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协商民主并非西方“舶来品”,“协商”在中国的发展可谓“有根、有源、有生命力”。尽管西方理论界较早使用了协商民主(Deliberative Democracy)概念,但是,客观来看,协商不仅厚植于中国传统文化土壤,也深刻践行于我国政治生活与社会生活各个领域,中国是世界上第一个广泛、多层、制度化实践协商民主的国家。政治协商与社会协商的蓬勃发展共同彰显出“独特的、独有的、独到的”民主治理优势和魅力,协商已然成为中国共产党领导广大人民群众治国理政、发展民主、科学决策、构建和谐的重要方式之一。











Consultative democracy is not an "imported product" from the West, and the development of "consultation" in China can be described as "rooted, sourced, and vibrant". Although Western theorists used the concept of deliberative democracy earlier, objectively speaking, consultation is not only rooted in the soil of traditional Chinese culture, but also deeply practiced in all fields of China's political and social life, and China is the world's first extensive, multi-layered and institutionalized country to practice consultative democracy. The vigorous development of political consultation and social consultation has jointly demonstrated the advantages and charm of "unique, unique and unique" democratic governance, and consultation has become one of the important ways for the Communist Party of China to lead the broad masses of the people to govern the country, develop democracy, make scientific decisions and build harmony. In recent years, China's society has faced multiple governance challenges, such as rapid changes in values, significant adjustments in the pattern of interests, profound changes in social structure, and increasing social risks. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has put forward a series of new concepts, new ideas and new strategies on social governance and national governance, and has also made major strategic arrangements for the development of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics. In 2012, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for the first time clearly put forward the concept of "socialist consultative democracy" and defined it as an important form of people's democracy in China; On this basis, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee further divided consultative democracy into five major areas - "legislative consultation, administrative consultation, democratic consultation, political participation consultation and social consultation", which in essence has formed the basic understanding that the socialist consultative democratic system is composed of "political consultation" and "social consultation"; The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China attached great importance to "giving play to the important role of socialist consultative democracy", emphasizing the comprehensive use of diversified consultation methods and means in national governance and social governance, and effectively ensuring that the people's mastery of the country is not only implemented in the country's political life, but also deeply reflected in social life, so that the people have the right to extensive, in-depth and sustained participation. This theoretical formulation further clearly advocates the dual structure of "political consultation + social consultation" of the socialist consultative democratic system. In short, socialist consultative democracy originated from political consultation, and although political consultation has accumulated a profound practical and institutional foundation in socialist China, and is also an important channel for promoting the construction of consultative democracy at present, the sudden emergence and good development trend of grassroots social consultation practice innovation shows that the society and the public have begun to pay extensive attention to it and actively participate in it, and the subject, content and channels of consultation are widely extended and expanded from the political field to the whole society. The transition of deliberative democracy from the political field to a broader social space and the unprecedented modern value connotation are important contributions of China's plan and Chinese road to the development of world democratic political civilization, and are of great world and historical significance. What is social consultation? Why social consultation? Who negotiates? What to negotiate? How to negotiate? This is the focus of this book's in-depth study. General Secretary Xi Jinping particularly stressed that "socialist consultative democracy should be real, not pretentious, should be all-round, not limited to a certain aspect, and should be done from top to bottom of the country, not limited to a certain level." "From the essence of consultation, political consultation is a form of consultation in which the Communist Party of China and various democratic parties and other political forces adopt the participation of representatives on overall issues such as reform, development and stability, which belongs to the category of indirect democracy, and its utility space mainly focuses on the field of national political life; Social consultation is a form of consultation that widely mobilizes the general public, enterprises and institutions, social organizations, social groups and other social forces to directly participate in social and public affairs and practical issues involving the vital interests of the people, reflecting the nature of direct democracy, and its focus is mainly concentrated in the field of social life, which is a new democratic governance model that effectively promotes in-depth cooperation between "government-society-people" and continuously promotes grassroots social autonomy, and is a unique exploration of socialist consultative democracy with Chinese characteristics. In fact, social consultation is not only the institutional consciousness of the party and the state to promote democratic governance, but also an important yardstick to measure the democratic literacy of the public. Reality shows that due to the profound changes in social structure since the new era and the increasing diversification of social interests, which have led to prominent social contradictions and frequent mass incidents, it is particularly urgent to use the means and methods of social consultation to reconcile and resolve, which integrates governance democracy and participatory democracy, and has important value functions and rich forms of realization in promoting social governance and national governance modernization. In general, the concept of social consultation in the perspective of deliberative democracy has gradually become clearer, but the theoretical construction of social consultation with Chinese characteristics is still relatively lagging behind, and the pioneering research results in this field are relatively lacking, and most of the existing research results are fragmented, superficial and isolated. Obviously, social consultation is not only a theoretical issue with academic research value, but also a practical issue with strong practical significance. In the process of continuous innovation and development of grassroots social consultation practice, a series of practical problems and institutional dilemma have gradually become prominent, which is bound to require accelerating the construction of a systematic, scientific and localized social consultation theory with Chinese characteristics, in order to comprehensively guide the institutionalized, standardized and procedural development of social consultation practice. To this end, this book will focus on clarifying the basic concept of social consultation, deeply analyzing the hierarchical positioning of social consultation in the socialist consultative democratic system, and excavating and sorting out the endogenous origin of social consultation with Chinese characteristics, in order to comprehensively construct the basic theory of social consultation with Chinese characteristics. On this basis, this paper profoundly summarizes the generation mechanism of social consultation practice, compares typical cases of urban and rural community consultation practice in the east, central and western regions, comprehensively uses the combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis to summarize and refine the Chinese experience of social consultation, and provides insight into many dilemmas and prominent problems, and then discusses the fundamental compliance, basic rationale and key countermeasures for building social consultation with Chinese characteristics. Based on the perspective of deliberative democracy, comprehensively examine and grasp the theoretical construction and practical innovation of social consultation with Chinese characteristics, the main structure of this book is as follows: the introduction part mainly conducts a more in-depth and detailed literature combing and analysis on the origin, theoretical background, research significance, research status and other contents of social consultation with Chinese characteristics, clarifies the basic ideas of this book, comprehensively adopts a variety of research methods in combination with reality, and provides necessary explanations for the innovation points and key difficulties of this book. The first chapter is mainly based on the macro perspective of the socialist consultative democratic system, focusing on clarifying the basic concept of social consultation, not only to clarify the hierarchical positioning of consultative democracy in socialist democracy, but also to grasp what level social consultation occupies in the socialist consultative democratic system, and how to accurately position it. At the same time, through in-depth analysis of the inherent characteristics of social consultation, such as ideological inclusiveness, equality of participation, openness of procedures, and sharing of results, we will comprehensively understand the important value of social consultation in consolidating the party's ruling foundation, promoting the development of democratic politics, and promoting the modernization of social governance. Social consultation is not only an important way to realize the party's leadership and consolidate the party's ruling foundation, but also an inherent requirement for promoting the development of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics, and also the main path to realize the modernization of social governance and national governance. A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the basic concepts, main characteristics and important values of social consultation is the logical premise and important foundation for constructing the theory of social consultation with Chinese characteristics. Chapter 2 focuses on exploring the endogenous origins of social consultation with Chinese characteristics, and completely dispelling the erroneous theoretical tendency to regard it as an "imported product" of the West. As an important part of the socialist consultative democratic system, social consultation is deeply rooted in China's history and reality, historical factors and actual national conditions provide the starting point and foundation for the construction and development of social consultation, and social consultation with rich content and diverse forms also provides the "Chinese model" and "Chinese plan" for mankind to explore a better democratic political system. The fundamental guiding ideology of Marxism has laid the theoretical foundation for social consultation with Chinese characteristics, the ideological concept of consultation in traditional Chinese culture has accumulated the cultural origin of social consultation, and the CPC has led the people to explore the institutional practice of socialist consultative democracy since the founding of the People's Republic of China, demonstrating the strong vitality of social consultation. In short, the theoretical attributes and endogenous practical characteristics of localization fully demonstrate that social consultation "has roots, sources and vitality" in China, and is a great creation of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. On the basis of the first two chapters, the third chapter focuses on the core content of social consultation theory with Chinese characteristics at the level of negotiation subject (who negotiates), negotiation object (what to negotiate) and negotiation field (how to negotiate). Since the reform and opening up, after a long period of grassroots practice exploration and the promotion of the state system, social consultation has taken root throughout the country, but in reality there is often a phenomenon of borrowing "Western theory" to determine and guide "Chinese practice", and the "theoretical construction" of social consultation with Chinese characteristics cannot be delayed. The main body of social consultation is the organic unity and interactive construction of "one core" and "pluralism", and it is necessary to profoundly highlight and always strengthen the main body position of the party's leadership core in the main structure of "one core pluralism". The object of social consultation indicates the objective object referred to in the subject's practical activities, that is, the negotiation topic or consultation content, focusing on the social public interest and the areas involving the practical interests of the people, and focusing on solving the "civil" and "small matters" in the field of grassroots social public services and people's livelihood. To construct the theory of social consultation with Chinese characteristics, it is also necessary to face and solve the problems of which fields to carry out consultation, what kind of consultation methods need to be used, and what kind of consultation procedures need to be followed, and the comprehensive analysis of social consultation approaches, fields, patterns and procedures is an important part of constructing the theory of social consultation with Chinese characteristics. The era is the mother of ideas, and practice is the source of theory. Chapter 4 attempts to comprehensively and deeply analyze the experiences and dilemmas of social consultation with Chinese characteristics. Since the beginning of the 21st century, China's social structure adjustment and social transformation process is further accelerating, the traditional social management model is quietly transforming into a modern social governance model, the vitality of multiple consultation subjects has been fully stimulated, the content of consultation topics has become more extensive and inclusive, and the consultation field channels have become more multi-layered. Extensive, multi-layered and institutionalized social consultation practice is deeply rooted in grassroots society, which can be described as "a hundred flowers blooming", and further presents a trend of "flourishing", the construction of social consultation with Chinese characteristics also needs to examine the "experience" and "dilemma" from the practical dimension, taking typical cases of urban and rural community consultation practice as an example, focusing on analyzing its generation mechanism, realistic form and procedural methods, combing "real experience" on the basis of case comparison, identifying "real problems", and exploring "real causes". Only in this way can we fundamentally solve the "dilemma" of consultation practice, so as to provide scientific, reasonable and effective path support for smoothly promoting the development of social consultation practice. Chapter 5 focuses on the construction of social consultation with Chinese characteristics and key countermeasures from the perspective of practical application. Building a socialist social consultation with Chinese characteristics is an important topic of the times with both distinct theory and strong practical nature. Negotiation theory comes from diversified negotiation practice innovation, and systematic negotiation theory also provides scientific guidance for the development of negotiation practice. At present, whether it is the construction of social consultation theory or the exploration of consultation practice, we must follow some common principles, among which always adhering to and strengthening the party's leadership is the most fundamental and important principle. In view of the many dilemmas and problems existing in the practice of social consultation, it is necessary to clarify the basic rationale for building social consultation from the aspects of consolidating the foundation of identity, reconstructing the boundary of main functions, and establishing a consultation system system. The conclusion and outlook section not only briefly reviews and summarizes the overall idea and theoretical logic of this book, but also objectively reflects on the important issues that have not yet been touched by the current research and the basic directions that need to be explored and extended in the next step. In the future study and scientific research work, we will deeply consider the generation mechanism and evolution law of social consultation in social governance, and base theoretical research on objective, specific and detailed empirical analysis, especially focusing on measuring and analyzing the status and conditions of different consultation subjects in consultation activities, so as to enhance the operability and applicability of social consultation governance model, and continuously enrich and develop the theoretical research of social consultation with Chinese characteristics in practical observation and empirical analysis.(AI翻译)





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