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一 “互联网+”社会救助的内涵












二 “互联网+”社会救助的研究意义






I. The connotation of "Internet +" social assistance Since China proposed the "Internet +" strategy, scholars of civil affairs theory and policy research and social assistance business handling agencies of civil affairs departments have actively explored the integration and development of "Internet +" and various social assistance businesses. The subfields of "Internet +" social assistance, such as "Internet +" urban and rural residents' minimum living guarantee assistance, and "Internet +" natural disaster relief, have become hot research fields. However, many existing studies have lagged behind in the understanding, framework, scope and trend of "Internet +" social assistance, and even have erroneous views. Some people believe that the Internet is only a new type of network platform, network infrastructure and technical tools in the new media era, and the so-called "Internet +" social assistance is nothing more than introducing such platforms and tools into offline social assistance work, which will not change the essence of social assistance work and has little practical significance. There are also views that "Internet +" social assistance is a gimmick of the government, criticizing the reform and development direction of "Internet +" social assistance offline business, and even some staff within the civil affairs system have a vague understanding of the "Internet +" social assistance strategy, and lack confidence in the transformation and sustainable development of "Internet +" social assistance. In short, these views and judgments do not accurately recognize and deeply understand the connotation of "Internet +" social assistance. The theoretical and policy implications, research framework and scope of "Internet+" social assistance are at least but not limited to the following nine aspects. First, "Internet +" social assistance is not only a new type of platform, infrastructure, tool and channel in the new media era, it has become a normal working mode of social assistance handling institutions and private public welfare charities engaged in social assistance, and an indispensable social assistance administrative management system, public service system and business model. The intelligence of social assistance items, the online collection and payment of donations, and the changes in the mobile intelligent terminal system have gradually weakened the color of Internet technology tools. There have been disruptive changes in the work of social assistance. For example, the integration of the Internet and medical institutions gave birth to telemedicine assistance, the integration of the Internet and fundraising gave birth to the crowdfunding model, the integration of the Internet and disaster rescue gave birth to UAV disaster rescue, the integration of mobile communication network and satellite positioning system gave birth to disaster rescue LBS location services, and the integration of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) and disaster rescue gave birth to tracing and rescue services. Second, the "Internet +" social assistance business platform is not just the website of civil affairs departments and social assistance handling agencies. It is not limited to PCs, but also includes terminals supported by mobile Internet technology. For example, smart phones and technology-supported WeChat public accounts, clients, and Weibo; Intelligent mobile terminal supported by mobile Internet technology. In 2015, the Ministry of Civil Affairs launched the natural disaster social assistance APP system, which is the product of the integration of smart phones and client software. Third, "Internet +" social assistance is not just a form of work produced by putting offline social assistance business on the Internet. It not only has the inevitable trend that the deepening development of the Internet needs the integration and traction of social assistance business, but also has the reality that the development of social assistance business needs the support of the Internet. The two need each other and deeply integrate each other, no longer simply grafting, let alone civil affairs departments and social assistance agencies to use the Internet when needed, and can abandon the Internet when they do not need it. Nowadays, people's daily life and the operation of social organizations are inseparable from the Internet, especially the mobile Internet and the Internet of Things it supports. Civil affairs departments and social assistance agencies cannot, should not and dare not abandon the integration of the Internet and social assistance business. At present, the rumors originating from WeChat Moments put great pressure on the civil affairs department, and if they leave the WeChat public account, government affairs Weibo, government affairs client, and official website, it will be more difficult for the civil affairs department to refute the rumors. Fourth, "Internet +" social assistance is not only the business of civil affairs departments at all levels and social assistance handling agencies, but also a cause that requires the joint efforts of disaster reduction departments, earthquake departments, meteorological departments, marine departments, human resources and social security departments, financial departments, land and resources departments, public security departments, health and family planning departments, big data management departments, Internet information management departments, and the military. At present, these departments are also actively promoting the integration and development of the Internet and the industry, and the contact between civil affairs departments and social assistance agencies and these departments cannot leave the Internet. For example, the economic verification of the families of urban and rural minimum living security assistance recipients by social assistance agencies requires the cooperation of human resources and social security departments, financial departments, public security departments, health and family planning departments, and financial departments. Fifth, "Internet +" social assistance is not only a matter for the government alone, nor is it a business undertaken by civil affairs departments and social assistance agencies at all levels. It also needs the full support of Internet companies, non-governmental charitable organizations, caring people and other types of enterprises. For example, in disaster relief such as the Lushan earthquake, the Ludian earthquake, the Tibet earthquake, and the Funing typhoon disaster, Internet companies such as Baidu, Tencent, and Sina have shown advantages over the government in response speed and efficiency in searching for relatives and saving people, crowdfunding, location services, information dissemination, and rumor correction, and their participation is gradually changing the original mode of government-led disaster relief. In the Wenchuan earthquake relief, Tencent's Internet crowdfunding platform played an important role; In the Ya'an earthquake relief, Baidu's role in finding relatives and saving people, crowdfunding and fundraising, location services, information dissemination, and rumor correction has been highly recognized by the public and government departments. Sixth, "Internet +" social assistance has changed the concept that donated funds are rescue. Public welfare charities raise funds through Internet crowdfunding platforms to help the needy, but raising funds is not the only role of the Internet. Micro-class distance education assistance, WeChat video tutoring assistance, online employment agency assistance, "Internet +" agricultural product sales technical assistance assistance are all contributions of "Internet +" social assistance. Telemedicine assistance, family search, location services, psychological counseling, spiritual comfort, information dissemination, rumor correction, etc. in disaster relief are also contributions to "Internet +" social assistance. Seventh, "Internet +" social assistance is not only the cause of civil affairs departments, domestic public welfare charities, caring people, caring enterprises, and Internet companies, but also the common cause of people all over the world. Today, the Chinese government, public welfare charities and some countries, regions and international organizations abroad have established social assistance and mutual aid cooperation mechanisms. If we only focus on the integration and development of "Internet +" social assistance in China, and ignore the internationalization of social assistance work, it is a backward concept. Some countries, regions and international organizations abroad have also participated in China's social assistance work. The international development of social assistance is naturally inseparable from the Internet, which is sometimes not only a matter of how much money is rescued, but also the embodiment of the country's image and the responsibility of a big country. Eighth, "Internet +" social assistance does not require people to entangle themselves in the logical sequence of integration of the Internet and traditional business. Some studies emphasize that it is necessary to distinguish the difference between "Internet +" social assistance and social assistance "+ Internet", and believe that the correct logical order is social assistance "+ Internet", not "Internet +" social assistance. It is believed that the former is the introduction of the Internet into social assistance business by civil affairs departments to improve work efficiency and service quality; The latter is the extension of the Internet industry to the field of social assistance business. In our view, it makes little sense to distinguish between the two who is first and who is behind. The state's "Internet +" traditional business strategy does not emphasize the need to clarify the logical order of the two, but more emphasizes the need to follow guidelines and principles such as "integration, sharing, openness and development". The integration of the Internet and social assistance business should also comply with these guidelines and principles. The perspective of "Internet +" social assistance is that Internet enterprises extend offline and enter the social assistance business field; The perspective of social assistance "+ Internet" is that civil affairs departments and social assistance handling agencies introduce the Internet to improve work efficiency, service level and business quality. In fact, the contribution of the Internet is much more than that. In recent years, Internet companies have played an advantage over government services in disaster tracing, crowdfunding, telemedicine assistance, psychological counseling, spiritual comfort, distance education assistance, big data services, location services, information dissemination, and rumor correction. As long as it is conducive to the healthy development of social assistance, there is no need to clarify the logical order of the two. The Interim Measures for Social Assistance define the "8+1" social assistance framework, of which "1" refers to social participation. The integration of Internet enterprises into the social assistance cause is a move that benefits the country and the people, and there is really no need to entangle in which of "Internet +" social assistance and social assistance "+ Internet" is the correct statement. Ninth, "Internet +" social assistance is not only an interconnected physical network, but also a new economic and social form, a new economic and social form closely related to people's daily life and production. Different from informatization, it can be regarded as an implicit interconnection combination ignored by people's subjective consciousness, bringing together various resources such as financial payment, information, news, entertainment, logistics and other offline resources. Some studies believe that the essence of "Internet +" is the diffusion and application process of a complete set of information technologies such as mobile Internet, big data technology, and cloud computing dominated by the Internet in various sectors of economic and social life. Therefore, the essence of "Internet +" social assistance is the online and data-based social assistance undertaking. This assertion about the nature of "Internet +" social assistance from a technical perspective is inaccurate. Second, the research significance of "Internet +" social assistance At present, the integration and development of China's Internet and traditional government affairs is still in its infancy. The same is true of the integration of the Internet and social assistance, and there are still many key and difficult issues that need to be studied in depth in the three aspects of basic theoretical research, policy and regulation construction and practical work exploration. At present, China has built a diversified social assistance network system, including urban and rural residents' minimum living guarantee assistance, "five guarantees" and "three no" special hardship relief, marginal household assistance, severe disabled people, medical assistance, education assistance, housing assistance, natural disaster relief, temporary assistance, judicial assistance, employment assistance, vagrant and beggars rescue, emergency relief, etc. These types of social assistance have all achieved varying degrees of integration with the Internet. For example, the integration of the Internet and the minimum subsistence guarantee assistance for urban and rural residents has given birth to a cross-departmental cooperation mechanism of "one-stop acceptance and coordinated handling"; The integration of the Internet and medical institutions has produced a telemedicine assistance model; The integration of the Internet and fundraising gave birth to an Internet crowdfunding platform; The integration of the Internet and disaster relief has produced tracing services; The integration of the Internet and the employment of poor people has formed an online employment service assistance. From the current development status, the integration of "Internet +" urban and rural residents' minimum living guarantee assistance, "Internet +" natural disaster relief, and "Internet +" social participation is relatively fast and the effect is slightly better, but there are still many problems. For example, the "one-stop, collaborative handling" cooperation mechanism is an Internet collaborative office model built by the long-term efforts of multiple departments, but at present, only a few official portals of provincial civil affairs departments have opened this service. And the various collaboration departments limit the use of the platform to internal government. In this way, the recipients of the minimum livelihood guarantee, social organizations and the public cannot handle relevant matters remotely through this platform. For example, there are many rumors in the WeChat circle of friends (Guo Meimei eating dibao, etc.), and civil affairs departments at all levels also know that the mobile Internet has a great power to mislead public opinion, but among the 31 provincial-level civil affairs departments in the country, only a few provinces such as Beijing, Zhejiang Province, and Shandong Province have opened WeChat public accounts; Only about 1/3 of the provinces have opened Weibo government affairs; There are very few websites that go online with government clients; Only a few provinces offer barrier-free browsing services, such as Shanghai and Fujian Province. There are many such problems, not only in terms of technology, funds, construction progress, etc., but also in theory, concepts, regulations and other aspects. Today, the integration of the Internet and social assistance is no longer controlled by the will of the civil affairs department and the social assistance handling agency. The following set of data shows why the integration of the Internet and social assistance must accelerate. In July 2016, the China Internet Network Information Center released the "38th Statistical Report on Internet Development in China", showing that by the end of June 2016, the size of China's Internet users had reached 710 million, the size of mobile Internet users reached 656 million, and 92.5% of the people used mobile phones to access the Internet. The number of online government service users reached 176 million, accounting for 24.8% of the total number of Internet users. Among them, the utilization rate of government services obtained through the government's WeChat public account was 14.6%, which was the most used online government service method by netizens. The utilization rate of government services through government microblogs was 6.7%; The usage rate of government affairs through government mobile app and WeChat government affairs office was both 5.8%. Although these data are not unique to the integrated development of the Internet and social assistance, they have great warning and enlightenment significance for civil affairs departments at all levels and social assistance handling agencies. How to deal with the dynamic and balanced development between social assistance, government affairs supply and social diversified needs in the new media era is a topic that must be paid great attention to and in-depth research. For example, the Internet economic verification system of the minimum livelihood guarantee assistance information has the problem of imbalance between supply and demand, and the staff of the street minimum livelihood security section fill in the data according to the standardized form, and then report it to the civil affairs department at the district and county level, and the district and county civil affairs department then reports to the civil affairs department. However, there are management problems and technical problems in the feedback process, and the district and county civil affairs departments in some areas use QQ to send back screenshots, which is neither standardized nor safe. Moreover, the district and county civil affairs departments print out the paper version of the data sheet, and the staff of the street minimum living security section need to go to the district and county civil affairs department to check which one belongs to the street one by one from the thick paper data sheet. Such business processing and management mechanisms will inevitably lead to increased workload and low efficiency. If district and county civil affairs departments can fully consider the Internet supply mode and the willingness of grassroots streets to demand Internet offices, then work efficiency can be greatly improved. The integrated development of the Internet and social assistance is a brand-new field, and this book conducts research in accordance with the "8+1" framework stipulated in the Interim Measures for Social Assistance, but it does not comprehensively discuss the integration and development of the Internet and each social assistance system, nor does it comprehensively analyze the interconnection between all relevant government departments involved in social assistance; It does not focus on basic theoretical research, but focuses on the practical work of civil affairs departments. In terms of research content, it focuses on the construction of Internet government infrastructure of civil affairs departments, disaster reduction departments and social assistance agencies, "two micro and one end", "Internet +" social participation, and "Internet of Things +" natural disaster relief. On the one hand, it will conduct in-depth research on the above issues that have not been systematically explored by the academic community, examine and summarize the main problems, dilemmas and future trends in the integrated development of the Internet and social assistance, and provide operable policy suggestions for the integrated development of Internet and social assistance practices. On the other hand, it is hoped that the bricks and stones will also provide some accumulation for more academic teams to carry out in-depth research. The publication of this book has received strong support and assistance from Lu Xiaosheng, editor of China Social Sciences Publishing House, and relevant comrades. I would like to express my sincere thanks. In the process of compiling this book, we have referred to the relevant works and teaching materials of domestic and foreign scholars, and it is difficult to mark them all, please understand and thank you. Although this book has been reviewed, revised and solicited for comments many times, due to the lack of time, coupled with the limited level of the compilers while learning, mistakes are inevitable, please criticize and correct.(AI翻译)





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