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Formation,Operation and Evaluation of“Niche Strategy”for Newly-established College-Take Higher Education in Guangxi Province as an Example









1998年是我国高等教育管理体制改革取得突破性进展的关键一年,此后的十余年间,新建本科院校蓬勃兴起,拉开了我国高等教育大众化进程的序幕。从数量上看,它已占我国普通本科高校近三成;从布局上看,全国绝大多数省份地级市几乎都有一所本科院校。新建本科院校的出现与发展,逐步改变高等教育的生态格局。然而,“始生之物,其形必丑”。新建本科院校在快速发展的同时,却面临着非常棘手的尴尬局面:没有走老路的资本却照搬老牌本科院校的发展模式、没有足够的资源支撑却急切跨越发展、没有深度的融合却追求学校的“形式上位”……新建本科院校所遇到的困难和问题,有的是囿于外部环境,有的是前进发展中的问题。但是,如何定好位并制定一套行之有效的发展战略则是绝大多数新建本科院校试图摆脱现实困境的首要考虑。从生态学角度看,大学可以被视为一种独特的生物种群,因此,跨学科研究往往能寻找到新的、独特的“学科风景”。生态学中的生态位思想为我们提供了一种理论依据和思维方式。由于生态位概念表征的是生物物种对资源及环境变量的利用状况,每个物种在长期生存竞争中都拥有它最适合生存的生态位。因此,大学的生态位就可以视为该大学在整个社会环境中和整个高等教育群落中,以自有的资源禀赋为条件,通过办学过程能动地与社会环境以及与其他高等教育群落相互作用所形成的相对有利的生存发展空间以及相对竞争优势。事实上,大学是一个典型的快速成长的生命有机体,外部环境为其提供成长机会,内部条件为其提供发展保证,每一所大学总是在成长发展中调整、优化自身在高等教育系统乃至社会系统中的地位和功能,这就是大学寻求自身生态位的过程。换言之,大学战略管理的实质可以看作对客观条件以及自身生态位的认识和把握,并运用相关战略来调整自身的现实生态位,使之逐步接近自身基础生态位的动态过程,即生态位战略思想。可见,大学的成长发展特征决定了它的生态位是一个“相对稳定”的生态位,因为寻求转型和跃迁是它们的最终价值取向,这就是大学生态位战略管理实质。生态位战略思想引入新建本科院校发展战略,原因有二:其一,新建本科院校的“低位高攀”与“同位趋同”的两种典型发展状态,表明这类院校在发展过程中具有“生态错位与生态位重叠”的显著特征,换言之,说明生态位理论及其基本思想对解释新建本科院校战略问题具有高度的适切性。其二,由于制度依赖、政策调控、资源分配、观念习俗、文化传统等各种生态因子的影响,注定新建本科院校的战略管理不可能是一个“按图索骥”的静态行为;相反,必须是一个与各类环境以及学校利益相关者不断交流与转换的动态行为。将生态位的理论思想运用于新建本科院校的战略管理反映了二者的融通性,不仅有利于深刻理解新建本科院校战略管理的实质,对丰富大学战略理论的研究也具有方法论意义。本书正是建立在求解“新建本科院校‘生态位战略’”问题基点上,以这类院校的战略管理过程为研究主线,遵循从一般到个别、从静态到动态的研究进路,在建立生态位理论与战略管理理论基础之上的大学生态位战略分析框架,全面深入解析影响新建本科院校生态位战略选择与制定的相关变量,系统而客观地揭示新建本科院校生态位战略组织与实施的内在逻辑,科学而理性地探寻新建本科院校生态位战略评估与控制的方法路径,以期为这类院校的发展战略提供新参考。本书主要围绕以下内容展开:新建本科院校生态位战略目标可以表述为:在明确和把握学校自身使命和愿景的基础上,根据自身的实力变化、发展状况以及对所处生态位的认识和把握,运用各种战略协调自身与环节间的关系,从而不断选择、拓展自身的基础生态位,以促进自身的现实生态位不断接近基础生态位,并能通过促进生态位的跃迁来实现学校的持续成长和发展。因此,如何合理科学构建生态位是新建本科院校生态位战略选择和制定的重心所在。环境维度、空间维度以及能力维度三个维度从环境格局、时空位置以及演化趋势反映了新建本科院校生态位的多维特征,它们共同构成了新建本科院校竞争的内容体系,充分挖掘各维度层面的潜能,是提高学校整体竞争优势、进行有效战略分析的重要基础。对学校生态位宽度、生态位重叠度、生态位态势、生态位分离以及生态位适宜度的测量,是有效进行战略选择的基本依据。为此,在生态位竞争战略、生态位移动战略、生态位共生战略、生态位协同进化战略等总体战略指导下提出了新建本科院校生态位战略的一般选择:体现生态位错位的差异化战略、生态位泛化的多元化战略、生态位特化的专业化战略、生态位保护的价值维持战略、生态位增值的关键因子控制战略、生态位多维重叠弱化的地方院校成长战略以及生态位非平衡性的大学跨越式发展战略。大学生态位战略不仅可以促使资源维度的有效利用,也可以促使资源维度的有效储备。大学生态战略资源的配置必须符合大学生态的本质属性,即遗传与变异、平衡与失衡、共生与竞争。“历时性”与“共时性”是大学生态位战略资源配置的本质属性。“历时性”,实际是指大学生命周期中的不同战略导向;“共时性”,实际是指大学在特定阶段发展的相对稳定性。基于组织生命周期的视角,从初创期、成长期、优化期和衰退期几个阶段来审视新建本科院校的生存和发展,并探讨不同阶段的相应组织结构,其实质正是对这类院校生态位战略计划制定及其实施方式的一种全新解读。基于此,本书提出了新建本科院校生态位战略实施的策略选择:强调错位发展的生态位分离策略、注重深度适应的生态位特化策略、具备开拓潜力的生态位扩充策略、建立战略联盟的生态位共生策略以及体现协同创新的生态位提升策略。由于文化融合是新建本科院校发展的最重要“软性”支持变量,因此本书指出这类院校实施生态位战略还必须坚守院校使命的个性文化、接纳和而不同的多元文化、倡导自由奉献的动变文化以及塑造包容开放的协同文化。评价和调整生态位是确保大学生态位战略管理有效性的必由之路。基于建立的大学生态位宽度、生态位重叠度以及生态位态势的测度模型,本书以广西8所新建本科院校为例,对2006—2009年共4年的招生数、毕业生数、在校生数、教职工数、专任教师数进行生态位评价,以此验证构建的生态位模型。在此基础上,进一步提出大学生态位战略综合评价思路,设计了包括“态”[教学能力、科研能力和服务社会(空间)能力],“态势交界面”(大学空间管理能力、大学战略管理能力和大学资源空间获取能力)以及“势”(大学学习创新能力)三个层面、七个维度在内的相应指标体系,以广西新建本科院校为例进行实证检验并作出分析评价。生态位评价为生态位调控提供了相应的理论和实践依据。鉴此,由于生态位的动态联系性,本书从关系生态位视角探讨了大学生态位战略控制动因、目标和机制,进而就新建本科院校如何从确保生态位稳定来控制战略风险、如何从生态位修复中营造生态环境以及如何以生态位优化促进学校可持续发展提出相关建议。 关键词:新建本科院校 生态位战略 战略管理 生态位理论

The year 1998 is critical for china’s management system of higher education to make breakthrough progress.In the following ten years,newly-established college(NEC) is burgeoning,opening a prelude to the process of china's higher education.In terms of quantity,it accounts for 30% of our regular undergraduate universities;In terms of layout,almost every prefecture-level city in most provinces has an undergraduate university.The emergence and development of NEC,gradually changing the ecological structure of higher education.However,“as beginning forms of objects,their shape must be ugly”;similarly,NEC is faced with most embarrassing situation in process of the rapid development:coping the old model without corresponding capital,urgently leaping development without enough supportive resources,pursuing“formal position”without deep integration...,some of NEC’s difficulties and problems are confined to the external environment;some are in the development progress.But,How to be in a good place and to develop an effective strategy is of primary consideration for NEC to try to get rid of most of the practical problems.From the ecology perspective,university can be seen as au nique biologieal population.Therefore,Interdisciplinary research can often find new and unique“academic landscape”.Ecological niche provides a theoretical support and thinking way.As the concept of ecological niche is characterized by biological species’utilization of resources and environmental variables,each species has its most competitive niche for survival in the long-term competition.Therefore,colleges’niche can be regarded as relatively favorable survival and development space as well as comparative and competitive advantages in the whole social environment and the higher education community,which is realized by actively interacting with social environment and other higher education community with its own natural resources as a condition.Actually,college is a typical fastgrowing organism,with external environment providing opportunities for growth and internal conditions providing development insurance;each university is always adjusting itself in such growth and development,as well as optimizing its own status and function in higher education system,even social system.This is the process for colleges to seek their own niche.In other words,essence of college strategic management can be seen as understanding and grasping objective conditions and their own niche,and using relevant strategies to adjust their real niche to gradually close to its basic niche,i.e.niche strategic thinking.University’s growth and development characteristics determine its ecological niche a “relatively stable”niche,because seeking transformation and transition are their ultimate values.This is essence of university niche strategic management.Niche can bring development strategy for new-established colleges.There are two reasons:firstly,NEC’s two typical development states“lowlevel high-climbing and same-level tending to the same”indicates that these institutions have the salient features of“ecological dislocation and niche overlap”in the development process.In other words,niche theory and its basic idea apply to interpretation of newly-established strategic issues with a high degree of relevance;Secondly,because of impact of such various ecological factors as system dependence,policy control,resource allocation,concept of customs,cultural traditions,NEC’s strategic management are destined to a“what you want”static behavior.On the contrary,it must be a dynamic behavior with continuous exchange and conversion with environment and various stakeholders.Niche theory’s application to NEC’s strategic management reflects two aspects’accommodation,not only helping create a deep understanding of essence of NEC’s strategic management,but also has important methodological significance to enrich college strategic theory.The study is based on solving the question of“Newly-established colleges’niche strategy”,with such colleges’strategic management process as the main line,following the dynamic research route of general to specific,static to dynamic.This paper’s college niche strategic analysis framework is based on niche theory and strategic management theory,fully analyzing relevant variables impacting strategic choice,systematically and objectively revealing NEC’s internal logic of niche strategy and implementation,scientifically and rationally exploring NEC niche strategy evaluation and control’s methods,expecting to provide new theoretical guidance for such colleges’developing strategies.Thesis is organized in the following pattern and contents:The niche strategic objective for the NEC can be described as follow:based on clearing their own mission and vision,according to the understanding of own strength change,development condition and the niche,universities use various strategies to coordinate the relationship between themselves and other links,select and expand their own fundamental niche continuously,so as to promote their actual niche continuously close to the fundamental niche,and achieve sustainable growth and development through facilitating niche transition.Therefore,it is a centre of gravity for the NEC’s strategy choice and formulation that how to construct niche reasonably and scientifically.The three dimensions of environmental,space and capacity respectively reflect the multi-dimensional feature of the niche of new universities from environment pattern,spacetime location and evolvement trend,which constitute the content systems of NEC competition.It is an important basis for increasing the competitive advantages and making an effective strategic analysis that NEC should fully excavate the potential of all dimensions.Also,it is a basis for effective strategic choice that we should measure the niche breadth,niche overlap,niche trend,niche separation and niche-fitness.For this,under the guidance of the total strategy including the niche competition strategy,niche mobile strategy,niche symbiotic strategy,and niche co-evolution strategy,the paper poses a general option of NEC niche strategy:differentiation strategy reflecting niche misplaced,diversification strategy reflecting niche generalization,professional strategy reflecting niche specialized,value maintaining strategy reflecting niche protection,key factor control strategy reflecting niche value-added,local institutions growth strategy reflecting niche multi-dimensional overlapped and weakening and leap-forward development strategy reflecting niche non-balance.University niche strategy can not only promote the effective use of resources dimension,but also can promote effective reserve.The allocation of university ecological strategy resource must meet the essential nature of university ecology,which is heredity and variation,balance and imbalance,symbiosis and competition.“Diachronic”and“synchronic”are the essential nature of the allocation of university niche strategy.“Diachronic”,actually is the different strategic direction in life cycle of the university;“Synchronic”,actually is the relative stability in a specific phase of development.Based on perspective of organizational life cycle,from the period of start-up,growth,optimization and recession to examine the survival and development of NEC,the paper explores the organizational structure in different stages,which is in nature a new interpretation of the niche strategy plan and implementation of these universities.Based on this,the paper poses the choices of niche strategy implementation:niche separation strategy emphasis on dislocation development,niche specialization strategy focus on deep adaption,niche expansion strategy with development potential,niche symbiotic strategy establishing strategic alliances and niche promotion strategy reflecting collaborative innovation.Because cultural integration is the most important“soft”support variable of the development of new universities,the paper points out that these universities should adhere to the personality culture of mission,accept multiculture of harmony without sameness,advocate dynamic change culture of free devotion and shape collaborative culture of tolerance and open.Evaluate and adjust the niche is the only way in the process of strategic management position.Based on the measure model of university niche breadth,overlap and trend,the paper takes 8 NEC in Guangxi or example,makes a niche evaluation of the number of enrollment,graduates,students,faculty and full-time teachers from 2006 to 2009,in order to verify the niche model constructed.On this basis,the paper further poses a comprehensive evaluation strategy of university niche,designs an index system including the“state”(teaching ability,research ability and social〈space〉service ability),“state of the interface”(university space management ability,university strategic management ability and university obtainly resources space ability),and“potential”(university innovation ability) at 3 levels and 7 dimensions,taking the NEC in Guangxi for example to empirical test and analysis evaluation.Niche e-valuation provides the corresponding theoretical and practical basis for niche regulation,given this,because of the dynamic relationship of niche,the paper explores the motives,objectives and mechanisms of university niche strategic control from the perspective of the relationship niche,makes relevant recommendations to the new universities that how to control the risk through ensuring the stability of the niche strategy,how to create an ecological environment from niche restoration and how to promote sustainable development by niche optimization. Key word:newly-established college;niche strategy;strategic management;niche theory





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