the urgency of the reform of land expropriation system is enhanced.When General Secretary Xi Jinping heard the report on the second national land survey at the CPC Political Bureau Central Committee on December 3,2013,he also pointed out that“it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of land rights and to improve the key institution of land expropriation”.Using a large number of documents produced in the process of enacting land expropriation laws and regulations in various historical periods,and interviews with major law makers,this report goes deep into the history of the institutional changes concerning Chinese farmland expropriation,reviews the reform of rural land expropriation system in China,and discusses the forces affecting the changes of land expropriation system.Main obstacles to the reform of land expropriation system were described,the progress of the three-round land expropriation system reform since 1999 were evaluated,and the latest round of pilot reform of rural land expropriation system that has been promoted since 2015 were investigated in detail.A series of policy implications were suggested to improve land expropriation system in China:(1)learn from the historical experience and the good practices emerging in the pilot reforms to clarify the role of the government;(2)modify land related provisions in the Constitution;(3)ensure that only public interest projects can use land expropriation power;(4)allow collective land to go directly into the market according to land use plans;(5)compensate appropriately,and procedures such as compensation reviewing and signing agreement must be met;(6)establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes the state,collectives,and individuals into account;(7)design procedures concerning the argumentation,dispute settling and adjudication for land expropriation;(8)speed up the process of land related legislations.
Key Words: Land; Land Expropriation; Land Requisition; Institutions; Reform
Abstract: After entering the 21st century, China is facing severe challenges in the field of land acquisition, and the reform of the land acquisition system needs to be promoted urgently. General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out at the second national land survey report at the Politburo meeting of the CPC Central Committee on December 3, 2013, that "it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of land power and improve the land acquisition system." Using a large number of texts on the formulation of laws and regulations on land acquisition since 1949 and interviews with key legislative figures, this report delves into the process of changes in the land acquisition system, reviews the process of reform of China's rural land acquisition system, describes and evaluates the progress of the three rounds of land acquisition system reform pilots since 1999, and discusses in detail the new round of rural land acquisition system reform pilot projects that have been promoted since 2015, based on which the forces affecting the change of land acquisition system are discussed. Discuss the resistance to the reform of the land acquisition system. In order to reform the land acquisition system in the direction of improvement, the report recommends: drawing on historical experience and good practices that have emerged in the reform pilot, and clarify the role of the government; amending the land provisions of the Constitution; ensuring that land acquisition rights are only accessible to public interest projects; Allowing collective land to enter the market as planned; Normal compensation, review and agree on compensation and sign a land acquisition agreement; Establish a mechanism for the distribution of land value-added income that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals; Design the argumentation, dispute and adjudication procedures for land acquisition; Speed up the progress of legislation and law amendment, and codify correct land acquisition concepts, procedures, and good pilot experience. Keywords: land; land acquisition; land acquisition; land acquisition system; Abstract: After entering the 21 st century, the scale of land expropriation in China is unprecedented, fierce land expropriation conflicts kick off, and the urgency of the reform of land expropriation system is enhanced. When General Secretary Xi Jinping heard the report on the second national land survey at the CPC Political Bureau Central Committee on December 3,2013,he also pointed out that“it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of land rights and to improve the key institution of land expropriation”. Using a large number of documents produced in the process of enacting land expropriation laws and regulations in various historical periods,and interviews with major law makers,this report goes deep into the history of the institutional changes concerning Chinese farmland expropriation,reviews the reform of rural land expropriation system in China,and discusses the forces affecting the changes of land expropriation system. Main obstacles to the reform of land expropriation system were described,the progress of the three-round land expropriation system reform since 1999 were evaluated,and the latest round of pilot reform of rural land expropriation system that has been promoted since 2015 were investigated in detail. A series of policy implications were suggested to improve land expropriation system in China:(1)learn from the historical experience and the good practices emerging in the pilot reforms to clarify the role of the government; (2)modify land related provisions in the Constitution; (3)ensure that only public interest projects can use land expropriation power; (4)allow collective land to go directly into the market according to land use plans; (5)compensate appropriately,and procedures such as compensation reviewing and signing agreement must be met; (6)establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes the state,collectives,and individuals into account; (7)design procedures concerning the argumentation,dispute settling and adjudication for land expropriation; (8)speed up the process of land related legislations. Key Words: Land; Land Expropriation; Land Requisition; Institutions; Reform(AI翻译)
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