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中国古代文献隐含了大量的民族史资料。这些资料记载了历史上居于中国版图的众多族群,其中有些族群现在依然活跃于我国各地,保存着其相对独特的文化与信仰,而另一些族群则于历史的长河中销声匿迹,去向不明。传统民族史研究对此的一个解释是——“汉化”,汉化观在一定范围内无疑具有相当的解释力,但由于该论断是基于这样一个假定,即当前为同一民族的人有着一以贯之的民族身份与人群范围,不同族群被认为有着相对清晰的界限与相对独立的发展脉络。但存在的一个危险是,其所带有的本质主义倾向在很大程度上限制了它对诸多问题的探讨。由汉化观主导的民族史观往往容易导致对问题的简单理解,过于强调汉文化的主导地位,忽视其他族群的自主性及族群边界的复杂性。本书以宋元以来赣闽粤毗邻区的族群为对象,以文化表述为切入点,在对历史上赣闽粤毗邻区的生态、地理及早期居民勾勒之后,考察宋元到民国文人对赣闽粤的记载,发现宋元到明朝中期,文人们对赣闽粤毗邻区的记载主要以区域性的动乱为主,而发展到明代中后期,表述出现转变,开始较多地关注这一地区的族群性差异,而引起这种表述转变的,是与明代赣闽粤毗邻区的大规模动乱及明中后期以来的社会重组有关,这种由方志主导的言说其实首源于各姓族谱,而族谱编撰的背后则是一整套文化的逻辑及汉人意识在起作用,如明代漳州人在对陈元光建构过程中,一方面宣称自己中原后裔的身份,另一方面则渐渐明确陈元光所征之蛮的族群指向——畲民,它与方志上对族群性差异的强调在历史进程上也相吻合。此外,零星的史料也显示了清代部分畲民关于自我的认定与创造,他们通过对盘瓠形象的改造及对自身独特性的强调,加强其作为一个族群的认同与意识。而稍后居于赣闽粤毗邻区的客家人意识亦相继兴起。此后,除却极少量的畲民外,赣闽粤毗邻区基本被认为是中原南来的客家人的居所,正因为这种族群意识的伸张,加之民国时期的国族肇建的影响,导致了屡次的说客风潮。因此笔者认为,对于中国东南汉人社会的形成,尤其是赣闽粤毗邻区客家人普遍的中原南来说盛行的一个可能解释是,在明代赣闽粤毗邻区大规模动乱平息之后,赣闽粤毗邻区处于社会重组阶段。正是在这一阶段,其人群亦经历了一次族群身份确认的过程,而这影响了明中后期以后长期的族群撰述,反映在赣闽粤毗邻区的地方文献中,则是对畲民典范书写的确立,它反过来又约束了人们对族群的选择与改造。故而,赣闽粤毗邻区甚至东南汉人社会的出现并非简单的汉化可以解释,而是与历史书写直接相关,是与汉人知识分子华夷之辨的标准变化有关,如将承赋如平民的畲民视作与平民无别,而事实上其风俗可能并未即刻改变,因而,这种所谓的“汉化”既是历史的进程,也是由书写形塑。关键词:文化表述 地域社会 畲民 客家

As a nation of which has had a good tradition of historiography,China has abundant data of ethnohistory imbedded in archaic literatures.A throng of groups lived in China were recoded in these literatures,thereinto,some of groups which have comparative unique cultures and belief now still live or flourish all over the country; but another disappeared in historical records,which we don’t know and no way to know.An explanation from traditional studies on ethnohistory is that the disappeared groups had melted into Chinese.The sinicization theory has some stringency in certain extent without question,however,because the theory was based in this hypothesis: those who cognized as a single ethnic group has consistent ethnic identity and racial category,but different groups were deemed to have comparatively clear division and relatively independent patterns of development as well.So this theory exists a dangerous problem,which is its trend of essentialism confined considerable discussions to the large extent,besides,the perspective dominated by this theory tends to the problem as that hold simple understanding to some themes in ethnohistory,and excessively emphasizes the dominant of Chinese culture.As a result of these understanding or emphasis,we often ignore other groups’self-determination and the complexity in boundary among some groups.Moreover,Chinese culture itself always has being continuously evolved.This article takes the groups in the boundary among Min,Yue and Gan since Song&Yuan dynasties as object,cutting in the respect of cultural representation.Drawing the outline about the history of Eco-geography and early inhabitants in the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan,this article will review the records which taken by the intellectuals from Song&Yuan dynasties to Republic of China,and reveals that the intellectuals’records about this region gave priority to regional turbulences during the period from Song&Yuan dynasties to Ming dynasty.But by middle period of Ming dynasty,these representations began to transform,the intellectuals started to pay their attention to the diversity among the groups of this region.This transformation was related with the large-scale turbulences in the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan in Ming dynasty and the ethnical regroup since middle period of Ming dynasty.Especially,during this period,the redefinition to SHE had a considerable difference to the definition to SHE in Song dynasty.The rhetoric dominated by local records in fact rooted in genealogies above all,and behind the writing of genealogies was a complete set of cultural logic and the reaction of Chinese consciousness.The instance that the people of Zhangzhou in Ming dynasty constructed the general Chen Yuanguang shows,for on thing,they asserted their identity as the descendant of Central Region; for the other thing,they gradually realized that the so-called wild groups General Chen Yuanguang ever conquered signified as SHE.As for the historical process,this recognition was consistent with the redefinition to SHE in local records.Furthermore,fragmentary historical materials also showed that SHE had an experience of self-identification and self-creation,that is,they had strengthened the self-identity and consciousness as a single group by reconstructing the image of PANHU and by emphasizing their individualism.But latter on,Hakka’s consciousness also sprang up in this region,consequently,besides a very small amount of inhabitants of SHE,the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan was generally considered as the habitat of Hakka who moved from north to south.It is precisely because of the rise of consciousness of groups,and because of the influence of the national initiation during the period of ROC,and then several so-called Lobbyists waves had produced.Therefore,as to the reason of the formation of Chinese society in Southeast region of China,especially the prevalent hypothesis that Hakka in the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan was from Central Regions,a possible explanation may be that,after the large-scale turbulences in the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan had been appeased in Ming dynasty,social reorganization occurred in this region.just at this stage,the groups of the region went through a re-choice to the ethnical identity; these choice affected the ethnohistory or writing of groups since middle period of Ming dynasty.As a reflection in local literatures in the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan,the writing of apotheosis of SHE has been established,then it induced the redefinition to SHE; but it also restricted the group or average people to choose and regenerate the group.So the history of the abutted region among Min,Yue and Gan and even the emergence of Chinese society in Southeast region of China can’t be explained oversimplifiedly by the sinicization theory.We must take the selfchoice to the ethnical identity in historical context into account,and this may be the direct cause.However,the so-called“melting into Chinese”was not only a part of historical process,but also was constructed by the writing as well.Key Words: Cultural Representation; the Region Society; SHE People; Hakka





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