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有清一代,我国商品流通的范围较明代有了明显扩大。随着海禁的开放,华北平原、长江中上游各省的经济发展,以及东北、台湾等新区的开发,沿海、沿江贸易都有了大规模拓展,而新疆、蒙古等地与内地的贸易也有了长足发展。其中,与南方沿海贸易相对应的北部边疆贸易活动,一方面使蒙古地区与中原地区之间通过频繁的商贸往来,有力推动了口内外社会经济的快速发展;另一方面则以中俄恰克图边境贸易为契机,最终将中国纳入以恰克图为中心的国际性区域市场之中。由此可见,清代北路贸易已构成了中国商业史发展过程中不可磨灭的一笔,更是中国北部边疆地区社会经济发展的主要力量和重要体现。与此相应,基于明代钞关发展起来的用于征收长途商品流通税的清代榷关,逐步成为仅次于地丁钱粮、盐业的国家税课中商业税的主体,完全可以从客观上反映全国范围内长距离商品流通的繁荣以及区域经济的发展程度。本书以杀虎口、张家口和归化城三个清代北部边疆重要的榷关为中心,综合运用中国第一历史档案馆和台北故宫博物院的大量档案资料,从北路三关的历史沿革、制度演进,尤其是实征关税的波动与分配、贸易项目统计以及贸易额估算等诸多方面来揭示清代北路贸易的一般发展路径,并对之做出了较为深入的分析和评价。本书的具体研究过程主要突出了以历史实证与计量统计相结合的方法,并坚持了“论从史出”的基本原则。总体看来,北路三关的发展脉络清晰表明榷关与清代北路贸易以及北部边疆区域经济之间存在着紧密的内在联系。榷关虽然是政府设置并强制性征收长途商品流通税的经济部门,其设置之初具有政府层面的财政考量,尤其是北路三关所在地还兼有出于维护国家安全和促进民族融合的战略意义,但在实际运行过程中,其对于清代北部边疆区域经济的发展是不可或缺的影响因素,间接成为区域经济发展的内在驱动力。从某种意义上来讲,清代北路三关与北部边疆区域经济变迁之间具有一种双向互动关系。本书的研究表明,在较为稳定的社会环境下,畜牧经济的发展和蒙古人民对内地生产、生活用品的迫切需要与汉族商人对蒙古地区畜产品的青睐之间形成了一种恒久不变的互动关系,而“互通有无、有裨民生”已成为清代北路贸易的特质所在,这就从根源上揭示了清代北路贸易能够长时间保持一种旺盛态势的原因所在。由此而来,北路三关的产生和演进过程便富有浓厚的时代和地域特征,而这些特征则进一步使清代北路贸易呈现出不同于南方沿海贸易的发展轨迹。由于清代北路贸易涵盖汉蒙民族贸易以及中俄恰克图边境贸易两个方面,且贸易区域毗邻京畿,因此,无论从管关人员的民族身份和官员委派制度层面考虑,还是从北路三关的关税分配制度考察,清政府对北路三关实施了较为稳定的特殊管理。从以上分析角度来看,虽说北路贸易承担着清政府“以商制夷”的政治诉求,但也同时肩负着维持不断增长的内帑需求和保障军事驻防的特殊“责任”。由此而来,清代北路贸易不得不在相对更为开放、自由的政策环境下得以发展。当然,其中的发展过程并非一帆风顺,但即便面对曾经出现的所谓闭关、禁市等政策障碍,充满生机的民间贸易始终构成清代北路贸易的一种律动,推进其不断向前发展。从定量统计结果来看,囿于多种客观因素,由北路三关实征关税估算得出的清代北路贸易发生额,乃历年实际贸易流通的最低值。其具体发展路径可划分为曲折中不断上涨的乾隆时期、繁荣中保持稳定的嘉道时期、遭遇顿挫的咸丰时期、贸易格局发生剧变的同治时期以及剧烈震荡的光绪时期5个阶段。至于影响北路贸易发展的影响因素,从客观上讲,主要体现于国家政策环境、时局不靖及自然灾害带来的冲击;从主观来讲,榷关管理制度的混乱及商人的偷漏行为则是北路贸易发展难以逾越的障碍。清代北路贸易的发展轨迹揭示出一个重要结论:以北路三关为中心的汉蒙民族贸易与中俄恰克图边境贸易是清代中国北路贸易中两股异常活跃的力量,它们的繁荣发展促使口内与口外蒙古地区及俄国之间形成了一个良好的市场圈。也就是说,不论是汉蒙贸易还是中俄贸易,其最终结果都是通过商贸往来促进了北部边疆区域市场的繁荣,因此这个较为成熟的大市场即便出现局部危机,也不会立刻使整个北路贸易一损俱损。在此背景下,由明代汉蒙市场所逐渐演化到清代北路贸易主要市场的杀虎口、张家口乃至归化城,无论在市场本身的建筑规模方面,还是大宗流通货物的种类和数量方面,都在清代有了显著的扩展和增加,逐渐成为通向西北和北部俄蒙地区的枢纽和商业门户。其中,杀虎口着重体现出一种进出口商品“转运站”的市场功能,而张家口和归化城则不仅是进出口商品的“转运站”,而且是重要的货物集散地、著名旅蒙商号的据点和商业依托城镇。因此,就清代北路贸易所形成的中、俄、蒙大市场而言,北路三关在其中扮演了极其关键的重要角色,积极推动了北路贸易的向前发展。毋庸置疑,它们已经完全具备了我国北方城乡网络市场体系中的流通枢纽城市的功能,而这些功能的发挥从侧面印证了清代北路贸易在推动中国北部边疆区域经济发展所作出的突出贡献。 关键词:清代 榷关 北路贸易 关税 贸易额

In the Qing Dynasty,the scope of circulation of commodities in China has expanded significantly over the Ming Dynasty. With the opening up of maritime restrictions,North China Plain,the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in the economic development of provinces,as well as the Northeast,Taiwan,coastal,river trade has been large-scale expansion,in addition,Xinjiang,Mongolia’s trade with the Mainland has been developed. In particular,especially northern border area trade activities has made a strong impetus to the unexpectedly economical development in the Northern border area society,but also take the Sino-Russian kyakhta trade as the turning point,and ultimately take China into the center of an international regional markets. It can be seen that the North Trade in the Qing Dynasty has already constituted the very important part of the Chinese commercial history developing process,which has been the main force in the process of modernization. At the same time,the gains of customs has become important state revenue in the Qing Dynasty,which can objectively reflect the nationwide longdistance circulation of commodities and the level of regional economic development.In this book,the author take the Shahukou,Zhangjiakou and Guihua city as the center,and use a large number of files in the China’s National Palace Museum and the Taipei Palace Museum to reveal the general path of the development of North Trade,included the historical evolution of three customs,internal personnel and tax administration,the change of fixed tax,in particular,the volatility of actual tariffs and the specific distribution,trade statistics,as well as the estimates of actual trade. This book specifically has highlighted the method which the historical real diagnosis and the measurement analysis unify,and adhere to the basic principles of the“theory from the history”. Generally speaking,the development of three customs has clearly shown that the close inner link between the customs and the North Road the Qing Dynasty. On the one hand,The active business circulation promoted the formation and the development of the customs; on the other hand,the improvement of customs brought further social goods around the region’s economic prosperity.This book shows that,in the more stable social environment,animal husbandry economic development and the urgent need for daily business of the production of the Mongolian People,and Han nationality in favor of animal has formed a kind of interaction relations. Therefore,“mutual,beneficial to people’s livelihood”has become a characteristic of North Trade in the Qing Dynasty,which reveals the reason for the North Trade’s prosperities. Therefore,the generation and evolution of Shahukou,Zhangjiakou and Guihua city will be endowed with a strong historical and geographical characteristics,which has been different from the development of coastal trade.Due to the specificity of the North Trade in the Qing Dynasty,the Qing government implements a more stable management for Shahukou,Zhangjiakou and Guihua city. From the above analysis point of view,although North Trade assumes the political task of the Qing government,at the same time,it shoulders the responsibility for maintaining the growing financial demand of the internal affairs government and protecting the military garrison. Therefore,the North Trade in the Qing Dynasty has developed in the relatively more open and free environment. Of course,the development process has not always been smooth,however,even in the face of the barriers of so-called the policy of closeddoor,vibrant non-governmental trade has impetus the North Trade develops forward.From the results of the quantitative analysis,due to a variety of objective factors,the volume of the North Trade estimated from three customs’tariffs is the minimum value of trade flows. In the Qing Dynasty,the development of the North Trade can be divided into five stages,that is rising in the twists and turns of the Qianlong period,to maintain prosperity and stability in the Jiaqing and daoguang period,suffered setback in the Xianfeng period,two forces progressive differentiation in Tongzhi time,as well as the turbulent period in Guangxu time. As for the Influencing factors for the North Trade,from the objective,which mainly reflected in the national policy environment,poor situation and the impact of natural disasters; from a subjective term,the customs’management system and businessmen’s evasion are the insurmountable barrier to the development of North Trade.The track of development of the North Trade reveals an important conclusion: The trade between Han Nationality and Mongolian national minority,as well as Sino-Russian kyakhta trade are the two forces of the North Trade in the Qing Dynasty. Their prosperities urged a market circle between the northern China border area and Russia in the Qing Dynasty. In other words,No matter what kind of trade,the final results are the prosperity of the regional market. Therefore,even a partial crisis was produced in the more mature market,which will not immediately affect the entire North Trade.In this context,Shahukou,Zhangjiakou and Guihua city have become the key position and business portal hub to the north-west region and northern regions of Russia and Mongolia,which are in a significant expansion and increased gradually both in the size of the market building itself,or the flow of goods in bulk quantity and type. Among them,Shahukou reflects the market functions for import and export commodities. Zhangjiakou and Guihua city are not only the“transfering station”for import and export of goods,but also an important goods distribution center and the commercial cities and towns relied on by the well known business firms. Thus,Shahukou,Zhangjiakou and Guihua city play a key role in the development of the North Trade,which have actively promoted the development of North Trade. There is no doubt that they are bound to have been fully equipped with the functions of the hub cities in the network market system of urban and rural areas in the northern China,which has confirmed that the North Trade had made the outstanding contributions to the modernization of the Northern China in the Qing Dynasty. Key words: Qing Dynasty; Customs house; North Trade; Customs duties; Volume of the trade





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