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Responsive Politial Development:A Perspective of the Transformation from Development-oriented Government to Service-oriented Government in China







基金信息: 本书得到华中科技大学文科著作出版基金资助 展开



Yan Shuai's doctoral dissertation, "Responsive Political Development: An Observation of China's Transition from Developmental Government to Service-oriented Government", will be published after revision and improvement, and as his instructor, he is happy to see the success of this book, and is willing to talk about his impressions of this book for readers' reference. Based on my understanding of the current research environment and knowledge production of Chinese political science, combined with the experience of supervising doctoral students over the years, I feel that a good doctoral dissertation must first have a good topic, that is, people often say that the problem discussed should be a meaningful "real problem". What is the real problem? I tried to summarize it as "three haves". The first is that there is a "doubt", that is, the issue under discussion is at least formally a hypothesis to be proved, and it is still a "problem" rather than a well-defined conclusion until you prove it; In other words, it at least formally leaves room for discussion, rather than using the confession of personal beliefs and the expression of personal emotions as academic "questions", so that people can know the conclusion at a glance at the title, and it is a posture that does not need to be discussed and cannot be discussed without doubt. The second is meaningful, that is, the research problem is not only important enough, has greater academic value and practical significance, but also must ask about the level that others have not solved or the place where the research is not enough, so that there is a need for research. Otherwise, without a little new problem and a new expected breakthrough point, blindly coming out to make fun can only be picking up people's teeth and adding to the trouble. The third is possible, that is, any person with basic academic literacy should be able to roughly see the general research methods, ideas and scope implied in his topic, know at what level and scope he will ask questions and form a dialogue with the academic community, and can imagine that his methods and ideas are feasible at the existing research level, and the core concepts involved in the topic are also deduced from the existing conceptual system, so they can be variable and operationalized. Academic research is expensive in innovation, but it is also difficult to innovate. The problem now is that, on the one hand, there are not many really innovative works, and there is a lot of low-level repetitive garbage; On the other hand, it is to treat "tossing" as "innovation": a certain problem has obviously been studied, it is clear that it can be expressed with the existing conceptual system, and it is necessary to put forward a new concept that does not rely on four or six, creating a boundless "new problem", this kind of "innovation" made out of nothing, people cannot see its relationship with the existing disciplinary language and conceptual system, nor do they know who he is discussing the problem with at what level and scope, it is just tossing very hard, and has nothing to do with innovation. Of course, in addition to a good topic selection, a doctoral dissertation ultimately depends on whether it is well written or not. Good research results, or challenge into theory, or supplement, improve, deepen the research of predecessors, or put forward new explanations and concepts for a certain problem, and no matter what kind of progress, it must be reasonable, persistent, and in line with scientific and rigorous academic norms. In a word, it is always necessary to put forward some convincing new insights into the research problem, and make some new contributions to academic research. From the above two aspects, Yan Shuai's doctoral dissertation should be said to be a success on the whole. As we all know, since the beginning of the 21st century, marked by the introduction of new governing concepts such as the Scientific Outlook on Development and a harmonious society, the Chinese government has begun to work hard to adjust the positioning of the government, transform the functions of the government, and strive for the historical transformation from a development-oriented government to a service-oriented government. What is the reason and background of the Chinese government's promotion of this transformation, that is, the "logic of transformation"? How effective has it been so far? And how does it affect China's political development? The exploration, answering and theoretical summary of these questions are related to the actual trend of China's future politics on the one hand, and can also be academically tested and enriched by the existing political development theory, democratic transition theory and government theory, and its practical significance and academic value are self-evident, so it has become a hot academic issue that has attracted great attention from the academic circles at home and abroad. However, it is precisely because these problems are very large and complex, although the academic community has published a number of good research papers, but it must be admitted that the exploration of such problems is far from over, there is still a lot of room for discussion, and more new talents are needed to join the exploration team and form a trend of passing on the torch. In this sense, Dr. Yan Shuai's book closely focuses on the background, process, logic and effect of government transformation, and tries to have a dialogue with the seniors and everyone in the academic community on the transformation issues promoted by the Chinese government that have attracted widespread attention, and its topic selection itself shows a keen awareness and innovative courage for cutting-edge academic issues. In terms of research methods and research content, the author tries to propose a new explanatory framework or research paradigm by carefully analyzing and comparing relevant interpretation models at home and abroad, and using his understanding of China's actual situation and the data he has mastered. The author believes that the current theories explaining the transformation and political development of the Chinese government, such as civil society, state building, categorical control, corporatism, etc., are essentially a binary separation analysis model that puts the relationship between the state and society in the contrast between strong and weak, such as the value orientation of "strong society, weak state" of civil society theory, and the value orientation of "strong country and weak society" of state construction, categorical control, and corporatism, which all have great contributions to the explanatory power of China's actual political situation, and there are also certain problems. To this end, the author jumps out of this binary separation analysis mode that puts the relationship between the state and society in the contrast between strength and weakness, puts forward an analysis proposition of "state-society interaction theory", tries to analyze "transformation" through the two dimensions of "state supply guided by social demand" and "dynamic response of state supply according to changes in social demand", and summarizes the process of state-society interaction as "social demand→ political interaction→ state supply→ political development". Following this line of thought, the author first analyzes the topic orientation and basic attributes of current mass events in China through a large number of data and charts, and then examines the changes in contemporary Chinese social needs, arguing that after the demand for economic rights, the demand for social rights is becoming the mainstream demand of the Chinese public. However, the author's discussion of the needs of Chinese society does not stop there, but further pursues the concept of rights behind it. The author points out that there are great differences between China and the West in the logic of rights, with mainstream Western culture focusing on establishing links between "rights" and "freedoms", while China strives to equate "rights" with "livelihoods" and prioritizes economic and social rights. Therefore, unlike the Western emphasis on political rights, China focuses on social rights, a value ranking of social rights over political rights, which has continued since Mencius. After profoundly revealing the historical and practical background of the value orientation of Chinese social rights first, the author follows the logic of "state supply guided by social demand" and points out that the current "service-oriented government construction" in China is a dynamic response to the "need for social justice". Specifically, under the pressure mechanism of social protest, the government must respond to social needs in order to maintain political stability. In the face of the growing demand for public services, the state began to transform government functions and build a service-oriented government, which is manifested in the guidance of new governing concepts such as the Scientific Outlook on Development and a harmonious society, the Chinese government has issued a series of social policies aimed at ensuring social justice and providing public services. So far, the author gives a generally convincing answer to the question of "why the Chinese government transformed". So, how should we assess the impact and significance of this transition on China's political development? The author continues to explore this issue along the lines of "social demand→ national supply→ political development". Through investigation, the author summarizes China's political development as "responsive political development": it is an institutional change and political transformation model that aims at political stability and takes "social demand - state supply" as the process, the state maintains a high sensitivity to social needs, and meets social needs through continuous adaptation, learning and response, and promotes political development in the process of interaction between the state and society. Such a generalization of the types of political development in China also responds to the question that often puzzles the academic community: according to the theoretical premise of "responsibility for elections", only in the presence of Western-style democratic elections can citizens form effective accountability for the government, and can ensure that the government must pay attention to public affairs and citizens' interests. The author gives a reasonable explanation from the pressure of social resistance, the orientation of social needs (in fact, it may also include the requirements of the purpose of the ruling party itself, the need to build political legitimacy in the new situation, etc.). Finally, the author further analyzes the effect of the Chinese government's transformation and puts forward predictions and suggestions for its future development. On the one hand, the author fully affirms the high sensitivity and adaptability to social needs shown by this government transformation, as well as the positive significance for improving people's livelihood, social stability and political development, but also believes that the current interaction between the state and society is not ideal, which is manifested in the lack of a benign institutional interaction platform between the state and society, which is easy to trigger social protests, and at the same time the transformation of government functions is difficult, and the construction of service-oriented government encounters various bottlenecks. In the final analysis, this mode of government transformation and responsive political development is still caused by the situation of "social contradictions and reversal", and the government's response and reform are still lagging, passive and partial compared with the needs of social development and change. Therefore, continuously promoting the construction of democratic politics to enhance the government's ability to respond to social needs has become the core issue of China's political development in the future. It should be said that the whole book has clear ideas, rigorous logic, rich materials, and well-grounded arguments, and the analysis of the background, process, logic and effect of this government transformation promoted by the Chinese government is explanatory on the whole, and has achieved the expected research goals. In particular, some of the key contents and main conclusions of the book, such as taking "social justice needs" and "social resistance" as the main explanations, analyzing the background and motivation of government transformation (service-oriented government construction), summarizing the types and characteristics of contemporary China's political development with "responsive political development", and analyzing the effects and prospects of this government transformation promoted by the Chinese government, etc., are quite wonderful and powerful. It is believed that these studies should have important academic value and practical reference significance for observing the political development and government transformation in contemporary China. Of course, because the author discusses such a complex and challenging topic, coupled with the academic environment and personal ability, it is inevitable that this book will have some flaws and worthy of scrutiny. For example, the concepts of "service-oriented government" and "government transformation" seem to need to be clearer, variable, and operational; Further consideration and explanation of the time and process factors involved in China's transformation to a service-oriented government are required, including, are there any phased characteristics of the transformation? What is the completion of transformation? But in any case, the author's academic passion and academic potential through this book give us reason to look forward to him. It is hoped that the author will take the publication of this book as a new starting point and go further and better on the future academic road. Zhang Xingjiu, October 2015(AI翻译)





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