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一 撰写《中国产业结构演变史(1949—2019)》的意义


二 撰写《中国产业结构演变史(1949—2019)》的指导思想








































三 《中国产业结构演变史(1949—2019)》的历史分期










I. The significance of writing "The History of the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure (1949-2019)" From the perspective of Chinese academic circles, works on industrial economics have been published for many years, but works on the history of industrial structure have not yet been seen. This disciplinary gap needs to be filled urgently. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "historical research is the foundation of all social sciences" 6611711. Obviously, this principle is also fully applicable to the study of the history of industrial structure evolution. The study of the history of the evolution of industrial structure is not only the basis for the further development of industrial economics, but also necessary for the further development of economic history research and economic research because it is an important part of the entire economic history research. According to the author's experience, this is also the requirement put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping that Chinese philosophy and social sciences should continuously promote the construction of discipline system, academic system, discourse system and innovative 6611712. It is based on this consideration that the author tried to do some exploration in this area and write this book to teach the academic community. II. The Guiding Ideology for Writing the History of the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure (1949-2019) The writing of this book must adhere to the guidance of Marxism. Marxism reveals the universal laws of human society, nature and the development of thinking. In recent years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the extreme importance of adhering to Marxism as a guide in philosophy and social science research. He said: "Adhering to Marxism as the guide is the fundamental mark that distinguishes contemporary Chinese philosophy and social science from other philosophy and social sciences. "In our country, if we do not adhere to Marxism as the guide, philosophy and social science will lose its soul, lose its direction, and ultimately cannot play its due role." 6611713 "On the fundamental issue of upholding Marxism as our guide, we must be unswerving, and we must not waver at any time or under any circumstances." Of course, 6611714, the application of Marxism must be combined with reality and must be developed in light of reality; Otherwise, it will not only be impossible to become the guiding ideology of practice, but will also become a rigid dogma that harms practice. This means that to uphold Marxism as the guiding ideology, it is necessary to adhere to the Chinese-style Marxism that combines the universal truth of Marxism with China's practice and the characteristics of the times as the guiding ideology. According to Deng Xiaoping, "We firmly believe in Marxism, but Marxism must be integrated with China's reality." Only Marxism in light of China's actual conditions is the true Marxism we need. 6611715 in order to illustrate this point, it is necessary to briefly describe the development of Chinese-style Marxism. Mao Zedong combined the general principles of Marxism-Leninism with the greatest reality of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, fundamentally negated the "left" dogmatism that copied the revolutionary path of capitalist countries, created the theory of new democracy (including the theory of democratic revolution and the theory of new democratic society) 6611716, and led the Chinese people to overthrow the reactionary rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, establish the People's Republic of China, and complete the new democratic revolution. A new democratic society was established. He then led the Chinese people to realize the transition from a new democratic society to a socialist society, established the basic economic system of socialism, and initially established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system. Deng Xiaoping combined the general principles of Marxism with the greatest reality of the initial stage of socialism in China, and based on the scientific summation of the experience of China and other socialist countries in the world, fundamentally negated the previous mistake of our country in copying the Soviet planned economic system, and created the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. According to his own words, "Whether it is revolution or construction, we must pay attention to learning from and drawing on foreign experience." However, copying the experiences and models of other countries can never be successful. We have learned many lessons in this regard. Integrating the universal truth of Marxism with the specific reality of our country, following our own road, and building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the basic conclusion we have drawn by summing up our long-term historical experience. 6611717 the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics pioneered by Deng Xiaoping was further developed significantly during the 12th to 18th National Congresses of the Communist Party of China. Under the guidance of this theory, China's economic reform and economic development have made historic achievements, mainly: the basic framework of the socialist market economy system has been established and improved; On the basis of achieving overall moderate prosperity, decisive steps have been taken on the road of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. General Secretary Xi Jinping conformed to the trend of development of the times, systematically answered the biggest question of the times of what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to adhere to and develop in the new era, and how to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, from the combination of theory and practice, and founded Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, China has made all-round pioneering achievements in reform and development, achieved profound and fundamental changes, and turned Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era into a vivid practice. This practice fully proves that Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a new historical stage of the development of Chinese-style Marxism. The above history shows that in the 70 years since the founding of New China, both the economic program of the new democratic society implemented in its early days, or the socialist revolution and socialist construction and reform and opening up line realized later, were all carried out under the guidance of Chinese-style Marxism. Therefore, from a materialist point of view, writing "The History of the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure (1949-2019)" guided by Chinese-style Marxism is only a true reproduction of this historical development process. To persist in taking Marxism as the guide, we must follow the following basic principles. First, we must adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts. Mao Zedong once made a complete scientific definition of the principle of seeking truth from facts. He said: "'Fact' is everything that exists objectively, 'is' is the internal relationship of objective things, that is, regularity, and 'seeking' is what we study." We should proceed from the actual situation at home and abroad, inside and outside the province, inside and outside the county, and inside and outside the region, and draw from it its inherent rather than imaginary regularity, that is, to find out the internal connection of things and serve as a guide for our actions. And in order to do so, it is necessary to possess the material in detail not on the basis of subjective imagination, not on the basis of momentary enthusiasm, not on the basis of dead books, but on the basis of objectively existing facts, and draw correct conclusions from these materials under the guidance of the general principles of Marxism-Leninism. 6611718 Deng Xiaoping spoke highly of the important position of the principle of seeking truth from facts in Marxism. He said: "Seeking truth from facts is the basis of the proletarian world outlook and the ideological basis of Marxism. Seeking truth from facts is the essence of Marxism. Therefore 6611719 starting from historical facts has become the basic starting point for writing this book. It is impossible to accomplish its mission without proceeding from historical facts but from principles. However, the historical facts mentioned here must be critically examined, de-falsifying the true, not mixing the false and the real; It is from the sum of all the facts, from the connection of facts to grasp the facts, not fragmentary and random selection; It is a large number of facts that reflect the requirements of objective laws, rather than individual accidental phenomena; It is a typical fact that expresses the essence, not an illusion that distorts the essence. The use of historical facts to describe the historical process of the evolution of this industrial structure is an important feature that all historical works, including this book, must have in terms of narrative form. This is a major difference from the abstract discourse taken by economics in its analysis of problems that is divorced from concrete historical forms. In connection with this feature, this book also has its own characteristics in the order of the chapters. Marx, in his discussion of the order of economic categories in the capitalist part of political economy and the directly related parts, pointed out that it is not possible to arrange economic categories according to the order in which they have played a decisive role in history, it is wrong. Their order is determined by their mutual relations in modern bourgeois society. In contrast, the study of the history of the evolution of industrial structure must be divided into chapters according to the order of historical development stages. This does not mean that the book can be left without a logical approach. In fact, when the history of the evolution of industrial structure describes various economic problems in a certain historical period, there is also a problem of the order of the various aspects. Since all these aspects are in the same historical stage, there is no order of historical development; The sequencing of these aspects cannot be made historically, but can only be determined by their interrelationship in the social economy. This is also the case with the order in which the various arguments raised by the analysis of a particular economic problem are presented in this book, which is a work of historiography. However, historiography's logical approach in these two respects is still different from political economy: the latter can take the form of abstract arguments, while historiography must be elaborated through historical facts. In this regard, it can be called a method that is dominated by historical methods and combined with logical methods. Second, productivity standards must be adhered to. Lenin, on the basis of Marxist principles on the relations between productive forces and production and between the economic base and the superstructure, emphasized the decisive role of productive forces in the creation of historical materialism. He clearly pointed out that "only by attributing social relations to the relations of production and to the level of productive forces can there be a reliable basis for viewing the development of social formations as a natural historical process." It goes without saying that without this view, there would be no social science. 6611720 Mao Zedong applied this principle to the practice of China's new democratic revolution. It is emphasized that "the policies and practices of all political parties in China play a good or bad role in Chinese the people, and in the final analysis, whether and how much they help the development of the productive forces of the Chinese people, and whether they constrain or emancipate the productive forces 6611721." Later, Mao Zedong applied this principle to the practice of China's socialist revolution, and once again pointed out, "China's current social system is much superior to the social system of the old era." If it does not win, the old system will not be overthrown and the new system will not be established. The so-called socialist relations of production are more suitable for the nature of the development of the productive forces than the relations of production in the old era, which means that they can accommodate the rapid development of the productive forces at a speed that the old society did not have. Thus the production expands so that the growing needs of the people can be gradually met. 6611722 Deng Xiaoping applied this principle to the practice of China's reform and opening up, and in view of the long-standing mistake of ignoring this principle since 1958 and the tendency that existed in the reform process at that time, he repeatedly emphasized: "The essence of socialism is to liberate the productive forces, develop the productive forces, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and ultimately achieve common prosperity." "There are many tasks of socialism, but the fundamental one is to develop the productive forces, to embody superiority over capitalism on the basis of the development of the productive forces, and to create a material basis for the realization of communism." For a long time we neglected the development of the productive forces of a socialist society. He also pointed out in a clear-cut manner that "the criterion for judgment should be whether it is conducive to developing the productive forces of socialist society, whether it is conducive to enhancing the comprehensive national strength of socialist countries, and whether it is conducive to improving the people's living standards 6611723." Therefore, writing this book must adhere to productivity standards. This is the basic requirement of historical materialism. If this criterion is not adhered to and other standards are adopted, then the historical process of the evolution of the industrial structure that this book aims to reveal cannot be scientifically explained. As far as the history of the evolution of the industrial structure is concerned, the most important criterion for the reasons for its changes and the evaluation of its advantages and disadvantages must and can only be: whether it is conducive to the development of social productive forces. Third, we must uphold the decisive role of the leadership of the Communist Party of China in economic change and economic development, including changes in industrial structure. Because the establishment of China's new democratic society, the transition from a new democratic society to a socialist society, and the transformation from a planned economic system to a socialist market economic system were all carried out under the leadership of the Party. Moreover, the market economy, determined by China's national conditions, cannot be a classical and laissez-faire market economy, nor a general, modern market economy with state intervention, but a special market economy with more state intervention. Of course, this intervention is based on the market, which is the main way to allocate social production resources. In this way, if it is separated from the party's leading role, then the process of China's economic development (including the process of smooth development and the process of suffering serious setbacks) cannot be explained. It is precisely for this reason that when describing the evolution of the industrial structure in various periods of New China, each article in this book must first describe the line proposed by the Party during this period and its implementation process. This is by no means a formalist approach, by no means superfluous, but to truly reproduce the process of China's economic development. Of course, this is by no means to say that the line put forward by the Party is correct and has played a positive role in all periods and in all aspects. In fact, certain periods or aspects of certain periods were flawed and wrong and played a negative role to varying degrees. This needs to be objectively evaluated according to the specific conditions of economic development in each period. But without the party's leading role, the course of China's economic development cannot be explained. China's great achievements in economic development after the reform and opening up have been widely praised as a world miracle by international public opinion. In fact, the most important "mystery" of this miracle is the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China. It is precisely this point that is unique to the initial stage of socialism in China and cannot be possessed by any other country. As General Secretary Xi Jinping summed it up, "The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. "As long as we deeply understand China's modern history, China's modern history, and China's revolutionary history, it is not difficult to find that without the leadership of the Communist Party of China, our country and our nation would not have achieved the achievements we have today, nor could we have the international status we have today." 6611724 emphasize this point, which is not contradictory to the historical materialist principle that the productive forces determine the relations of production and that the economic base determines the superstructure, but is unified. On this point, Mao Zedong made an incisive explanation. He said: "The contradiction between productive forces and production relations, productive forces are the main thing; The contradiction between theory and practice, practice is the main thing; The contradiction between the economic base and the superstructure, the economic base is the main one, and their status does not transform into each other. This is the insight of mechanical materialism, not the insight of dialectical materialism. It is true that the productive forces, practice, and economic base are generally manifested in the role of the main determinants, and whoever does not recognize this is not a materialist. However, it must also be recognized that the relations of production, theory, and superstructure are, under certain conditions, in turn manifested as the main decisive role. When the productive forces cannot develop without changing the relations of production, the change of the relations of production plays the main decisive role. When, as Lenin said, 'Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement,' the creation and promotion of revolutionary theory played a major decisive role. ...... When the political culture and other superstructures hinder the development of the economic base, political and cultural innovation becomes the main decisive thing. Is it a violation of materialism when we say this? No. Because we recognize that in the general historical development, it is material things that determine spiritual things, and it is the existence of society that determines the consciousness of society; But at the same time, it is recognized and must be recognized that the reaction of spiritual things, the reaction of social consciousness to social existence, the reaction of the superstructure to the economic base. This is not a violation of materialism, it is precisely the avoidance of mechanical materialism and adherence to dialectical materialism. 6611725 book talks about upholding the decisive role of the leadership of the Communist Party of China in China's economic reform and development, based on the above-mentioned Mao Zedong theory. But this decisive role includes two aspects: first, these theories were formed by the Chinese Communist Party on the basis of concentrating the wisdom of the Chinese people; Second, these theories were realized by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Fourth, we must adhere to the theory of the interrelationship between ownership of the means of production as the basic economic system and the economic system as its realization form. History shows that under a variety of socio-economic systems, there are two aspects: the basic economic system and the economic system. For example, under the feudal system, there have been two economic systems, such as the lord economy and the landlord economy, under the capitalist system, there have also been a classical laissez-faire market economy and a modern market economy system with government regulation, and under the socialist system, there have also been a planned economy and a market economy system. Generally speaking, whether it is a basic economic system or an economic system, its development and changes are determined by whether it meets the requirements of the development of social productive forces. However, both act on the development of social productive forces (including promoting the development of social productive forces or hindering the development of social productive forces). If only in terms of the interrelationship between the two themselves, the basic economic system determines the economic system, but the economic system also acts on the basic economic system (including promoting the consolidation and development of the basic economic system, or hindering the consolidation and development of the basic economic system). Therefore, in order to faithfully reflect the objective process of China's industrial structure evolution, it is necessary to describe the roles of both the basic economic system and the economic system. This would not be possible if only one aspect of it was taken care of. Fifth, we must uphold the spirit of "critical and revolutionary" as the essence of dialectics. 6611726 General Secretary Xi Jinping spoke highly of this spirit. He said: "Philosophy and social science should have a critical spirit, which is the most valuable spiritual quality of Marxism. 6611727 this spirit is the embodiment of the law of contradiction unity that is at the heart of dialectics. According to The Theory of Contradiction, "the question of the universality or absoluteness of contradiction has two significances. One is that contradictions exist in the development of everything; The second is that there is a contradictory movement in the development of every thing from beginning to end. 6611728 fact, the process of economic transformation and economic development (including the evolution of industrial structure) in all periods of New China is also full of contradictions and struggles, especially the struggle between the Marxist line and the "left" line, as well as the struggle between correct and wrong claims. Therefore, if the critical and revolutionary spirit inherent in Marxism is ignored in the writing of this book, then this process cannot be correctly explained. But as a work of historiography, this critique lies mainly in the process of historical narrative. This is different from economic theory writings. Sixth, insist on the study of quantitative relations throughout the book. Economic development, like everything, is the unity of quality and quantity. Therefore, if we only pay attention to the qualitative aspects of the historical process and ignore the quantitative aspects, it is impossible to fully reflect the historical process. There is now a popular view that the use of quantitative relations in the study of economics is an original creation of modern Western economics. This is a misconception. Marx said long ago that a science can only be truly developed when it reaches the point where it can use mathematics. 6611729 science Marx is talking about here obviously includes economics. In fact, Marx used mathematics in many places in his magnum opus Capital. In particular, he revealed the formula of simple social reproduction and expanded reproduction, and used mathematics to reveal the operation process of social reproduction in a complete form. So far, it still maintains guiding significance for the macroeconomic regulation and control of all countries in the world. Of course, with the development of the era of industrial economy to the era of knowledge economy and the development of science itself, contemporary Western economics has greatly advanced in applying mathematics to the study of economics than in Marx's time. Marx used mathematics as a research tool for economic research, serving the objective economic laws he wanted to reveal. This is a principled difference from some of the current academic circles in China that use mathematics for the sake of using mathematics, and even through unnecessarily complex mathematical models to make mysteries. Due to the limitations of conditions, this book mainly uses systematic statistical information when describing the process of economic history in quantitative relations. 6611730 is still the way forward in the use of mathematical models. Of course, the use of systematic statistical data to describe historical processes is also an indispensable and important aspect of economic history research. Seventh, the principle of innovation is integrated throughout the book. Marx said: "If the manifestation of things and the essence of things are directly integrated, all science will become superfluous"6611731. This means that the task of science is to reveal the innovation of the nature of things. General Secretary Xi Jinping spoke highly of innovation. "The vitality of theory lies in innovation," he said. Innovation is the eternal theme of the development of philosophy and social sciences, and it is also an inevitable requirement for social development, deepening of practice and historical progress for philosophy and social sciences. He also pointed out: "Philosophy and social science innovation can be big or small, revealing a law is innovation, putting forward a theory is innovation, expounding a truth is innovation, and creating a way to solve problems is also innovation." Accordingly 6611732 this book follows the line of "economic reform and economic development (including the evolution of industrial structure) proposed by the Party in various historical periods→ which leads to achievements in the evolution of industrial structure (this is most periods) or imbalances (this is a few periods), → the role of industrial structure evolution (including positive effects and side effects) and its experience and lessons", and attempts to construct an overall framework for the study of the history of the evolution of China's industrial structure. Of course, this is just an exploration, and whether it is appropriate or not, it remains to be confirmed by practice and evaluated by readers. 3. The History of the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure (1949-2019) Based on the above-mentioned basic theory of historical materialism, this book takes the changes in production relations and productivity as the criteria for dividing each stage in the historical process of industrial structure evolution. This is not only a concrete application of historical materialism, but also helps readers grasp the characteristics of each stage of the evolution of industrial structure. This book takes the basic economic system of society or the change of economic system as the main criterion for the periodization of the history of the evolution of industrial structure, and is indicated by the main title; For most of the period, the changing state of social productivity is used as a second criterion and is indicated by subheadings; In individual periods, political factors are also used as secondary criteria, also indicated by subheadings. In this way, the phases of the history of the evolution of the industrial structure of New China are: first, the industrial structure of the new democratic society - the industrial structure during the period of economic recovery (October 1949-1952); second, the industrial structure in the transitional period from a new democratic society to a socialist society—the industrial structure during the period when the initial foundation of socialist industrialization was established (1953-1957); Third, the industrial structure during the period of the implementation of the planned economic system (I) - the industrial structure during the "Great Leap Forward" period (1958-1960); Fourth, the industrial structure during the implementation of the planned economy system (II) - the industrial structure during the "Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976); Fifth, the industrial structure from the planned economy to the socialist market economy - from the realization of food and clothing to the overall moderate prosperity and then to the overall moderate prosperity stage (1979-2011); Sixth, the industrial structure of the period of comprehensive deepening of reform with a focus on economic reform - the industrial structure of the stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way (2012-2019). It should be noted that the "eight-character" policy of focusing on adjustment implemented from 1961 to 1965 was in line with the situation at that time and played an important role in economic recovery and development during this period. At that time, however, there was no fundamental change in the general line of "left" socialist construction. Important progress was also made in 1977-1978 in the recovery and development of the economy. However, at that time, the general line of socialist construction of the "left" was continued, so these two periods were fundamentally different from the situation after 1979, neither of them had the importance of changing the line, and their role in the change of industrial structure was not obvious. For the sake of brevity, this book omits the details of the evolution of the industrial structure in these two stages, and only briefly describes them in the relevant texts.(AI翻译)





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