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Research on the Legal Interest of Economic Criminal Law







基金信息: 国家社会科学基金;博士论文出版项目 展开












In the modern sense of economic crimes and economic criminal law originated in the western countries in the early 20th century,the“white collar crime”theory of the Anglo-American legal system and the German“collective legal interest”theory respectively studied the economic criminal law from the dimensions of criminology and doctrine.The concept of legal interest became the core concept for understanding economic crimes and economic criminal law.The German and Japanese scholar have made a huge effort to establisch the economic criminal law system around the legal interests of the economic criminal law,and provided an important reference system for the comparison,reference and improvement of China's economic criminal law.

The question of the legal interests of the development of economic criminal law in China can be summarized into the following four questions:first,how to understand the conceptual category of legal interests(collective legal interests)protected by economic criminal law; second,how to understand the relationship between collective legal interests and individual legal interests; and third,how to understand the predecessor of the economic criminal law for the protection of collective legal interests,and fourth,so far the normative purpose of criminal law and administrative law overlapped with each other because of the collective legal interest,it become a current problem,how to define the illegality of economic crimes,and clarify the boundary between crime and administrative unlawfulness.Economic criminal law should establish the dualistic legal interest concept.At the constitutional level,both individual law interest and collective law interest are the legal interests of human beings,taking the realization of human's free development as its fundamental goal.However,at the medium level of criminal lawmaking,the legal status of collective law interests should be recognized relative to the legal interests of individuals.The dualistic concept of legal interest is based on the changes of social reality and the change of state tasks.Theoreti cally,it can more accurately express the concept of collective legal interest,interpret the concept of legal interest and its function,and it is more in line with the current Chinese context,contribute to the formation of a rational,scientific and positive criminal legislation.The dualistic concept of legal interest is also based on humanism,under which the collective legal interest also have the function to criticize legislation,and more clearly shows that the subject of legal interest includes not only“I”,but also“we”.The suitability of collective legal interest is not simply determined by whether it can be reduced to individual legal interest,but by whether it has substantive content in accordance with the constitution.

There is a methodologi cal error in the path of the interpretation of legal concepts such as“order”,“freedom”and even“interest”.The protected legal interest of economic criminal law are the socialist market economy,which are the external conditions for the realization of individual freedom in the economic field,and protected object of the various norms in the economic field,from the perspective of distinguishing the legal interests of the individual from those of the collective law,the legal interest and norms.The understanding of legal interest in economic criminal law as the socialist market economy is also the interpretation of Article 15 of the Constitution,“The State Practices the SocialistMarket Economy.”It is an in dependent collective legal interest.In light of the distinguishing between individual and collective legal interest,and the distinguishing between legal interest and norm,it is to conclude that the theory of economic order confused the conception of legal interest and norm,while the theory of economic interest or economic liberty denies the independence of collective legal interest.The study of the legal interests of economic criminal law should not stop at the abstract definition of the concept of the more criti cal is to establish the judgments of the economic criminal law suitability of the judging criteria.Appropriate legal interests of economic criminal law should be consistent with both internal and external standards.In internal standards,we should adhere to the connotation of value conferred by the Constitution,uphold the concept of legal interests of“substantial”and“detrimental”;in the external standards,we also need the supplement of economic crime elements and the principle of proportionality.

Abstract dangerous crimes have become an important means of economic criminal law against economic crimes.The abstract dangerous crime in our country's economic criminal law include the two kinds of abstract dangerous offence and substantive preparation offence.The so called“cumulation crime”is logi cally included in the conception of abstract dangerous crime,so it makes no sense to consider it as an independent type of crime.Economic criminal law through the establishment of abstract dangerous crime to meet the economic risk control,the forefront of the protection of the important economic interest; to play the norms of the criminal law the main body of the economic behavior of the shaping function; also reduce the national prosecution of economic crimes litigation standards.The phenomenon of“overcriminalization”that may appear in the practice of abstract dangerous crimes in the judicial practice should be interpreted through the restriction of the legislation and the limitation of justice to control the punishment of abstract dangerous offence.First,we can use objec tive penalty conditions to limit the penalty of the constituent elements.Secondly,we create special suspects for abstract dangerous crimes.Third,as China's legislation adopts the“qualitative and quantitative”criminal standards,it requires relevant abstract dangers Worth to be sentenced to criminal penalties of the degree of unlawfulness.

The illegal type of our country's economic crimes is the administrative offence rather than themala prohibita.The illegality of economic crimes has the characteristics of fluctuating and dual nature.The illegal norms of our country's economic crimes are prominently represented by the composition of crimes with a blank count.The administrative violation and crime should be differentiated by the constitutive element of crime.The material consideration of the infringement of legal interests should be embedded in the objective and substantive explanations of the constitutive element of a crime.Illegality means the conflict between behavior and the overall legal order,not the violation of a single norm.Therefore,the principle of the unification of legal order does not affect the independent judgment of the conformity of the constituent elements.The subsidiarity of criminal law in the protection of legal interests is not subordinate,but independent.In China,The elements of crime are the unity of qualitative and quantitative,the methodology of the distinction between quality and quantity,which is agreed by both Chinese and foreign scholars,is based on the standard of the distinction between the quality of constituent elements.The independent and substantial judgment of the elements of constitution in criminal law needs to follow the progressive way from fact judgment to normative judgment in the interpretation method.The qualitative distinction standard should be applied accurately from the three levels of objective elements of constitution,subjective elements exceeding elements and crime quantity element.

The legal interest theory of economic criminal law has the basic func tion to the cognizance of the economic crime.Whether from the perspective of the relationship between the legal interests of individuals and the interests of collective law,from the perspective of the relationship between collective law and interests and constitutional requirements or from the perspective of collective law and interests,we can analyze and reflect on current typi cal economic cases from the perspective of basic theory.

Key Words:Economic Criminal Law;Collective Legal Interest;The Dualistic Concept of Legal Interest; Abstract Dangerous Crime; Unlawful judgement





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