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关于前者,作者利用其墓志碑铭撰写和具体内容,对孔道辅“墓志铭”与“后碑”进行了周严的文本分析,对有关其世系、谏官事迹、两次出使契丹、废郭皇后伏 请谏事件、后嗣情况、宋真宗大中祥符年间天庆观击蛇案等方面均进行了令人信服的考索、分析和论证,精彩之处甚多。如作者通过深入细致的辨析,认为“张宗益作孔道辅后碑不但是为了使孔氏的生平功绩传信后世,而且还是用以否定王安石撰其墓志铭的手段。也只有理解了这一点,才会明白何以在在聊聊数百言中,出现了材料取舍方面‘详人所略、略人所详’的偌大差异,甚至连世系之详略亦不愿意有丝毫雷同之处”等等,颇有见地的此类论述甚多。








Compared with the Sui and Tang dynasties and previous documents, due to the advancement of printing, Luo Jiaxiang showed explosive growth in the form of texts in the Song Dynasty, when the culture was prosperous and the talents were numerous. If you use the term "sweat and cow" to describe the situation in the Song Dynasty and beyond, this should not be excessive. Although due to wars, turmoil and other reasons, the documentary materials handed down in the form of paper texts have also suffered immeasurable damage and losses, but from the existing historical materials available to Chinese and foreign academic circles, it still greatly meets the research needs of Chinese and foreign academic circles through their understanding and understanding of the historical development and evolution laws of traditional Chinese society in the Tang and Song dynasties and beyond. Unlike the epoch-making and landmark status in Chinese academic history, such as the Yinxu oracle bone scripts, the Juyan Han Jian, the Dunhuang Turpan documents, and the Ming and Qing Dynasty archives, the epitaph inscriptions of the Song Dynasty do not seem to have received due attention for a long time, and their historical value has not been fully excavated and utilized. The reason for this situation, first of all, is that, as mentioned earlier, the literature about the Song Dynasty is too rich! This has led most of the academic colleagues to focus their main attention on the study and discussion of important documents, and many Song Dynasty epitaphs with many contents and even great value have been sleeping quietly for thousands of years - although, since the Song Dynasty, there has been no shortage of scholars who are interested, educated, insightful and accomplished in this field, and many excellent works have been left to future generations. However, in recent decades, with the prosperity of various cultural exchanges and publishing undertakings on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and with the continuous expansion and deepening of academic circles in various research fields of Song Dynasty history, the historical value and documentary value of epitaphs in this period have gradually emerged, and have also been highly valued by colleagues in academic circles at home and abroad. 5736049 Indeed, in addition to the author of this book's mention that Mr. Jao Zongyi once referred to the five major categories of inscriptions and oracle bones, simple scrolls, Dunhuang scrolls, and archives as new historical materials, the late Mr. Zhang Shunhui, a famous historical philologist, also pointed out, "The number of rubbings of tombstones and epitaphs preserved today is very large, and it is also extremely precious documents that can be studied and added to the historical traditions." "After the death of 5736050 Zhang, Mr. Rao Er and other senior scholars, there have been more discoveries and excavations in terms of epitaphs in the Song Dynasty alone, and have provided more detailed and reliable and colorful historical materials for Chinese and foreign academic research, which has strongly promoted the progress of many research fields in Song history, which fully confirms the wisdom and insight of many sages. Based on some of the above understandings and thoughts, after reading Dr. Tong Xiangqing's manuscript, I felt a sense of relief and joy. We have reason to believe that with the advent of this monograph, the relevant research in this field of research will be further expanded, and the many levels and objects of Song history research may introduce more aspects of thinking because of the study of epitaphs of the Northern Song Dynasty, and there will be clearer thinking results in the academic relationship between the heirloom documents and epitaphs, and the academic value of this monograph will continue to appear. I personally believe that the "Research on the Writing of Epitaphs of the Northern Song Dynasty" has contributed to the historian community in at least the following aspects. First, this manuscript comprehensively, deeply and meticulously sorts out and summarizes the field of epitaph research in the Song Dynasty from many aspects, and on the whole, it should be said that the analysis is pertinent and thorough, the analysis is broad, the theory is rigorous, and it also more accurately explains the importance of the work in this field to the study of Song history. For historians, a rigorous and solid good academic style is not only reflected in the collection, collation and scientific application of original materials, but also in the absorption and reference of relevant achievements in the academic community. It can be seen from the "Introduction" of this book that the author has a relatively comprehensive and complete grasp and pertinent understanding of the research status, dynamics, significance and development direction of epitaphs on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Japan and the entire Song historiography. For example, he believes that the previous research and use of epitaphs in the Song Dynasty was mainly to publish epitaph rubbings or interpretations, and conduct simple reviews, or correct historical book errors and supplement the deficiencies of historical texts from a single epitaph; the use of epitaph material to study certain specific issues; Discussion and reflection on the epitaph material itself, etc., and believes that "the study of epitaph inscription as the object of study and the real review of the epitaph itself is still rare, and the concept of the tomb owner, the author of the epitaph, the bereaved family, and the concept, mentality and limiting factors in the writing process are also the contents rarely covered by previous research, and there is a certain room for expansion." These views are generally in line with the current status quo of the academic community in this field of research and should be valid. Of course, he also fully affirmed the achievements and achievements of his predecessors and today's Song historian scholars in this field from the academic level. It is not difficult to see the author's diligence and infiltration in this professional field, and it also provides very useful observation, reference and reference for the relevant research work of colleagues in the academic field. Second, in the research methods and methods of this topic, the author can be described as a unique way. From the current situation, there are many copies of the epitaph inscriptions of the Northern Song Dynasty, the content is extremely rich, and the relevant excavations in recent years are also dazzling, so studying and sorting out the entire content of the Song Dynasty epitaph is a grand project. However, possessing first-hand materials in as much detail as possible is the cornerstone of a rigorous historian's scientific research, and the efforts to extract and refine historical materials and remove falsification and authenticity often best reflect the academic and academic background of historians. In the field of epitaph research and related research fields of the Northern Song Dynasty, the collection, sorting and examination of epitaphs, and mutual confirmation and falsification through the comparative study of heirloom documents and epitaphs, are all hard and hard work, and their academic value must not be underestimated. The author of this book has been committed to the research in this field for many years, and has also put a lot of effort into the collection, sorting and examination of epitaphs in the Northern Song Dynasty. The research object and research content of this book involve the entire 168 years of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it is not easy to systematically and completely investigate and study all the epitaphs of the Northern Song Dynasty, so from what angle, with what means and methods to study it, has become the first problem. Interestingly, this book is not only for the specific content of each Northern Song Dynasty epitaph, "discernment of scholarship, examination of mirror origin", but on this basis, it chooses to examine and investigate from the perspective of "writing" of the Northern Song Dynasty epitaph, and thus raises a series of questions of considerable academic value, which cannot but make people feel refreshed. Focusing on the theme of the "writing" of the epitaph inscription of the Northern Song Dynasty, the authors divided into categories, respectively, from different angles such as "the author of the epitaph of the Northern Song Dynasty", "the epitaph of the meritorious hero who wrote the edict", "the bereaved family asked for the inscription from relatives", "the bereaved family asked for inscription from non-relatives", "the active inscription between immediate relatives", "the writer between non-relatives took the initiative to write the inscription", and "the tomb owner wrote the inscription before his death" and other different angles, and made a detailed and profound exposition and demonstration of the writing of the Northern Song Dynasty epitaph inscription and its inner meaning, vividly showing the political ecology and officialdom of the bureaucratic and doctor class of the Northern Song Dynasty. This undoubtedly provides us with a rare key to deeply understand the survival and values of the elite class throughout the Northern Song Dynasty. Therefore, the application of this research method and method is undoubtedly an attempt of considerable academic value. Third, the late Mr. Deng Guangming, in his long academic career and teaching career as a mentor, always emphasized the importance of the "four keys" of history--age, geography, officials, and catalogs. In this manuscript, the author follows the guidance of previous scholars, conducts a careful examination of the geographical and official issues involved in the Northern Song Dynasty epitaphs, and examines the personal habits and writing of epitaphs in the Northern Song Dynasty, clarifying many previously unresolved issues. Its conclusions are often unanswered by others, which can be said to fill some gaps in this research field. For example, the author takes the name of the county seen in the epitaph written by Fan Zhongyan as an example, and thoroughly examines the "county name seen in the epitaph" and "the characteristics of the county name used", and believes that when Fan Zhongyan wrote the epitaph, he intended to write the transfer envoy as a history of the thorns, and Zhizhou as taishou; The author also gave a convincing interpretation of the "Zhongshan Han Gong" of the Hanqi family of the Northern Song Dynasty seen in the excavated epitaph. Based on the research of Mr. Tao Jinsheng and others, the author uses the evidence-based materials such as the rubbings in the National Library to clarify them one by one. Through these meticulous researches, the reproduction and development of the Han family relationship from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty was also clearly presented to the world. 4. This work is also a masterpiece that organically combines the writing of the epitaph of the Northern Song Dynasty and its specific content with the historical research of the Song Dynasty, making up for many deficiencies in the study of Song history, and also providing some useful references for scholars in the political history of the Northern Song Dynasty and related fields. For example, this book devotes a special chapter to a detailed investigation of the development and evolution of the political history of the Northern Song Dynasty in three periods through the records of the epitaph inscriptions of the Northern Song Dynasty. For example, for the politics of the early Song Dynasty, the author conducts in-depth research on "some aspects of the establishment and unification of the Northern Song Dynasty", "the Liao War in the early Song Dynasty", "Eastern and Western worship and the writing of epitaphs" through the content of inscriptions and the writing of epitaphs; For the politics of the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, through the records in the epitaph, the "negative image of Empress Dowager Liu in the inscription", the inscription writing of the events after the abolition in the second year of Emperor Renzong of Song (1033), and the "Fan Zhongyan clique" were analyzed and argued; For the politics of the late Northern Song Dynasty, the author examines the special political environment and political atmosphere of this period from three aspects: "writing inscriptions that conform to the political trend", "not daring to ask for inscriptions or the expression in the inscriptions is relatively obscure", and "adhering to principles and writing directly according to facts". The process of his argument is rigorous, and his many concluding opinions also reveal the special trajectory of political development in the late Northern Song Dynasty from a new perspective, which has important academic value. It can also be seen from this book that although the author focuses on the specific content and writing of the epitaph inscriptions of the Northern Song Dynasty, he is also familiar with the most important documents and historical materials in related fields of the Song Dynasty, and it can be said that he has accumulated a relatively deep knowledge, which determines that the author can see the details in the research process, and can gain insight into many aspects of the historical development of the Northern Song Dynasty through the study of the epitaph inscriptions of the Northern Song Dynasty, and draw pertinent, unique and thought-provoking insights. This kind of research method of organically combining Song Dynasty epitaph inscriptions with other traditional documents and classics has obvious academic and theoretical value for promoting the study of Song history in related fields. 5. Another distinctive feature of this monograph is the combination of holistic research and case studies. This not only enables readers to gain insight into the many aspects of historical development during the 168 years of the Northern Song Dynasty through the writing of the Northern Song Dynasty and its specific content, but also deepens academic discussions in related fields through the in-depth understanding of some typical cases. For example, the author selected two classic cases, Kong Daofu's epitaph and Ouyang Xiu's Fan Zhongyan Shinto Monument, for detailed and in-depth investigation and analysis, and wonderful theories can be seen everywhere. Regarding the former, the author uses his epitaph to write and specific content, and conducts a thorough textual analysis of Kong Daofu's "epitaph" and "later stele", and discusses his lineage, official deeds, two envoys to the Khitan, and the deposition of Empress Guo The request for advice, the situation of the heirs, and the Tianqing Snake Attack Case during the reign of Song Zhenzong's Dazhongxiang Fu have all carried out convincing research, analysis and argumentation, and there are many wonderful points. For example, through in-depth and meticulous analysis, the author believes that "Zhang Zongyi's work of Kong Daofu's posterity monument is not only to pass on Kong's life achievements to future generations, but also a means to deny Wang Anshi writing his epitaph." Only by understanding this can we understand why in the hundreds of conversations, there is a huge difference in the choice of materials, and even the details of the lineage are not willing to have the slightest similarity" and so on. Ouyang Xiu's writing of the Fan Zhongyan Shinto Monument was one of the more important events in the Northern Song Dynasty officialdom and scholarly circles at that time and thereafter. Because the incident involved the political ecology of the mid-Northern Song Dynasty, the right and wrong grudges between several wealthy families, and the posthumous evaluation of Fan Zhongyan, Lü Yijian and others, it has always been valued by many researchers who study the political history of the Song Dynasty, and there have always been great differences. In this book, the author re-analyzes the reasons for the so-called "Lü Fan's feud", arguing that "Lü Fan's feud has nothing to do with Fan Zhongyan's first debasement", and conducts a rigorous and meticulous investigation of the Lü Fan conflict in the events after the abolition of the second year of Emperor Renzong of Song (1033), the political dispute between Lü Fan's feud and the third year of Jingyou (1036), the writing process and dispute of the "Fan Zhongyan Shinto Monument", and believes that Ouyang Xiu wrote the Fan Zhongyan Shinto Monument "considering many limiting factors, and was cautious when writing." Not only did it take several years to complete, but in order to bridge the contradiction between Lu Fan, he deliberately avoided and obscured the fact that Lu Yijian excluded and framed Fan Zhongyan", which is a pertinent argument in line with historical facts. To sum up, Dr. Tong Xiangqing's book "Research on the Writing of Epitaphs in the Northern Song Dynasty" is a well-documented, rich and well-scrutinized book, which is completed on the basis of fully occupying historical materials and carefully studying them, and is a masterpiece of this field of research - although some of the points in it can be further discussed. The publication of this book will add another unique masterpiece to the academic community, which is indeed a gratifying thing. At this point, the author would like to say a few words of snake feet. In my personal opinion, Dr. Xiang Qing should be one of the outstanding young talents in the current academic field, and he should also be one of the young scholars with the most development potential. Up to now, he has been awarded the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Project "Research on the Writing of Epitaph Inscriptions in the Northern Song Dynasty" and the National Social Science Foundation Project "Collation and Research of Unearthed Epitaph of the Northern Song Dynasty", and has published a series of high-level academic papers in some important academic journals, which have laid a solid foundation for the author to successfully complete the difficult book "Research on the Writing of Epitaph Inscriptions in the Northern Song Dynasty". Therefore, as a phased result of a research project, this book should be said to have successfully achieved the expected purpose. The success of this book in this field of research and its contribution to the academic community can be attributed to the author's rigorous academic style, meticulous academic philosophy, and scientific spirit of pursuing perfection as much as possible. In addition, Dr. Xiang Qing has warm, sincere and close academic exchanges with many senior scholars and peers in the academic circles at home and abroad, and because of his love for scholarship and pursuit of academic truth, he has also spent a lot of time and made important contributions to public welfare activities such as using online media to promote and disseminate the research results of Song history over the years. In terms of how to behave, he adheres to the traditional Chinese norms of literati respecting teachers and respecting the way; Often regardless of personal fame and gain, he always does his best and unreservedly helps friends in need of help in the academic community, which is quite old-fashioned and enthusiastic; He was spiritual, knowledgeable, generous, friendly, and tolerant, so much so that a senior scholar at his alma mater called him "Everybody Love" when he spoke to me years ago. Although these words deviate from the theme of the content of this book and the academic evaluation, I believe that these qualities will greatly benefit his future academic growth in his future academic career. I look forward to reading Dr. Tong's new books in the future. Written in January 2019 in the foothills of Yujiashan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(AI翻译)





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