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China Enterprise General Survey 2015












CEGS无论经历了什么样的阶段、调整和优化,通过调查了解中国企业这一微观主体的初心始终没有变过。从2007年开始,武大质量院就持续开展了对企业的满意度调查;从2012 年开始,武大质量院又开展了“中国质量观测”调查;从2014 年开始,一直到2018 年,武大质量院开始了“中国企业—劳动力匹配调查”(以下简称CEES)。这些调查虽然名称不同,但是了解中国企业微观状况,致力于形成中国企业微观数据库的努力,却是一以贯之的。






培养学生具备基于数据的综合能力,就是我们的初心。作为武大质量院所主导的学术调查,重要的参与者就是在校的硕士生和博士生,在CEGS的整个过程中,通过“干中学”,使得同学们系统掌握了数据获取、数据清洗、数据分析和数据研究的能力,并以这一能力为核心,提高了与人沟通、挑战极限和组织管理的良好的人格特质。正是因为这些综合能力的提高,才使得多位参加 CEGS 调查的同学,凭借着 CEGS 的调查经历,成功地被世界著名的企业和大学所录用。







Almost all the problems of China's economy today can be boiled down to the question of how to promote enterprises to shift to high-quality development. Almost all the problems of economic research in China today can be reduced to microscopic research problems on enterprises. This is the original intention of the Institute of Quality Development Strategy of Wuhan University (hereinafter referred to as the Quality Institute of Wuhan University) to carry out the "Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as CEGS). No matter what stages, adjustments and optimizations CEGS has undergone, the original intention of understanding the micro-subject of Chinese enterprises through investigation has never changed. Since 2007, Wuhan University Quality Institute has continuously carried out satisfaction surveys on enterprises; Since 2012, the Quality Institute of Wuhan University has carried out the "China Quality Observation" survey; From 2014 to 2018, the Quality Institute of Wuhan University started the "China Enterprise-Labor Matching Survey" (hereinafter referred to as CEES). Although these surveys have different names, the efforts to understand the micro situation of Chinese enterprises and strive to form a micro database of Chinese enterprises have been consistent. Now, we have unified these different types of surveys into the "Comprehensive Survey of Chinese Enterprises" and officially published them in the three annual survey reports of 2015, 2016 and 2018. Conducting a survey as an academic institution is very difficult, and conducting a corporate survey is even more difficult. The reason why we have to face difficulties and overcome many unimaginable difficulties, the most important thing along the way is not to forget our original intention. Recording the historical process of the transformation and upgrading of Chinese enterprises is our original intention. The foundation of China's miracle is the growth of enterprises, and now they are facing the common challenges of transformation and upgrading, including whether enterprises can successfully upgrade to higher value-added, capital-intensive high-quality product production, whether enterprises replace people with machines, increase technological innovation, or move to areas with lower labor costs, or simply close their doors and leave. Through in-depth CEGS investigation, these problems are continuously observed and recorded, and a scientific, systematic and long-term tracking enterprise database is itself the basic data engineering of this great historical process. Providing microdata support for high-quality academic research is our original intention. Whether it is natural science, engineering science, especially social science research, it is inseparable from the research of the enterprise as an object, and high-quality data is an important support for enterprises to carry out high-quality academic research. What are the application scenarios of 5G and AI technology in enterprises, what kind of behavioral responses will be caused by government governance, how will the corporate workforce change under the background of urbanization, how will the Sino-US trade conflict affect the expectations of enterprises, and how will the Belt and Road change the choices of Chinese enterprises? This series of questions is all in the CEGS survey, and its data can also provide strong evidence for the above research. Promoting think tank research with Chinese characteristics is our original intention. The development of New China in the past 70 years, especially the great achievements made in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, has been hailed as the "Chinese miracle". The explanation of this miracle, especially the extraction of "governance of China" and "way of China", is of great value to the research and application of China's future development policy. Based on the survey of Chinese enterprises in different regions, different industries and different years, CEGS can provide an important data "code" for the explanation of this miracle, can more clearly observe the company's response to policies such as subsidies, and can also provide better evaluation opinions for policy formulation. Serving Chinese enterprises to shift to high-quality development is our original intention. In essence, enterprise survey is a microscopic observation of enterprises, and based on this observation, a scientific theory of higher quality development of enterprises is proposed. The high-quality development of Chinese enterprises is actually more challenging than the factor-driven development model begun by enterprises more than 40 years ago, which involves the transformation of enterprises from heavy industry to heavy products, from important elements to heavy innovation, and from individual entrepreneurs to heavy system incentives. Based on in-depth investigation and systematic research, CEGS provides important empirical support and theoretical methods for enterprises to achieve this series of transformations towards high-quality development. Cultivating students' comprehensive data-based capabilities is our original intention. As an academic survey led by the Quality Institute of Wuhan University, the important participants are the master's and doctoral students in the school, in the whole process of CEGS, through "learning by doing", students have systematically mastered the ability of data acquisition, data cleaning, data analysis and data research, and with this ability as the core, improve the good personality traits of communicating with people, challenging limits and organizing and management. It is precisely because of these comprehensive ability improvements that many students who participated in the CEGS survey were successfully hired by world-famous enterprises and universities with their CEGS survey experience. "China Enterprise Comprehensive Survey Report (CEGS) - 2015", as the general leader of the survey, put forward the overall concept and chapter logic, and formed team members to participate in the writing of this book, put forward writing requirements for the specific content of each chapter, regularly discussed and revised, and finally revised and finalized; Luo Lianfa and Li Dandan, as the core participants of the survey, specifically led the team to carry out statistical research and content writing for each chapter; The members who participated in the writing of specific chapters were: Lu Xiao, Tan Jun, Zhang Wei, Hu Ke, Huang Yuanyuan, Shen Xiaohan, Dai Dan, Chen Jia, Wu Chengqiang, Xu Ninghan, Wang Junsu, Fang Jingjing, Xiao Yilun, Zhao Xiaosong, Gao Rui, Xie Chaopeng. Cheng Hong, Dean of the Institute of Quality Development Strategy of Wuhan University and Director of the China Enterprise Survey Data Center of Wuhan University, November 29, 2019(AI翻译)





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