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基金信息: 中共甘肃省委党校(甘肃行政学院)2020年度创新工程科研咨询项目“甘宁青民族地区农村相对贫困人口识别和长效治理机制研究”阶段性成果 展开



在习近平总书记等中央领导同志的亲切关怀下,临夏州按照精准扶贫的要求,立足实际,精准施策,用足用好国家扶贫政策,借助东西部协作扶贫和中央单位定点帮扶之力,狠抓产业扶贫、就业扶贫、金融扶贫、易地搬迁扶贫,拓宽致富路子,增强致富能力,补齐饮水、交通、电力等基础设施短板,增强住房和医疗保障,创新教育扶贫,融通扶贫扶德扶志,深入发掘资源潜力,充分激发贫困群众内生动力,向着以习近平同志为核心的党中央关于“全面建成小康社会,一个不能少;共同富裕路上,一个不能掉队”的宏伟目标阔步前进。截至2020年3月底,临夏州贫困人口从2013年底的56.32万人减少到3.25万人、累计减贫53.07万人,贫困发生率从32.5% 下降到1.78%、下降30.72个百分点,583个贫困村脱贫退出,临夏市、广河县、和政县、康乐县、永靖县、积石山县6个县脱贫摘帽。临夏州脱贫攻坚工作正处在从取得决定性成就向夺取全面胜利总攻的冲刺阶段,下一步“临夏州将集中兵力打好深度贫困歼灭战,确保3.25万农村剩余贫困人口全部脱贫,66个贫困村全部退出,两个贫困县摘帽,与全省全国同步全面建成小康社会。”




Abstract: LinxiaHui Autonomous Prefecture is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and southwest of centralGansu Province.It is located in the transition zone from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Loess Plateau and from the western pastoral area to the eastern agricultural area.With harsh natural conditions and weak economic foundation,Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is one of the“three regions and three prefectures”supported by national povertystricken areas,with its eight counties and cities being the key counties of poverty alleviation and development in Liupanshan.In February 2013,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping inspected Linxia Prefecture,instructing“to bring in water,build roads,and build a new countryside”.Wang Yang,Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference,has come to Linxia Prefecture for three times to investigate and tackle poverty.

Under the cordial care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central leaders,Linxia Prefecture paid close attention to poverty alleviationby major projects,finding jobs elsewhere,poor resident relocation,finance,improving education and nurturing of talent,supplemented the infrastructure shortage of drinking water,transportation,electricity,etc.,strengthened housing security and medical security,fully stimulated the endogenous impetus of the poor by comprehensive application of“supporting morality,ambition and wisdom”.Now Linxia is striding forward towards the grand goal of“building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,one cannot be left behind; on the road to common prosperity,one cannot be left behind”.

Linxia Prefecture has made decisive achievements in poverty alleviation.By the end ofMarch 2020 the poverty population decreased from 563,200 at the end of 2013 to 32,500,and the cumulative poverty reduction was 530,700.The incidence of poverty decreased from 32.5% to 1.78%,583 poor villages were lifted out of poverty,and 6 cities and counties were removed from the poverty list.In the next step,Linxia Prefecture will fight the deep poverty eradication battle to ensure that all the 35,200 remaining surplus rural poor people,66 impoverished villages and 2 impoverished counties will be lifted out of poverty.Linxia Prefecture will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in synchronization with the whole province and the whole country.

This reporthas eight chapters,introduces the general situation and measures of poverty alleviation work in Linxia Prefecture since the reform and opening-up,based on the relevant documents of the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Government,through field visits,character interviews,literature research,and media information collection.It also shares typical cases and practical experience.

Keywords: targeted poverty alleviation; Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture; practice and experience

Abstract: Linxia Prefecture is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and southwest of central Gansu, located in the transition zone from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Loess Plateau and from the western pastoral area to the eastern agricultural area, with harsh natural conditions and weak economic foundation, and is one of the "three districts and three states" supported by the national poverty alleviation in deep poverty areas. Over the years, the people of Linxia Prefecture have struggled against harsh natural conditions and poverty, and have made extraordinary efforts. In February 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Linxia Prefecture and instructed that "water should be brought in, roads should be built, and new rural areas should be built well", encouraging villagers to carry forward the spirit of self-reliance and self-improvement, find the right way for development, work hard, improve production and living conditions, and change the face of poverty as soon as possible. Wang Yang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, has come to Linxia Prefecture three times to investigate the work of poverty alleviation. Under the kind care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central leading comrades, Linxia Prefecture has made full use of the national poverty alleviation policy in accordance with the requirements of precise poverty alleviation, based on reality, implemented precise policies, made full use of the national poverty alleviation policy, and vigorously grasped industrial poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, financial poverty alleviation, and relocation poverty alleviation with the help of the central units, broadened the way to get rich, enhanced the ability to get rich, made up for the shortcomings of infrastructure such as drinking water, transportation, and electricity, enhanced housing and medical security, innovated education to alleviate poverty, integrate poverty alleviation and morality, and deeply explore the potential of resources , fully stimulate the endogenous motivation of the poor masses, and move towards the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core on "building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, no one can be less; On the road to common prosperity, the grand goal of "no one can be left behind" has made strides forward. By the end of March 2020, the number of poor people in Linxia Prefecture had been reduced from 563,200 at the end of 2013 to 32,500, with a cumulative poverty reduction of 530,700, the incidence of poverty dropped from 32.5% to 1.78%, a decrease of 30.72 percentage points, 583 poor villages were lifted out of poverty, and six counties of Linxia City, Guanghe County, Hezheng County, Kangle County, Yongjing County and Jishishan County were lifted out of poverty. In the next step, "Linxia Prefecture will concentrate its forces to fight the war of annihilation of deep poverty, ensure that all 32,500 rural remaining poor people are lifted out of poverty, all 66 poor villages are withdrawn, and two poor counties are removed, so as to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way at the same time as the whole province and the whole country." "Building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, achieving the first centenary goal, and lifting all the rural poor out of poverty is a landmark indicator." In the future, Linxia Prefecture will focus on high-quality development, take the consolidation of poverty alleviation achievements as the general starting point, take poor villages as the main battlefield, take solving the problem of relative poverty as the main line, focus on building a long-term mechanism to solve relative poverty, improve the rural development capacity of Linxia Prefecture, and promote the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. On the basis of the relevant documents and materials of the Linxia Prefecture Party Committee and Prefecture Government, this report presents the overview of poverty alleviation in Linxia Prefecture through field investigations, character interviews, literature reading, media data collection, etc., summarizes the experience of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation, and shares typical stories of poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation from the perspective of poor people and cadres. The "Report" consists of eight chapters, introducing the general situation of poverty alleviation work in Linxia Prefecture since the reform and opening up, and the measures, cases and experience of targeted poverty alleviation. Keywords: targeted poverty alleviation; Linxia Prefecture; Practice; Abstract: LinxiaHui Autonomous Prefecture is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and southwest of centralGansu Province.It is located in the transition zone from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Loess Plateau and from the western pastoral area to the eastern agricultural area. With harsh natural conditions and weak economic foundation,Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture is one of the“three regions and three prefectures”supported by national povertystricken areas, with its eight counties and cities being the key counties of poverty alleviation and development in Liupanshan.In February 2013,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping inspected Linxia Prefecture,instructing“to bring in water,build roads,and build a new countryside”. Wang Yang,Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference,has come to Linxia Prefecture for three times to investigate and tackle poverty. Under the cordial care of General Secretary Xi Jinping and other central leaders,Linxia Prefecture paid close attention to poverty alleviationby major projects,finding jobs elsewhere,poor resident relocation,finance,improving education and nurturing of talent,supplemented the infrastructure shortage of drinking water,transportation,electricity,etc.,strengthened housing security and medical security,fully stimulated the endogenous impetus of the poor by comprehensive application of“supporting morality,ambition and wisdom”. Now Linxia is striding forward towards the grand goal of“building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,one cannot be left behind; on the road to common prosperity,one cannot be left behind”. Linxia Prefecture has made decisive achievements in poverty alleviation. By the end ofMarch 2020 the poverty population decreased from 563,200 at the end of 2013 to 32,500,and the cumulative poverty reduction was 530,700.The incidence of poverty decreased from 32.5% to 1.78%,583 poor villages were lifted out of poverty,and 6 cities and counties were removed from the poverty list. In the next step,Linxia Prefecture will fight the deep poverty eradication battle to ensure that all the 35,200 remaining surplus rural poor people,66 impoverished villages and 2 impoverished counties will be lifted out of poverty. Linxia Prefecture will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in synchronization with the whole province and the whole country. This reporthas eight chapters,introduces the general situation and measures of poverty alleviation work in Linxia Prefecture since the reform and opening-up,based on the relevant documents of the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Government,through field visits,character interviews,literature research,and media information collection. It also shares typical cases and practical experience. Keywords: targeted poverty alleviation; Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture; practice and experience(AI翻译)





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