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基金信息: 国家哲学社会科学基金重大专项课题“十八大以来党中央治国理政的精神文明建设思想研究”成果 展开



一 当前精神文明建设亟须关注的问题



图1 近年来“精神文明建设”研究期刊发文量[中国知网(CNKI)]




二 当前精神文明建设的基本理路


















三 新时代社会主义精神文明的建设原则





Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the construction of spiritual civilization, emphasizing that to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, material wealth and spiritual wealth must also be greatly abundant, and we must persevere and consistently grasp the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee's "Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" made special arrangements and put forward clear requirements for promoting the coordinated development of the "two civilizations" and pushing the building of spiritual civilization to a higher level. At present, in the crucial period when the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way has entered the decisive stage, we should pay special attention to the role of spiritual civilization in promoting the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. This is because: in terms of status, the construction of spiritual civilization has gradually evolved from a condition for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way to a goal; As far as its role is concerned, the building of spiritual civilization provides ideological leadership, ideological guarantee, moral nourishment and cultural conditions for the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society. To this end, this book focuses on the new connotation of socialist spiritual civilization against the background of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, not only summarizing the practical experience of China's spiritual civilization construction, but also comprehensively constructing the connotation of socialist spiritual civilization, and constantly injecting new vitality into the construction of China's socialist spiritual civilization and the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society, and then creating a new pattern of cultural and people's livelihood and civilization sharing. The building of socialist spiritual civilization has set off two upsurges: one was the beginning of reform when the concept of "socialist spiritual civilization" was first released, and the other was the stage when the socialist market economy emerged after the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues Concerning Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization (hereinafter referred to as the "Resolution"); One is "the advancement from ideological discourse to the mass discourse", and the other is "the advancement from problem consciousness to value pursuit". Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 6393909, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee has made special arrangements for promoting the coordinated development of the "two civilizations", marking the arrival of a new stage of spiritual civilization leaping to a higher level. Looking at the achievements accumulated over the past 40 years of socialist spiritual civilization construction, a theoretical system that reflects the law of socialist spiritual civilization construction is gradually maturing, which also indicates that the practice of spiritual civilization construction is becoming increasingly scientific and more effective. However, this does not mean that the existing spiritual civilization construction is incomplete, and there is still room for further improvement and development. First of all, the study of socialist spiritual civilization has shown a sharp decline since the mid-90s of the 20th century, and the topics of most research results are too macroscopic. Since the concept of "socialist spiritual civilization" was first proposed, the academic community has carried out special and in-depth research on spiritual civilization, but if we dig deeper, we can find that most of the above research results are concentrated in the eighties and nineties of the 20th century, and their views are basically consistent with the social development and political demands of twenty or thirty years ago. As Figure 1 shows, research on spiritual civilization peaked in the mid-90s (around the adoption of the Resolution) and then declined almost silent after 2010. On the one hand, this reflects the sensitivity of the academic community to hot issues, and on the other hand, it also reflects the relative lag of research on spiritual civilization in the past ten years, and it can no longer play its theoretical leading role in reform. At the same time, although the previous research on spiritual civilization presented multiple perspectives, such as the perspective of globalization, culture, market economy, rule of law, human nature, and characters, there was no lack of in-depth analysis of special issues in the construction of spiritual civilization, such as the connotation of spiritual civilization, the relationship between spiritual civilization and material civilization, the level and characteristics of spiritual civilization construction, the focus and ideas of socialist spiritual civilization construction, etc., and there was also a comprehensive and systematic construction of the socialist spiritual civilization construction system, such as Zhong Kezhao's " Socialist Spiritual Civilization", Jiang Liu's "Research on Socialist Spiritual Civilization in China", Fan Ying's "Outline of Spiritual Civilization", etc. However, judging from most literature, macroscopic and sublime nature is its main purpose and intention, and the study of spiritual civilization is not subtle, specific and close to the people. Some scholars still follow the style of revolutionary idealism, favoring the research direction of grand narratives and top-down path dependence, so their topics, theories, and perspectives are too macroscopic, with obvious "high" colors, giving people a sense of distance and estrangement, and cannot be organically integrated with the subjectivity and concrete requirements of the masses, which to a certain extent leads to the paleness of theory. Figure 1 Number of publications in recent journals on "Spiritual Civilization Construction" [CNKI] Second, the existing theories on the construction of spiritual civilization cannot fully meet the development needs of reform into deep water areas. With the deepening of China's social reform, profound changes in the economic system, profound changes in the social structure, profound changes in the pattern of interests, and profound changes in ideology and concepts, the situation in all aspects of society is becoming more and more complex. This is a very important task before us. In this sense, the research on the construction of spiritual civilization in contemporary China must keep pace with the times, base on the actual national conditions of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, absorb Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and achieve theoretical and methodological innovation. For example, how to put forward constructive theoretical ideas for "realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", building a community with a shared future for mankind, and transcending the "middle-income trap". At the same time, with China's social reform entering the deep water area, social values are also in the process of drastic changes. Several negative value orientations caused by the diversification of value orientations have profoundly changed people's spiritual realm: the transformation from the overall orientation to the individual orientation, the transformation from the moral orientation to the interest orientation, and the transformation from the single value orientation to the diversified value orientation. Extreme ego individualism and egoism hinder the cultivation of social tolerance, and utilitarianism that puts pragmatism first encourages people to rush for quick results, full of unrealistic fantasies about the future, but also overwhelmed confusion and fear, and the loss of spiritual home. In view of this, how to integrate self-confidence in the road, theory, system and culture into the bloodline of socialist spiritual civilization construction and make it more contemporary and time-sensitive is an urgent task at the moment. Third, the introduction of the content of spiritual civilization construction is too general and macroscopic, and cannot include in-depth and meticulous, rich and specific elements of spiritual civilization as well as the latest development. The study of the specific content of spiritual civilization has "two aspects": ideological and moral construction and scientific and cultural construction; "Three aspects said": the construction of knowledge, ideology and morality, and the construction of world outlook; 6393910 "four contents" said: ideological and theoretical construction, cultural construction, moral construction, and social ideological trends; 6393911 the "five contents" said: ideals and beliefs, education, science and culture, moral construction, news and propaganda, and party style education; 6393912 the "three major systems" said: education system, practice system, cultivation system, 6393913. Among the above views, the "two aspects" theory is the main officially recognized view, and it is also the mainstream of academia. This setting undoubtedly has the advantages of simplicity and clarity, easy to understand and easy to remember, but the generalization of these two aspects is more of an outline-style expression, which cannot cover the rich content of spiritual civilization. Moreover, the fruits of human spiritual production are not only rich, but also produce new content with the changes of the times, which need to be included in the system of spiritual civilization. In the "two aspects" theory recognized by everyone, ideological and moral construction undoubtedly has an irrefutable programmatic and principled nature, and its ideological, advanced, and scientific political demands must be upheld. But real life is concrete, microscopic and even metaphysical, and it is closely related to the actual life experience of each real subject. The various fields of life also have the demands of spiritual civilization and have their own relatively independent characteristics, such as the craftsman spirit in production and labor, the enterprising consciousness in innovation and entrepreneurship, the harmonious ethics of family style and family discipline, the red culture of the revolutionary treasure of the communists, the characteristic culture of ethnic minority areas, the daily life concept of the people, and the civilized norms of cyberspace. Incorporating these contents into the spiritual civilization system is not only a demand for popularization and democratization in the implementation of socialist spiritual civilization construction, but also an independent choice to accept and agree with socialist spiritual civilization in specific areas of life. Finally, spiritual civilization focuses on political discourse and lacks a discourse system with its own characteristics. Whether it is the rhetorical question of "how can social 6393914 ism be built without this spiritual civilization, communist ideology, and communist morality", or the warning of the 6393915 that "at no time can we sacrifice spiritual civilization in exchange for temporary economic development", and the idea that "the construction of the socialist core value system must be integrated into the whole process of national education, spiritual civilization construction, and party building 6393916", All of them show that the construction of spiritual civilization in our country is a path dependence promoted from top to bottom, reflecting the vigilance of the ruling party against the Western color revolution and bourgeois liberalization ideology and the firm belief in the socialist road, so the construction of spiritual civilization often focuses on call-to-action, propaganda-style political discourse, highlights the status of socialist ideology, and adopts a one-way and positive indoctrination education method. This is fundamental and necessary, and is the only way to take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. But the crux of the matter is that as the embodiment of the level of development of human spiritual production and its positive results, spiritual civilization, in addition to having ideological attributes, should also include non-ideological attributes; In addition to official discourse with strong political overtones, there should also be folk discourse that reflects the logic and law of spiritual growth; In addition to top-down top-level design, bottom-up public participation is required. As an important yardstick for human civilization and social progress, spiritual civilization, in addition to the necessary political and ideological content, should also cover a variety of spiritual characteristics of people as subjects, such as civic literacy, national spirit, family ethics, and daily life concepts. Due to the specificity of the way, dimension, field and other aspects of human existence and the level of the subject's spiritual life, the degree of spiritual civilization and the focus of construction naturally show diversity. This also determines that spiritual civilization has its inherent logical composition and hierarchy, which requires in-depth and meticulous study. 2. The basic rationale for the current construction of spiritual civilization shows that spiritual civilization is the overall face of the spiritual development of a society, and it should be examined as a complete system; its composition is not the mechanical addition of spiritual phenomena, not a theoretical platter of cultural development, but presents a rigorous composition logic. The rational path of building spiritual civilization in contemporary China with socialism with Chinese characteristics and the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society as the actual background is manifested in the following aspects. (1) Civic literacy is the logical premise of spiritual civilization, on the one hand, citizens are the main force and specific goal of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. The fundamental purpose of attaching importance to and promoting the building of spiritual civilization has always been and can only be to better safeguard the dignity of citizens, promote their development, and enhance their happiness. The dignity, development and happiness of citizens are not only the value foundation of the construction of spiritual civilization, but also the value yardstick for systematically judging the success or failure of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. On the other hand, the leading body of spiritual civilization construction is the party and the government, and the main body of construction is citizens. In other words, the level of civic literacy directly determines the success or failure of the building of spiritual civilization. In the new era, it is particularly necessary and important to cultivate the following qualities of citizens through various means: political literacy with adherence to political principles, defense of ideological positions, and firm value positions as the main content; Public rationality literacy with public interest, autonomy, rationality and responsibility as the main content; Communication literacy with language quality, decision-making ability, self-reflection ability and argumentation ability as the main content, and civic etiquette literacy with respect, benevolence, tolerance and propriety as the main content. (2) Ethics and morality are the core connotation of spiritual civilization, and human beings themselves are the organic unity of material, spiritual and moral existence. Among them, moral existence is the deepest and most essential existence of human beings, and only in moral existence can human beings find the value basis of human society as a whole rather than individuals. The unique way of moral existence of human beings determines that ethics and morality are the core content of spiritual civilization. "Although modern Chinese society has suffered from the turmoil of European wind and rain, the ethical culture has not changed... The ethical and moral path is still the first choice for people to deal with interpersonal relationships and settle down. "6393917 the current construction of ethics and morality should start from the basic laws of people's moral cognition, intervene from the germination mechanism of moral psychology, and start from the actual root cause of moral aberrations, not only actively cultivate and practice the core socialist values, advocate the moral realm of communists, but also pay attention to the most basic and lawful civic morality; It is necessary to pay attention to the general principles of ethics and morality, and also to concretize and fieldize ethics and morality, and strengthen the effectiveness of social morality, professional ethics, and family ethics; It is necessary not only to adhere to the construction of health ethics and ethical environment, but also to emphasize the improvement of personal morality to a higher level, and constantly provide rich moral nourishment for the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society, and create a good moral custom. (3) The spirit of rule of law is the practical appeal of spiritual civilization, and the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law adopted by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly states that adhering to the combination of governing the country according to law and governing the country with ethics, the governance of the country and society requires the regulation of law and the indoctrination of morality to play a role together, so as to realize that the rule of law and the rule of ethics complement each other. This necessarily requires the establishment and promotion of the spirit of the rule of law. The spirit of rule of law is the spiritual existence of governing the country according to law, including humanistic feelings, the principle of fairness, the demand for justice, the willingness to negotiate, the state of tolerance, the vision of equality, the realm of freedom, the consciousness of law-abiding and the shared purpose. These concepts are not only important value principles for us to realize the rule of law, but also are integrated into the content and system of spiritual civilization as the basic value norms of a moderately prosperous society, constituting the conceptual guarantee for the realization of spiritual civilization in a certain sense, and internalizing them into the new connotation of spiritual civilization. A moderately prosperous society is bound to be a society ruled by law, and the emotional sustenance, value identity, attitude orientation and conscious awareness of social subjects in the spirit of the rule of law are the spiritual pillars and cultural driving force for promoting the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society. This is because cultivating citizens' spirit of rule of law is conducive to enhancing citizens' legal awareness, improving citizens' legal literacy and forming a new normal of rule of law education, promoting citizens to truly respect the law, abide by the law, use the law and protect the law, and at the same time lay a good conceptual foundation for the country's scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, fair administration of justice, and improvement of legal governance. (4) Ideology is the political guarantee for the construction of spiritual civilization: "If a country and a nation want to advance with one heart and one mind, they must be supported by common ideals and beliefs. "6393918 the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics and socialist ideology are the fundamental and important contents of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and this cannot be shaken. In the framework of spiritual civilization, mainstream values and state ideology are at the top of the structural system of spiritual civilization and have lofty characteristics. This lofty value orientation will inevitably play a guiding role in the development and construction of spiritual civilization, and its development, change, nature and characteristics will play a vital role in spiritual civilization. In view of this, it is urgent to strengthen the country's cultural soft power, control the power of ideological discourse, maintain the security of mainstream ideology at the highest level, and study its construction strategy to resist the interference and infiltration of non-mainstream ideology. Taking ideology as the guiding direction to ensure the socialist nature of China's spiritual civilization construction will be the content that cannot be ignored in the current spiritual civilization construction. (5) The concept of daily life is the basic level of spiritual civilization, and the concept of daily life, as the spiritual condensation of daily life, also belongs to the system of spiritual civilization, and is the most basic form of spiritual civilization. On the one hand, it reflects the spiritual outlook of the subject in the basic field of human life, and provides the cornerstone and nourishment for other forms of spiritual civilization such as ethics and morality, ideology, etc.; On the other hand, as a perceptual material, it provides realistic materials for the higher level adjustment, transformation and sublimation of spiritual civilization. This is the material guarantee for human civilization to be continuously and progressively advanced. People's perceptions and positions on the domination of leisure time, the purchase of daily necessities, the choice of social partners, and the handling of family relations often have strong individual willfulness and ordinary ordinary, and there is a danger of alienating people into things. Therefore, there is inevitably a need for civilization in the concept of daily life, and it is necessary to embed the core values of socialism in the microcosm of the daily life of the masses. Observing and guiding the concept of daily life of the masses will build a bridge of dialogue between socialist spiritual civilization and public life. This is not only the active adjustment of socialist spiritual civilization to abandon formalism and strengthen theoretical affinity and penetration, but also the platform for the concept of mass life to transcend narrowness, mediocrity, and willfulness and move towards a new trend of socialism. (6) Red culture is the driving force of spiritual civilization, and in a certain sense, red culture is a 6393919 "the magnificent revolutionary history of the Communist Party of China, the history of arduous struggle, and the heroic history that can be sung and wept". It is not only a historical witness of the leadership core of the Communist Party of China, but also a key to understanding the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the red culture has a historical and logical correlation with the socialist spiritual civilization, which adds a revolutionary background to the latter and injects soul into the establishment of the party and the country. The red culture embodies the ideals and beliefs of the Communist Party of China, inherits the patriotic tradition of the Chinese nation, records the course of China's socialism from scratch, from a spark to a vigorous development, pins on the people's ardent expectations for national independence, national prosperity and strength, embodies the wisdom of the working people, and its temperament, quality and spirit still have a strong penetrating power in time and space in China today. We are faced with the mission of the times of how to shake off poverty and become rich in the old revolutionary areas that are the birthplace of red culture, renew the charm of red classics, make the red flag fly in the tide of the market, and enable red genes to be inherited, so that spiritual civilization will not lose its revolutionary background and spiritual power. (7) Family style and family training are the main carrier of spiritual civilization construction, and the family is the cell of society, as well as the base and spiritual home for people to settle down and live. The establishment of the family is not only related to the survival of the family, but also restricts the long-term peace and stability of the country to a certain extent. House rules are tangible norms and the basis of family style; Family style is an invisible spirit, the soul of family rules, which is integrated into the blood of family members and becomes an ethical mark that distinguishes families from each other. "The authors of successive generations of family mottos have asked their descendants to establish an ideal society with benevolence as the core and etiquette as the form; Children and grandchildren are required to practice the concepts of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faithfulness, loyalty, forgiveness, filial piety, and obedience, and take this as a life creed, a philosophy of dealing with the world, an aesthetic taste, and a method of learning. "6393920 the way of being a man, the principles of dealing with the world, and the wisdom of life contained in the famous ancient family disciplines such as "Yan's Family Training" and "Discipline and Thrift and Shikang" are still of enlightening significance to future generations, but the content of their patriarchal hierarchy should be stripped away and transformed into modernity. The compatibility between family rules and national law, family style with party style and people's style, and family ethics with the spirit of modern democracy is the concrete implementation of socialist spiritual civilization in the important carrier of the family. (8) Language civilization is a direct manifestation of the construction of spiritual civilization "When an individual accepts and masters a language and discourse, it is correspondingly related to the cultural traditions, values, and ways of thinking condensed in it. "6393921 only by relying on language can human thinking activities be objectified, so that we can explore the truth, needle the shortcomings of the times, reward good and punish evil, and sow civilization in material production practices and social activities. Whether it is the segmentation of speech, the structure of grammar, the style of semantics, or the pragmatic situation, we can discover the knowledge system, moral system, and aesthetic system contained in it, and then analyze the intrinsic value and meaning of spiritual civilization. A country's language is a record of a country's civilization, the essence of a nation's culture, and the source of self-esteem, self-confidence and pride for the country and the nation. In the postmodern, globalized and networked era, the language of the Chinese nation is facing various challenges, the fragmentation of language, the ambiguity of semantics, the confusion of grammar and the loss of local languages have brought about the disorder of language ecology, it is necessary to promote the civilization and modernization of language from the level of national policies, defend Chinese civilization with correct words, enlighten people's hearts with beautiful language, build harmonious interpersonal relationships with sentences full of human warmth, and demonstrate China's soft power with a discourse system containing righteousness. III. The principle of building socialist spiritual civilization in the new era is, first of all, adhering to the people-oriented principle and satisfactorily realizing, safeguarding, and developing the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people is the fundamental starting point and foothold of the building of spiritual civilization. The masses of the people are the creators of civilization and should also be the holders of civilization. After 40 years of reform practice, China's material civilization has both accumulated quantity and made a qualitative leap, and the possibility for the people to enjoy the fruits of reform and development has a more solid material prerequisite. At the same time, the people's demand for spiritual civilization is increasing day by day and the requirements are higher. Subjective feelings such as "happiness" and "sense of gain" are no longer simply the simple expression of material life indicators, but also contain the subjective demands of the people for the supply of spiritual and cultural products, and contain the people's ardent expectations for a clean and upright ethical order, morality and righteousness, and a social system of freedom, equality, justice and rule of law. These are not only the objective guarantee of socialist spiritual civilization, but also must enable the masses of the people to transform themselves into their own spiritual strength through indoctrination and acquisition, and eventually grow into people with a sense of modernization. As Ingalls said: "The modernization of people is an indispensable factor in the modernization of the country, which is not a by-product of the end of the modernization process, but a prerequisite for the long-term development and success of the modern system and economy." "6393922 teaching the masses of people about modern life, cultivating the scientific spirit, cultivating the concept of democracy and rule of law, edifying the masses of socialist ethics and morality, and guiding the common ideals of socialism is a wise move in the interests of the masses of the people, which in turn will enhance the texture and richness of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics." Second, achieve a higher level of dialectical unity and dynamic balance between material civilization and spiritual civilization. At the beginning of reform and opening up, "grasping with both hands and attaching equal importance to both" was established as a fundamental principle for China's modernization drive, and it played an important role in the process of ensuring the smooth progress of the great cause of reform and ensuring the socialist orientation of reform. But it is undeniable that "both hands" has not reached a true balance in the past 40 years of history. Compared with visible material civilization, hidden and internal spiritual civilization naturally appears relatively weak, and such "cost theory" and "uselessness theory" are very popular and once quite marketable. Because in the logic of GDP, spiritual civilization loses its right to speak because it cannot be quantified, and negative effects such as corruption, moral decline, lack of ideals, and entertainment supremacy are regarded as "taken for granted" because of the triumphant high level of economic growth. This practice of killing chickens and collecting eggs is undoubtedly extremely short-sighted and one-sided. Once spiritual civilization lags behind material civilization or is paid for as a price, the edifice of material civilization will eventually collapse. In the period of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the convergence between material civilization and spiritual civilization has a realistic possibility, and the new mission of sharing the fruits of development by the people puts forward higher requirements for the ideological realm, moral level and civilization level of the people, and also puts forward higher requirements for the country's governance ability and social construction ability. The shared spirit, humanistic feelings, the consciousness of equality, the concept of justice, the virtue of fraternity, the character of tolerance, the demand for democracy, the integrity of official morality, the expectation of governance and other values and concepts are not only the results of the construction of spiritual civilization, but also the conceptual guarantee for the dynamic balance between spiritual civilization and material civilization. Third, carry forward the spirit of the times, innovate contents and methods, and enhance the vitality of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. As mentioned above, although the original spiritual civilization construction has made relatively rich achievements, the research in the past decade has been relatively weak, and the existing theories can no longer meet the needs of the progress of the times. Especially after China achieved the status of the world's second largest economy, the phenomena of people's mental poverty, spiritual poverty, spiritual poverty, and spiritual poverty did not disappear, but to a certain extent, they intensified, which inevitably affected China's international prestige. Therefore, we should grasp the pulse of the times, incorporate the cultural connotation of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the meaning of the times of informationization and networking, and the value consensus of globalization into the construction of spiritual civilization, so that it can integrate the elements of modernity and information science on the basis of adhering to the essential characteristics of socialism, so as to make the most beautiful harmony in the symphony of the times. This means that the content and methods of spiritual civilization construction in the past should keep pace with the times, such as the original content of the "two major plates" that needs more detailed and specialized scientific argumentation, the core socialist values need to penetrate into all aspects of social life, so as to be able to play a leading role in the spiritual life of the people in a down-to-earth way, cultivate and implement socialist moral education according to the personality type under the conditions of market economy, and use network technology, self-media and other means to innovate the dissemination of Marxist theory , grasping the age characteristics of the people, especially adolescents, so as to realize the integration of traditional indoctrination methods and modern people-oriented methods, etc. In short, when people break the sense of alienation from the rigidity, dogmatism, and seriousness of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, take the initiative to integrate the lofty and advanced requirements of spiritual civilization into their specific fields of life, and consciously practice the concrete laws of civilization that conform to the essence of socialism and the laws of real life, civilized literacy, sound personality, and noble sentiments will not be empty words. Finally, inherit the Chinese cultural context, carry forward the Chinese spirit, and promote the modernization of Chinese culture. In recent years, China's peaceful rise has caused foreign scholars to re-examine Chinese civilization, and there have been constant debates about the Chinese model, Chinese path, and Chinese civilization. Both Brzezinski's assertion that the Chinese model will be "seen as an increasingly attractive alternative" by other developing countries 6393923 or Martin Jacques's 6393924 that China's rise is not a threat to the world, show the importance that Western scholars attach to the uniqueness and influence of Chinese civilization and the Chinese spirit. However, foreign scholars' views on Chinese civilization are based on "Western-centric theory", and there are many prejudices and misinterpretations. What's more, the views of some Western scholars conceal the sinister intention of "killing China" in the name of advocating the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization. To understand the true face of foreign scholars' attitude towards China's spiritual civilization and the various ideological strategies that Western society peddles China in an implicit or explicit way, what we need is to strengthen cultural self-confidence and use cultural soft power to build China's core competitiveness. As the genes and bloodline of the sons and daughters of China, Chinese traditional culture is the spiritual nourishment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and has an unchangeable precedence. The inheritance and revival of Chinese traditional culture requires the essence of traditional culture to be incorporated into our souls, and the recitation of flat rhythms, bowing to the classics of ritual music, and strengthening the promotion of sinology do not lie in the reproduction of forms, but in the adherence and development of traditional cultural genes, so that they bloom with infinite vitality. Chinese traditional culture embodies the common emotions and ideals of the Chinese nation, and its re-emergence and great rejuvenation bring together the common voice of the whole nation, keeping the roots and advancing with the times, accepting all rivers and rivers without being presumptuous, forging works full of Chinese charm in more forms, so that China's good stories go abroad and China's good voice penetrate into the hearts of the people, which is the mission of socialist spiritual civilization construction.(AI翻译)





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