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On the Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics











第一部分是《资本论》与中国特色社会主义,主要探讨中国特色社会主义的客观物质存在形式和其理论渊源。通过研究《共产党宣言》《资本论》等马克思主义经典著作及其应用,通过马克思主义俄国化与中国化的路径,阐明中国特色社会主义作为一种社会生产方式的客观物质存在状态。揭示出中国特色社会主义的本质和特点,即跨越资本主义卡夫丁峡谷建设社会主义。按照跨越资本主义卡夫丁峡谷建设社会主义的总体要求,对于中国特色社会主义的认识我们必须把握两个方面:一方面要体现跨越的性质,要坚持科学社会主义基本原则。不能因为我们的社会生产力水平还没有超过欧美资本主义国家,我们就心甘情愿地、亦步亦趋地爬行西方资本主义道路。按照庸俗生产力决定论,从苏联和东欧国家到朝鲜、越南和中国,哪个国家的社会生产力发展水平没有超过欧美资本主义国家,那么这些国家的社会主义就都不是真正意义上的社会主义。中国特色社会主义和欧美特色的资本主义相比究竟有没有制度优势呢?如果认为两种制度趋同,欧美资本主义制度是未来发展趋势,那么中国特色社会主义就没有制度优势。如果认为两种制度未来发展趋势趋同,社会主义是两种制度的未来走势,那么我们就必须要说清楚中国为什么要先于欧美走社会主义道路,而且还要说清楚我们为什么能够走通社会主义道路。换言之,我们要论证中国特色社会主义何以可能成为社会主义。这里关键的问题就是如何从马克思主义的唯物史观说明俄国和中国这样的东方大国为什么可以跨越资本主义发展阶段进入到欧美资本主义社会发展所趋向的未来社会。《论 〈资本论〉俄国化与中国化》等文章从马克思《资本论》的理论和方法运用于指导俄国和中国社会革命和社会建设的角度论证了20世纪俄国革命和中国革命是跨越资本主义卡夫丁峡谷建设社会主义的道路。跨越资本主义卡夫丁峡谷建设社会主义,就是要在社会生产力水平低于欧美的中国,按照社会主义的基本原则建设社会主义。另一方面要体现中国不发达的生产力发展现状。这样建设的社会主义,必定要具有浓重的社会历史和民族历史的特殊性质;中国特色社会主义还必须体现利用商品生产和价值规律发展和壮大社会主义经济。这样的中国特色社会主义社会生产方式,是我们构建中国特色社会主义政治经济学所依据的基本物质生产方式。




"Exploration of the Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (Volume 1)" is a phased research result of researchers from the National Research Center for Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics of Jilin University of Finance and Economics. The National Research Center for Socialist Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics of Jilin University of Finance and Economics is one of the first seven research centers on socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics in China approved by the Central Propaganda Department in March 2017. The School of Economics of Jilin University of Finance and Economics has been well-known in Chinese economics for many years for its strong teaching and research strength of Das Kapital. Since the approval of the project in March 2017, the center aims to take Marxist political economy as the guide, through in-depth analysis of the new situation and new problems facing China's economy and the world economy, summarize the lessons and lessons of the construction of various socialist countries, study the major theoretical and practical problems encountered in China's economic construction, carry out the basic principles and application research of Marxist political economy and socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, and criticize and reference research on the mainstream and non-mainstream economics of Western economics. In response to the call of the Central Propaganda Department to strengthen the research on the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the center has been committed to the construction of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics since it was approved in March 2017. This collection mainly includes the research results of the members of the center from 2017 to 2018, and is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is Capital and socialism with Chinese characteristics, which mainly discusses the objective material existence form of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its theoretical origin. Through the study of Marxist classics such as The Communist Manifesto and Capital, and their application, and through the path of Russification and Sinicization of Marxism, the objective material existence of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a mode of social production is expounded. It reveals the essence and characteristics of socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, building socialism across the capitalist Kaftin Gorge. According to the overall requirements of building socialism across the capitalist Kaftin Gorge, we must grasp two aspects to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics: on the one hand, we must embody the nature of the leap and adhere to the basic principles of scientific socialism. Just because our level of social productive forces has not yet surpassed that of the European and American capitalist countries, we should willingly crawl the Western capitalist road. According to the vulgar determinism of productive forces, from the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries to North Korea, Vietnam and China, if the level of development of social productive forces does not exceed that of European and American capitalist countries, then socialism in these countries is not socialism in the true sense. Does socialism with Chinese characteristics have institutional advantages over capitalism with European and American characteristics? If it is believed that the two systems converge and the European and American capitalist systems are the future development trend, then socialism with Chinese characteristics has no institutional advantages. If we believe that the future development trend of the two systems will converge, and socialism is the future trend of the two systems, then we must clearly explain why China took the socialist road before Europe and the United States, and also explain why we can take the socialist road. In other words, we need to argue how socialism with Chinese characteristics can become socialism. The key question here is how to explain from the Marxist materialist view of history why such eastern powers as Russia and China can cross the stage of capitalist development and enter the future society to which the development of European and American capitalist society tends. From the perspective of applying the theory and methods of Marx's Capital to guiding the social revolution and social construction in Russia and China, articles such as "On the Russification and Sinicization of Capital" demonstrate that the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution in the 20th century are the road to building socialism across the capitalist Kaftin Gorge. To build socialism across the capitalist Kaftin Gorge is to build socialism in China, where the level of social productive forces is lower than that of Europe and the United States, in accordance with the basic principles of socialism. On the other hand, it is necessary to reflect the current situation of the development of China's underdeveloped productive forces. The socialism thus built must have a special nature of strong social history and national history; Socialism with Chinese characteristics must also embody the use of the laws of commodity production and value to develop and strengthen the socialist economy. This socialist mode of production with Chinese characteristics is the basic material mode of production on which we build the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The second part is the theoretical construction of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Some people describe socialism with Chinese characteristics as a society that is divorced from the law of the development of human society, and believe that the construction of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics must completely abandon any previous political economy theories and theories. In fact, socialism with Chinese characteristics is the inheritance and development of the Marxist theory of scientific socialism. The Marxist theory of scientific socialism is an important basic theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, we must discuss the basic principles of scientific socialism of Marx and Engels. "On Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Its Basic Economic Principles", "Correct Understanding of the Meaning and Practical Significance of "Re-establishing Individual Ownership"", "Several Issues That Need to Be Clarified in the Development and Innovation of the Political Economy of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics", "Also on "Opening Up a New Realm of Marxist Political Economy in Contemporary China", etc., are from the basic principles of scientific socialism and the research object, research scope, research method, theoretical framework and significance of political economy. This paper discusses the theoretical construction of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The third part is a discussion on the economic theoretical issues facing the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics at the current stage. This part of the major theoretical and practical issues currently underway in China is considered and interpreted from the perspective of Marxist political economy, for example, "The Theoretical Logic of "Supply-side Structural Reform" from the Threshold of Materialist History", "Reflections on the Political Economy of the Revitalization of the Old Industrial Base in Northeast China", "Adhere to and Improve the Institutional Advantages of Rural Land Collective Ownership", etc. are centered on the supply-side structural reform in the next stage of socialism, the relationship between the market and the government, the road of agricultural collectivization, etc. The reform of state-owned enterprises and the revitalization of Northeast China were analyzed by Marxist political economy, and corresponding policy suggestions were given. The fourth part is the critique and reference of Western economics. Reform and opening up and the building of the socialist market economy, as unprecedented great undertakings, are carried out under the guidance of the basic theory of Marxism. At the same time, as a brand-new economic system and open development model, it is inevitable to boldly learn from and absorb all the achievements of civilization created by human society, including Western economics. The Center focuses on the foreign sources of thought for the construction of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We believe that the construction of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics should draw on all the achievements of human civilization, including Western economics, but we must have a clear understanding of non-Marxist economic theories such as Western economics, and scientifically draw on their rational components while criticizing their waste. In particular, we must take a firm stand and severely criticize some erroneous views and tendencies in China that advocate the complete westernization of China's economic education. To this end, we organized "Critique of the Methodology and Theoretical System of Modern Western Bourgeois Economics", "How to Correctly Rethink Western Economics", "Practical Review and Methodological Reflection of Total Factor Productivity Theory of Western Mainstream Economics", "The Nature of Modern Economics", etc., and conducted theoretical discussions on how to correctly treat Western economics with Lin Yifu, Tian Guoqiang and Hong Yongmiao. Through discussion, we strive to correct our understanding of Western economics, both scientifically borrowing and analyzing and criticizing, so as to achieve the purpose of foreign use in China, inclusiveness and reasonable absorption.(AI翻译)





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