Resources and Society:A Study of Bronze Circulation Systems in the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties
Resources are fundamental to the survival and development of human society.The relation between resources and society had been a basic issue since ancient times.Few research on this topic was carried out from an archaeological perspective.Therefore,this book focuses on the bronze resources of the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty.By restoring the the circulation system,the resources and society will be discussed.
The bronze resources in this paper refer to the bronze objects and raw materials.To discuss the production and circulation and bronze resources,traditional method as well as scientific analysis are both needed.Trace elemental and lead isotope analysis are included to study the raw materials.When studying the bronze production and circulation system,an archaeological classification system was firstly built based on the typology,motif,inscription,casting technique,and quality.Then trace element data,lead isotope data of different types of bronze were studied.By comparing the the types and raw materials,production and circulation system can be restored.Based on our analysis,we believe the resource circulation model varied from the Early and Middle Shang Dynasty to the Late Shang Dynasty then to the Western Zhou Dynasty.
In the Early and Middle Shang Dynasty,the Shang Dynasty deployed regional city to collect resource directly.Panlongcheng is representative,stamped hard pottery and proto-porcelain were gathered by Panlongcheng people from other region of the Yangtze River then transferred to the Central Plains.Moreover,the Panlongcheng people might also exploited copper resource in the Yangtze River and even sent some to the Central Plains.On the other hand,Panlongcheng people casted bronze and use stamped hard pottery,proto-porcelain by themselves,however,in a different way which is similar to the Western Zhou Dynasty.The resource model can be concluded as“the early from the tribute system”.As the regional city like Panlongcheng was deserted,the Shang Dynasty fell into a period of chaos and the resource system collapsed at last.
In the Late Shang Dynasty,the ritual and political system changed together with the resource circulation model.Within the Shang's territory,metal resource and even bronze casting were regulated strictly.All the bronze was produced by the dynasty then circulated to other places.Along with the strict regulation,the authority is centralized because almost no regional city was found in the Late Shang Dynasty.Also the Shang territory withdrew obviously.In the same time,almost all the ritual factors like bronze,stamped hard pottery,proto-porcelain,jade,chariot sacrifice,and oracle bones changed tremendously.All these changes are related.Outside the Shang territory,copper resource,stamped hard pottery and proto-porcelain were circulated from the Yangtze River to the Central Plains.The Shang Dynasty transferred bronze casting technique or bronze product as important resource to the Yangtze River.Several important indigenous cultures which all show intimate relationship with Shang Dynasty came into shape.I assume that the Yangtze River interact that with the Central Plains based on a“trade”model.And this“trading network”enables the Yellow River and Yangtze River civilization to connect into whole system for the very first time in Chinese history.
The resource circulation model in the Western Zhou Dynasty was built on enfeoffment system.The study on regional states'bronzes show that the high quality bronze found in different regional states were made by the same copper and lead material so they were probably all produced in the central court's workshops.Besides that,low quality bronzes were also common in regional states which were the evidence of independent casting activity.The regional states with Ji as surname show closer relationship with the central court while other states were more independent.In the middle and late period of the Western Zhou Dynasty,some regional states already developed independent bronze production system.Similar to bronze,the proto-porcelain found in the Central Plains were mostly produced in the Qiantang river by order and then circulated to regional states in certain assemblage.The resource circulation dominated by the dynasty corresponds with the enfeoffment system and collapsed when the regional states became more and more powerful.At last,the multiple centers model came into shape in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
Based on what we discussed above,we proposed a theory about resource circulation in the Shang and Zhou period and named it as“Dynasty resource system”.We believe that the dynasty was built on the resource circulation relationship between core and periphery.There are three levels of structures in one dynasty:the central court,the regional states,and the powers outside the territory of dynasty.The resources were circulating between these three levels of structures in different ways.So to find the balance of resources between core and periphery is the key to remain the dynasty'stability.This book was based on current data and material.Mistakes are inevitable.But I would like to see it as the first step and hope it will benefit relevant research in some way.
Key Words:Bronzes of Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties;Core and periphery;Trade and exchange;Resources and society
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