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Research on Chinese Baijiu Sustainable Supply Chain Management Decision Making Model and Its Application













第三章以某一白酒企业的网络布局为原型,研究了白酒行业可持续供应链网络设计优化问题。这涉及多个不确定性研究。比如配送中心选择的随机不确定性、配送中心的配送量的不确定性、从酒厂到配送中心的运输模式的不确定性、从配送中心到需求点路径的不确定性,管理者需要通过模型和算法进行优化决策,实现最小化供应链总体成本、最小化碳排放以及最大化社会影响力的目标,由此提出了一个多目标多阶段的集成优化决策模型。通过 R语言求出了最优解决方案。随后,将模型和算法应用到了四川一家白酒企业的可持续供应链网络布局实际案例中,对结果进行了分析和讨论,说明了模型和算法的科学性和有效性。

第四章针对模糊环境下的白酒可持续供应链供应商选择问题做了进一步研究。当产品出现问题时,一般会追根溯源,找到供应商。因此,供应商选择已经成为企业关注的重要方面。针对供应商可持续发展的要求,提出了经济维度、环境维度和社会维度三个可持续维度的15个供应商选择指标。考虑到面对的决策环境具有模糊不确定性,运用模糊 DEMATEL算法对供应商选择指标进行了重要度分析和原因结果分析。随后,将模型和算法应用到四川一家白酒企业的可持续供应链选择案例中,验证了模型和方法的有效性和实际可操作性。

第五章鉴于供应链风险管理的重要影响,探讨了白酒可持续供应链中的风险管控问题。对风险的维度、管理方法和白酒风险进行了介绍。在经济全球化的前提下,企业面临的环境越来越复杂,相应面对的各项风险也越来越多。通过风险识别,确定了经济、环境和社会三个维度30个风险因子,通过 FMEA方法进行衡量、评估,用算出的风险顺序数进行分析,结合相应环境给出了风险应对策略。随后,将模型和算法应用到了白酒企业的风险控制项目中来验证方法的有效性和实用性。

第六章在综合考虑白酒行业供应链特点的基础上,深入研究了可持续供应链的绩效评价问题。由于企业、消费者、政府、非政府组织等诸多利益相关者的影响,现代企业都会定期不定期地对所处的供应链进行评价。随着时代的发展,人们对环境和社会的关注也越来越重视,因此,对供应链的可持续性进行评价也越来越受到企业的关注。这里构建了基于经济、环境和社会三个可持续维度的15个供应链评价指标。考虑到评价问题的模糊性,将模糊理论与层次分析法和TOPSIS方法结合起来,用模糊 AHP方法求解指标权重,用模糊 TOPSIS方法进行方案选择。随后,将模型和算法应用到四川一家白酒企业的可持续供应链评价案例中来验证其有效性和科学性。



With the rapid development of economic globalization and knowledge economy,the market competition is becoming more and more fierce.The competition among enterprises has gradually developed into the competition among supply chains.In recent years,with the concern of environmental protection,economic performance and social responsibility,supply chain competition has evolved into sustainable supply chain competition.It can be seen that the construction of a highly efficient and sustainable supply chain has become the core and focus of enterprise development.Chinese Baijiu industry is an important material production sector of China's national economy,which plays an important role in the development of China's economy.However,there are many problems in Chinese Baijiu industry,such as overcapacity,structural imbalance,high logistics costs,waste and social responsibility.With the development of globalization,the market share of Baijiu companies has been eroded by foreign liquor.Wine,beer,fruit wine intensifies the competition.In such an environment,how can Chinese Baijiu enterprises stand in the fierce market competition?Supply chain management creates huge value to the enterprise.As a new research field of sustainable development and supply chain management,sustainable supply chain management integrates the three dimensions of economic,environmental and social thinking.Through the research on the network design,supplier selection,risk management and supply chain performance evaluation in sustainable supply chain,more and more scholars pay attention to both theoreti cal research and business practice,and achieved fruitful results.Therefore,it is a valuable research how to combine the theory of sustainable supply chain with the practice of Chinese Baijiu enterprises,and effectively solve the related decision-making problems.

Sustainable supply chain research involves a number of different management objectives.In general,the economic goal is one of the most concerned measures of the enterprise.Therefore,reducing any operating costs and improving any performance levels can improve the satisfaction of decision makers.At the same time,it is well known that the Chinese Baijiu production and sales activities will have a certain impact on the environment.In addition,business managers also face the social management objectives such as the working environment and the rights of shareholders.These interrelated and sometimes conflicting management objectives need to be explored in the optimization of supply chain management.The sustainable supply chain management thinking can help the decision-makers in Chinese Baijiu industry to achieve multiple management objectives,optimize the allocation of resources,and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

Generally speaking,sustainable supply chain management is characterized by uncertainty,ambiguity and dynamism.On one hand,due to the economic situation,environmental conditions and social factors will be unpredictable,Chinese Baijiu industry sustainable supply chain is often affected by various uncertainties.On the other hand,the relevant indicators of the supply chain management in the Chinese Baijiu industry can not be accurately expressed,but can be measured with fuzzy linguistic variables.In addition,the Chinese Baijiu industry sustainable supply chain management has the characteristics of dynamic change.With the development of the times,the sustainable supply chain is constantly evolving.This kind of uncertain dynamic sustainable supply chain management has brought great challenge to decision makers.

This book researches on sustainable supply chain management of Chinese Baijiu industry based on existing research and with the research tools of stochastic uncertainty theory,multi-objective theory and fuzzy theory.The organization of this paper is as follows:Chapter 1 is an introduction for research background,literature review for sustainable supply chain,Chinese Baijiu industry,supply chain network design,supplier selection,risk management and supply chain performance evaluation,and research framework.Chapter 2 reviews the theoreti cal foundations related to this book,including multi-objective programming theory,fuzzy theory,stochastic uncertainty theory and sustainable supply chain management theory.Chapter 3—6 are the main contents of this paper.Chapter 7 concludes with a summary.The following is an over view of the main content.

The research discusses the optimization of the sustainable supply chain network design in Chinese Baijiu industry with the network layout of a Chinese Baijiu enterprise in Chapter 3.This involves multiple uncertainty studies,such as the stochastic uncertainty of the distribution center selection,the uncertainty of the distribution volume of the distribution center,the uncertainty of the transportation mode from the distillery to the distribution center,the uncertainty path from the distribution center to the demand point.Managers need to optimize the decisionmaking model and algorithm by minimizing the total cost of the supply chain,minimizing carbon emissions and maximizing the social impact goals,which proposes a multi-objective and multi-stage integrated optimization decision model.The optimal solution is obtained by R language.Finally,this chapter applies the model and algorithm to the practi cal case of network design of Chinese Baijiu in Sichuan to show the scientific and efficiency of the methodology.

Chapter 4 makes the further research on the supplier selection of sustainable supply chain in the fuzzy environment.If products have problems,it will be traced to suppliers.Therefore,supplier selection has become an important aspect of corporate concern.In order to meet the requirements of sustainable development of suppliers,it puts forward three dimensions of sustainable development,the economic dimension,the environmental dimension and the social dimension,and develops 15 supplier selection criteria.Considering the uncertainty of decision making environment,fuzzy DEMATEL method is used to analyze the importance of supplier selection criteria and the cause analysis.Finally,the model and method are applied to the case study of a sustainable supply chain in a Chinese Baijiu company in Sichuan,and efficiency and feasibility of the model are verified.

In view of the important influence of supply chain risk management,the risk control in Chinese Baijiu sustainable supply chain is discussed.This chapter introduces risk dimension,management method and Chinese Baijiu risk.In the premise of economic globalization,enterprises are facing more and more complex environment,the corresponding risks are more and more complex.Through the risk identification,the three dimensions of economy,environment and society are identified,and the risk factors are measured by FMEA method.The risk sequence is analyzed by using RPN.Finally,the risk response strategies are is given according to the corresponding environment.Finally,the model and algorithm are applied to the risk control project of a Chinese Baijiu company to verify the efficiency and practicability of the method.

Considering the Chinese Baijiu industry supply chain,this chapter studies the performance evaluation of sustainable supply chains.Modern enterprises have to evaluate their supply chain regularly or irregularly due to pressures from enterprises,consumers,governments,non-governmental organizations and many other stakeholders.With the development of the times,people pay more and more attention to the environment and society.Therefore,the evaluation of the sustainability of the supply chain is more and more concerned by enterprises.This chapter establishes 15 supply chain evaluation criteria based on three sustainable dimensions of economy,environment and society.Considering the ambiguity of the evaluation problem,the fuzzy theroy and the analytic hierarchy process and the TOPSIS method are combined.The fuzzy AHP method is used to solve the criteria weight,and the fuzzy TOPSIS is used to select the alternatives.Finally,the model and algorithm are applied to the sustainable supply chain evaluation of a Chinese Baijiu enterprise to verify the effectiveness and scientificity.

In conclusion,this book studies the Chinese Baijiu sustainable supply chain optimization problem in a fuzzy random environment and its applications.It discusses network design optimization,supplier selection,risk control and supply chain evaluation.First,multi-objective programming model is established respectively for these four problems,and fuzzy random uncertain decision environment and its processing method are introduced.Then,based on the complex characteristics of the optimization problems and models,corresponding solution algorithms are designed respectively.Finally,the results and an analysis of a practi cal example at a Chinese Baijiu enterprise demonstrate the practi cality and efficiency of the proposed model and optimization method for these four sustainable supply chain problems.The proposed decision models and solution algorithms can help decision makers clarify decision-making levels and make a more reasonable and effective decision scheme,which is a practi cal significance to Chinese Baijiu sustainable supply chain research,and is also benefit to the theoreti cal research of multi-objective programming theory,fuzzy theory,stochastic uncertainty theory and sustainable supply chain management theory.





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