This book is the first monograph to systematically study the system of military attachés in ancient China. For the first time in academia, the concept of "Praetorian Military Attaché System" was clearly proposed, and it was believed that the official system of ancient Chinese dynasties related to the security of the monarch and the security and defense of the capital belonged to the scope of the Praetorian Military Attaché System. The book is divided into five parts and 20 chapters and more than 100 sections, such as the leading general (中玍軍), the escort general (中護軍), the left and right guard generals, the Wuwei generals, the military academy Xiaoyou, the general of Zhihe and the direct guard, the commander and the langwei, the shangshu and the supervisor of the guard, the leader and the thousand niu reserve, the palace uncle and the wubo, the guard lieutenant, the leader of the stone shushi, the fourth general lang, the governor of Gyeonggi, the general of the palace, the Sima (supervisor) of the palace, the Sima (supervisor) of the three departments, the governor of the five departments, the governor of Wunan, the governor of the tent, the governor of Xie, the governor of the tent, the governor of the right department of Maxia, and the four forbidden generals and the imperial battle The development and evolution of Praetorian Military Attachés such as the Governor of the Straight Swing and the Straight Turk Governor was studied from all angles. Through careful examination of the traditional texts and excavated documents, the changes and political functions of the Praetorian Military Attachés at different levels were clarified, and the relationship between the Janissary Military Power and the politics of the Wei and Jin dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties was deeply discussed, and many extremely important conclusions and enlightening understandings were drawn. At the macro level, closely related to the political history and political system history of the four hundred years from the end of the Han Dynasty to the end of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, this paper conducts a dynamic investigation of the system of the Praetorian Military Attaché and its development and evolution in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. At the microscopic level, the vast sea of historical materials is clarified, and the hidden ones are explored, showing to the greatest extent the true face of the military attachés of the Northern and Southern Dynasties of Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties and their systems. In the era of imperial power, the Janissary power with the defense of the monarchy as the core was in a central position in the country's political structure, and was one of the core links and main forms of realization of absolute monarchy. The study of the history of the Praetorian Military Attaché System is conducive to a deep understanding of the Chinese monarchy and its operating mechanism, and is of great significance to a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the political and military history of the entire imperial era.(AI翻译)
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