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本书对卢卡奇的“历史辩证法”,即以“物化”为历史事实基础,把人类的历史性生存逻辑理解为历史辩证法;在马克思的“社会存在决定社会意识”的原理基础上,从阶级意识的角度把社会存在结构理解为历史辩证法,进行了系统分析,作者认为,重新研究卢卡奇青年时期的历史唯物主义思想,最大的意义就在于:卢卡奇为我们提供了究竟如何理解马克忍哲学、如何理解马克思与黑格尔之间的关系的一个“学术典范”,并且他所存在的理论困惑也同时构成了对我们说来的教训典范。 邹之坤: 男,教授,哲学博士,硕士研完生导师。1963年2月出生于吉林省伊通县,现任吉林师范大学马克思主义学院书记兼经济学院书记。吉林省跨世纪学科建设工程中青年骨干教师、吉林省教学名师、吉林省时事评论专家,省师德先进个人,四平市市管优秀专家、四平市首届十佳社科学者并荣立三等功、吉林师大教学名师和教学标兵。1999年毕业于中国人民大学,获法学硕士学位,2006年毕业于吉林大学,获哲学博士学位。国家社会科学基金项目通迅评审专家,吉林省重点学科即马克思主义哲学学科学术带头人,哲学一级学科负责人。主要研究方向为马克思主义哲学及思想政治教育。在《中国社会科学文摘》《光明日报》《科学社会主义》《马克思主义与现实》《自然辩证法研究》《国外理论动态》等刊物发表论文40余篇,出版专著2部,主持国家级、省部级科研项目、厅级项目10项。

Marx's historical materialism was understood as“history dialectics”by Lukacs in his works of〈history and class consciousness〉.1.the essences of“history dialectics”Lukacs want to turn over Hegel's concept dialectics completely.It is consist with the idea of Marx that to turn the Hegel's dialectics down..This was called as“historicalize”by Lukacs.Lukacs explained the historical existence logic as history dialectics based on the foundation of the“materialization”.According to Lukacs,history dialectics is the logic of materialization and overcoming materialization.Seen from communism,history dialectics is human historical existence dissimilation and overcoming dissimilation.It could be understood that the content of the history dialectics is that human always come back to the freedom world from the dissimilation of existence,namely,communism.This state is come back to be human from the bondage of the capital logic.It is dialectic movement that human pursuing his ideal existence state.Lukacs understands the history dialectics as a structure of society which based on the class-cautiousness.Class is not the whole characteristics of history,but only at the special capitalism station.The“self-consciousness”which could be the subject of history is only proletariats.Proletariats reflect on human to transcend the bondage of the capital and became the“self-cautiousness”.According to Lukacs,history dialectics could be understood deeply as:proletariats established the“self-consciousness”of history and became the “subject”in history through reflecting on the whole attitude.It is this“subject”who makes the dialectic motion of the history possible.2.history dialectics did not complete the work to“turn over”Hegel's dialectics.As was known to all,Marx believe that Hegel's dialectics is“overturn”and“bottom up”in his〈on capital〉.Marx decided to“turn over”the dialectics through his political-economics.So it was paid attention to put Marx's dialectics in“history”to“turn over”Hegel's dialectics and understand human existential behave.But did it complete the work to criticize and transcend Hegel? Is it the wish that to turn over that upside down dialectics of Marx? It is negative obviously.3.the affirmative sense of“history dialectics”History dialectics makes a lot contributory to the relation between Marx and Hegel.We can make a conclusion that there is only one question be cared by Hegel,Marx and other more philosophers.But all the philosophers except Marx did not change the world at the plate of history and practices to realize human freedom.Marx believes that it is necessary to come out of the old self-consciousness philosophy and come into history,practices and economics.But we should pay attention to this question that human spirit dimensionality was not cased away by Marx although he come into history.So communism is a freedom country as unite of practices and spirit.We believe that the relation between Hegel and Marx is dialectic.Hegel's philosophy was finished by Marx's philosophy and Hegel's philosophy is a component of Marx's philosophy.All the history looks like was show by the dialectic relation between Hegel and Marx's philosophy.Since the relation between Hegel and Marx could be looked as a unity of theory and practices for human freedom,we can draw a conclusion that it is reasonable for Lukacs to understand Marx according to Hegel's philosophy.So it is more difficult to understand Hegel than Hegel's philosophy itself.Just for this reason,Lukacs believe that〈history and class consciousness〉is an experiment for“like Hegel more than himself”.But it is could not be neglect that history dialectics is really an important creation although there are some idealism elements in it.It is also consist with the explaining of the logic of human existence by Marx.Marx analyzed the dia-lectic movement of Communism that is the overcoming process of private property.So it is very important for the interpretation of Lukacs on the selfconscious structure of society history.Though Lukacs made many mistake related with Hegelism in〈history and class consciousness〉,we could not ignore the fact that Lukacs had paid attention to the keystone which he should study Marx philosophy through backing Marx's economic domain.It is also a road towards Marx which was opened wide in〈history and class consciousness〉by Lukacs.Therefore it was showed in how to understand“history dialectics”that Lukacs transcend Hegelism affirmatively.It was based on the following views to understand Marx's historicalism as history dialectics that he wants to analyze the relations between Marx's economics and dialectics.Just in the aim of analyzing the relations between Marx's economics and dialectics,Lukacs understood Marx's historicalism as history dialectics.Furthermore,in the part of“phenomena of materializing”Lukacs has already come near to the view on commodity economic dissimilation of Marx.So the understanding of history dialectics in 〈history and class consciousness〉is the most valuable sprout that transcends Hegelism.4.the negativesense of history dialecticsThe history dialectics understood by Lukacs could not transcend Hegelism.He stopped in the consciousness structure of Hegel and did not go forward toward Marx.So it is a retrogress to Marx because he did not act as“changing world”requested by Marx.The traditions of hegelism prevent him from becoming a Marxian.It is also the reason why to oppugn Lukacs in academic circle.To sum up,the recollection and self-criticizing made by Lukacs could be concluded as that he understand Marx's historilism infected by idealism in the shadow of Hegelism.He did not go back to the practices in his economics completely although he stress on history and turn over Hegel's dialectics.It must take Hegel's romanticism and Utopia into his theory.In this sense,the history dialectics understood by Lukacs is only a step to go to Marx's philosophy really and〈history and class consciousness〉is only a sum for“apprenticing phase to Marxism”.





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