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网络媒体是具有一定资质、利用网络从事新闻传播的机构或公司。在过去十几年的发展中,新闻单位及其网站始终扮演着专业的新闻基础生产力角色,但流量落后、经营空间狭小。商业门户网站凭借新闻聚合,试错式地积极填补由网络技术进步所不断敞开的“价值缺口”,流量领先、营收可观。2005年web2.0启动,用户创造内容、用户网络社交,都对网络媒体经营产生了深远影响。2009年中国3G元年标志移动互联时代到来,传统三大商业门户(以新浪为代表)、新闻单位网站又共同面对基于个人用户提供价值、防止用户流失、桌面网络向移动网络转移三大重要课题。同在2009年,中国新闻单位转企改制启动,2012年4月人民网登陆上海A股市场,转企改制取得阶段性重大成果。同年4月,上海东方网股份有限公司正式揭牌,同其他中央级和地方重点新闻网站一道,正积极接受辅导、谋求上市。种种迹象表明,新闻单位网站除继续担负专业的、新闻基础生产力角色,正走向前台,经营面临全面启动,体系外借鉴、坚守专业与公信、顺应网络经济基本规律,当是基本路径。商业模式是价值创造与价值实现方式的简洁描述,是体现网络经济最新关注点的经营逻辑。传统商业门户转型、新闻单位网站经营启动,在很大程度上是成功商业模式的搭建与创新问题。在学术层面,商业模式框架自20世纪90年代由西方学者提出,引发国内外管理学者和新闻传播学者广泛讨论,众说纷纭。回应现实与理论问题,本书以PEST模型分析网络媒体的宏观环境,以“结构—行为”这一产业经济学基本传统分析网络媒体产业结构,分析网络媒体组织的资源特征,以上构成网络媒体经营的内外制约因素。然后,沿着网络媒体价值创造与价值实现的一般线路,抓住“价值与关系”两个重要关注点,透视网络媒体的经营现实与理论变迁,最终总结与尝试性建构网络媒体商业模式框架,希望其成为分析网络媒体经营现实、助力战略决策的富有弹性的管理工具。实证与规范结合是本文的基本研究方法。网站数据定期抽样、用户调查、专家访谈、案例收集、财报解读,尤其亲身实习体验,都为本文提供了大量实证材料。管理学经典、传媒经济学和传播学构成本文的理论基础,同时最新的网络经济学、价值网络等理论亦打开了本文的研究视野。PEST模型分析网络媒体的宏观环境发现三种产业驱动力:国家力量与政策扶植是启动性驱动力、网络技术是革命性驱动力、用户是来自市场与社会的根本驱动力。波特五力模型下,融合是网络媒体最显著的结构特征,其本质在于边界的打破,“关系”成为融合趋势下的重要经营要素。网络引发社会底层变革,使得人、财、物、信息高度节点化,资源间关系构建更加高效,更新了人们的资源观,关系正成为一种“资源的资源”。新闻单位网站资源集中在政府、事业单位、国企及本系统内,亟待拓展系统外、市场、用户资源。STP是价值主张的经典理论,但在网络经济最新发展和媒体经营实际中显露“单向直线性、简单化”局限,加入关系思维是一种修正:用户细分除“质与量”加入社会关系指标,增加对合作伙伴的识别,借力关系进入市场,最终以“一种关系的确立”实现定位。人民网亟待“大众性”突破,东方网则需立足上海深耕。网络媒体的经营现实表明,伙伴、用户、员工这三个关系对象是网络媒体价值创造的主体,发展三种关系对于价值创造至关重要。自身强、伙伴强、整合强是核心竞争力视角下的伙伴关系战略。媒体平台与用户的关系、用户与用户的关系是网络媒体发展用户关系的两个层面,真诚高效服务、后台设置排行呈现话题、激活用户为自己创造价值,是发展用户关系的现实路径。构筑共同愿景、开展实质性沟通、培育良好组织文化是发展员工关系的根本。关系维系对于有“盈利时滞”特征的网络媒体尤为重要。价值提供与沟通是关系维系的一般原则。用户关系是网络媒体关系核心,通过升级、孵化、延伸,持续为用户创造价值是用户关系维系的现实路径。网络媒体的价值实现,较之传统二次销售和影响力经济有了很大变迁。来自于市场竞争与博弈的网络媒体一般商业模式提示:网络媒体的新广告价值在于海量信息匹配与可测量效果的提供,增值服务是价值满溢之后的统计性盈利,二者内在关联、相互促进,搜索与微博广告、腾讯社区与微博企业版分别是二者典型案例。四大商业门户的财务分析提供了实证数据支撑,明确提示优化盈利组合关系、利用人工逻辑—计算机语言所赋予的网络智能对于网络媒体经营的重要性。总结全书,网络媒体商业模式分作三个层面,并具有“间接性与复杂性”两大特征。在理论的商业模式框架层面,尝试建构具有弹性特征的商业模式框架,并作出举例说明和不足之处研讨。以核心竞争力创建新组合强烈影响网络媒体的经营未来。结合新闻单位网站现实,核心竞争力再认、内容为王背后的关系意味、地方新闻网站的经营空间与战略取向是本书提出讨论的问题。关键词:网络媒体 商业模式 价值 关系

Network medium is the qualified news communication company or institution with the Internet.Press institution and its website has always played the professional role of basic news productivity in the past 10 years,but the flow backward,the marketing space narrow.Business portal website,with news aggregator,and actively filling the continuous“value gap”caused by advances in network technology,traffic leading and revenue considerable.Since Web2.0 in 2005,user-generated content and social networking,have farreaching impact on network media.Since the arrival of 3G mobile internet in 2009,news institution websites and the 3 traditional business portal face the same challenges: value providing based on individuals,the possible flow down preventing,and the transferring from desktop to mobile internet.Also in 2009,the renovation of turning some main press institutions into companies started up,and as a great result,People.com landed on Shanghai A-share market in April 2012.Also in April 2012,Eastday.com company founded and has been on the road to share market.There are indications that the press institution and its website is moving toward the front desk,the basic approach is to learn from outside the system,conform to the basic law of network economy and still adhere to professional journalism.Business model is the concise description of value creation and value realization,reflecting the business logic of the network economy and its new concerns.The transformation of traditional business portal,and the press website marketing startup,to a large extent,depend on successful business model.On academia,the business model framework proposed by Western scholars since 1990s,triggered wide discussions both at home and abroad.Responding to reality and theory,this paper analyzes network media macro-environment with PEST model,and the industrial structure and resources with the tradition of“structure-conduct”.Then,it focuses on “value and relationship”along value creation and realization,to reflect the changes of business realities and theory from traditional media to network.Finally,the paper attempts to construct a business model framework of network media,which is expected to be a flexible management tools to analyze managing reality and help strategic decision-making.The paper is based on empirical and normative research.Periodic sampling website data,users surveys,interviews,personal internship experience,case collection,and interpretation of earnings provide lots of empirical materials.Management classic,Media Economics and Communication Studies constitute the theoretical basis of this article,and at the same time,the latest Network Economics and Value Network broaden the research horizon.There are 3 industrial driving forces: state power and politics as starting force,network technology as revolutionary driving force,the users as fundamental driving force of market and society.With Porter's Five Forces Model,convergence is the most significant structural feature of network media industry,and the nature of convergence is the breaking down of borders,making “relationship”a prominent managing component.As a revolution of social bottom,Network is making man,money,material,message“nodes”,and the relations among these resources can be built more efficiently,and so relations are becoming“resource of resources”.Press website resources are concentrated in the government,public institutions,state-owned enterprises,and press system,needing to develop more resources from market and outside its own system.STP is a classical value proposition theory,but“one-way linear,sim-plistic”limitations are exposed with the latest development of the network economy and media operations.Adding relations thinking is a correction: adding relationship consideration to the“quality and quantity”when users segmenting,identifying the partners,leveraging the relations to enter market and finally position the market with establishing a relationship with the users.People.com needs“the mass”breakthrough.Eastday.com needs being based in Shanghai.Partners,customers and employees,the three relationship objects of network media are the main value creators,and so it is essentially important to develop the three relationships.Strengthening network medium itself,developing strong partners,strengthening integration are the main partnership strategies from Core Competitiveness Perspective.Customer relationship can be subdivided into 2 levels: the relationship between Media platform and users,the relationship between the users.Sincere and efficient service,the backend setting topics and the front presenting ranking,activating users to create their own value,are the approach to developing customer relationship.To develop employee relationship,it is essential to build a shared vision,carry out substantive communication,and cultivate good organizational culture.Relationship Maintenance is especially important for network media with the feature of“Earnings Delay”.Value providing and communication is the principle to Relationship Maintenance.The user relationship is the core.Upgrading services,hatching new platform,and extension to mobile internet,network media continue to create value for the user,and so maintain user's relationship.Compared to traditional 2-Time-Sale and Influence Economics,value realization of network has greatly changed.The General Business Model resulted from competition shows that online AD is to match mass information and present measurable effect,and the AVS is a statistical earnings based on value overflowing.AD and AVS promote each other,while Searching and Weibo AD,QQ community and Weibo enterprise edition are the typical cases respec-tively.The financial analysis of business portals empirically explain the importance of optimizing profit combination and taking advantage of new media intelligence based on artificial logic-computer language.In summery,network media business model can be divided into three levels,characterized by indirectness and complexity.In theory,the paper constructs a flexible Business Model Framework,which is illustrated and discussed about its weaknesses.Network media are expected to create new combinations with the perspective of Core Competence.According to the Press Website reality,the core competitiveness recognition,consideration of the relationship connotation behind content,and the marketing space and strategy of regional Press Website are discussed.Key words: Network Media Business Model Value Relationship





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