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基金信息: 国家社科基金后期资助优秀博士论文出版项目、“客户—员工互动视角下护理人员主动服务客户行为的发生机制及干预研究”成果(项目编号:19FGLY008) 展开











Proactive customer service performance(PCSP)refers to“self-started,long-term-oriented,and persistent service behavior”of service employees.Employees' PCSP has the potential to anticipate and meet the needs beyond customers' expectations and solve problems without being told,and it has been linked with high customer satisfaction,ultimate enterprise income,and the success of service organizations.Thus,how to improve employees to maintain high levels of PCSP over time that is critical for the service organizational development.Previous research has linked PCSP with a variety of potential antecedents from four perspectives,including the perspective of personal traits,conservation of resources,organizational identity,and proactive motivation model.While the existing studies often ignored the frequent interaction process between employees and customers,who as an important situational factor may have an impact on employee behaviors,and we also know little about why employees may maintain high levels of PCPS.In fact,the service interaction is a two-way process,which may lead to the spiral effect between employees and customers.Thus,the current studies integrate the social interaction theory into the proactive motivation model,aiming to gain more insight on the interaction spiral mechanism between employee PCSP andcustomer-initiated support to provide theoretical explanation for the maintaining high levels of PCSP.Moreover,an intervention program based on the results was de signed and the effectiveness was tested.As it is applicable and valuable to investigate employee PCSP in hospitals as the service industry,data of these studies were collected through clinical nurses in China.

(1)To preliminarily examine the basic concept and key behaviors of nurses' PCSP and develop the corresponding measuring tool,27 nurses were recruited to participate in an interview and the interview data was analyzed by the Consensual Qualitative Research method.The initial preliminary questionnaire items were developed basing on the interview content through three analytic procedures including open coding,axial coding,and selective coding,and two rounds of Delphi method with 20 experts.At last,reliability analyses,exploratory factor analysis,and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted with 509 nurses.This questionnaire had good reliability and structure validity; thus,it could be used as an effective measurement for PCSP in nurses.Besides,in order to explore the antecedents and outcomes of nurses' PCSP,study 2 conducted a qualitative study based on the Grounded Theory with the sample of Thospital.Through three analytic procedures including open coding,axial coding,and selective coding for analyzing the interview data from 25 nurses,we summarized that nurses' PCSP are beneficial for the hospital,customer(patients),and employees themselves.At the same time,four core categories of antecedents were summarized at the individual level(e.g.personal trait,general ability),team level(e.g.social learning,team climate),organizational level(e.g.organizational identity,organizational culture and policy),and customer level(e.g.customer-initiate support,customer gratitude).Moreover,we found that there was an interaction spiral between employee PCSP and customer positive behaviors(e.g.customer-initiate support).It suggested that employee PCSP was positively related to customer-initiated support,which in turn promoted employee PCSP.The following studies would examine the results with dyadic methods more effec tively.

(2)Study 3 and study 4 aimed to examine outcomes toward customers and general antecedents of employee PCSP to better understand employee PCSP.Study 3 was conducted to investigate the effect of employee PCSP on customer behaviors.Using a sample of 540 nurses,we found that employee PCSP was positively related to customer-initiated support and negatively related to customer mistreatment.In study 4,we collected two-wave time-lagged data from 674 clinical nurses and 125 supervisors.Results showed that servant leadership,employee proactive personality,customeroriented perspective taking,customer-initiated support,and customer gratitude were positively related to employee PCSP.

(3)Drawing on the proactive motivation model and theories of motivational fit,the current study examined customer-initiated support as an antecedent of employee PCSP and investigated the mediating role of proactive motivations and the moderating role of serving culture of this relationship.We conducted two multilevel studies to test the proposed hypotheses.In study 5,we collected diary data from 158 nurses across 10 working days,and results showed that the relationship between nurses' daily experience of customer-initiated support and their PCSP was mediated by a model of serial mediation of social sharing and proactive motivation(selfefficacy,work meaning,and positive affect).In study 2,we collected multilevel multi-source data from 373 nurses nested within 80 units and found that nurses' experience of customer-initiated support was positively related to their supervisor-rated PCSP via role-breadth self-efficacy and work meaning,but not through positive affect.Further,team-level serving culture strengthened the positive relationship between customer-initiated support and role-breadth self-efficacy,such that the indirect relationships was stronger when there was a higher rather than lower level of serving culture.

(4)In order to further investigate the dynamic relationship between employee PCSP and customer-initiated support drawing on the perspectives of customer-employee interaction,study 7 and study 8 used two crosslagged panel design to examine the spiral relationship between employee PCSP and customer-initiated support.We measured both customer-initiated support and employee PCSP twice with a 3-month lag with 247 nurses in study 7 and four times with one-week lag among 129 nurses in study 8,and found that employee PCSP had a significant lagged effect on customerinitiated support and customer-initiated support also had a significant lagged effect on employee PCSP,which provided evidence for the spiral relationship between employee PCSP and customer-initiated support.

(5)Based onthe studies above,study 9 developed an intervention program of“daily social sharing”to increase employee PCSP.We conducted a quasi-experimental field design,and pre-and post-intervention surveys were completed with one month apart.The sample included a total of 40 employees(intervention group:20;control group:20).Results demonstrated the positive effect of“daily social sharing”intervention on promoting employee PCSP,role-breadth self-efficacy,work meaning,and positive affect,and increasing customer satisfaction.

The contributions of this book are three-fold.First,this book extends the literature of PCSP by introducing the social interacting theory into the proactive motivation model,demonstrating the influence mechanism of employee PCSP from the perspective of positive customer-employee interaction,which provide new insight for the dynamic process of maintaining employee high levels of PCSP.Second,proactive motivation model suggests that situational and individual factors can promote employees' proactive behaviors through three motivational pathways,including“can do”,“reason to”,and“energized to”pathways.This book contributes to the proactive motivational model by extending the factors promoting motivational state form internal organizational factors(e.g.team climate)to social context factors beyond the organization(e.g.customer-initiated support)and the interaction effect between the two(e.g.serving culture and customer-initiated support).Moreover,to our knowledge this book is the first to examine the spiral relationships between employee PCSP and customer-initiated support,clarifying the pathway to provide motivational state sustainably and how to keep employee maintaining PCSP in high level in customer-employee interaction.Third,this book has developed an intervention of“daily social sharing”to improve employee PCSP,which is valuable for organization to manage employee PCSP and promotecustomer satisfaction,employee positive experience during the work,enterprise income and the success of service organizations.

Key words: proactive customer service performance(PCSP); customer-initiated support; proactive motivation model;social interacting theory; spiral effect





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