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丛书名:《当代中国经济发展理论与战略论丛;中共北京市委党校 北京行政学院学术文库系列丛书》






一 充分认识建设现代化经济体系的重要意义




二 深刻领会建设现代化经济体系的科学内涵




三 进一步明确建设现代化经济体系的主要任务







四 本书内容安排和特色













朱晓青 李中


In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the important idea of "building a modern economic system", which not only profoundly expounded the basic issues of why to build a modern economic system, what kind of modern economic system to build, and how to build a modern economic system, but also made comprehensive arrangements for building a modern economic system. To this end, we should conscientiously study, deeply understand, further understand the importance, scientific connotation and main tasks of building a modern economic system, formulate a road map and timetable according to the problem and goal orientation, solidly promote the construction of a modern economic system in the context of the new era, and lay a solid foundation for ensuring the realization of the "two centenary goals" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I. Fully understand the great significance of building a modern economic system and building a modern economic system is the central task of building a modern and powerful country. As early as the 80s of the 20th century, the Party Central Committee put forward the strategic goal of China's socialist modernization construction in three steps. The 18th CPC National Congress further defined the goal of achieving the "two centenary years." Standing at a new historical starting point, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China grasped the general trend and new requirements of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with high international standards in the 21st century, and clearly deployed the strategic goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and starting a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way: by 2020, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way; By 2035, socialist modernization will be basically realized; By the middle of the 21st century, China will be built into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist power. To achieve this grand strategic goal and vision, China must firmly grasp economic construction as the center, unswervingly regard development as the first priority for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country, accelerate the formation of advanced productive forces, and build a solid economic foundation; We must speed up the construction of a modern economic system, promote the simultaneous development of new-type industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, significantly improve the quality of development, and continuously strengthen China's economic strength and comprehensive national strength. Building a modern economic system is an objective requirement for closely following the transformation of the main contradictions in our society and promoting high-quality economic growth. For a long time, the main contradiction in our society has been the contradiction between the people's growing material and cultural needs and backward social production. Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's social productive forces have been greatly liberated and developed. In 2017, China's GDP reached 82.7 trillion yuan, ranking second 5921917 the world; industrial and agricultural production, infrastructure, scientific and technological innovation, and market construction have also made great progress, and social production on the whole is no longer backward. However, the problems of unbalanced, insufficient and unsustainable development in our country are very prominent, and the overall level of development still belongs to developing countries, which is far from that of developed countries and the needs of the people for a better life. In 2016, China's per capita GDP was only $8,123, far lower than the world's per capita GDP level of $10,191 in the same period. 5921918 at present, the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. To fundamentally solve this contradiction, China must adhere to the new development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, make overall plans to promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one", coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, properly handle the relationship between economic development and environmental protection, promote comprehensive and coordinated social and economic development, realize the benign interaction between domestic development and opening up, and establish a modern economic system as soon as possible. Building a modern economic system is an inevitable requirement for adapting China's economic development from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage. From a domestic point of view, China's economic development has entered a "new normal", showing the characteristics of growth rate transformation, structural transformation and kinetic energy transformation. At the same time, the structural, institutional and cyclical contradictions accumulated over a long period of time are still prominent. It is decided that the overall situation of China's development is: reform has entered a deep water area, a period of tackling tough problems and a window period, the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society has entered a decisive period, and the national economy is in a critical period of transforming the mode of development, optimizing the economic structure, and transforming the driving force of growth. In the face of this new situation, China can only promote economic construction to a new level by taking innovation as the driving force, closely following the main line of supply-side structural reform, overcoming difficulties, stabilizing employment, finance, foreign trade, foreign investment, investment, and expectations, and achieving high-quality and efficient development. Internationally, the deep-seated impact of the international financial crisis is still continuing, the process of world economic recovery is still tortuous, and protectionism, unilateralism, populism and anti-globalization are on the rise. Only by achieving innovative development and high-quality development can China win the initiative in the fierce international competition and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Building a modern economic system is the strategic goal of China's development, and it is also an urgent requirement for crossing the threshold to build a strong country in science and technology, a strong country in quality and a modern power. Only by truly building a modern economic system can China's economy achieve higher quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development. 2. Deeply understand the scientific connotation of building a modern economic system, build a modern economic system, highlight the fundamental policy of adhering to quality first and efficiency first, clarify the main direction of high-quality development, realize the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, establish a modern industrial system, promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, improve total factor productivity, and let the people have more sense of gain. High-quality development is the foundation of a strong country, the foundation of business, and the key to transformation, and improving efficiency and effectiveness is the eternal theme of development. It should be noted that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the level of production and operation efficiency of China's enterprises and the overall level of economic quality and efficiency have been greatly improved. According to the Global Industrial Competitiveness Index released by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in 2016, China ranks among the top 5 in the world with the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea; From 2013 to 2016, China's high-tech industry grew by 11.3% per year, equipment manufacturing industry with an average annual growth rate of 9.4%, and strategic emerging industries with an average annual growth rate of 10.5%, far exceeding the industrial similar indicators of 6.7%; Industrial export delivery value was 47 trillion yuan, of which high technology accounted for 44.7%; From 2013 to 2016, the income, total profit and total assets of China's main industrial business increased by 5.9%, 5.3% and 8.8% respectively annually, and the level of operating income increased significantly. 5921919, it should also be admitted that there are still outstanding problems of low quality and efficiency in China's actual economic development, and it is urgent to put quality and efficiency improvement in the first place in economic work, integrate into all fields, links and processes of economic development, promote the quality, efficiency and power of economic development, and effectively improve labor productivity, capital output rate and total factor productivity. The key to building a modern economic system is to build a modern industrial system, that is, to build an industrial system with the coordinated development of the real economy, scientific and technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources. The real economy generally refers to industrial and agricultural production and is the main body of China's economy; Science and technology is the primary productive force, and innovation is the primary driving force for development; Modern finance is the bloodline and core of modern economy, and has the integration and driving force with the real economy and other industries; Human resources are the most valuable resource in the world. Only by combining scientific and technological innovation, labor, talents, capital and other production factors and synergizing into the real economy can we effectively promote the technological progress of enterprises, the connection between supply and demand of the industry and the optimization and development of the industry. The focus of building a modern industrial system is to take supply-side structural reform as the main line, mobilize various factors well, allocate and coordinate well, give play to the role of scientific and technological innovation achievements in transforming real productivity, give play to the role of capital, investment and debt to support industrial development, give play to the role of all kinds of workers and talents in entrepreneurship and innovation, reduce production capacity, inventory, reduce costs, optimize leverage, make up for shortcomings, occupy the middle and high end of the global industrial value chain, and create new formats, new industries and new business models. Coordinate to promote the high-quality and efficient development of the real economy and industrial system. The fundamental guarantee for building a modern economic system is to build an economic system with effective market mechanisms, vigorous micro-subjects, and moderate macro-control. After 40 years of reform and opening up, China's socialist market economic system has been continuously improved. Especially in recent years, in accordance with the operation mode of "Internet + government services", we have deepened the reform of "decentralization, management and service", simplified administrative examination and approval matters and procedures, eliminated "information islands", established a reward and punishment mechanism for "red and black list" for creditworthiness supervision, improved government service regulations and standards, and implemented effective measures such as "one network office", "one window office", "one-time office", "time-limited office", "agency office", "free office" and "supervision office" for administrative examination and approval, so as to efficiently and conveniently serve innovation and entrepreneurship and enterprise development, and effectively stimulate and release market vitality. At the same time, the macro-control mode continues to innovate, implement correct macroeconomic policies, adopt range regulation, directional regulation, camera regulation, precise regulation and other measures, and maintain economic operation in a reasonable range. However, it should also be noted that the phenomenon of "death if unification is unified, and chaos when it is released" often occurs in the operation of China's economy, which shows that China's economic system still needs to be further improved. Only by properly handling the "trinity" relationship between the government, the market and enterprises can China's construction of a modern economic system be guaranteed by institutional mechanisms. To further improve the economic system, China must adhere to the reform direction of the socialist market economy, make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, give better play to the role of the government, adhere to the simplification of administration and decentralization, the combination of decentralization, and the optimization of services, improve the basic economic system, modern market system and macro-control system, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all kinds of market entities for independent decision-making and independent operation, and promote governments at all levels to perform their due diligence duties in economic regulation, market supervision, public services and social management. From the perspective of institutional mechanisms, China's economic innovation and competitiveness will continue to increase. 3. Further clarify the main tasks of building a modern economic system, and the main tasks facing the construction of a modern economic system in many aspects. Among them, deepening supply-side structural reform is the main line and major strategic measure for building a modern economic system. With the fundamental changes in the main contradictions of our society and the shift of the economy to a stage of high-quality development, the factors restricting the sustainable and healthy development of China's economy include both supply-side problems and demand-side problems, structural problems and total volume problems, both cyclical inertia problems and counter-cyclical regulation and control problems, both short-term stock adjustment pain problems and long-term incremental quality and efficiency improvement problems. If the supply structure is unbalanced, it cannot adapt to new changes in the demand structure; If the quality of supply is not high, it cannot meet the people's demand for a better life; If there is a phenomenon of "turning from real to virtual" in the allocation of financial, talent and other resources, it will inevitably affect the foundation of development. Therefore, China must get rid of the excessive dependence on short-term demand-side regulation, base on long-term supply-side structural reform, focus on the real economy for economic development, take improving the quality of the supply system as the main direction of attack, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of China's economic development. China's supply-side structural reform should focus on four aspects: first, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, modern service industries and modern agriculture, strengthen infrastructure network construction, and promote China's industries to move towards the middle and high end of the global value chain; The second is to accelerate the formation of new momentum, encourage more social entities to devote themselves to innovation and entrepreneurship, cultivate more new growth points in the fields of medium and high-end consumption, innovation leadership, green and low-carbon, sharing economy, modern supply chain, human capital services, etc., create new economies, new industries and new formats, and open up new consumer markets; The third is to transform and enhance traditional kinetic energy, promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and the real economy, and support the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries; The fourth is to adhere to reducing production capacity, inventory, optimal leverage, cost reduction, and making up for shortcomings, optimizing the allocation of stock resources, expanding high-quality incremental supply, and achieving a dynamic balance between supply and demand. Accelerating the construction of an innovative country is a strategic support for building a modern economic system. After long-term efforts, China's scientific and technological development has made remarkable achievements. In 2016, China's R&D investment was 1.6 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.6%, of which enterprises accounted for 77.5%, a year-on-year increase of 11.6%; The investment intensity of R&D funding is 2.11%, which has exceeded the EU average of 2.08%. In 2016, there were 3.281 million patent applications in China, of which 1.193 million were invention patent applications, an increase of 74.0% and 128.1% respectively over 2012; Invention patents accounted for 36.4%, an increase of 8.7% over 2012. China has 109 million patent documents, covering 112 countries and regions, and is at the world's leading level. In 2016, there were 4,200 public innovation spaces, more than 4,000 incubators and accelerators, 409 central enterprise innovation platforms, 638 star innovation worlds, 28 innovation and innovation demonstration bases, 76 billion yuan of the national emerging industry venture capital guidance fund, and 17.3 billion yuan of the national scientific and technological achievements transformation guidance fund. Among the 72.6 enterprises above designated size surveyed in China in 2016, 284,000 carried out innovative activities, accounting for 39.1%; By industry, 48.5% and 28.9% of enterprises in industry and services carried out innovative activities, respectively. Since 59219202012, China has made a large number of major standard scientific research and innovation achievements, manned spaceflight, lunar exploration project, Shijian-13 satellite, supercomputer, fifth-generation mobile communication, quantum communication, induced pluripotent stem cells, high-speed rail, third-generation nuclear power, new energy vehicles, etc. have entered the world's advanced ranks. However, in the overall evaluation, China's scientific and technological innovation ability and economic strength are still far from commensurate, and some key fields and core technologies are still backward, subject to people, and far from the main battlefield of economic construction and the needs of the people's better life. Therefore, China must unswervingly implement the concept of innovative development, deeply implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and the innovation-driven development strategy, and strive to achieve the goal of becoming one of the forefront of innovative countries by 2035. The main measures that can be taken are: first, strengthen the construction of the national innovation system, strengthen basic research, applied research and key core technology research, enhance strategic scientific and technological strength, and achieve major breakthroughs and disruptive innovation; The second is to establish a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market-oriented, and deep integration of production, education and research to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements; The third is to advocate a culture of innovation, support mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and strengthen intellectual property protection; The fourth is to implement a more active, open and effective talent policy, and cultivate and cultivate a large number of talents with international standards and high-level innovation teams. The implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is an important foundation for building a modern economic system. Since entering the 21st century, China's agriculture has achieved bumper harvests for more than ten consecutive years, grain output has exceeded 600 million tons for five consecutive years, and 620 million tons 5921921 in 2017; the growth rate of farmers' income has been faster than the growth rate of urban residents' income for eight consecutive years, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents increased by 8.6% in 2017, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents increased by 8.3%. 5921922 now, the main contradiction of China's agriculture has changed from insufficient total amount to structural imbalance, and the main aspect of the contradiction is on the supply side. China must always take solving the "three rural issues" as the top priority of the whole party's work, establish and improve the institutional mechanism and policy system for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and deepen the structural reform of the agricultural supply side. The main measures that can be taken are: first, to ensure national food security and firmly hold the Chinese's rice bowl in their own hands; The second is to build a modern agricultural industrial system, develop various forms of large-scale operations, and realize the organic connection between small farmers and modern agricultural development; The third is to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and broaden the channels for employment and entrepreneurship and income increase for farmers; The fourth is to consolidate and improve the basic rural management system, deepen the reform of the rural land system, and deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system; Fifth, strengthen the basic work of rural grassroots work, improve the rural governance system, and build a new socialist countryside. The implementation of a coordinated regional development strategy is an inherent requirement for building a modern economic system. China has a vast territory and uneven development in various places, we must adhere to the concept of coordinated development, optimize the regional development pattern, improve the regional coordinated development mechanism, promote the construction of new-type urbanization, and gradually narrow the regional development gap. The main measures that can be taken are: first, to establish and improve the regional strategic coordination mechanism, the regional market integration development mechanism, the regional cooperation mechanism, the regional mutual assistance mechanism, the regional interest compensation mechanism, the regional basic public service equalization mechanism, the regional policy regulation mechanism, and the regional development guarantee mechanism; The second is to coordinate and promote the large-scale development of the western region, the revitalization of the northeast, the rise of the central region, and the first development of the eastern region in accordance with the main functional area planning and the urban agglomeration development plan; The third is to coordinate and promote the opening up and development of the relevant regions of the "Belt and Road", the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the cooperative development of the Bohai Rim, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the protection and development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area; The fourth is to support the accelerated development of old and young border and poor areas, support the economic transformation and development of resource-based areas, accelerate the development of border areas, and accelerate the construction of a maritime power; The fifth is to build an urban pattern of coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities and small towns with urban agglomerations as the main body, improve the carrying capacity of cities, and accelerate the urbanization of agricultural transfer population. Speeding up the improvement of the socialist market economic system is the institutional guarantee for building a modern economic system. To promote economic transformation and upgrading, the key lies in innovation, and the key lies in reform. China must focus on improving the property rights system and the market-oriented configuration of factors, deepen the reform of the economic system, resolutely break down the institutional obstacles that restrict the vitality and motivation of development, and strive to do a good job in three aspects: First, adhere to and improve China's basic socialist economic system and distribution system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public ownership economy, unswervingly encourage and support the development of the non-public economy, improve the state-owned asset management system, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, and support the development of private enterprises; The second is to deepen the reform of the commercial system, fully implement the negative list system for market access, accelerate the market-oriented reform of factor prices, and improve the market supervision system; The third is to innovate and improve macroeconomic regulation and control, give play to the strategic guiding role of the country's development planning, improve the coordination mechanism of fiscal, monetary, industrial, regional, consumption, investment and other economic policies, accelerate the establishment of a modern fiscal system, and deepen the reform of the financial system. Promoting the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up is a necessary condition for building a modern economic system. China must implement the development concept of comprehensive opening up, coordinate the overall situation at home and abroad, adhere to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, develop a higher-level open economy, and strive to do a good job in four aspects: First, focus on the construction of the "Belt and Road", adhere to the equal emphasis on "bringing in" and "going out", and form an open pattern of linkage at home and abroad, and mutual assistance between east and west; The second is to expand foreign trade, cultivate new formats and models of foreign trade, build a free trade zone network system, and optimize the import and export structure; The third is to fully implement the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list management system, greatly relax market access, expand the opening up of the service industry, optimize the layout of regional opening-up, gradually eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers, and actively participate in the governance of international trade and investment; The fourth is to innovate foreign investment methods, promote international production capacity cooperation, form a global trade, investment, production and service network system, and build a community with a shared future for mankind that is mutually beneficial and win-win. IV. The content arrangement and characteristics of this book are the phased results of the research on the theory, policy and practical experience of the construction of a modern economic system by the Marxist Theory Research Center of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, following "China's General Trend of China's Economy under the New Normal", "Research on China's Supply-Side Structural Reform" and "Theory and Practice of China's Ecological Civilization Construction". Based on the research expertise, reasonable division of labor, close cooperation, and adherence to the principle of unifying problem-oriented and goal-oriented, and combining strategic countermeasures with practical suggestions, the research team conducted in-depth research on the theory and practice of building a modern economic system mainly from two aspects: first, the basic theoretical research on building a modern economic system; The second is China's policy, regulation and practical exploration of building a modern economic system. These two aspects of research and exploration are of great significance to China's vigorous promotion of the construction of modern economic system in the new era, and the research team strives to achieve new results, new views, new policies, new enlightenments and new programs to guide practice. The book consists of two parts: the first part is the basic theory, focusing on the theoretical exploration of building a modern economic system; The second part is policy practice, focusing on policy and practice issues related to the construction of a modern economic system. The main achievements and key contents are summarized below. The first part of the basic theory explores the theoretical basis, main content and key points for building a modern economic system. Professor Zhu Xiaoqing believes that the scope of the modern economic system is not only related to the scope of modernization and economic system, but also related to China's long-term goal of transforming the development mode in the new era, building a strong country in science and technology, a strong country in quality and a modern power, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the concepts of modernization, economic system and modern economic system, it believes that the connotation of building a modern economic system should include goals, ideas, main directions of attack, operation mode and strategic pattern, and the basic ideas, main direction of attack, operation mode and strategic pattern to achieve the goals focus on six aspects: one concept, that is, five new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing; The second is a main line, that is, supply-side structural reform; The third is two priorities, that is, quality first, benefit first; The fourth is three major changes, namely quality change, efficiency change, and power change; Fifth, the "three haves" economic system, that is, the market mechanism is effective, the micro subjects are dynamic, and the macro-control is measured; Sixth, the "four synergy" modern industrial system, that is, the coordinated development of the real economy, scientific and technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources. The goals are linked to the ideas and strategic patterns of these six aspects, and constitute the "blueprint" and action guide for China to build a modern economic system. Professor Gai Yanmei emphasized that it is necessary to guide the construction of a modern economic system with a new development concept, firmly grasp the main line of deepening supply-side structural reform, grasp innovation, which affects the overall situation of economic and social development, rely on innovation-driven, give more play to the leading role of first-mover advantage, rely on scientific and technological innovation, institutional innovation and business model innovation, and accelerate the transformation of China's manufacturing to China's creation, China's speed to China's quality, and the transformation and upgrading of a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power. It is necessary to adhere to the concept of coordinated development, coordinate rural revitalization and coordinated regional development, and vigorously promote the implementation and implementation of the regional development strategies or initiatives of the three major countries of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the "Belt and Road". It is necessary to implement the concept of open development, coordinate the overall situation at home and abroad, focus on the "Belt and Road" initiative, adhere to the equal emphasis on "bringing in" and "going out", and accelerate the cultivation of new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition. Associate Professor Sun Yuxiu believes that after 40 years of opening up, China has transformed from a relatively closed economy to an increasingly open economy deeply integrated with the world economy. In the new era, the issue of how to actively participate in and promote the process of economic globalization and develop a higher-level open economy has become more and more important. Based on the new requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the strategic goals of open economy since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the main contents of building a new open economy system have been systematically sorted out, emphasizing the need to promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up with linkage at home and abroad and mutual assistance between east and west, and on this basis, the implementation path of realizing a new open economic system is further proposed. Dr. Xue Wenping believes that accelerating the construction of a modern fiscal system is an important part of accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economic system, and it is also one of the important contents of implementing the new development concept and establishing a modern economic system. Along the narrative logic of where the modern fiscal system comes from, why it should replace public finance, what is the connotation of the modern fiscal system, and what is the significance of accelerating the construction of a modern fiscal system, the core components of modern finance are emphasized: first, the establishment of a central and local fiscal relationship with clear powers and responsibilities, coordinated financial resources, and regional balance; The second is to establish a comprehensive, standardized, transparent, scientific and binding budget system, and fully implement performance management; The third is to deepen the reform of the tax system and improve the local tax system. The second part of policy practice provides a multi-dimensional and multi-faceted explanation of China's policy formulation and practical experience in building a modern economic system and its existing outstanding problems. Professor Wang Hao believes that the transformation and upgrading of industry is an objective requirement for residents' consumption demand to become personalized, diversified and high-end, a fundamental way to solve the main contradictions in the social economy, and the core content of building a modern economic system. However, there are three main structural factors restricting China's industrial transformation and upgrading: First, the structure of land use. The unreasonable ratio of residential land and industrial land reflects the irrationality of urban spatial structure and the imbalance of the relationship between production and life. The second is the structure of the labor force. The dividend in the number of labor forces has shown a downward trend, making it more difficult to basically achieve the goal of modernization in the next step. The third is the technical structure. Analysis from multiple angles shows that China's dependence on foreign technology is relatively high, and its independent innovation ability is not strong enough. To solve structural problems and effectively promote China's industrial transformation and upgrading, it is necessary to take measures such as optimizing the structure of land use, developing labor quality dividends, strengthening supply-side structural reform, and promoting the development of state-owned enterprises and the transformation of private enterprises. Associate Professor Yang Dongde believes that to build a modern national innovation system, it is necessary to fully consider the role of each element of the innovation system, respect the laws of the market and scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the construction of R&D infrastructure around the entire innovation chain from basic theoretical research to technology development to commercialization of innovation results, create a social and cultural environment conducive to innovation, formulate a supporting innovation policy system to encourage innovation, and establish governments, markets, universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, consumers, financial institutions, An innovation ecosystem in which technology intermediaries and service providers work together. In terms of the construction of the national innovation system, it is emphasized that the experience of other countries cannot be copied, and the government-led Chinese characteristics must be highlighted. Associate Professor He Yan pointed out that since the reform and opening up, China's urban and rural economies have made unprecedented achievements, laying the foundation for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. However, there are still many outstanding problems, including the imbalance between urban and rural development and the decline of rural development, which seriously affect the development of the entire national economy. To solve the problem, we must focus on "rural industry revitalization, rural talent revitalization, rural culture revitalization, rural ecological revitalization, and rural organization revitalization". To this end, Associate Professor He Yan focused on explaining the practice of rural revitalization in Beijing, which provided valuable experience for the demonstration effect of the national implementation of rural revitalization strategy. Associate Professor Li Shiyang believes that building a financial technology cluster area in Xiong'an New Area, with the help of the latest financial technology means such as blockchain, financial cloud, Internet credit risk control, biometrics, digital currency construction, etc., to support the rapid growth of high-end service industries in Xiong'an New Area, will help accelerate the transformation of Beijing's economic development mode and industrial structure upgrading, and then play a demonstration effect of innovative development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and even the whole country. Associate Professor Li Shiyang pointed out that the financial development of Xiong'an New Area should focus on attracting high-tech market-oriented financial elements, vigorously build a multi-level capital market system such as bond market, corporate bill market, and regional equity trading market, and encourage various financial innovations and new forms of financial technology to settle in and develop. It is necessary to pay attention to improving the construction of the financial credit environment and the financial talent system, optimizing the financial soft environment, strengthening the supervision of emerging financial technology formats, resolving financial risks, and making the regional financial market standardized, orderly and efficient. It is necessary to give full play to the core supporting role of finance in the economic and social development of the new area. Associate Professor Lu Yuanyuan pointed out that under the trend of increasing economic globalization, enterprise clusters, as a special form of enterprise space organization, have shown extraordinary vitality in many national economic systems, attracting the keen attention of researchers and policy makers in many fields. After 40 years of reform and opening up, various types of enterprise clusters in China have become the main support and backbone of rapid economic development. However, the theoretical research on enterprise clusters is still in a growth stage, and many problems need to be studied in depth. In view of this situation, Associate Professor Lu Yuanyuan adopts the method of case analysis, regards the cluster as a complex adaptive system, borrows complexity theory to study the process of co-evolution of enterprise clusters, and tries to introduce complexity theory in the field of natural science into the study of cluster problems, striving to open up new fields, attract relevant research attention, and further enrich the theories in this regard. Associate Professor Li Zhong pointed out that the integrated circuit industry is the core of the information technology industry, related to the core competitiveness of the country and national security, and its importance cannot be overemphasized. Practice has proved that the world supply chain is fragile in the face of politics, and in order to realize the dream of becoming a scientific and technological power, it is necessary to have a self-developed "Chinese core". With the intensive introduction of a series of national policies, technological research and industrial breakthroughs, China has successfully solved the problem of integrated circuits "from scratch", and the industrial ecology has been comprehensively improved. However, many problems such as China's integrated circuit industry have a weak development foundation, insufficient investment intensity, prominent corporate financing bottlenecks, and poor self-"hematopoietic" function of backbone enterprises have not been fundamentally solved. To this end, on the basis of in-depth systematic research on the development experience and practices of foreign integrated circuit industry, Associate Professor Li Zhong put forward corresponding policy suggestions for the future development of China's integrated circuit industry. In the process of writing and publishing this book, I was fortunate to receive great help from relevant leaders and scholars. In particular, Comrade Liu Jun, Director of the Base Division of the Beijing Municipal Social Science Planning Office, Comrade Wang Minzhong, Executive Vice President of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Comrade Yuan Jifu, Vice President and Comrade E Zhenhui, Director of the Scientific Research Department, provided a lot of help and support for the publication of this book. The China Social Sciences Press made meticulous arrangements for the publication of this book. Jiang Wenwu, Wu Xiaodong, Zhao Tianxiang, Song Xiaona, Huang Yajuan, Wang Gongtao, Hu Xiaoqin, Ku Yuankun, Yu Jiuchen, Chi Lili, Qi Junya, Liu Mingming, Guo Hao, Sun Xiuxia, He Xu, Yin Jianfeng, Li Zimeng, Zhang Hongmei, Chen Hong, Jia Xiaojia, Duan Hu, Liu Weijun, and Zheng Junjun participated in the work of data collection, field research, case analysis, and text editing in this book. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to these comrades! Zhu Xiaoqing Li Zhong, January 8, 2019(AI翻译)





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账号登录 一键登录


手机找回 邮箱找回



GB/T 7714-2015 格式引文
MLA 格式引文
APA 格式引文