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The Issue of Mental Causation Under the Framework of Interventionism






















The goal of this book is to defend for non-reductive physicalism(NRP).NRP follows those basic principles of physicalism and tries to support the irreducible ontology of mental property as well.However,NRP faces a serious challenge.That is,reductive physicalists,from the perspective of causality,illustrate that mental causation can be reduced to physical causation,which indirectly shows the reducibility of the mental property.Confronting this challenge,NRP turns to defend for the irreducibility of mental causation.That is,the mental property has its own distinct causal power,which cannot be substituted by that of the physical property.

Jaegwon Kim,a reductive physicalist,raised the famous“Exclusion Argument”,claiming that non-reductive physicalism cannot preserve the irreducibility of mental property and the mental causation at the same time.He argued that the five principles held by NRP remained incompatibility.His conclusion is that NRP either turns into reductionism or becomes epi-phenomenalism

To reject the exclusion argument,NRP denies Kim's argument itself on one hand,like those discussions on non-determination,which is illustrated in detail in the second chapter of this book.Through these discussions,we will find out that those five principles mentioned by Kim are not a prior incompatible since the situation of determination within mental causation is special and different from other general ones.

On the other hand,NRP tries very hard to search for an appropriate causal theory,which can directly prove that the mental causal power is irreducible.In order to better illustrate why this book chooses the interventionism theory of causation to be a tool of discussing mental causation,the author will stress on the reconstruction of several important groups in the development history of causal theory.The author mainly analyzes those groups' origins and the views of causation underlying their theories.Besides,the author will demonstrate the flaws of those theories in detail in order to compare the interventionist theory of causation with those theories.

Nowadays,the interventionist theory of causation,raised by James Woodward systematically and comprehensively,is one of the hottest and the most cutting-edge one among all the causal theories.In chapter four,the author will demonstrate two major parts of the interventionist theory of causation.One part is about using the intervention variable to define causal relation.The key point of this part is that when we bring in the intervention variable,we must make sure that all the other variables in this set are held fixed,especially those which may possibly give rise to misjudgment.Furthermore,we can prevent the causal assessment from being disturbed by“confounders”.The other part is about using the notion of invariance to make the concept of causation a concept with degree.This interpretation is totally different from that of traditional concept of causation,which is easier to exclude a plenty of scientific generalizations to be regarded as causal relation,especially the generalizations in the special sciences.This result goes against preserving those reasonable and scientific generalizations.Therefore,having a completely new understanding of the notion of causation can assist us to better interpret and study the causal relation in those special sciences,especially the philosophy of mind.

In chapter five,the author firstly use the first part of theoretical resource of the interventionist theory of causation to defend for M-M causa tion.Moreover,the author also tries to make clear that the irreducibility of M-M causation is enough to prove that the mental property has distinct and additional causal power,different from that of the physical property.And it is also adequate to defend for NRP.Maybe some scholars disagree with this point of view.However,the author thinks that the proof burden is on the shoulder of those rejecters.That is,they need to argue why M-M causation is inadequate to defend for NRP.

Next,when we discuss M-P causal relation,we will figure out that the notion of intervention variable and the principle of supervenience are incompatible.After the author's argument,we will find out that we cannot preclude the possibility of the physical variable's being a“confounder”.Thus,we cannot adjust the requirement of holding fixed the physical variable.This result shows that this part of theory is inappropriate for discussing M-P causation and we should focus on appealing to the notion of invariance to continue our discussion.

In the chapter six,the author finds out that while applying the notion of invariance to discussing M-P causation,different variable sets and causal models will lead to different results.The author wants to point out that the causal models,used by those scholars who aim at defending for the M-P causation,are actually discussing about the causal relations similar with M-M causation.As a result,the conclusion led by those causal models cannot defend for M-P causation.Furthermore,those scholars cannot use it to reject Kim's exclusion argument.By contract,the causal models,used by those scholars who argue that P-P causation is better than M-P causation,are more reasonable and the conclusion led by them is more persuasive and valid.

Combining the results of the causal judgment of M-Mand M-P causation mentioned above,the author builds up a parallelism structure for mental causation in this book.In this structure,with the respect for the mental effect,mental cause is more appropriate,meanwhile,with the respect for the physical effect,physical cause is more appropriate.Based on this structure,the author briefly illustrates the reasonability of this kind of causal hierarchy and emphasizes the advantage of this mental causation structure for defending NRP.

Within the discussion on NRP in the past,scholars always announce that what the most important part that worth defending is that the mental property has its own causal power toward the physical world outside.Due to this view,the parallel structure the author sets up cannot actually defend for NRP.But the author wants to declare that the mental property still has some causal influence upon the physical world outside to some degree.But this kind of M-P causal relation is not as stable and appropriate as the P-P causal relation.Compare to it,the mental property's causal power toward the mental property is more convincing to prove that mental causation is irreducible.

Considering that NRP focuses on preserving the existence and irreducibility of mental causation,after weighing the pres and cons,we will find out that the parallel structure of mental causation is capable of defending for NRP.The reason is that it vindicates the existence and irreducibility of M-M causation and maintains the existence of M-P causation as well.All it sacrifices is the irreducibility of M-P causation.As a result,the author thinks that by now,the parallel structure of mental causation is more reasonable among all the other causal structures.

Key Words:The Interventionism Theory of Causation; Mental Causation;Confounder;Invariance;Parallelism





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