自民国以来,书法史著已经出版不少,甚至不乏大部头的著作。但本书有自己的特点:一、本书作者是一位长期从事书法研究, 并在书法艺术上颇有造诣的学者型书法家,所以,本书做到了理论与实践相结合、学识与艺术相结合,这与不从事书法实践的纯学者谈书法史是大不相同的。二、本书作者长期受教于启功先生,故本书也贯穿了启功先生对于书法艺术的真知灼见。三、作者具有在故宫博物院从事书法文献研究的独特优势,本书不仅搜集了大量的文献资料,也收集了大量图片资料,图片丰富,便于读者直观了解书法艺术发展脉络。四、以往的书法史,在“史”的叙述上多有缺憾,相对于东晋的十六国时期、辽代和金代的书法介绍多付阙如,本书作者对此作了深刻挖掘,尽量做到叙述完整。五、以往的书法史,大多只作“史” 的介绍,本书则对汉代以后各个历史时期的书法理论辟专章介绍,使读者便于了解书法观念、时代风气与书法创作之间的关系。六、本书学术性与知识性并重,力求对书法爱好者学习和理解书法艺术有所助益,并为书法史研究者提供新内容和新观点,是高校书法教学以及相关专业师生的重要参考书。
Since the Republic of China, many historical works of calligraphy have been published, and there are even large works. However, this book has its own characteristics: First, the author of this book is a scholar-type calligrapher who has been engaged in calligraphy research for a long time and has attained considerable achievements in the art of calligraphy, so this book combines theory and practice, knowledge and art, which is very different from pure scholars who are not engaged in calligraphy practice to talk about the history of calligraphy. Second, the author of this book has been taught by Mr. Qi Gong for a long time, so this book also runs through Mr. Qi Gong's true insights into the art of calligraphy. Third, the author has the unique advantage of engaging in calligraphy literature research in the Palace Museum, this book not only collects a large number of literature materials, but also collects a large number of picture materials, rich pictures, so that readers can intuitively understand the development of calligraphy art. Fourth, the history of calligraphy in the past has many deficiencies in the narrative of "history", compared with the introduction of calligraphy in the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Liao Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, the author of this book has deeply excavated this and tried to make the narrative as complete as possible. V. Most of the previous history of calligraphy only gave an introduction to "history", but this book devotes a special chapter to the theory of calligraphy in various historical periods after the Han Dynasty, so that readers can easily understand the relationship between the concept of calligraphy, the customs of the times and the creation of calligraphy. 6. This book pays equal attention to scholarship and knowledge, strives to help calligraphy lovers learn and understand the art of calligraphy, and provides new content and new perspectives for researchers of the history of calligraphy, and is an important reference book for teachers and students of calligraphy teaching in colleges and universities and related majors.(AI翻译)
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