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The Operation and Systematic Dilemma of the Labor Contracting System in Coal Industry:







基金信息: 社科基金;博士论文出版项目 展开









This book takes South Mine as the field research location by using case study method and reveals the power and status of the stakeholders-employers,contractors and labors in the organizational structure of the labor contracting system through the analysis of the organizational structure and function of the labor contracting system of the South Mine,and analyzes the operational mechanism of the labor contracting system and the absence of labors' rights and production safety dilemma.This paper indicates the systematic dilemma and possible way of the labor contracting system in coal industry through the relevance construction of the operational mechanism of the labor contracting system-the absence of labors' rights-the production safety dilemma and conducts the dialogue with the study of the labor contracting system of the modern China,and reflects the specific practi cal logic of state-owned enterprise organization since the Reform and Opening on this basis.

The study finds that the organizational environment has shaped the transformation and development of the labor contracting system,and the interaction between the legality logic and efficiency logic is an important factor in promoting the formation and development of the labor contracting system.The logic of legality is the precondition for the emergence of the labor contracting system,and the development of the labor contracting system is based on the control of efficiency logic,and the further development of the labor contracting system is based on the joint control of the logic of legality and logic of efficiency.

The labor contracting system has a clearly hierarchy and division of labor.After its embedding in the South Mine,the governance structure of the South Mine has transformed from the relationship between the employers and labors to the relationship between the employers,contractors and labors.Under this governance structure,the employers are at the top of the power structure,occupy a dominant position,and the contractors are in the middle of the power structure.They are relatively vulnerable to the employers and relatively strong to the labors,and the status of labors is the lowest.First of all,the relationship between the employers and the contractors is a kind of principal-agent relationship,and the operational logic can be summed up as“double contracting,”that is,production contracting and safety contracting.Secondly,the operational logic of the labor contracting system between the contractors and the labors is the increasing number of production tasks and shifted downward security risks.Thus,the operational logic of the overall labor contracting system is essentially a process in which production tasks and security risks are both increasing and continuously transferred downwards.In this process,there is a negative correlation between returns and risks.Returns are concentrated upwards,but risks are continuously moving downwards.Eventually,the employers have obtained the maximum returns but undertaken the least risks,followed by contractors,and the labors have obtained the least returns but undertaken the most risks.

The operational logic of the power and interests concentrated upwards and the responsibility and risks shifting downwards is in line with the requirements of maximizing profit and minimizing risks in coal mines.The labor contracting system can not only transfer the management responsibilities and security risks of enterprises,but also transfer the labor costs and alsoimprove the production efficiency of the enterprises,and meet the coal industry's requirements shaped by its own environment,market environment and politi cal environment and can produce very clear performance.However,this operational logic brings many problems.Firstly,the low-cost operation of the labor contracting system has made labors' legal rights not in the effective protection and labors have been trapped in the rights poverty.For this dilemma,different labors have taken different actions,obeying,expressing themselves,voting with their feet,and fighting according to the law,but neither method has changed this dilemma.Although it cannot change the predicament,it has caused two unexpected consequences.The one is that the frequent movement of labors has reduced the techni cal proficiency of labors and is not conducive to the accumulation of knowledge of safe operations.In order to cope with high mobility,the contractors employ many young people with relatively low levels of education,which further hinders the improvement of safety standards and thus increased security risks.The other one is that many labors link the current living conditions and rights to more grand socialist ideologies and begin to strongly express their nostalgia for the era of traditional planned economy,and even present populist tendencies.Secondly,the operating mechanism of the downward movement of security risks of the labor contracting system has triggered a security dilemma,that is,security accidents frequently occur.The“safety contracting”has ensured the internal digestion of security accidents and thus laid the seeds for regeneration for new accidents.As a result,security incidents have been repeated and cycled into a vicious cycle.

The above-mentioned dilemma of the labor contracting system cannot be overcome by itself,and the organizational environment of the coal enterprises restricts the institutionalization and rationalization of the labor contracting system.Therefore,the dilemma of the labor contracting system is also unsolvable in the current organizational environment.Only when the reform of state-owned enterprises is fully completed and the state effectively protects the rights of labors can the above-mentioned dilemma be solved.However,unlike Western modernization,which is constantly developing toward scientific and rational development,many state-owned enterprise reforms have adopted a modern,scientific and rational corporate system in form,but still use a relatively backward production model,and this peculiar combination of the transitional state is considered to be the best choice for corporate efficiency,leading to the stagnation of the reform,and this benefit is in fact the inevitable result of“low labor cost advantage”.Therefore,as long as the organizational environment is unchanged,the labor contracting system will continue to exist.

Key Words: the Labor Contracting System; Organizational Structure; Operational Mechanism; Function; Systematic Dilemma





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