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民主集中制是马克思主义党的建设学说的主要内容。民主集中制作为马克思主义政党的根本组织原则,是党和国家的最根本的组织制度和领导制度,是马克思主义理论大厦的重要组成部分。民主集中制已经写入了《中国共产党章程》和《中华人民共和国宪法》,既是执政党的根本组织原则,也是国家的根本组织原则。在党的建设的历史上,民主集中制不断得到坚持和完善;在整个国家的政治生活中,民主集中制发挥着越来越突出的作用。民主集中制是我们党所要遵循的根本组织原则。我们党之所以有力量,且具有无比的凝聚力、团结力和战斗力,就是因为实行了民主集中制的组织原则。回顾党的历史,凡是民主集中制贯彻执行得比较好的时期,党内的政治生活就比较正常,党的事业就生机勃勃;反之,党的事业就会遭到挫折和失败。党的历史上曾经发生过的重大失误,都与民主集中制没有很好地被执行和受到削弱、破坏有关。东欧剧变、苏联解体的一个根本原因就是其共产党长期违背甚至放弃民主集中制原则,在国内外敌对势力的内外夹攻下最终土崩瓦解。所以说,能否有效地坚持和贯彻民主集中制原则,是关系到无产阶级政党和社会主义政权生死存亡的重大现实性课题。党的十一届三中全会以来,我们党在坚持和完善民主集中制方面取得了很大的成绩,积累了丰富的经验。但是,毋庸讳言,在民主集中制建设过程中,仍然存在着一些问题,即党的民主集中制建设理论还不完善,党的民主集中制有关制度还不健全,党的民主集中制执行不力。总的说来,民主集中制建设任重而道远,是一项系统工程,要想使之适应变化了的新情况,在新的环境中发挥其制度优势,就要全方位地研究并构建这个体系。正是基于此,本书在“三个代表”重要思想、“十七大和十八大精神”、十八届三中全会精神和习近平同志系列讲话精神的指引下,以“新时期中国共产党党内民主集中制建设研究”为题,从几个方面对民主集中制相关问题进行了分析和研究。全书共分为以下几个部分:绪论:这一部分从选题缘由及其意义、民主集中制建设的研究现状和文献综述,本书的研究思路和方法,创新之处和重点,难点所在以及本书所涉及的几个基本概念五个方面做了总体性的介绍和概括。第一部分:无产阶级革命导师关于民主集中制建设思想的论述。本章从民主集中制发展、实践进程详细考察了无产阶级革命导师马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林、毛泽东关于民主集中制建设的基本思想。这些思想是我们新时期进行民主集中制建设的理论基础和宝贵的精神财富。革命导师对民主集中制的相关论述对于我们今天进行民主集中制建设不无启示,至今还闪耀着灿烂的理论光芒。第二部分:新时期民主集中制在党和国家政治生活中的重要地位和作用。在对革命导师关于民主集中制理论与实践的回顾和反思中,引发对新时期加强民主集中制建设重要性的思考。民主集中制在党和国家政治生活中的地位举足轻重。它不仅是我们党和国家的根本组织制度和领导制度,也是我们党和国家的重要组织纪律和政治纪律。坚持和完善民主集中制关系到党的团结统一和科学决策,也关系到反腐败的成败和党的执政地位能否巩固,同时对社会主义和谐社会的构建、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦也起着至关重要的作用。第三部分:新时期党的民主集中制建设的新进展和经验总结。新时期以来,我们党对民主集中制建设进行了不懈的探索和研究,取得了很大的成绩,积累了丰富的经验。本部分将从两个方面加以论述。一是对新时期以来以邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛、习近平同志为核心的党中央领导集体对民主集中制建设做出的理论贡献,从民主集中制思想观念不断增强、内涵不断拓展、制度不断健全三个方面进行总结和论述;二是对新时期党的民主集中制建设的经验从发展党内民主、维护党的集中统一、健全集体领导制度和防止个人专断、反对官僚主义和无政府主义、拥有一个坚强的领导核心至关重要、民主集中制绝不能削弱和抛弃六个方面进行总结和概括。第四部分:新时期民主集中制建设所面临的问题、考验及原因分析。本部分试图结合新时期的国内外形势以及我们党自身状况的深刻变化,对民主集中制建设实践过程中存在的诸如民主集中制贯彻执行不力、现行的干部任用和管理体制存在弊端、党员的主体地位不明显、混淆党委会制和首长负责制使民主集中制在实际运行中产生偏差、民主集中制运行机制不完善而导致民主程序被“虚化”、党内民主集中制监督不到位或是缺位等问题进行总结,并对其存在的问题从思想认识根源、现实因素、人的因素三方面进行原因剖析,旨在为问题的存在找出症结,为提出对策和建议做铺垫。第五部分:新时期加强民主集中制建设的对策和建议。这是本书论述的重点所在。主要从党的思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、反腐倡廉建设、制度建设“五位一体”的全方位视角对新时期民主集中制建设的基本思路进行探索。加强思想建设是民主集中制建设的首要任务。因此就要深化对广大党员和领导干部在民主集中制方面的教育和培训,进一步强化领导干部的大局观念、责任观念、纪律观念、服务观念等,并要求党员领导干部不断加强理论学习,为更好地贯彻和落实民主集中制奠定思想基础;建立高素质的干部队伍,为民主集中制建设提供组织保障。建立能在实践中切实贯彻民主集中制的党员干部队伍,同时建立干部选拔任用和监督管理的制度机制,并不断培养党员干部的民主集中制思想意识;党员领导干部要不断增强宗旨意识和提高党性修养,发扬党的“理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评”的作风,从而抓好党风建设,夯实贯彻民主集中制的作风基础;加强反腐倡廉建设,对党员领导干部进行坚持不懈的思想教育,充分发扬党内民主,领导干部带头廉洁自律,完善各项具体制度,为民主集中制的贯彻执行创造良好的体制环境;不断加强和完善党的代表大会制度、党内选举制度、党内民主集中制的监督制度、党的集体领导制度和党员权利保障制度建设,为民主集中制的贯彻执行提供制度保证。结语与展望:这一部分是对全书的一个简要回顾和总结,同时对党内民主集中制建设提出展望。对于中国共产党这样一个有着93年历史,并在中国执政65年的大党来说,我们虽然在党内民主集中制建设方面经历了困难和曲折,但与此同时,我们党也收获了丰富的民主集中制建设经验,构建了民主集中制的基本制度框架,这是难能可贵的!在新世纪、新阶段,我们信心满怀,只要我们团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,与时俱进,进行民主集中制理论创新、制度创新、实践创新,我们党的民主集中制建设必将取得长远的发展,也必将有力地促进党的建设目标的顺利实现。 关键词:新时期 中国共产党 民主集中制 民主 集中 组织制度领导制度

Democratic centralism is the main contentof the Marxist theory of Party building.As a fundamental organizing principle of Marxist party,Democratic centralism is the most fundamental systems of organization and leadership of our Party and country,and is an important part of the edifice of Marxist theory.Democratic centralism has been written into theCPCConstitutionandtheConstitutionofthePRC,it has turned into the Party and the Country's the fundamental organizing principle.In the Party's building history,democratic centralism has been maintained and improved continuously;In the whole country's political life,democratic centralism plays an increasingly prominent role.Democratic centralism is our Party's fundamental organizational principlethat should be followed.Our Party is a unified,united,and combateffective Party.The most critical reason is that our Party has implemented democratic centralism organizational principle.Looking back over the history of the Party,the party's political life is normal and the party's cause is alive as long as democratic centralism is implemented smoothly.Otherwise the Party's cause will suffer setbacks and failures.The major mistakes which have occurred in the history of the Party are linked with democratic centralism being weakened and undermined.The fundamental reason of the Drastic Change of the East European Countries and the fall of the Soviet Union is that the Communist Parties in those countries have violated and given up the democratic centralism principle,and ultimately been defeated by hostile forces at home and abroad under attack from within and outside.According to the history,“if we fail to practice demo-cratic centralism satisfactorily,the Party,the state,socialism,the cadres and everyone may degenerate.”Therefore,it is a major topic that we can adhere to the principle of democratic centralism and carry out it or not effectively,and means their survival of the Party of the proletariat and the socialist regime.Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee,our Party achieved great successes and accumulating rich experience in sticking to democratic centralism and consummating it.At the same time,Needless to say,there are still some problems in the course of the democratic centralism construction.For example,the theory of the building of democratic centralism is imperfect,the institution about democratic centralism is unsound,the Party's democratic centralism is implemented weakly and so on.Overall,the building of democratic centralism is still a long-term and arduous task and also is a systematic engineering.We should investigate and establish democratic centralism construction system covering all fields of it in order to adapt democratic centralism principle to the new situation and exert its institutional advantages in the changeable environment.Based on this,this book which is named“Research on the Inner-Party's Democratic Centralism Construction of the Communist Party of China during the New Period”analyzed and studied democratic centralism from the following aspects under the guidance of“Three Represents”and the“Spirit of the Seventeenth and the Eighteenth and the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteen”and Comrade Xi Jinping's series of speech.The book is divided into the following sections:Introduction:The prologue makes a comprehensive introduction and generalization about this dissertation from its reason and significance of selecting this subject,research situation and literature review of democratic centralism construction,researching ideas and methods of this book,the main innovations and the emphasis,the difficulty about this book,some fundamental concepts of this book and so on.PartⅠ:The proletarian revolutionary teachers dissertate ideology of democratic centralism construction.This thesis investigates our proletarian revolutionary teachers Marx,Engels,Lenin,Stalin and Comrade Mao's the basic idea on democratic centralism in detail from the process of development of democratic centralism in practice.These Thoughts are our theoretical foundation and precious spiritual wealth of building democratic centralism in the new era.The revolutionary teachers’statements on democratic centralism are of great importance on building democratic centralism,and still shine with brilliant light of theory.PartⅡ:The important status and role of democratic centralism in the political life of our Party and state during the new period.Reviewing and rethinking revolutionary teachers’theory or practice of democratic centralism stimulate our thinking of importance of democratic centralism. Democratic centralism is playing a very important role in the political life of our Party and state.Democratic centralism not only is our Party and country's fundamental systems of organization and leadership,but also is our Party and country's organizational discipline and political discipline.Adhering to and improving democratic centralism concerns the Party's solidarity and unity and making a scientific decision,also has a bearing on the success of anti-corruption,while plays a vital role during the construction of socialist harmonious society and the Chinese dream of achieving great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.PartⅢ:Summarizing the new progress and experience from the building of democratic centralism in new era.Since the new era,our Party has explored and researched democratic centralism continually,made the great achievement and accumulated a plenty of experiences.This chapter will discuss the following two aspects.First,this thesis summarizes and dissertates theoretic contribution to democratic centralism construction in the new era made by three generation of collective leadership with Comrade Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin,Hu Jintao,Xi Jinping as the core from connotation being developed,their awareness of building democratic centralism being enhanced,the system being improved constantly;Second,this thesis summarizes and generalizes the fundamental experiences from developing the inner-Party's democracy,upholding the centralized power and unity of the Party,improving collective leadership system and guarding against personal arbitrary,combating bureaucracy and anarchism,having a strong core of leadership,democratic centralism being followed and improved etc.PartⅣ:Problems,tests and reasons of building democratic centralism This thesis attempts to summarize problems in the building of democratic centralism,such as the exercise of democratic centralism not being resolutely put into practice,the main weakness of cadre appointment and supervising system,indistinctly principal position of Party members,producing deviation in practical application of democratic centralism resulting from Party committee system and the system of leading cadres assuming responsibilities being confused,illusory democratic processes resulting from the incomplete working mechanism of democratic centralism,democratic centralism within the party supervision is not in place or absence etc,and analyses the causes of the existing problems mainly from ideological factor,realistic factor and the human factor.The aim is to get the root of the problems,and makes good bedding to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions.PartⅤ:The countermeasures and suggestions of strengthening democratic centralism construction in the new era.This part is the focus of this book which explores the basic ideas from thought construction,organization construction,style construction,anti-corruption construction,system construction in the multi-faceted view of the“five parts”building of the Party.Strengthening ideological construction is the prime objective of democratic centralism construction.Therefore,we must conduct education and training to the Party members and leading cadres in democratic centralism construction,and further strengthen the overall concept,responsible concept,discipline concept,service concept of the leadership cadres,and call for party members,leading cadres to continue to strengthen theoretical study,the aim is to lay the ideological foundation for carrying out and im-plementing democratic centralism better;Building a contingent of highcaliber leading cadres can provide organizational guarantee for democratic centralism construction.We should build up a huge contingent of party members and leading cadres who can implement democratic centralism effectively in practice,and establish a sound mechanism of selection,appointment,management and supervision,and cultivate their consciousness of democratic centralism;The party members and leading cadres must strengthen their aim consciousness and enhance party spirit continuously and develop the Party's three major styles:integrating theory with practice,maintaining close ties with the masses and making self-criticism. Building Party's excellent style can lay a solid foundation for democratic centralism;We should strengthen anti-corruption and build a clean government,and make unremitting ideological education to all our cadres,and promote inner-Party democracy fully,and make sure that our leading cadres are clean,honest and self-disciplined.Improving many specific systems can create a good institutional environment for democratic centralism implementation;Reforming and improving national congress system of CPC,the inner-Party electoral system,supervision system within the Party,the system of collective leadership,the Party member's rights guarantee system in our Party can provide institutional safeguards for the correct implementation of the principle of democratic centralism.Epilogue:This section is a brief review and summary about the thesis,and puts forward some perspectives to build the inner-Party democratic centralism.For the Communist Party of China,she is a ninety-three year old and is in the saddle in China for sixty-five years.Although we has gone through difficulties and setbacks in the inner-Party's democratic centralism construction,our party has gainned rich experience of democratic centralism and builded the basic institutional framework of democratic centralism which is commendable!In the new century and new stage,we are filled with confidence.We firmly believe that if we have remained a collective leadership with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core and kept pace with the times and innovated in theory and system and practice,our Party's democratic centralism construction is bound to achieve long-term development,it will greatly promote the realization of the goal of the Party's construction. Key words:the new Period Communist Party of China Democratic Centralism Democracy Centralization Organizational systems Systems of leadership





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