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Studies on Mao Tse-Tung's International Political Theory and Practice







基金信息: 国家哲学社会科学成果文库 展开


本书以“毛泽东国际政治理论与实践研究”为题,从权利的角度对毛泽东国际政治理论形成的历史渊源、毛泽东国际政治理论的内容以及毛泽东国际政治理论的价值取向进行了系统的分析和研究。首先,探讨了中国国际政治学理论研究中权利视角的基本观点和原则,认为以权利、权力与利益的辩证统一为中心,“以人为本”、“依法为准”和“以力为基”的原则,是研究毛泽东国际政治理论的一种有效的视角。其次,研究和分析了毛泽东国际政治理论产生的国际国内历史背景以及毛泽东国际政治理论产生的理论渊源,认为毛泽东继承了中国传统文化中的优秀成果,吸收了马克思主义解放全人类的科学社会主义学说与国际政治学说和近代西方民权理论,在中国民族救亡和人民解放的革命实践以及社会主义的外交实践中形成了以权利为本体的国际政治理论。再次,在提炼出毛泽东国际政治时代论、力量论、秩序论和战略论有关命题的基础上,从权利的角度总结和分析了毛泽东国际政治理论中关于时代、国际政治力量对比、国际政治秩序和国际战略等内容。(1)认为毛泽东从人类彻底解放的角度全面继承了列宁关于现时代发展方向是帝国主义和无产阶级革命的论断,在继承列宁的战争与革命时代主题的基础上创造性地提出了和平也是现时代主题的论断;(2)认为毛泽东根据国际社会中两大阶级和两种社会制度国家的权利、权力和利益的辩证统一关系,一度接受了欧洲九国共产党工人党情报局关于战后“两大阵营”的国际政治力量划分的论断,但是他在战略上特别重视“中间地带”在国际政治力量对比中的地位和作用,在反霸斗争的实践中从理论上向两大阵营论和由此而形成的两极格局发出挑战,最后形成“三个世界”力量划分的论断,从而指明了国际政治格局由两极向多极发展的趋势;(3)认为毛泽东从维护民族和国家的权利出发,提出的民族自决原则、国家平等原则以及和平共处五项原则符合国际法的基本原则,是建立公正合理的国际政治新秩序的基本准则;(4)认为维护世界和平与国家安全是毛泽东国际政治战略的目标,坚持独立自主地发展国家力量是毛泽东国际政治战略的根本方针,建立广泛的反帝反霸统一战线以及开展人民外交是毛泽东国际政治战略的主要手段。最后,从权利的角度总结和分析了毛泽东国际政治理论的价值取向,认为反对强权利益和维护国家主权利益时毛泽东国际政治理论的价值取向,并由此得出结论:毛泽东的国际政治理论是一种争取和维护国际社会弱势群体的政治家的国际政治理论,具有很强的理论意义和实践意义。 关键词:毛泽东 国际政治理论 权利 权力 利益

With the title of "Research on Mao Zedong's International Political Theory and Practice", this book systematically analyzes and studies the historical origin of the formation of Mao Zedong's international political theory, the content of Mao Zedong's international political theory, and the value orientation of Mao Zedong's international political theory from the perspective of rights. Firstly, the basic viewpoints and principles of the perspective of rights in the study of Chinese international political theory are discussed, and it is believed that the dialectical unity of rights, power and interests as the center, and the principles of "people-oriented", "according to law" and "force-based" are an effective perspective for the study of Mao Zedong's international political theory. Secondly, this paper studies and analyzes the international and domestic historical background of Mao Zedong's international political theory and the theoretical origin of Mao Zedong's international political theory, and believes that Mao Zedong inherited the excellent achievements in traditional Chinese culture, absorbed the Marxist scientific socialist theory and international political theory of liberating all mankind and modern Western civil rights theory, and formed an international political theory with rights as the ontology in the revolutionary practice of China's national salvation and people's liberation and the diplomatic practice of socialism. Third, on the basis of extracting Mao Zedong's relevant propositions of the theory of the era, the theory of power, the theory of order and the theory of strategy, the contents of Mao Zedong's international political theory on the era, the balance of international political forces, the international political order and the international strategy are summarized and analyzed from the perspective of rights. (1) It is believed that Mao Zedong fully inherited Lenin's thesis that the development direction of the current era is imperialism and proletarian revolution from the perspective of the complete liberation of mankind, and creatively put forward the thesis that peace is also the theme of the present era on the basis of inheriting Lenin's theme of war and revolution; (2) It is believed that Mao Zedong, in accordance with the dialectical unity of the rights, powers and interests of the two major classes and the two social systems in the international community, once accepted the thesis of the intelligence bureau of the Communist Party of the Workers' Party of the nine European countries on the division of international political forces in the post-war "two camps", but he strategically attached special importance to the status and role of the "middle ground" in the balance of international political forces, and in the practice of the anti-hegemony struggle, he theoretically challenged the theory of the two camps and the resulting bipolar pattern, and finally formed the "three worlds" The thesis of the division of forces, thus pointing out the trend of the development of the international political pattern from bipolar to multipolar; (3) Believing that the principles of national self-determination, the principle of equality of nations and the five principles of peaceful coexistence put forward by Mao Zedong, proceeding from safeguarding the rights of nations and states, conform to the basic principles of international law and are the basic norms for the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political order; (4) It is believed that maintaining world peace and national security is the goal of Mao Zedong's international political strategy, adhering to the independent development of national forces is the fundamental policy of Mao Zedong's international political strategy, and establishing a broad anti-imperialist and anti-hegemonic united front and carrying out people's diplomacy are the main means of Mao Zedong's international political strategy. Finally, from the perspective of rights, the value orientation of Mao Zedong's international political theory is summarized and analyzed, and the value orientation of Mao Zedong's international political theory when opposing power interests and safeguarding national sovereign interests is concluded: Mao Zedong's international political theory is an international political theory of politicians who win over and safeguard vulnerable groups in the international community, which has strong theoretical and practical significance. Keywords: Mao Zedong international political theory rights power interests(AI翻译)





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