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中国共产党人的理想信念问题越来越被广泛关注和讨论,一方面是因为改革进入攻坚期和深水区,全党同志面临壮士断腕的历史考验,以及西方价值观的持续冲击下,如何坚持新时代中国特色社会主义道路自觉与自信等现实背景;另一方面是因为在新的历史时期如何提高党的建设科学化水平,推进党的建设新的伟大工程等理论背景。在这一背景视域之下,“理想信念”既是贯穿整个党的建设历史的核心概念,也是新时代全面加强党的建设的核心概念。由于“理想信念”作为一个词汇最早出现在政治话语中而不是学术话语中,因此对“理想信念”的研究需要对其使用的历史语境进行分析,进而运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的方法,进行多学科的学术建构,探寻其内涵、结构和运行模式。从使用语境看,“理想信念”概念的使用有不同的侧重点,从而形成不同的研究视角。第一种语境(内涵1)认为“理想信念”是对理想及实现理想的道路的确信(ideal and conviction),主要强调其科学性和历史规律性;第二种语境(内涵2)是从对崇高理想的信仰这一角度,认为“理想信念”就是信仰概念的中国化的表达方式(ideal and faith),主要强调其价值取向、情感取向和对现实的超越性;这两种角度是进行“理想信念”教育的主要视角,注重强调其整体性,把“理想信念”看成是一个不可分的完整概念。缺点是,容易将“理想信念”理解成某种固定不变的东西,可以被“拿来”进行教育,这样“理想信念”就可能被抽象化、教条化。从实践的角度,这两种不同的视角可能会导致科学和价值的分离,前者容易导致科学主义——只强调其科学性而忽视其价值取向;后者容易导致信仰主义——忽视其科学内涵。本书在对“理想信念”使用的历史语境进一步分析的基础上,将中国共产党人理想信念(内涵3)作为一种由“理想”引导实践以改造客观世界,由实践形成的“信念集”保护和丰富“理想”的辩证运动体系,在这一体系中,“理想”具有统摄作用和核心作用,“信念”是基于“理想”统摄之下的“信念集”,时代主题不同,“信念集”会随之调整,以保护“理想”的核心地位,不断推动事业前进。这样“理想信念”就不再是一个静态的概念,而是一种独特的政治系统运行模式。只有从这一动态运行模式的视角进行分析,才能更好地理解中国共产党人对于马克思主义的坚持与发展、静与动、信与疑、理论与行动、目标与现实的辩证关系,也才能更好地将“理想信念”概念既作为党员教育的目标(内涵1、内涵2)又作为党的建设的分析工具(内涵3)在新时代党的建设伟大工程中发挥作用。本文正是从第三种视角,围绕“理想”和“信念”的辩证关系探讨其历史运行模式和现实存在模式。首先构建中国共产党人理想信念的科学发展模式(内涵1),即马克思主义作为科学真理如何指导现实的革命、建设和改革,并在中国革命和建设的具体实践中论证这一模式的真实性和科学性。然后构建中国共产党人理想信念的情感发展模式(内涵2),即马克思主义作为一种信仰,如何既凝聚力量又推动创新,引导中国共产党人不断走向新的胜利。在此基础上,探讨作为情感体系与科学真理体系的内在关联,进而寻找中国共产党人理想信念作为一种独特的政治系统运行模式的发展规律(内涵3),这些模式和规律在传播渠道和政治系统的实际运行中得到进一步彰显,并形成“理想信念”的外在评价指标,通过评价指标的组合,形成“理想信念”评价的谱系图,最后尝试运用统计调查的结果来定位当前中国共产党人理想信念的现实状况,有针对性地提出当前“理想信念”体系优化的三个具体方向。


The issue of the ideals and beliefs of Chinese Communists has become more and more widely concerned and discussed, on the one hand, because the reform has entered a period of tackling tough problems and deep waters, and the comrades of the whole Party are facing the historical test of strong men and broken wrists, as well as the realistic background of how to adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era under the continuous impact of Western values. On the other hand, it is because of the theoretical background of how to improve the scientific level of party building and promote the new great project of party building in the new historical period. Under this background, "ideals and beliefs" are not only the core concept that runs through the entire history of party building, but also the core concept of comprehensively strengthening party building in the new era. Since "ideal and belief" as a word first appeared in political discourse rather than academic discourse, the study of "ideal and belief" needs to analyze the historical context it uses, and then use the methods of historical materialism and dialectical materialism to carry out multidisciplinary academic construction and explore its connotation, structure and operation mode. From the perspective of the context of use, the use of the concept of "ideal belief" has different emphases, thus forming different research perspectives. The first context (connotation 1) holds that "ideal and conviction" is the conviction of ideals and the path to achieve them, mainly emphasizing their scientific and historical regularity; The second context (connotation 2) is that from the perspective of belief in lofty ideals, "ideal belief" is the sinicized expression of the concept of faith (ideal and faith), mainly emphasizing its value orientation, emotional orientation and transcendence of reality; These two perspectives are the main perspectives for conducting "ideal and belief" education, focusing on emphasizing its wholeness and viewing "ideal and belief" as an inseparable and complete concept. The disadvantage is that it is easy to understand "ideal and belief" as something fixed and unchanging, which can be "taken" for education, so that "ideal belief" may be abstracted and dogmatic. From a practical point of view, these two different perspectives may lead to the separation of science and value, and the former tends to lead to scientism - only emphasizing its scientific nature and ignoring its value orientation; The latter tends to lead to fideism – ignoring its scientific content. On the basis of further analysis of the historical context used by "ideals and beliefs", this book takes the ideals and beliefs of the Chinese communists (connotation 3) as a dialectical movement system in which "ideals" guide practice to transform the objective world, and the "belief set" formed by practice protects and enriches "ideals", in this system, "ideal" has a guiding role and core role, "belief" is based on the "belief set" under the control of "ideal", and the theme of the times is different, and the "belief set" will be adjusted accordingly to protect the "ideal" The core position, constantly promote the business forward. In this way, "ideal and belief" is no longer a static concept, but a unique mode of operation of the political system. Only by analyzing from the perspective of this dynamic mode of operation can we better understand the dialectical relationship between the Chinese Communists' adherence to and development, between stillness and movement, between faith and doubt, between theory and action, and between goal and reality, and can we better play a role in the great project of Party building in the new era. It is from the third perspective that this paper discusses the dialectical relationship between "ideal" and "belief" its historical operation mode and actual existence mode. First, we should construct a scientific development model of the ideals and beliefs of Chinese communists (connotation 1), that is, how Marxism as a scientific truth guides the actual revolution, construction and reform, and demonstrate the authenticity and scientific nature of this model in the concrete practice of China's revolution and construction. Then, the emotional development model of the ideals and beliefs of Chinese communists (connotation 2) is constructed, that is, how Marxism as a belief can not only gather strength but also promote innovation, and guide Chinese communists to constantly move towards new victories. On this basis, this paper explores the intrinsic relationship between the emotional system and the scientific truth system, and then looks for the development law of the Chinese communists' ideal and belief as a unique political system operation mode (connotation 3), these modes and laws are further highlighted in the communication channels and the actual operation of the political system, and form the external evaluation index of "ideal and belief", and form a genealogical chart of the evaluation of "ideal and belief" through the combination of evaluation indicators. Finally, the results of the statistical survey are tried to locate the current reality of the ideals and beliefs of Chinese communists, and three specific directions for the optimization of the current "ideal and belief" system are put forward. The innovation of this book is mainly reflected in: "ideal and belief" is a political operation mode with Chinese characteristics different from the Western democratic operation system, and it is the inherent core concept of the Chinese road and Chinese model, and its connotation is manifested in three aspects: First, from the perspective of rational scientific development methodology, it is around the realization of the communist ideal as a hard core, developed a set of beliefs composed of a series of protective belts, using "positive heuristics" and "negative heuristics", both constantly innovating, always protecting, and promoting social progress. The scientific method of realizing the common ideals of mankind. Second, from the perspective of value and emotion, it plays the role of collective incentive and selective incentive through the integration of "collective persistent emotion" and "combinatorial emotion", which not only gathers strength but also promotes the process of innovation. Third, from the perspective of communication, it is the process of organizing and mobilizing social members through strong organizational communication and movement communication, and interacting with mass communication through inclusion, dialogue, exclusion, etc., so that the power of emotion and the power of reason are combined, which not only promotes innovation, but also gathers forces to form a strong social mobilization force. Fourth, this book makes a preliminary exploration of the evaluation system of "ideals and beliefs". This book believes that the evaluation of "ideal beliefs" should be carried out in the political system, in which "negative revelation method" and "collective persistent emotion" mainly produce collective incentives, "positive revelation method" and "combined emotions" mainly provide selective incentives, and the diffuse support and specific support obtained by playing the role of collective incentives and selective incentives become external indicators of evaluation, and through the survey statistics of external indicators, it is found that the current structure of ideals and beliefs is a "estuary" structure. The further optimization of this structure should start from three aspects: the sense of identity of local governments, the sense of mission of party members and cadres, and the sense of gain of the people.(AI翻译)





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