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China Enterprise General Survey 2016












其次,坚韧表现在团队成员“努力到无能为力,奋斗到感动自己”的精神气质。企业调查做不成可以有100条理由,要做成,作为一个亲历者来说,我的体会只有一条,那就是“绝不、绝不、绝不放弃”。CEGS 调查,2014年在广东省一些地区做测试时,可以说是屡战屡败,当时也确实有很多人认为,企业调查看来正如其他机构一样很难成功。但是面对这样的挑战,武大质量院依然坚持屡败屡战,又经过多轮的测试、摸索与对规律的总结,最终在2015年,成功地在广东省全面开展,2016年更是拓展到广东和湖北两省。企业拒绝填报问卷,以及关键的财务、销售等数据不填报,更是企业调查中的常态。CEGS面对这些困难,不是找理由为自己解释,而是想尽一切办法去解决它。对此,我们将调查时间安排为3—4周,这样就将更多的时间,放在与企业上上下下不同人员的深度沟通上,从而为填报赢得了时间。同时,我们科学分工团队的人员结构,让不同的调查员与企业不同部门进行对接,从而实现沟通与填报的专业化,这样也解决了企业因为嫌麻烦而拒绝调查的问题。更重要的是,我们坚持为企业数据保密的信用底线,迄今为止,没有一起因为CEGS管理不善,而使企业个体的原始数据外泄的事件发生,从而赢得了在企业持续调查的良好声誉。我们不认为调查只是使学术机构单向受益,而是在每次调查完成之后,都为每一个被调查区域的政府机构,特别是每个企业,回馈一份该区域的企业综合调查报告,这些报告都得到了当地政府、企业的高度肯定和采纳应用。








The most important reason why the CEGS survey has survived is the persistence of the original intention I said in the 2015 preface. It is precisely because of the persistence of the original intention that we can correctly measure the costs that seem to be more than worth the loss, including personal time, investment and energy, and can we truly look at the enterprise survey from the perspective of the overall situation and history, and only then can we have the determination to persistently do a good job. The original intention is not simply a feeling, but more importantly, an original driving force, forming a set of tenacious operation system that is indispensable for CEGS investigation. First of all, tenacity is manifested in the scientific allocation of various element resources related to enterprise surveys. Business surveys cover all aspects, including obtaining a raw sample of business registrations based on stratified sampling of regions, industries and individuals; It is more important to be able to find the area where these samples are located and verify their actual status; The above is still the most basic, the greater challenge is to be able to enter the enterprise, and to allow the enterprise to fill in the questionnaire truthfully, whether it is the filling rate and accuracy rate must meet the basic requirements; The data cleaning, return visit and statistics time is also about a year, and the design, testing and finalization time of the questionnaire also needs to take so long; Not to mention the recruitment, training, and management of thousands of investigators, as well as huge security risks and financial investments; In addition to these elements, it is necessary to form a closely coordinated network investigation system with various types of enterprises, including from the central ministries and commissions to the most basic towns, villages and neighborhood communities. Therefore, for enterprise investigation, not only academic ability, but more importantly, resource allocation and systematic management ability are required. The reason why the Quality Institute of Wuhan University can do CEGS investigation is that it can truly put the details of the above work in place regardless of gains and losses, and form such a survey network ecosystem that can continue to be promoted today. Secondly, tenacity is manifested in the mental temperament of team members who "work hard until they can't do anything, and struggle until they move themselves". There can be 100 reasons why a corporate survey cannot be done, and as a first-hand experience, there is only one thing I have learned, that is, "never, never, never give up". The CEGS survey, which was tested in some parts of Guangdong Province in 2014, was a repeated failure, and many people at the time did believe that the company survey, like other institutions, seemed to be as difficult to succeed. However, in the face of such challenges, the Quality Institute of Wuhan University still insisted on repeated defeats, and after many rounds of testing, exploration and summary of rules, it was finally successfully launched in Guangdong Province in 2015, and expanded to Guangdong and Hubei Provinces in 2016. Refusal of enterprises to fill in questionnaires, as well as failure to fill in key financial, sales and other data, are the norm in enterprise surveys. In the face of these difficulties, CEGS does not find reasons to explain itself, but tries everything possible to solve it. In this regard, we arranged the investigation time for 3-4 weeks, so that more time was spent on in-depth communication with different people up and down the enterprise, thus buying time for filling in the report. At the same time, the personnel structure of our scientific division of labor team allows different investigators to dock with different departments of the enterprise, so as to achieve the specialization of communication and reporting, which also solves the problem that the enterprise refuses to investigate because it is troublesome. More importantly, we adhere to the credit bottom line of confidentiality of enterprise data, so far, there has not been a single incident of corporate individual raw data leakage due to CEGS mismanagement, thus winning a good reputation in continuous investigation in enterprises. We do not believe that the survey only benefits academic institutions in one direction, but after each survey is completed, we give back a comprehensive survey report of enterprises in each surveyed area, especially each enterprise, which has been highly affirmed and adopted by the local government and enterprises. Finally, tenacity is manifested in the adherence to "quality first". From day one of the survey, we made quality a life, and through a series of systematic management, this concept was truly embedded in every action. In terms of the investigation mechanism, CEGS divides the execution of the survey and the quality control of the investigation into two parallel systems that are not subordinate to each other, and whether each questionnaire in each survey area can be approved is not decided by the managers of the region or the superior organization, but by the quality control center set up by the headquarters. In terms of investigation methods, CEGS has developed an intelligent investigation software system. The system can accurately locate the investigator's business behavior during the investigation, and through intelligent review and intelligent calculation functions, it can remind the investigator in real time of the accuracy and logical consistency of the content filled. In particular, the knowledge management and knowledge exchange functions of the system provide support for investigators and respondents to correctly understand the requirements of the question. In terms of survey management, CEGS has set up a process management process form, covering each procedure and related details of the survey, so that the survey has a unified quality standard, and every night at 12 o'clock to count and release the survey progress and quality status of each region, through PK to stimulate the daily process improvement and daily high in each region. In the "China Enterprise Comprehensive Survey Report (CEGS)-2016", I am still the general leader of the survey, put forward the overall concept and chapter logic, and formed team members to participate in the writing of this book, put forward writing requirements for the specific content of each chapter, regularly discussed and revised, and finally revised and finalized; Luo Lianfa and Li Dandan, as the core participants of the survey, specifically led the team to carry out statistical research and content writing for each chapter; The members who participated in the writing of specific chapters were: Jia Xu, Bai Yun, Chen Jia, Wang Lan, Ma Juanxia, Zhang Wei, Jin He, Li Yuanyuan, Huang Yuanyuan, Dong Yiming, Shen Xiaohan, Dai Dan, Lu Xiao, Zhang Wei, Chen Jia, Wu Chengqiang, Xu Ninghan, Wang Junsu, Fang Jingjing, Xiao Yilun, Zhao Xiaosong, Gao Rui, Tan Jun, Xie Chaopeng. Cheng Hong, Dean of the Institute of Quality Development Strategy of Wuhan University and Director of the China Enterprise Survey Data Center of Wuhan University, November 29, 2019(AI翻译)





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