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本书运用文献资料法、深度访谈法以及参与式观察法等研究方法,从家庭代际关系论的视角,解读了在社会结构变迁过程中农村老人与成家子辈之间的冲突状况,重点讨论了老人在代际冲突中的行动方式。书中通过阐释老人在代际冲突中的行动方式变迁,来揭示农村家庭代际关系的变动过程及其实践特征,这将为我们理解代际关系提供一个新的视角。笔者通过对当前处于不同年龄段的老人进行调查,重点讨论了在不同时期内处于60岁左右老人与成家子辈冲突中的行动。书中将60岁左右的年龄作为分析重点的理由是,调查显示,Y村这一年龄段的老人与成家子辈之间的冲突较为突出,能够显著反映出社会结构变迁对代际关系的影响。笔者首先从行动的强度、烈度和公开度三个方面对老人在代际冲突中的行动方式进行深入剖析。根据Y村子辈外出务工的情况,本书将改革开放以来的历史时期划分为三个阶段: 70年代末期至80年代初期、80年代中期至90年代初期和90年代中期至今。研究发现,改革开放以来,Y村老人在代际冲突中不同强度、烈度和公开度的行动方式在每个阶段都不同程度地存在,但总体上看,各种行动方式都趋向减少,尤其是高强度、高烈度、高公开度的行动方式减少明显,极端行动方式逐渐消失。换言之,老人在代际冲突中的行动方式趋向弱化与私密化。为了能够进一步揭示代际冲突中老人行动的实际过程,还需要对冲突中老人的行动策略进行分析,重点从老人自身资源、社会支持资源、孝道规范资源三个角度展开分析。研究发现,从自身资源角度来说,老人在冲突中使用了经济资源制裁、生产帮助制裁、隔代抚养制裁等行动策略;而且,不同时期老人动用这些策略的能力有所变化。从社会支持资源角度说,老人在冲突中采用了动用社会网络关系、动用村庄舆论等行动策略。就动用社会网络关系资源策略而言,老人在冲突中由动用大范围社会网络关系资源趋向动用小范围社会网络关系资源,以及进行自我支持;就动用村庄舆论资源策略而言,老人在冲突中则由动用整体村庄舆论趋向动用小群体舆论,以及拒绝动用舆论。从孝道规范角度说,老人在冲突中采取了动用顺从型孝道规范、重构孝道规范的行动策略。需要指出的是,老人在不同时期,具体行动策略会有所不同。老人在代际关系中价值诉求的变化是其行动特征和行动策略发生变化的内在原因。本书重点分析了老人在经济、情感、权力和声望四个方面的价值诉求。研究发现,老人的经济价值诉求程度趋向降低,诉求方式由实物型转向混合型以及货币型;情感价值诉求程度趋向上升,诉求方式由高情感期待趋向低情感期待,由守礼型情感需求趋向本体性情感需求;权力价值诉求程度趋向降低,诉求方式由直接干预趋向间接干预;声望价值诉求程度趋向降低,诉求方式由真实扮演趋向自我表演。本书从社会结构变迁角度分析了老人冲突行动变化的原因,重点从宏观结构、村庄结构、家庭结构三个方面进行了分析。(1)农业联产承包责任制的实施部分程度导致代际关系紧张;惠农政策的实施促进代际关系缓和;城乡二元结构的松动导致代际关系逆转。(2)村庄社会结构的变迁导致老人社会支持体系的弱化:村庄人际纽带的松动导致村民人际关系的疏离;村庄价值体系的转变导致农民自主性的增强,降低了村民对他人事务的干涉;村庄“救气”机制的转变导致老人声援体系式微。(3)家庭结构的变迁改变了老人的行动逻辑:家庭规模的缩小改变了老人的行动逻辑;关系叠加程度的降低改变了老人的行动逻辑。通过上述分析,本书得出以下结论:(1)经济条件改善降低了老人在家庭代际冲突中的行动强烈性;(2)外在社会支持体系的式微弱化了冲突行动的公开性;(3)关系叠加程度的弱化有助于降低冲突程度,进而影响老人的行动方式;(4)交换逻辑的变动改变了老人的代际期待,进而影响老人的行动方式;(5)社会结构变迁对老人冲突行动变化产生重要影响。

To use Literature,Depth Interviews and Participant Observation,from a perspective of Intergenerational Relationships,this book studies the intergenerational conflict situations between the rural elderly and their married children,and the action modes of the rural elderly in the intergenerational conflict among the process of social structure change.We explain the action modes changes of the rural elderly in the intergenerational conflict then reveal the change process and practice characteristics of intergenerational relations in rural areas.This book will provide a new perspective for our understanding on intergenerational relationships.Through investigating the rural elderly on different ages,the author focuses on action of the rural elderly on sixty in the different period in the intergenerational conflict.Our reason is that between the rural elderly on sixty and their married child has more significant conflict,which will help our research on the impact of social structure change on intergenerational relationships.Firstly,from three aspects of action intensity,violence and publicity,the author analyzes the practice characteristics of intergenerational conflict and the action modes of the rural elderly in the intergenerational conflict.In the thesis,the historical period since the reform and opening is divided into three stages: from the late seventies of the twentieth century to the mid-eighties,from the late eighties to the early nineties,from the mid-nineties to now.The book find that since the Reform and Opening up,the rural elderly show diverse action modes which are showing different intensity,violence and publicity at each stage,but as a whole,all kinds of action modes tend to reduce.Especially,those action modes reduce significantly of which are showing higher intensity,violence and publicity,and the extreme action modes disappear gradually.In other words,the action modes of the rural elderly in intergenerational conflict tend to weaken and be more private.In order to elaborate on the actual action course of the rural elderly in intergenerational conflict,we also need analyze the action strategy of the rural elderly.The author analysis from three aspects: their own resources,social support resources and filial norms.We find that,in terms of own resources,the rural elderly use the action strategy of“economic sanctions”,“production assistance sanctions”,grandparents raising in the conflict,furthermore,the ability of which the rural elderly use these strategies will be different in different ages.In terms of social support resources,the rural elderly use the action strategy of using social network and using public opinion in the conflict; for the action strategy of using social network resource,the rural elderly tend to narrow the scope of the network and use self support; for the action strategy of using public opinion,the rural elderly tend to use public opinion of small groups and to not use the public opinion in using public opinion of the overall village.In terms of filial norms,the rural elderly use the action strategy of using“compliance type”filial norms,reconstructing the filial norms,resisting the new norms and so on.Be noted that the rural elderly will have different action strategy in different periods.The change of value appeal of the rural elderly in intergenerational relationships is the inner reason for their alteration in action features and strategy.The book focuses the value appeal of the rural elderly on economic,emotional,power and prestige.We find that the economic value appeal of the rural elderly tend to decrease,appeal turn to hybrid and currency type from material type; the emotional value appeal of the rural elderly tend to increase,appeal turn to low emotional expectations from higher emotional expectations,and turn to“ontological”emotional needs from the type of complying with courtesy; the power value appeal of the rural elderly tend to decrease,appeal turn to indirect intervention from direct intervention; the prestige value appeal of the rural elderly tend to decrease,appeal turn to self performance from real play.Finally,the book analyzes the reason of the action of the rural elderly in intergenerational conflict from the perspective of changes in social structure,and it focus on macro social structure,village structure and family structure.(1) The implementation of Contract Responsibility system in agriculture lead to the tension between generations in some degrees,the implementation of Benefitingpeasants Policy lead to warming relations between generations,the loose of Urban-rural dual structure lead to reversal of intergenerational relationships.(2) Changes in the village social structure lead to weaken social support systems of the rural elderly: loosening of the village of interpersonal ties lead to the alienation of the village relationships; changes in the value system lead to the village farmers enhance autonomy,reducing interference in village affairs of others; changes in village save gas mechanism lead the decline in support system of the rural elderly.(3) Changes in family structure have changed the logic of action for the rural elderly: changes in family size have changed the logic of action of the rural elderly; change of superposition degree has changed the logic of action of the rural elderly.Through the analysis of the above described,we can conclude from the following aspects:(1) Improving economic conditions for the rural elderly have a decisive role on reducing the intensive degrees of the action of the rural elderly in intergenerational conflict.(2) The decline of external social support system operations weakens the openness of conflict.(3) The weakening of superposition can help reduce the frequency and intensity of conflict,thereby affecting the action mode of the rural elderly.(4) The change of exchange logic has changed the intergenerational expectations of the rural elderly,thereby affecting their action mode.(5) Changes in social structure have an important impact on the action of the rural elderly in intergenerational conflicts.





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