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STRENGTHING THE FRONTIER,DEFENDING TIBET:Zhao Erfeng's Management of the Sichuan Frontier during the Late Qing
四川省第十九次社会科学优秀成果获奖证书;教育部第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学) 著作奖 二等奖







基金信息: 国家社科基金 展开







今人考察康区之地方实业、现代教育、医疗等之滥觞,无不追溯到赵尔丰时代。赵尔丰在清末几年对川边的强力推行新政,是全国各地新政浪潮的共同推动的结果,唯一不同的是赵尔丰在川边的新政,是没有建立在任何社会经济发展的基础上,是完全的移植加上武力为后盾的进入,赵尔丰在川边的新政若是放在全国范畴里,只是一个组成部分,而且看起来似乎还不是太重要的一部分,6639489然而若是把赵尔丰的新政与川藏地区的改土归流、政治改革以及放在西南边防的角度,其意义就大不一样,更是与同时代的驻藏大臣们的拖延、急思退回形成了鲜明的对比。在英人紧逼之时,驻藏大臣文海在成都拖延不进,讨价还价并夹带私怨,不顾国家大局,与成都将军一起报复川督鹿传霖;裕钢则面对英人的所谓商谈视而不见,但等新的驻藏大臣有泰的上任,而深受恩宠的有泰在还没有真正接触藏事,就知难而退,不愿进藏,即使最后不得不入藏,也不思如何为国分忧,天天与友人赏景唱和度日。6639490把赵尔丰与其同时代或稍早时代的诸位驻藏大臣们的不顾大局、急谋脱身的情形相比,若用“鞠躬尽瘁” “一心筹谋边藏”等词汇评述之,一点也不为过。


一 有关赵尔丰评价问题














二 不同的视角与范式


与此同时,西方视角研究范式的变化更是明显。从早期以荣赫鹏(Francies Younghusband)为自己入侵拉萨的合理性做辩解;查尔斯·贝尔对西藏之过去与现在的认识;彼得·霍普柯克对闯入世界屋脊的人的梳理以及彼得·弗莱明回顾英国侵入西藏的历史等,6639528到20世纪80年代的加拿大学者谭·戈伦夫从英国入侵拉萨引起晚清王朝对西南边防(西藏)警觉的角度,提到了赵尔丰、张荫棠等在川边及西藏的改革,肯定了清末边藏经营的效果,等等。6639529这些研究基本与国内的研究一样,都是基于历史史实的传统史观下的叙事角度。虽然也有不同的视角,一如史伯林对赵尔丰的评论,6639530等等。


1998年夏威夷大学的William的硕士论文《书写藏族历史:中西史学有关封建主义和农奴制度的讨论》6639532,以巴塘为例解读川边历史。实际把新清史方法运用于川边研究的典型代表是王秀玉,2011年王在其2006年博士论文基础上出版了《中国最后的帝国边疆:晚清在川藏边境的扩张》6639533,采用新清史研究的“帝国”概念,考察川边地方势力与官方的关系,然而过分强调地方视角和帝国概念,使该文的分析有点脱离实际。玉珠措姆在《近代中国》上发表了《驯服康巴:民国时对康区的建构》一文6639534,对民国时期以任乃强为代表的川藏历史研究者等叙述策略进行了讨论,以说明康区是如何被建构出来的。这几位学者深受“族群理论” “帝国主义理论”以及“边缘”和“区域”视角的深刻影响。


最近几年最有分量的有关20世纪早期川藏问题研究的成果当数芝加哥大学李浩同(Scott Relyea)的博士论文《定睛青藏高原:20世纪初主权与中国国家权利的扩张》,李浩同把清末川边经营与随后民元时期的川藏地方变化一同考虑,放大了川边改土归流的影响及历史图景,提出应突破川边经营的反应——抵御视角,而应从地方、国家和全球化三个视角考察。6639539



三 回到地方视角


















四 主要内容与叙事框架









五 主要观点











In the late Qing Dynasty, expressions such as "Guchuan Preservation", "Baochuan Tuzang", "Anbian Preservation", "Anbian Collection", "Preservation of Guchuan" and "Gubian Tuzang" appeared frequently in discussions around the stability and security of Sichuan, Sichuan (formerly known as Kang District 6639488) and Tibet, and once became the core or hot spot of exchanges between officials in the southwestern frontier and the Qing central. The late Qing government's concern for Tibet and Sichuan changed from the initial "preservation" purpose of safeguarding the territory from being lost to the goal of "Tuzang" and "Collection" in an effort to operate and strengthen the country, from taking Sichuan as the base and starting point to taking Sichuan west of Sichuan and between Tibet and Sichuan and Yunnan as backup, and Sichuan and Yunnan as a backup, and Sichuan and Tibet changed from a "channel" that was often "obstructed" between Sichuan and Tibet to an important area in the links of "preservation" and "collection", and the operation of Tibet also changed from the original more conservative "preservation of Guchuan" or "preservation of Guchuan" and "preservation of Chuan Collection" and "preservation of Chuan Collection" In the late Qing Dynasty, the changes in the relations and business tactics of Tibet, Sichuanbian and Sichuan laid the foundation for the understanding of the policy and strategy of "raising Tibet and well-being" that later generations, especially during the Republic of China period and even today, focused on the planning and operation of Tibet and surrounding Tibetan areas. Sichuanbian refers to the Tibetan areas on the border between present-day Sichuan and Yunnan, Tibet, and Qinghai, and is now mostly under the jurisdiction of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province. After the Tang Dynasty, the Central Dynasty began to set up tusi in this area and implement fetter rule. In the late Qing Dynasty, due to changes in the situation, large-scale land resettlement was carried out in the region, and it was brought under the direct unified jurisdiction of the Central Dynasty. In the late Qing Dynasty, under the situation of internal and external difficulties, the gradual loss of barriers, and the increasingly severe troubles in the southwest, the late Qing Dynasty planned to strengthen the defense of the southwestern border and plan to rectify the river. And with the changes in the international and domestic situation, gradually deepen the understanding of the riverside. In the overall planning of the southwestern border defense by the Qing Central Central, the riverside gradually became important from the original Sichuan-Tibet passage, and was finally elevated to the status of a base for aiding Tibet. Under the circumstance that Tibet could not establish a province, it turned to focusing on the operation of the Sichuan border in an attempt to raise aid to Tibet and consolidate the Sichuan Province. In this process, Zhao Erfeng, then the minister of Sichuan-Yunnan border affairs, played an important role as a ruler in the Sichuanbian operation at the end of the Qing Dynasty [Zhao entered Sichuanbian from June of the thirty-first year of Guangxu (1905), returned to Chengdu in June of the third year of Xuantong (1911), and was actually in the border for four years (June of the thirty-first year of Guangxu to October of the thirty-second year, August of the thirty-fourth year to June of the third year of Xuantong)]. Zhao Erfeng was born as a donor, and was promoted from Jianchang Taoist to supervise the aftermath of the fireside, promoted to Sichuan-Yunnan border minister, nursing the governor of Sichuan, then promoted to minister in Tibet and Sichuan-Yunnan border minister, full-time Sichuan-Yunnan border minister, and finally transferred to Sichuan governor. In Bian Yinggong, he was named Qin Ming Tou Ding Dai, Shang Shu Title, and Wuyong Baturu by the Qing court, and was called Qin Cha by the people of Sichuan at that time. Along with the trend of the Qing Dynasty carrying out large-scale transformation into direct rule in the areas indirectly ruled by the territory, Zhao Erfeng entered Sichuan with force as the forerunner and "enwei and force", and in just seven years, he converted the land of the Tusi of Sichuan to the river, and changed it to indirect rule by the original bondage, which was directly under the central government's direct jurisdiction symbolized by the Sichuan-Yunnan border minister who "has the system of military government and the responsibility of supervising the localities". At the same time, under the wave of the nation's "New Deal", the self-seeking interests and self-preservation rights of the riverside were drawn up, and new policy measures such as reclamation, mining, trade, road and bridge construction, smooth passage roads, and erection of postal routes were implemented; Xingxue Yi used Confucian culture to assimilate Kawabe, with the intention of "civilizing and solidifying". Zhao Erfeng carried out the "New Deal" in Sichuanbian, which changed the political situation in Sichuanbian and made the economic development and cultural education of Sichuanbian in the modern sense from blank to slow start, and the changes brought to Sichuanbian in the seven years of Bian were the largest and most thorough change in the history of the region, and can be said to be the starting point and peak of social, political, economic and cultural changes in the modern Sichuanbian Tibetan area. At that time, when the national strength was weakened and the internal and external troubles were very serious, Zhao Erfeng's measures in the riverside effectively promoted the jurisdiction of the late Qing Central Government over Tibet, and also played a role in resisting British and Russian peeping into Tibet. Today's investigation of the local industry, modern education, medical care, etc. in Kang District all dates back to the Zhao Erfeng era. Zhao Erfeng's strong implementation of the New Deal on Sichuanbian in the late Qing Dynasty is the result of the joint promotion of the wave of New Deal across the country, the only difference is that Zhao Erfeng's New Deal in Sichuanbian is not based on any social and economic development, it is a complete transplantation and armed force as the backing of the entry, if Zhao Erfeng's New Deal in Sichuanbian is placed in the national scope, it is only a component, and it seems that it is not too important a part, 6639489 but if Zhao Erfeng's New Deal and the Sichuan-Tibet area are restored, The significance of political reform and the southwestern border defense is very different, and it is in sharp contrast to the delay and retreat of the ministers stationed in Tibet at the same time. When the British pressed on, Wen Hai, the minister stationed in Tibet, could not advance in Chengdu, bargained and carried personal grudges, and ignored the overall situation of the country, and took revenge on the Sichuan governor Lu Chuanlin with the Chengdu general; Yugang turned a blind eye to the so-called negotiations of the British, but when the new minister resident in Tibet, Youtai, took office, and the deeply favored Youtai had not really touched Tibet, he retreated in spite of the difficulties, unwilling to enter Tibet, and even if he had to enter Tibet in the end, he did not think about how to share worries for the country, and enjoyed the scenery and sang and spent time with friends every day. 6639490 compare Zhao Erfeng with his contemporaries or earlier ministers stationed in Tibet who disregarded the overall situation and rushed to escape, it is not an exaggeration to comment on him with words such as "dedication to exhaustion" and "single-mindedly planning to hide and bound." For this period of history, historians and policy researchers in the past mainly studied from the perspective of evaluating Zhao Erfeng's administration. Due to their political background, ideology and the concerns of scholars at different stages, they have different attitudes and views. Then, in order to solve the practical problems of governance in Tibetan areas today, some studies were carried out from the perspective of summing up historical lessons and lessons. In recent years, some young scholars abroad have emerged an upsurge of using geopolitical frontier politics, new Qing history theory and research methods to re-examine and interpret this period of historical facts. 6639491 1 Regarding Zhao Erfeng's evaluation Zhao Erfeng had the title of "Butcher of Zhao" when he signed Sichuan Yongning Road before entering Sichuan, and entering Sichuan in 1905 was also accompanied by force, and the "Seven Villages and Gou Blood Case" in Batang and the subsequent aftermath measures of the conquest of the township city of Sangpiling Monastery made Zhao Erfeng establish his prestige in Sichuanbian while also leaving a deep imprint in the minds of Sichuanbian monks and laymen. At the time of the Yuan Revolution, he was killed by the force representing the new life and became the "martyr of the late Qing Dynasty". The reputation of "Butcher Zhao" and the imprint of "suppressing revolutionaries" became the source of ideological entanglement of Zhao Erfeng and his meridians, whether singing or angry. Due to the influence of many factors such as ideology, political context, era background, and different concerns of academic research institutes in different eras, the evaluation of Zhao Erfeng and his Sichuanbe management varies from different eras, different contexts, and different perspectives. Roughly summarize at least four time periods and four perspectives, that is, the official perspective of the center and colleagues in the late Qing Dynasty, and the perspective of subordinates and the people; the perspective of ordinary Tibetans in the areas that have been redirected, the perspective of toast and lamas and monks, and the perspective of the upper class of Tibet; contemporaneous British and other foreign perspectives, etc.; the perspectives of scholars and border rulers during the Beiyang warlord period and the Republic of China; the perspective of revolutionaries after the democratic reform until the 80s of the 20th century; The so-called objective perspective of historical materialists after the 80s of the 20th century, and so on. Roughly combing, from the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 to today (2013), in the 102 years, Zhao Erfeng's understanding of Sichuanside management at the end of the Qing Dynasty has experienced at least four different periods: the period of the Beiyang government, the period of direct rule of the Republic of China government, the rule of local warlords in the Republic of China, and the four periods after the founding of New China and the democratic reform. After the democratic reform, it can be divided into two periods: before and after the 80s of the 20th century. The Tibetans of Zhao Erfeng's era revered it, sang it 6639492 or hated it; The Qing Central relied on its support, and besides that, "there is no other person who can be relegated, and there is no talent available"; Mainlanders in Sichuan ridicule him as "Butcher Zhao." After the Yuan Dynasty, those who passed the border respected it; After liberation, the democratic reform reached the 80s, with a basically negative attitude; After the 80s, it gradually affirmed its Kawakabe operation as a defense against the great powers. Specifically, the newspapers run by various places in the late Qing Dynasty and the domestic public opinion circles basically had a positive attitude towards Zhao's actions in the riverside. In particular, the Sichuan Official Daily, founded in 1904, often has good news or news about Sichuan. 6639493 Although these reports or news look at Zhao Erfeng's achievements in Sichuanbian from an official point of view, their original intention and purpose are the same as Wu Jiamu's teaching Batang students to sing songs welcoming Zhao Shuai, which is inevitably whitewashed, but it can indeed reflect the positive effects brought by Zhao Erfeng's operation in Sichuanbian to Sichuan. Commented by mainland people in Sichuan Province that Zhao Erfeng could be expressed by a couplet popular among the people at that time: "Feng Laozi has been weighed for many years, dancing his claws and teeth, and his prestige is not diminished by Zhao Butcher; The dog slave also has today, crushed bones, and retribution still looks at Shen Yanwa. "6639494 "Hey, don't cry, Zhao Daotai is here!" "Fifty years ago, the Qurans used to scare the cries of children in this way." 6639495 Zhao Erfeng was called "Butcher" by the locals for killing 3,000 people in Xuyong Daotai when he was in Xuyong Daotai, thus earning the name "Zhao Butcher" in Sichuan. From the perspective of the Qing government, the Qing Dynasty's Tibetan affairs were urgent, and the imperial court urgently needed a minister with great talent, foresight, and fearlessness to run the riverside and assist Tibet for Tibetan affairs. All of Zhao Erfeng's business activities and initiatives in Sichuan enabled the imperial court to gradually realize the grand plan of trying to solve the Tibetan affairs, so in a short period of seven years, the imperial court repeatedly entrusted him with important tasks, honored him, and obtained an edict: "The imperial court painstakingly planned and considered until the end, without which there was no other way to plan, and there was no other person to simplify." The 6639496 court's reliance on Zhao Erfeng can be seen from this. However, Zhao Erfeng did not win praise from the masses of ministers for this, on the contrary, he was called by some central ministers for doing things too quickly, and even sought merit for "Meng Lang". However, the Central Organs Military Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recognized Zhao Erfeng's business effects in the riverside, believing that Zhao's "frequent dismal operation in the Balchuan area is intellectual, and Tibetan affairs are also determined"6639497. His brother Zhao Ersun believed: "After several years of arranging and operating by the river, from the furnace pass to Chamuduo, thousands of miles stretched across the country, the barbarians lived and worked in peace and contentment, and they no longer had the suffering of the previous war and revolution. Lian Yu, the minister stationed in Tibet who 6639498 also plotted Sichuan-Tibet affairs, also said about Zhao Erfeng's reputation for sending Sichuan troops into Tibet and on the side, "The people are intimidated by its prestige, and with its ability to make the east of Larry, the wind and cranes have no police" 6639499. Zhao Erfeng's old subordinate Liu Zanting commented that Zhao Erfeng's achievements in "border government were better than those in Sichuanzhong." than the beginning of the border minister also. ...... Ranerfeng opened up territory for China to thousands of miles, and its contribution is not only in the generation "6639500." Foreigners commented that Zhao Erfeng "did not have the courage, honesty, and loyalty—though ruthless—as most Manchurian aristocrats did, without regard for personal hardships." ...... Advocating wide-ranging reforms in administration, the economy, land and taxation, he abolished Ullah servitude..."6639501. A British official in Chengdu, Sichuan Province at the time, commented on him: "Although because he claims to like mass executions... Yet he enjoys a reputation for impartiality ... He was a man with an unusual personality, and he is still fresh in the memory of him as of 1922 in eastern Tibet. "6639502 Xinhai Dingge, Zhao Erfeng became a martyr of the Qing Dynasty and was killed in Rongcheng, and the martial arts of the Sichuan side also died with the death of the people, followed by the Beiyang government and the Republic of China government successively set up envoys, town guards, and town committees in Sichuan, in an attempt to further operate Sichuan. At this time, a large number of people who entered the riverside to start the management of the riverside began to study and discuss the lessons and lessons of Zhao Erfeng Jingbian around practical problems, and collected information on Zhao Erfeng Jingbian time. However, in the face of a completely different national cultural atmosphere from the Han region, the new Jingbian felt chaotic and disorderly, and thus developed an admiring attitude towards the Jingbian of Zhao Erfeng's era, which was 6639503 "invincible". During the Republican period, Zhao Erfeng and his administrative measures in Sichuanbian were almost used by people at that time as a mirror that could not be ignored in the research and development of Sichuanbe, and even indispensable and could be used for reference. However, the researchers or followers of the Republic of China all discussed from the purpose of being useful to the world, or to be precise, from the perspective of the effective rule of the central dynastic regime in the interior over ethnic areas, and they sighed that the riverside had changed back to their original appearance, and lamented that Zhao Erfeng's ability and personality could not be compared with those of the economic frontier at the time. The complicated situation in Kham's district made the successive economic border leaders in the Republic of China even more at a loss. From the perspective of national governance, scholars and economic border scholars on the one hand learned the lessons of Zhao Erfeng Jingbian to improve the business measures of the riverside side; On the other hand, he also summarized the experience of Zhao Erfeng Jingbian to needle the shortcomings of the times. 6639504 Especially compared with Zhao Erfeng's threatening words and deeds in Sichuanbian in the past and the actions of the Jingbian managers at that time, I can't help but sigh a lot. Political, economic, cultural, educational, military, and other aspects of the reasons for the past are analyzed for adoption by those in power in Kawabe to promote the further development of Kawabe. Some people call the Zhao Erfeng period of the Qing Dynasty the golden age of Xikang education; Some people 6639505 called Zhao Erfeng's death in Rongcheng "one of the great losses in the history of Kangzang 6639506 and so on. On the whole, those who plotted to trade in the border during the Republican period had a positive attitude towards Zhao Erfeng, in order to absorb his strengths and make up for his own weaknesses. Some people even advocated and imitated the measures of Zhao Erfeng's era, such as Jiang Junzhang, Yu Songlin and others, who absorbed the relevant content of Zhao Erfeng's charter for reforming the Sula system in Sichuanbian and formulated the charter of the Ula Reform and Animal Husbandry Company. During the 6639507 Republic of China, Tibetans in Sichuanbian still started with "Zhao Erfeng is coming!" "as a specialized language to scare disobedient children; 6639508, there are also people in rural cities and other places who worship Zhao Erfeng as a bodhisattva; 6639509 some people call it "just and honest, able to endure hard work", and "so far the old people in the riverside all praise the Zhao family" 6639510. There is a comparison between the Han officials who set up Zhao Erfeng and the Tibetan officials, forming a Tibetan proverb: "The worst Han officials are better than the best Tibetan officials." 6639511 directly praise Zhao Erfeng's words were still sung until the 40s of the 20th century, and Yonghe, who went deep into the border areas during the Republic of China (40s of the 20th century), remembered the ballad according to the transmission of Tibetans who were in their 50s during the survey, 6639512 although it was compiled by Wu Jiamu, the general office of the Academic Affairs Bureau in the late Qing Dynasty, and the students were ordered to sing the praise words for Zhao Erfeng, but after more than 30 years, the situation that the locals can still sing still reflects the complicated feelings of the Batang people for Zhao Erfeng to a certain extent. It's just that the times are far away and can't be explored in depth. After the democratic reform, scholars usually adopted a cautious attitude towards this period of history that took place in the Sichuan-Tibet region in the last years of the late Qing Dynasty, due to ideological and other reasons, for a long time, as a special history and sensitive topic in a special region, and even did not want to or dare not touch on it. Therefore, in sharp contrast to the Republican period, when the late Qing Dynasty was strongly respected and researched by many researchers, after the democratic reform until the 80s of the 20th century, due to ideology and the characterization of the feudal dynasty that had collapsed, for almost 30 years, no one mentioned Zhao Erfeng again, and even if he was occasionally mentioned, he was regarded as the guardian and death throes of the feudal dynasty. The research is basically in a blank period, and the attitude is completely negative. As Feng Youzhi, who is relatively close to the late Qingchuan side business era 6639513 said, "those who are confined to the environment, do not read a book, do not write a word for more than 30 years" 6639514. It was not until the 80s of the 20th century that people revisited the past. At this time, the evaluation of Zhao Erfeng and his presence in Sichuanbian was basically based on criticism first, and finally affirmed his economic and cultural construction, including beneficiaries of Zhao Erfeng's era such as Kelsang Qunjue 6639515 and Zhao Erfeng's old subordinates when he was in Sichuan, such as Liu Dingyi 6639516. In 1986, when Feng Youzhi compiled the "Historical Legacy of Xikang", Zhao Erfeng Jingbian "only had seven years, but because he was determined to go through the border and determined to operate, although the time was short, he made a lot of achievements, and he stir 6639517 red up the border that had been dormant for a thousand years and was like a pool of stagnant water. The comments on Zhao Erfeng and his people no longer adhere to the negative trend held before, but tend to highlight his achievements in governing the Sichuan region. 6639518 to the 90s of the 20th century, in order to strengthen the issue of Tibet and the effective management of Tibetan areas in Sichuan, some scholars returned to the tradition of "reading the past and knowing the present" during the Republic of China, and again looked for lessons from history in governing border Tibet; for example, Li Shaoming of the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Nationalities reviewed and sorted out the history of Zhao Erfeng at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and put forward the 6639519 of "stability in Tibet must first be well-being"; the Kangding Normal College represented by Yang Jiaming specially established the "Research on Political Stability and Economic Development in Kardze Prefecture" The research group conducts research on the origin and development of the problem of "well-being". In 66395201999, the author himself took the title of "Qing Ji Sichuan Side Management" as his doctoral thesis, deeply discussed the background and specific measures of Zhao Erfeng's riverside operation, and the relationship between the central hub and other Sichuan-Tibetan border ministers in the process of raising border aid to Tibet and Guchuan preservation, and thought about the situation of Zhao Erfeng Jingbian and the late Qing Dynasty with the southwestern border defense and the new policies of Tibet, and gave a comprehensive discussion of Zhao Erfeng's Jingbian Frontier. 6639521 unlike the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, which still had a cautious attitude towards the study of border management in the late Qing Dynasty, in the 21st century, domestic scholars have more positively affirmed the effect of Zhao Erfeng's Sichuan border management from the perspective of national governance or promoting the modernization of Tibetan areas. 6639522 there are still some scholars who are discussing it qualitatively, but most of them discuss 6639523 from the aspect of his Sichuanbe administration, and to this day, a large number of master's and doctoral theses have emerged on the topic of the operation of border Tibet in the late Qing Dynasty or one of the administrative measures. 6639524 2 The evaluation of Zhao Erfeng and the Kawabe management from different perspectives and paradigms, and the scholars, Kawabe management and its administrators in different eras have shown different attitudes based on the changes of the times, but there are also changes in research interests and perspectives brought about by the change of research paradigm. For example, some scholars in China have included the Sichuanbian operation in the late Qing Dynasty into the power structure of the late Qing Dynasty for discussion. 6639525 Taiwan scholar Feng Mingzhu started from combing the history of Sino-British negotiations in Tibet, and examined the return of Zhao Erfeng and Sichuanbe Tusi in the late Qing Dynasty as one aspect of the influence of Sino-British negotiations. 6639526 related to the change of research paradigm, there are discussions on the Sichuan-Tibet New Deal in the late Qing Dynasty from the perspective of nation-state construction, such as Zhalo's analysis of Zhang Yintang's New Deal in Tibet. 6639527 at the same time, the paradigm shift from a Western perspective is even more obvious. From an early stage, Francies Younghusband justified his invasion of Lhasa; Charles Bell's understanding of Tibet's past and present; Peter Hopcock's combing of people who broke into the roof of the world and Peter Fleming's review of the history of British invasion of Tibet, etc., 6639528 to the 80s of the 20th century, the Canadian scholar Tan Gorenff mentioned the reform of Zhao Erfeng and Zhang Yintang in Sichuan and Tibet from the perspective of the British invasion of Lhasa, which aroused the vigilance of the late Qing dynasty to the southwestern border defense (Tibet), and affirmed the effect of border Tibetan operations in the late Qing Dynasty, and so on. 6639529, these studies are basically the same as domestic research, based on the narrative perspective of historical facts under the traditional historical view. Although there are also different perspectives, as in Sperling's comments on Zhao Erfeng, 6639530 and so on. Due to the late opening of the Khamese area to the outside world (1998), Western scholars can enter the Khamese area (Sichuanbian side) to do practical research and oral research late, the previous main area of foreign Tibetology research is concentrated in Tibet, 6639531 with the opening of the Tibetan area of Sichuan, more and more foreign scholars have the opportunity to enter the Khamese area for fieldwork oral investigation, the most important thing is that domestic scholars also have more and more opportunities to study abroad, some obtain doctoral degrees abroad to obtain research positions, change the perspective of analysis, When using Western academic analysis systems and discourses, when re-examining the history of the late Qing Dynasty Kawabe management, especially in recent years, under the influence of the new Qing history movement that emerged in the United States, analyzing the history of the Kawanbe operation in the late Qing Dynasty came to a completely different view from previous domestic and foreign historians. In 1998, William of the University of Hawaii's master's thesis, "Writing Tibetan History: A Discussion of Feudalism and Serfdom in Chinese and Western Historiography," 6639532 used Batang as an example to interpret the history of Sichuan. In 2011, Wang published "China's Last Imperial Frontier: The Expansion of the Late Qing Dynasty on the Sichuan-Tibet Border" based on his 2006 doctoral dissertation 6639533, using the concept of "empire" in the study of New Qing history to examine the relationship between local forces and officials in Sichuan, but overemphasizing the local perspective and the concept of empire makes the analysis of this paper a bit out of reality. Yuzhu Tsom published the article "Taming Kangba: The Construction of Kang District during the Republic of China"6639534 in Modern China, discussing the narrative strategies of Sichuan-Tibetan historical researchers represented by Ren Naiqiang during the Republican period, in order to explain how the Kham District was constructed. These scholars were deeply influenced by "ethnic theory", "imperialist theory", and "periphery" and "regional" perspectives. The new Qing history focuses on the basic characteristics of national identity and multiculturalism, gender, empire and colonialism, war and military culture, region and ritual, public and private space, and material culture perspectives, emphasizing the importance of ethnic minority scripts and local perspectives, and its research rationale and perspective have had a certain impact on the study of traditional Chinese historiography. However, these studies are mainly important academic issues abroad, and their application to China will involve some sensitive practical issues. 6639535 recent studies by foreign scholars on the late Qingchuanbian clearly show this realistic impact. Although scholars at home and abroad are also committed to "explaining the new marginal theory for the study of 'Tibetan border'", it proposes to use pilgrimage, ethnic and cultural identity politics, ethnic tourism, education and identity construction, religion, ritual and social change, imperial system and Republican period history, local royal power system (tribute and pilgrimage) and other diversified themes as the starting point, with its practicality, community care, modernity, historicity and representation, so as to dilute the sensitivity of China's practical issues. 6639536 while emphasizing the cross-regional trend of Sino-Tibetan marginal studies, it aims to highlight the initiative of Kham and Amdo in the history of Sino-Tibetan relations, the important role of the construction of empire, state, and ethnic boundaries, and in some larger historical processes, the internal part of the history and culture of these regions is constructed by the local people themselves, rather than completely imposed by external forces. 6639537 emphasizes some characteristics of "local knowledge" and "critical local studies", and criticizes the mainstream historical framework of traditional Tibetology from a bottom-up grassroots perspective, and reinterprets local politics and culture differently from traditional historiography. 6639538 the most important research on Sichuan-Tibet issues in recent years in the early 20th century is Scott Relyea's doctoral dissertation "Fixing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Sovereignty and the Expansion of China's National Rights in the Early 20th Century", Li Haotong considered the Sichuanbian operation in the late Qing Dynasty and the subsequent changes in Sichuan-Tibet in the Yuan period, magnified the impact and historical picture of the return of the Sichuan side to the river, and proposed that the response of the Sichuan management should be broken through the perspective of resistance, but should be from the local, Three perspectives on the country and globalization. 6639539 If one follows the path of foreign geopolitics or new Qing history research and interprets the late Qing River from a global perspective, one may fall into the path of foreign scholars' research on Xinjiang "viewing Xinjiang as the result of the Qing Empire's territorial expansion in the mid-18th century, and pointing out that Xinjiang was the object of competition between the Qing Dynasty, Russia, and Central Asia, and this 'research result' is not only academically wrong, but also provides an excuse for some foreign countries to support pan-Turkism in practice." 6639540 this is not only a political issue to worry about, but also adds complexity to the solution of real problems. The new paradigm of marginal research is undoubtedly beneficial to the promotion of academic activity, but from the perspective of "applying to the world", it is still a return to the traditional historiography to view the governance of Tibet in the late Qing Dynasty, which can be more reflected in the value of academic research in solving relevant practical problems. As in the intention of Alai in writing Zhan Right: The Iron Pimple That Finally Melted: A Two-hundred-Year Khamba Legend, Alai 6639541 "writing about historical subjects, but it is to answer today's questions", serving as the eyes of home, focusing on conflict and reality. Writing contributes to the resolution of real contradictions. Just as literary scholars create allegorical realities, it is also the responsibility of historians to study the past and the present. 3. Returning to the local perspective, after studying and combing the official texts of the exchanges between the central government and the border Tibetan ministers in the late Qing Dynasty, I have been thinking about using the local perspective to try to understand how the local people view this history. In 2006, Mr. Li Mao (Chu Dan) commissioned an oral survey among senior monks and representatives of various monasteries in Ganzi, which realistically and vividly reflects the initiative of local adaptation to the larger historical process emphasized by scholars of the New Qing Dynasty. Ni Mailanmujia (deputy county magistrate) of Huiyuan Temple in Daofu County said: Zhao Erfeng, there is no one in our Khamba people who has not heard of his name since he was a child. Especially the nickname "Butcher Zhao", as soon as we say it, we were disobedient when we were children, and as soon as the adults said that Butcher Zhao was coming, children did not dare to cry anymore. We know his power from a young age, and we hate him to the bone since we were a child. Later, I joined the work, became a deputy county magistrate, deputy director of the county people's congress, held meetings to study more, and also learned something about Zhao Erfeng historically; although he was a loyal minister and lackey of the feudal system, he made great sacrifices for the unification of the country and the defense of the frontiers, and the educational reform and arming he advocated in the Khamba region were all good things related to the fundamental interests of the country and the nation. So, what we thought about him before, now I have a different view and position. When the Chinese People's Liberation Army marched into Tibet, was it smooth sailing? No, there will still be many obstacles from the reactionary forces, and if you don't clear them out, can you move forward? Therefore, killing depends on why and who kills. Of course, there will be mistakes, but we must analyze the specific situation at that time historically, and do not jump to conclusions. This interview is very representative and typical, and the people of Ganzi learned about Zhao Erfeng's murderous nature from the oral tradition of the people, and in addition to being terrified, the listeners inevitably gave birth to a kind of hatred and hatred in their emotions. However, as the horizon expands, a grander mind and historical vision are born, which gradually changes the original ideological understanding. Another example is the living Buddha Xianggen of Ganzi Monastery (deputy director of the county people's congress) who said: Zhao Erfeng is a famous historical figure in our Ganzi. We have listened to the old people since we were children often talk about a devil and monster who kills people without blinking, that is, today some children are disobedient, the old people say that they will not obey, and then cry I will call Butcher Zhao to cut your ears first, children will be afraid, but think of his image in the minds of our Khamba people. I was only a few years old in the temple, and I heard that Zhao Erfeng, the butcher of Zhao, had killed many lamas and monks, like a devil, both hated him and feared him, for fear that he had not really died in history, in case he appeared in the temple one day, it would be really scary. Later, when I grew up, I went to work, I went to a lot of places to study, I held more meetings, and I studied history and historical figures a little, and I was not as terrible and hateful as the old people said that this murderer. I heard that when Zhao Erfeng came to the Kham area, British imperialism was invading our Tibet, and if the Kham area was lost, Tibet would be in great trouble; he was a general who came to hold the frontiers, and from the perspective of today's view, he was a person with a great vision of reform and opening up. As for killing, it also depends on what circumstances and who kills should be analyzed in detail, of course, it is not surprising that there are fewer wrong people killed in peaceful environments, and more wrong people are killed in chaotic times. Monk Dorji, a monk from the Wuming Buddhist College in Serta County, said: Zhao Erfeng is a very famous person in the Kham area, and although I have not seen any records of him in the scriptures, I have seen some records of him in some Tibetan history and documents. Of course, there are many legends and comments about him among the people, and I don't understand who is right and who is wrong. However, I think that I have three comments on Zhao Erfeng as a person: First, whether he is an excuse or bumps into an opportunity, in short, when British imperialism invaded Tibet, this is a historical fact, Zhao Erfeng came to the Kang District with the signboard of governing Tibet and well-being, and what he did was actually for the safety of the country and the nation, we cannot deny this, therefore, with a class concept and standpoint, I do not recognize that Zhao Erfeng is proceeding from the fundamental interests of the national unification of the country, and I do not approve of it as a devil who kills people without blinking under the feudal system. Second, in the process of governing Tibet and preparing for Tibet's well-being, Zhao Erfeng has set up local areas, eliminated bandits, advocated sinology, cultivated talent, and deployed armaments to support Tibet, which is of positive significance for our management of Tibetan areas today. The third is Zhao Erfeng's murder, which must be analyzed and commented on from the historical perspective as well as from the essence of his mistakes. Zhao Erfeng's murder, if he can be cautious and distinguish between right and wrong, I don't think he will destroy all his achievements after his death. This shows that he is a typical example of killing people to maintain his rule. This means that Zhao Erfeng made mistakes in killing, he believed too much in the suppression of force, and hurt the hearts of the people, which was also the fundamental reason for his failure. According to my investigation, his murder of a monk was the first thing that was disgusted by the broad masses of the people, and it was also at this point that he lost the hearts and minds of the people. The monk Dorji is quite insightful, which can be described as a perfect application of the Marxist-Leninist view of history, and speculatively talks about Zhao Erfeng's achievements and historical influence. Qiongshan Lanmuka, a religious figure from the Self-Birth Tower of Murdo Sacred Mountain in Danba County, said: Zhao Erfeng We all know him, I am in my seventies this year, and when I was a few years old, I listened to his story told by the elderly, he was the minister stationed in Tibet during the Qing Dynasty, and he was a general. When I first joined the army in liberation, the commander of the People's Liberation Army said to us that today's PLA is not the butcher of Zhao Erfeng in the Qing Dynasty, we are the people's children and soldiers, the sons of the people, and we are by no means an army that came to kill the people. This shows that Zhao Erfeng is a person who has killed a lot, and he is a person who has killed the people. Later, I studied culture and became the chairman of the trade union in the Danba mica mine, and I learned about Zhao Erfeng from a lot of literature, and I learned some things about him. My opinion of him is twofold. First, in order to carry out "land reform and return to the river" in the Tibetan areas of Sichuan, although he engaged in Han chauvinism, he did go too far and hurt the feelings of the people in the Khamba area, but he did stabilize the situation here at that time, not only praised by the Qing government, but also curbed the arrogance of British imperialism. In this regard, we say that he is meritorious for the country and the nation. Second, not only does he not understand national psychology and local customs and culture, but he is also very incomplete in reforming the land and returning to the river; he listens to partial beliefs, does not listen to negative opinions and good suggestions, and is a person who acts arbitrarily, so his haste and paranoia bring about the death and destruction of others, and the old forces immediately restore the old system. To a certain extent, this way of understanding Zhao Erfeng also reflects the evaluation standards and attitudes towards this history and historical figures before and after the democratic reform and around the 80s of the 20th century. Lama Baden of Tagong Temple said: In any case, I do not change my opinion on Zhao Erfeng as a person, I think that no matter how much credit you have made to the unity of the country and the persistence of the frontiers, you have no love for the local people, and it is wrong to kill people at every turn to maintain your rule. According to the legend of the old people, Zhao Erfeng regarded everyone who disagreed with him as an enemy, saying that he killed people without distinction between men and women, old and young, monks and laymen. Can such a general, such a minister, really govern the country and security? Their murderous nature is determined by their very nature, even if there is no British imperialist invasion of Tibet, they will kill people without blinking. For example, the Battle of Jinchuan at the time of the Qianlong Emperor was obviously a dispute between the Tusi family, the corruption and incompetence of local officials in Sichuan and the mistakes of mediation, and the rebellious court that expanded the situation into Tusi, which can be found in Qing history to this day, before the execution, Dajin Tusi repeatedly told me that I did not resist the Great Emperor, and that it was the bad heart of Tusi and officials who harmed me... However, the Qing troops attacked Jinchuan and killed 70 percent of the people of Jinchuan, and the corpses on the two Jinchuan rivers were floating like drifting trees, and they were absolutely not merciful in killing the people. Therefore, now some people use the anti-British invasion and the concept of maintaining Tibet and well-being to cover up Zhao Erfeng's murder, and I do not approve of it. I do not deny that his advocacy of Chinese studies, that is, the teaching of Chinese and the meritorious operation of education, and even the introduction of technology, including the practice of intermarriage between Tibetan-Chinese and immigration to reclamation, is a feat of progressive significance. Do not confuse these political views and wise actions with the view that the feudal system essentially regards the people and the border minorities as livestock. Rulers throughout the ages have always respected and protected religion, but Zhao Erfeng cut from the head of a monk and started from the temple, is this a code of conduct for a feudal dynasty minister? Is this his reform and pioneering spirit? I think this is the fundamental reason for his death and demise. A person who has no people and social foundation at all will not achieve a career. Baden's words broke the root cause of the death of Zhao Erfeng River's business people: "A person who has no people and social foundation will not achieve a career", which is quite consistent with the materialist view of history. This book is not intended to look at various perspectives and comprehensively outline Zhao Erfeng himself, re-evaluate himself or his measures in Sichuanbian 6639542, let alone make a historical construction of Zhao Erfeng's own image, but only want to restore the original face of history, based on the specific background of his Sichuanside operation and its measures, the purpose is to explore the Qing Dynasty central and southwestern border officials such as Ding Baozhen, Lu Chuanlin, Xiliang, through the study of the exchanges and official documents between the Qing Central and the border Tibetan ministers, and by restoring the history of Zhao Erfeng's business in Sichuan, to explore the border officials in the central and southwestern Qing Dynasties, such as Ding Baozhen, Lu Chuanlin, Xiliang, Zhao Erfeng, Lianyu, Zhang Yintang and others planned the situation of southwestern border defense and stabilizing Tibet, as well as the social, political, and cultural changes in the Sichuan border under Zhao Erfeng's "New Deal". As Feng Youzhi wrote the purpose of the "History of Xikang": to record "since Zhao Jihe in 1905... Xikang society has changed from static to laissez-faire, and advanced to planning and management, resulting in the causes and consequences of changes in people and events in Xikang, and achieving the ultimate goal of restoring our study of history"6639543. How was the Sichuanbian business strategy formed, how were these policies specifically implemented, and how a series of border Tibetan business activities related to land reversion, governance, and preparation for the establishment of provinces promoted and developed the Sichuanbian strategy of the late Qing government. How the various measures and ideas of the border ministers and the Qing central government were intertwined, and even how they mediated or hindered each other. At the same time, how the series of new policies of Kawabe are in the mixture of "new" and "old", not only manifested as the legacy and continuation of the political culture of feudal royalty, but also contain a considerable amount of the germ of modern political economy and culture, and the enlightenment to the people who ruled the Tibetan scriptures at that time, local and later generations is the content that this book tries to express. That is, it is committed to restoring and analyzing the historical background of the Qingji Riverside operation, planning and implementing the development, and analyzing it in the statement of historical facts, so as to seek some evidence and benefit the world in some ways. IV. Main Content and Narrative Framework In addition to the preface and epilogue, this book has five chapters, divided into three parts. The first part mainly starts from the crisis in the southwestern frontier of the late Qing Dynasty and the formation of the southwest border defense consciousness, starting with the analysis of the formation of the southwest border defense consciousness and its active planning of various measures in the Sichuan-Tibet border during the ten years (1876-1886) of Ding Baozhen, showing the process of the formation of the southwest border defense ideas of the late Qing border officials represented by Ding Baozhen. How did the southwestern border officials, especially the Sichuan governors, develop from the initial "Guchuan preservation", that is, the awareness of consolidating Tibet's border defense by stabilizing Sichuan, to the strategy of "raising border aid to Tibet" and "consolidating border maps" in the Sichuan Governor Xiliang era (1903-1907). That is to say, from the Ding Baozhen era, Sichuan was used as the rear of the solid storage and preservation, and developed to the late Qing Dynasty, and gradually extended the rear frontier of the solid storage and preservation to the Sichuan-Yunnan border land at the junction of Sichuan and Tibet. By setting up Sichuan-Yunnan border ministers who "assume local responsibilities under the system of military government" on the riverside between Sichuan and Tibet, the administrative status of Sichuanbian was enhanced, the Sichuan-Yunnan border ministers were stationed, the land was returned to the river, and new policies were implemented, forming a trend of "raising border aid to Tibet" and "consolidating border maps", and at the same time making unconventional personnel arrangements for the governors of Sichuan and Yungui in the southwest, so as to "unite Sichuan, Yunnan, Sichuan, and Tibet into one breath", not only integrating Sichuan, Yunbian and Tibet into the whole of southwest border defense, but also forming Guchuan, Chipping and Gubian to protect Tibet and Tibet. Stabilizing the idea of the border defense system in the southwest. In this part, the formation process of the southwestern border defense ideology in the late Qing Dynasty, the improvement of the status of the Sichuan border, and the emergence of the strategy of raising border aid to Tibet are carefully sorted out and analyzed in depth. It focuses on Ding Baozhen's awareness and measures for border defense in the southwest, the origin of the problem of Zhanzhan in the Tibetan "enclave" on the border of Sichuan, and the considerations of the late Qing Dynasty and Sichuan governors Lu Chuanlin and Xiliang in planning to stabilize the border and consolidate storage. At the same time, the background and situation of Batang of Feng Quan, the assistant minister stationed in Tibet, who planned the operation of border Tibet, was killed, and the Qing Central Committee took this as an opportunity to gradually change the Sichuan border tusi to direct rule, and opened the door for Zhao Erfeng's Sichuan border reflow, the implementation of the new policy, and the comprehensive operation of border Tibet. The second part consists of chapters 2 and 3, with "Zhao Erfeng's operation in Sichuan" and "analysis of it" as the main content, comprehensively presenting the formation process of Zhao Erfeng's Sichuanside business ideas and strategies, as well as the interaction with the Qing Central on the border and Tibet issue. Zhao Erfeng followed Sichuan Governor Xiliang to Sichuan from the 29th year of Guangxu (1903) and proposed the "Three Strategies of Pingkang" in response to the crisis situation in the southwestern frontier; In the 32nd year of Guangxu (1906), after he was made the minister of Sichuan-Yunnan border affairs, he proposed to set up officials, reclamation, study development, military training, mining and trade matters in Sichuan, which were called the "Six Matters of Jingbian". In order to better consolidate the border and Tibet, Zhao Erfeng proposed a plan to establish a province in Sichuan and take back the enclave that Tibet had controlled for 46 years. Two years later, when Zhao Erfeng was appointed minister in Tibet and also in charge of border affairs, it became logical to extend the Sichuanbian business plan to Tibet. However, throughout the course of Sichuanbian operations, the understanding of the economic border measures, the timing of entering Tibet, and the relationship between Sichuanbian and Tibet differed between the Qing Central Hub and Zhao Erfeng, the actual operator of Sichuan. In the end, due to hesitation on the issue of whether to stabilize Tibet first, as well as the previous advance by force in Sichuan, Zhao Erfeng lost and missed the best opportunity to enter Tibet, and was finally blocked outside the core of Tibet. This chapter focuses on how the Qing Central and Zhao Erfeng plans to "unite the border and Tibet into one and make overall planning" based on different understandings and how the situation was shattered by the interweaving of various problems. The third chapter, "Zhao Erfeng Riverside Management (Part II)", delves into Zhao Erfeng's "Six Things on the Edge". In order to solve the problem of opening up funds, migrants reclaimed the border, collected taxes, set up businesses, and opened mining farms in order to seek self-financing; In order to seek self-preservation rights, he minted silver coins, set up a tea company, and recovered the area around Chayu in southern Tibet under the concept of "all sizes of land should be operated early"; For the smooth development of various affairs in Sichuan, we recruited talents in an eclectic manner, and applied to the central hub to change the officials originally assigned to Xinjiang and other border areas to Sichuan, so that they could pass their merits in serving Sichuanbian so as to make up for and solve the deficiencies and difficulties that are difficult to find in border talents; At the same time, generous salaries and timely rewards, so that the service personnel who go to the border do their best, effectively solving the talent problem of Sichuanbe operation. "Establish roads" and "set up shop stacks", erect electric wires, set up postal roads, facilitate traffic, and quickly announce announcements. To consolidate the border and promote learning and customs, to win the trust of the people, to eliminate the heavy burden of the people in the riverside - "Ula" labor; In order to stabilize the localities and prepare for the training of patrol police officers of the New Military Office, this chapter provides a specific and in-depth sorting out and analysis of the above six aspects. The third part includes two chapters: Chapter 4 "Analysis of the Late Qing Dynasty Sichuan Side Management" and Chapter 5 "Lessons and Enlightenment of the Late Qing Dynasty Border and Tibetan Management". In the fourth chapter, the author puts the operation of the river side in the overall framework of the southwestern border defense deployment in the late Qing Dynasty, and clarifies the process of change in the understanding of the late Qing government's elevation of the riverside from the Sichuan-Tibet channel to the Tibet aid base. The Qing central government has from time to time shown that it attaches importance to the operation of Sichuan and the issue of Tibet affairs, but it has always attached importance to Tibet affairs, which is very inconsistent with the understanding of Zhao Erfeng, a specific economic frontier person. The differences of opinion between central and local officials on the issue of the importance of Tibet affairs and Sichuanbian affairs, as well as the constant consultation and discussion between them, coupled with the excessive caution and softness of the Qing Central Committee in dealing with Tibet issues, eventually missed the opportunity to strengthen Tibet's effective rule by taking advantage of the power of Sichuanbian and Tibet. The chapter also discusses the effects of Zhao Erfeng's Sichuan border operation, and analyzes that Sichuan border management played a positive role in stabilizing the southwestern border defense from the perspectives of the Qing central government, other local governors and border ministers in the same period, and the British who coveted Tibet. At the same time, the new policies and measures implemented around the "Six Things in Kawanbe" played an important role in promoting great changes in Kawanbe society. Although "only seven years, ... The border that has been sleeping for a thousand years is like a pool of stagnant water, stirring up the boiling and new "6639544. Finally, Zhao Erfeng's various measures such as reforming the land and returning to the river, implementing the New Deal, and the strategy of "taking force as the forerunner" to suppress military subdue, and "envy and power" were compared with Zhang Yintang, Minister of Investigation and Handling of Tibet, who proposed a strategy for reforming Tibet in Tibet. Zhang Yintang was in Tibet for less than a year, and proposed new policy measures that were almost the same as Zhao Erfeng in Sichuan, but he was accepted and welcomed by the Tibetan monks and laity, but Zhao Erfeng's entry into Tibet was vigorously opposed by the Tibetan monks and laymen, and finally blocked out of the core area of Tibet due to impeachment. After careful study, it is not only due to personality, but also related to the way of entry, current events, and different internal and external circumstances. Chapter 5, "Lessons and Enlightenment from the Border Tibet Operation in the Late Qing Dynasty," puts the problems of the redirection of the rivers and rivers in the late Qing Dynasty and the new policies in Tibet together, and provides an in-depth analysis of the reasons why the new policies were vigorously implemented in the border areas for several years and the people died in the instant after the Yuan Revolution. In addition to the three major parts, the preface and epilogue echo the content and views of the research results from beginning to end, so that the entire research results are seamlessly integrated. In the concluding part, the experience of Sichuan-border operations in the late Qing Dynasty is emphasized, and it provides reference significance for how to apply the understanding and experience of "Sichuan-Tibet affairs as one body", "Tibet affairs are border affairs" and "the trend of Sichuan, border, Yunnan and southwestern Tibet" in the late Qing Dynasty to today's long-term construction of Tibet and seek coordinated development and long-term peace and stability in Tibet and Tibetan areas in four provinces. V. Main Views: The international environment and the crisis in the southwestern frontier prompted the late Qing government to take measures to strengthen the governance and rule of Tibet and the southwestern frontier areas. It was planned to establish a province in Tibet, changing only the joint rule of ministers stationed in Tibet and Tibet to direct rule, but at this time it was difficult for the Qing central government to effectively control the development of the situation. In order to effectively stabilize and protect Tibet from being coveted or occupied by foreign enemies such as the British, Chuan Governor and other southwestern border officials considered to eventually achieve Tibet's stability through indirect means such as "Guchuan", "Chuan", and "Gubian". This is precisely the source of our thinking that "stability must first be healthy" today. In this context, that is, in the process of the late Qing government's attempt to conspire against Tibet, the riverside was once only a road into Tibet and a place of restraint for Tusi's rule, and was gradually elevated by the Qing Central Government from a passage between Sichuan and Tibet to an important rear base for aiding, preserving and consolidating Tibet. In order to give better play to its role in aiding, preserving and consolidating Tibet, it not only set up a Sichuan-Yunnan border minister who "uses the system of military government and supervises the responsibility of the localities", but also carries out new policy measures such as reclamation, mining, study, customs, trade, and smooth transportation in Sichuan. Through facilitating transportation, speedy announcements, and promoting learning and changing customs, we will civilize and consolidate the border, win the trust of the people through the difficulties of the Soviet people, and run patrol police to train the new army, so as to seek self-financing interests and self-protection of interests. At the same time, it also connected Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou with Sichuan and Tibet, and planned the stability of the southwestern border defense, especially Tibet, and made extraordinary personnel arrangements and adjustments for this purpose, which played an effective role in consolidating and preserving Tibet, which attracted great attention from foreign countries, especially Britain. This kind of thinking and strategy of "Sichuan, Yunnan and border Tibet uniting into one breath" in the southwest still has certain reference significance for today. Zhao Erfeng River's reform and return to the river, and the implementation of the new policy are a mixture of "new" and "old", which not only has the legacy and continuation of the political culture of feudal royal power, but also contains a considerable amount of the germ of modern political economy and culture. Its specific policies, especially the eclectic recruitment of talents, the abolition of the heavy labor of Ula, which has lasted for thousands of years in the riverside, the opening of new schools, the opening of drug bureaus, the construction of roads and bridges, the opening of ethnic industries, and the introduction of new farming techniques and farming tools, are all practical measures to promote local social and economic development, which is also the most discussed aspect by scholars during the Republic of China period and today. But on the other hand, Zhao Erfeng smoothly entered Sichuan with force as the guide, and after that, he also planned to enter Tibet in the capacity of minister stationed in Tibet and also in charge of border affairs, using the same strategic method of "leading by force" and "enwei and exercising both grace and power" to push the Sichuan side administration to Tibet, but due to the Qing Central Committee's excessive caution and softness in Tibet affairs, due to the disagreement and constraint of personal interests between the ministers of border and Tibetan affairs, Zhao Erfeng's own thinking inertia and vision limitations had to drop out. The late Qing government's passive international negotiations on Tibet affairs had a lot to do with its internal and external difficulties, difficulties in returning, weak national strength, and lack of diplomatic expertise. At the same time, the inertial thinking of the late Qing Central Committee on the local government of Tibet and the changes in local society in Tibet failed to gain a clear insight into the changes in local society in Tibet in a timely manner, which was also the main reason for the lack of prosperity of Tibet's government. Adhering to the old tradition of the ancestral system, the family world and blood ties were divided, and the feudal officials came to an end. The disconnect between the "new face" and the "old foundation" in the "New Deal", the conflict between local interests and national rights and interests, the kinks and conflicts between the measures of "changing the Buddha with summer" and "transforming Buddha with Confucianism" and their various complex contradictions, and the running-in and collision between different ethnic cultures and traditions are all entangled in the operation of border Tibet, and finally because they have not touched the bottom of society and lack the foundation of social support, people will die in government. The clear combing of the history of the Sichuan border business in the late Qing Dynasty, the differences between the central government and local border officials in specific administration, the process of mutual interaction, the internal and external contradictions and constraints in planning border and Tibet affairs, and the comprehensive display of many historical facts have strong reference significance for today's long-term strategy for building Tibet and the goal of coordinated development of Tibet and Tibetan areas in the four provinces. The citation notes specifically explain the editorial group of the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Nationalities' "Historical Materials of the Archives of Sichuan-Yunnan Border Affairs in the Late Qing Dynasty": "Historical Materials of the Archives of the Border Affairs of the Late Qing Dynasty of the Sichuan and Yunnan" (first, middle, and bottom), the 1989 edition of the Zhonghua Book Company, referred to as "Historical Materials of the Archives of the Border Affairs of the Late Qing Dynasty and the Yunnan Border Affairs" in the citation notes. China Tibetology Research Center, China's First Historical Archives, China's Second Historical Archives, Tibet Autonomous Region Archives, and Sichuan Provincial Archives, co-editor: "A Collection of Historical Materials on the Relationship between Tibet and the Central Government since the Yuan Dynasty" (Volumes 1-7), China Tibetology Publishing House, 1994 edition, abbreviated as "Compilation of Historical Materials on Relations" in the citation notes. Raba Phuntsok et al., eds., Tibet-based Chinese Literature Engraving, edited by Wu Fengpei, proofread by Zhao Shenying: "Qing Dynasty Tibetan Affairs Sonata" (Part I, Part II), China Tibetology Publishing House, 1994 edition. Abbreviated as Wu Fengpei's "Qing Dynasty Tibetan Affairs Sonata". [Macao] Luo Huimin, ed.: "The Inside Story of the Political Situation in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early People's Period: A Collection of Letters of Joe Er Mori, Beijing correspondent of The Times and political adviser to Yuan Shikai", first (1895-1912) and second (1912-1920), translated by Liu Guiliang and others, Knowledge Publishing House, 1986; Abbreviated as "Inside the Political Situation of the Late Qing Dynasty and Early People's Period", 1895-1912 or 1912-1920.(AI翻译)





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