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基金信息: 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重点项目(L18ALW001);辽宁省教育厅科学研究重点项目(WSNZD201703)资助 展开















Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, after 40 years of reform and practice, China has broken down all ideological and institutional obstacles that hinder the development of the country and the nation, opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and enabled China to make great strides to catch up with the times. 6476983 now, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and ushered in the bright prospect of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 6476984 Since China's reform and opening up, its economic and social development has made great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. The reason for this can be described as a difference between the benevolent and the wise, and scholars have given their own answers from different perspectives such as economics, sociology, history, and political science. However, from the philosophical level, it does not provide a satisfactory answer. If we say that in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, we have embarked on a "Chinese road" that has changed the fate of the nation and the world pattern, then it is necessary to explain the logical trajectory behind the "Chinese road". The "Chinese road" full of reform spirit is a socialist road with Chinese characteristics. On the one hand, China's reform practice "does not follow the old road of closure and rigidity", and on the basis of summing up the practical experience of establishing and building the socialist system since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has gradually stepped out of the traditional socialist model represented by the Soviet Union's "Stalin model", and established a "socialist market economic system" from a command-based planned economy, through "planned economy as the mainstay, supplemented by a market economy" and "a planned commodity economy", and "enabling the market to play a fundamental role in the allocation of resources under the state's macro-control". Today, "make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources" and "better play the role of the government" (mainly scientific macro-control and effective government governance). On the other hand, China's reform practice "does not follow the evil path of changing the banner and changing the banner", and in the process of drawing on the useful experience of foreign countries, it avoids the "shock therapy" of the "Hayek-Sachs paradigm" of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, adopts the so-called "standard capitalism", "market fundamentalism" and "complete westernization", adheres to and improves the socialist economic system, and combines top-level design with "crossing the river by feeling the stones". At the same time, in the practice of reform in China, the tendency to weaken people's freedom of will and freedom of choice in the planned economy era has been corrected, and the subjectivity and reality of lost people have gradually been restored and developed. The command economy of obedience and the dogmatic one-sided emphasis on centralized decision-making by the central authorities, subordination of subordinates to their superiors, and obedience of the whole party to the central government were replaced by a socialist market economic system that paid more attention to the freedom of human individuality, self-realization, and provided conditions for all-round human development. Adhering to the people-centered, respecting the people's dominant position, giving play to the initiative of the masses, and closely relying on the people to promote reform have stimulated the enthusiasm of the grassroots (individuals, enterprises), and this gradual reform has been steadily advanced. The above-mentioned historical process of China's reform practice contains a relatively clear rational logical process, that is, the transformation from absolute rationality to Marx's practical rationality has been realized. This logical transformation prototype occurred in the transformation of Hegel's philosophy to Marxist philosophy that absolutized reason, reflecting the general trend of philosophy and social thought in the modern world. Absolute reason has a deep historical depth in the history of the development of Western philosophy, from ancient Greek philosophy to German classical philosophy, the development of human reason has gradually moved towards the supreme and all-powerful altar. The French Enlightenment philosophy gave reason an absolutist temperament to fully grasp the world and transform society and spirit, and the supremacy of reason was expressed socially, politically, and culturally. Although the "ideology" of reshaping society and the human spiritual world with conceptual science was rejected by Napoleon, "ideology" did become a major symbol of the deification of reason in the Enlightenment. In Hegel's philosophy, reason achieves the philosophical completion of the absolutization of reason in a speculative metaphysical way in which the entity and the subject are the same. As a self-acting logical being, the absolute concept becomes the God-like "creator of real things" in the logical process of self-regulation and self-development. The metaphysical spirit embodied in Hegel's philosophy that is above all things and governs everything in itself, and the French Enlightenment philosophy's belief in the omnipotence of natural sciences and the "ideological" impulse to transform the social and human fields and the spiritual world in the way of natural science, combine to form a concept of "absolute rationality". "Absolute reason" is the absolute conviction that reason and its alienated metaphysical forms (such as Hegel's absolute ideas, etc.) can know and grasp the world comprehensively and infinitely. It insists on the infinity of rational cognitive ability, firmly believes that human reason can not only fully understand and control the laws of nature, but also comprehensively understand the inevitable laws of social history, and once this ultimate metaphysical knowledge is mastered, it can comprehensively reconstruct the natural and socio-economic structure according to this truth knowledge schema. In the course of social history in the 20th century, "absolute rationality" was manifested not only as a scientist belief in the infinite ability of reason, but also as a dogmatic political concept that absolutized theoretical knowledge. It is not only manifested in the recognition of the overall value priority and absolute collectivist values by metaphysical thinking, but also manifested in the belief in the planned economy that advocates the control of the economy by the state and the government and abolishes the status of individual economic subjects. "Absolute Rationality" plays out a rebellious play in the arena of ideas behind economics. For example, scientific rationalism as its expression should have played a role in the field of nature, but with the spread of scientism, it has encroached on the field of human social and economic development, and with the so-called gorgeous "scientific" appearance of mathematics, models, etc., human understanding of history, social and economic development is increasingly divorced from reality and people themselves. "Absolute reason" is embodied in the vision of Hegel's philosophy as a "holistic" approach, in which the supremacy of the state, the collective, and the organization annihilates the reality, historicity, and agency of the individual. This monotonous "holistic" approach, later imposed on Marxist philosophy due to its dogmatic way of thinking, became an important theoretical basis for the old socialist tradition of the "Stalin model" in the former Soviet Union. Marx's concept of practical reason was gradually established in the abandonment of "absolute reason" represented by Hegel's philosophical theory. The growth of its rational concept has gone through Kant's idealistic rationality, young Hegelian liberal reason, Hegelian absolute reason, Feuerbach humanistic reason, and finally formed practical reason, and finally made the concept of human thinking gradually transform from the creator of real things to the ideology generated by practice. At the same time, it also regained the human body with reason, and after opposing "reason without body" and "reason of false body", reason became the rationality of the subject of social practice. In this process, its "theory of human nature" has also been perfected, and the essence of human beings is the sum of all social relations, but also the subject of realistic, historical and rational social practice. China's reform practice holds high the banner of Marx's practical reason, understands Marxist philosophy from the perspective of "practice", corrects the deviation of previous Marxist philosophical understanding, strengthens the discourse power of Marxist philosophy in the field of economic thought, changes the dogmatic thinking mode under absolute rationality, makes China's economic development out of the traditional planned economic model, avoids one-step, comprehensive market-oriented "shock therapy", and regains human reality and subjectivity. It has fully mobilized the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of people as the main body of market economy construction, and thus achieved economic and social development achievements that have attracted the attention of the world. China's reform practice in the past 40 years has been magnificent. The era is the mother of ideas, and practice is the source of theory. This book is only a superficial work based on previous research, limited to the author's limited theoretical cultivation and limited grasp of the times and practice, and there will be omissions and improprieties in the discussion in the book, and I sincerely hope to be criticized and corrected by colleagues. I hope to leave a shallow footprint on the road of theoretical exploration of reform practice. Li Ming, October 2018(AI翻译)





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