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关注民生是我们党全心全意为人民服务宗旨的体现,是全面贯彻落实科学发展观的重要保证,是提高党的执政能力、保持和发展党的先进性的必然要求。关注民生、重视民生、保障民生、改善民生是实现公平正义、促进社会和谐的现实途径,是构建和谐社会的关键所在。公安机关在构建和谐社会中,无论是从中国特色社会主义的性质出发,还是从和谐社会特征着眼,或者从公安机关的特殊职能要求考虑,公安机关注定是和谐社会的建设者、促进者、保障者,都必须为构建和谐社会创造和谐稳定的社会环境和公正高效权威的法治环境。在这种背景下,提出和研究关于民生警务课题无疑具有积极的实践意义和深层的学术意义。与对公安机关的传统认识相比,“民生警务”是在新形势下关于警察职能的新探讨。公安机关在执行人民民主专政职能时,也在实践和认识上逐步实现自身职能的转变,在和谐社会构建中将服务民生作为自身职能的新内容。“民生警务”成为公安机关的新概念和新实践。在构建和谐社会的进程中,解决民生问题成为公安机关最大的警务。这是新时代下公安工作的客观要求和主观调整。公安机关的全部工作要服从服务于解决民生问题这个大局,谋划公安核心工作、处理公安具体工作,也要服从服务于解决民生问题这个大局。为此,分析构建和谐社会与公安工作的关系,结合中国共产党执政理念和加强党的执政能力建设中对民生思想与政策完整把握,对警务活动的民生导向进行历史梳理和域外比较,对警务活动服务民生的基本理念、机制建构、运作方式及监督制度等问题进行专题探讨,是一项重要课题。民生警务是在科学发展观指导下,以民本的思想、法治的精神、和谐的理念,在全面把握公安工作职能和定位、规律和特点的基础上,有效履行打击、防控、管理、服务职能的过程,是把保障、服务和改善民生的具体要求贯穿到警务活动的各个环节的过程,是与党和国家大局高度一致、与人民群众的愿望和需求高度契合的警务工作境界。本书立足于和谐社会构建中民生观对公安事业发展的客观要求,研究社会治安管理面临的新情况、新问题,积极探索社会治安管理的新思路、新方法,切实提高社会治安管理水平,从主动适应人民群众对社会管理和公共服务的新期待新要求这一战略高度出发,构建以民生至上为核心理念,以和谐为标志的警民关系,以服务和保障民生为主要内容的警务工作机制。通过研究民生与警务的关系、贯通民生精神的现代警务新理念、中国警务活动现状、民生警务现实发展的实证研究以及民生警务机制的建构、运作和监督制度,力图解决什么是具有中国特点的民生警务,如何建立适合中国特点的民生警务机制,影响民生警务机制的主要因素以及和谐社会构建中民生警务的基本取向等问题。本项研究通过对武汉市公安局江汉区分局民意街派出所警务运行的调查、总结、分析、评价,勾勒出适合中国实际的民生警务基本取向,以宣传、倡导、推动民生警务工作。目前学界有关民生警务的整合成果极少,而本书将民生与警务有机结合在一起,将民生意蕴贯彻在当代中国警务活动中,提出和谐社会构建中民生警务的理论假设和实践操作模式,具有明显的原创性和前沿性。同时,本书立足我国国情,注重实证研究,努力探索具有中国特色的警务运行机制,并从法政治学角度,在多学科交叉研究的基础上,开展制度运行环节的因素分析,提出较系统的民生警务运行体系。可以相信,当我们从科学发展的高度,充分认识关注民生问题的极端重要性,切实把关系老百姓切身利益的工作摆在更加突出的位置,为民生警务机制出谋划策,我国民生警务的愿景必定会早日实现。 关键词:和谐社会 公安机关 民生警务

To be concerned with people's livelihood is to embody our party's goal of serving the people wholeheartedly,to guarantee comprehensive implementation of the scientific outlook on development,and to necessitate her improving the administrative ability and maintaining and developing the characteristics of vanguards.The political speech made by Secretary Hu Jingtao at the 17th Congress of the Communist Party clearly states that it is necessary to“accelerate the focus on improving people's livelihood and social construction”.To be concerned with people's livelihood,to attach importance to people's livelihood,to safeguard people's livelihood and to improve people's livelihood are a realistic approach to achieving fairness and justice and promoting social harmony and the key to building a harmonious society.To set up a socialist harmonious society,no matter what it is to be taken into consideration:the socialist nature with Chinese characteristics,the characteristics of a harmonious society,or the special functional requirements of the police,the public security organ is bound to be a builder,facilitator and guarantor of a harmonious society,being obligated to build a stable social environment for constructing a socialist harmonious society and to create an authoritative legal atomosphere for efficiency and justice.In this context,to put forward and do research into the police service for the people's livelihood is no doubt of a positive practical significance and a profound academic significance.Compared to the traditional understanding of the public security organ,“police service for people's livelihood”is a new study on the functions of police under the new situation.In the process of performing the functions of the people's democratic dictatorship,the public security organ realizes its own changes in functions in both practice and understanding and serves for the people's livelihood as the new contents of its own functions in the building of a harmonious society.“Police service for the people's livelihood”becomes the new concepts and new practice of the public security organ.In the process of building a socialist harmonious society,the issue of meeting people's livelihood has become the priority of the public security organ,which is the practical demands and subjective adjustment of police in the new era.The public security organ should subordinate all its work to the overall goal of meeting the demands of people's livelihood,and so should it do with its plan of the core work and the performing of the specific tasks.To this end,it is an important subject to compare the people's livelihood orientation of police service activities vertically and horizontally and explore in particular the basic concept,mechanism construction,operation form and control system of the police service for people's livelihood by analysing the relationship between building a socialist harmonious society and public security work and achieving a better understanding of the people's livelihood-oriented mind and policy of the Chinese Communist Party's ruling idea in its governing capacity construction.Police service for the people's livelihood is,under the guidance of scientific outlook on development,with the perception that is people-centered,legal and harmonious,on the basis of a comprehensive grasp of the functional orientation and rules and characteristics of the public security work,to perform effective functions,such as crackdown,protection,management and service;to safeguard,serve for and improve on the people's livelihood on all aspects of police service;to be highly consistent with the overall goal of the Party and the nation and to meet the wants and needs of the ordinary people.Based on the objective requirements of public security development from the concept of people's livelihood,this dissertation studies the new situation and problems faced by public security management and actively explores the new ideas and methods in order to effectively improve the public security management level and to build a mechanism for police service accompanied with‘people's livelihood first’as its core concept,harmonious relationship between police and civilians as its symbol,and serving and ensuring people's livelihood as the main content.Through the research into the relationship between people's livelihood and the police service,the new concept of modern police service with the spirit of livelihood,the current status ofthe Chinese police,and the empirical studies of the reality development of police service for people's livelihood,as well as the construction,operation and supervision system of the mechanism of police service for people's livelihood,this thesis makes an effort to answer questions as what police service for people's livelihood with Chinese characteristics is,how to establish the mechanism of police service for people's livelihood suited to Chinese characteristics,what main elements influence the mechanism of police service for people's livelihood,and what the direction of constructing police service in a socialist harmonious society is.This study on the police service of Minyi Street Police Station,Jianghan District,Wuhan,with the investigation,summary,analysis and evaluation of it,has outlined the basic orientation fit for the actual police service for people's livelihood in China.Currently there are rare results about police service for people's livelihood in academia;therefore,this paper is creative and advanced,since it combines the people's livelihood with police service,carries out the concept of people's livelihood in contemporary Chinese police service activities,and presents the theoretical assumptions and actual operating models.At the same time,based on national conditions in China,this dissertation focuses on empirical research and strives to explore a police service operating mechanism with Chinese characteristics;what's more,from the view of politics of law,it carries out factors analysis of operational performance and puts forward a scientific police service for people's livelihood operation system based on multidisciplinary study.It is believed that from the perspective of scientific development,when we fully understand the paramount importance of being concerned with people's livelihood,earnestly place the work concerned to the immediate interests of the people in a more prominent position,and give suggestions for the police service mechanism for people's livelihood,China's vision of police service for people's livelihood will soon be a reality. Key words:harmonious society,public security organ,police service for people's livelihood





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