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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the "Chinese Dream" of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has surged and unstoppable in the land of China, shaking the world. The purpose of writing this book is to tell readers that the Chinese dream is a great, systematic and long-term project, which depends on the people of the whole country to use their hardworking hands and hard and solid labor to hold it up. As Comrade Xi Jinping said: "'Meritorious and dedicated, extensive and diligent'." Our country is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain for a long time, and realizing the Chinese dream and creating a better life for all the people is a long way to go, and each and every one of us needs to continue to make hard work and hard work. Xi Jinping also said: "People create history, and labor creates the future." Labor is the fundamental force that promotes the progress of human society. Happiness does not fall from the sky, dreams do not automatically come true. To achieve our goals and create our bright future, we must closely rely on the people, always rely on the people, and rely on hard work, honest work and creative labor. We say that 'empty talk misleads the country, and practical work rejuvenates the country', and practical work must first be done in a down-to-earth manner. "Perhaps no one doubts that all the wealth and miracles of the world are created by the hard work of laborers. However, in societies where class, exploitation, and oppression exist, laborers own only a small fraction of wealth. And to this day, most of the world's laborers are engaged in cumbersome manual labor that is despised by others. Some of these lives are still very difficult, even miserable. For these laborers, great labor and glorious labor are just empty slogans. This book wants to illustrate the greatness and glory of labor with a large number of facts from the combination of history and reality, explain the greatness and glory of laborers, and explain that all changes in the world are bred in the transformation of labor relations. In today's global flood of virtual economy, anyone who expects to read this book will be touched, and they can't help but shout from the bottom of their hearts: the world's most beautiful song should be dedicated to physical labor and to physical workers. Historical practice has made people gradually understand that all the mysteries of the development of human society are hidden in labor. As the essence of human beings, labor is not only the basis and driving force for the emergence and development of human society, but also the foundation and driving force for the emergence and development of human beings themselves. In a certain sense, the history of human development and progress is nothing more than the history of the development of labor and labor relations. The key to unlocking all the secrets of human development should be found through labor. It was in the study of labor that Marx revealed the mystery of surplus value, the nature of capital and capitalist society, and the law of development of its historical progress and inevitable demise. Similarly, the key to understanding the mysteries of all today's international issues must also start from the study of international labor relations and find it from the development and change of international labor. Today's era is already an era of globalization of labor. The resources and elements of labor, the production and sale of labor products, have all transcended the boundaries of the country, and they are looking for their most favorable place in the global flow. Due to the globalization of labor and the formation and development of the world market system, the one-sidedness and limitations of the nation have become increasingly impossible, and all international production and consumption have become universal, as is the case with material production and spiritual production. The globalization of labor is not only an important stage in the development of human society, but also in the process of emancipation of workers, in which the final struggle of workers all over the world to unite for their own liberation will become a reality and gradually unfold. Persisting in opening up, actively developing international labor, and fully integrating into the world labor system is the only correct way to realize the Chinese dream. Over the past 30 years, China has unswervingly adhered to this path and achieved miracles that have attracted worldwide attention. In particular, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics pioneered by China in this process has also provided practical reference for the liberation struggles of working people all over the world. The core of this road is labor-oriented and common prosperity. I believe that in today's world era of contempt for labor, speculative gambling mania, speculative gambling replacing labor, and the disparity between the rich and the poor, the pursuit of "labor-oriented, common prosperity" should become not only the pursuit and banner of Chinese workers, but also the pursuit and banner of workers all over the world. In the past, the research on international economic issues was basically limited to the fields of monetary finance and commodity exchange, mainly manifested in the three major areas of international trade, international finance and international market. On the shelves in the bookstore, we can see that there are many books on international economics such as international trade, international finance, international markets, international economics, international political economy, international relations, etc., but we can't see a book dedicated to international labor or labor globalization. International labor, however, is the basis of all these relationships. The history and reality of world economic development tell us that without in-depth study of international labor, these studies will lack a foundation. Especially in today's world, which is full of financial crises, environmental crises and political turmoil, what a need for a book that specializes in international labor and reflects the status, interests and role of workers! In order to fill this gap, this book, as a pioneering attempt, starts from the ancient civilization created by labor, and conducts preliminary research and elaboration on the generation, development and historical role of international labor, the historical evolution and new characteristics of international division of labor, labor globalization and the formation of the global labor market system, labor globalization and the liberation of laborers, labor globalization and future society, the globalization of virtual capital and the global economic bubble, speculation, gambling replacing labor and the global financial crisis, and the rejuvenation of international labor and China. In order to be able to throw bricks and lead jade. Labor and laborers are the protagonists of this book. The progress and change of labor relations promote the progress and change of the entire human society, and are the soul of this book. The writing of this book is not only an intellectual effort, but also an emotional effort. Walking on the street every morning, looking around, the hurried traffic crowd, southeast, northwest, the stream is endless. Among them are urban workers, peasant migrant workers, managers, intellectuals, state cadres, scientific workers, white-collar workers, blue-collar workers, and cleaners, although they have different directions and different identities, but their goal is one, to labor, to the creation of history. Perhaps only at this moment will people truly feel the existence and meaning of life. Labor is the prerequisite for human survival and development, the basis for the existence and development of human society, and therefore the basis of political economy. Both the political economy of the bourgeoisie and the political economy of Marxism are based on the analysis of specific labor, labor production, labor relations, and the distribution of labor products. Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations and Marx's Capital are all like this. Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" laid the foundation of the labor theory of value, proposing that the origin of all wealth is labor, the value of commodities is determined by the labor expended in producing such commodities, and that an important condition for increasing wealth is to increase labor productivity. However, although he analyzed the difference between use value and exchange value, he did not recognize the difference between labor and labor power, and thus did not reveal the nature of workers' wages, confused use value with profit, thus concealing the essence of capitalists' exploitation of workers. In this masterpiece "Capital", Marx started from the analysis of labor, discovered the duality of labor, discovered the difference between labor and labor in the commodity sense, thus revealing the secret of how surplus value is created, and realizing the great revolution of political economy. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, no matter where you go, you will see the scene of laborers doing hard labor. In order to be able to live better, in order to chase great dreams, they are not afraid of the cold and the heat, and silently carry out hard and busy labor in the ice and snow, under the scorching sun. How hard they work, how beautiful their hearts are, how great their spirits are, maybe the stars in the sky can tell you. I dare to say that whenever I see the labor of laborers and the shocking labor scene, people will be in awe and will strongly feel: we should sing for labor, because labor is human life; Tribute should be paid to the laborers, who are the sun of human society. As long as human society does not fully revolve around the sun of labor, it cannot eliminate the darkness. What deserves our praise and admiration is advanced labor or innovative labor, because the development and progress of human beings is always led by advanced labor or innovative labor. Labor is not only the source of wealth, but also the essence of man and the fundamental value of life. However, since mankind entered a class society based on private ownership, people have loved wealth as if they were fateful, but they did not like labor, and labor became a forced and hated thing. Why? Marx answered this question, that is, because of the alienation of labor. Due to the alienation of labor, the fruits of labor that should be enjoyed by oneself have become a tool for oppression, exploitation and impoverishment. Alienated labor distorts the nature of labor, as well as the nature of man. What Marxists struggle for is the abolition of private ownership, the alienation of labor, the liberation of laborers, and the restoration of the nature of labor and human nature. It is the dream of all mankind to eliminate the alienation of labor and to realize a society in which there is no exploitation, no oppression, and labor is no longer a means of slavery, but a means for the laborers to develop themselves. The focus of this book is on international labor relations, including international labor relations and international division of labor relations. These two relationships are reflected through the global development of multinational corporations, so multinational companies are also an important part of the research in this book. In the study of international division of labor, the focus is on the new development and changes of international division of labor, the distribution of advantages and benefits in the international division of labor, the upgrading of the structure of international division of labor and the reform of the international division of labor order. In particular, in order to change their unfavorable position in the international division of labor, developing countries must change their development mode, carry out industrial restructuring and upgrading, and make vigorous efforts in developing innovative labor, developing core high-end technologies, and developing education. Based on today's practice, this book devotes a lot of space to the issues of virtual capital and virtual economy, and expounds the essence and interrelationship between virtual capital and real capital, virtual economy and real economy. Especially in combination with the practice of the new world financial crisis, when expounding virtual capital and virtual economy, this book spends a relatively large part of Marx's theory that speculation and gambling replace labor as the characteristics of capitalist finance. It analyzes and expounds the selfish, greedy, fraudulent and parasitic nature of financial capitalists in this speculation and gambling. A large number of facts from history and practice show that the replacement of labor by speculation and gambling is the root cause of the capitalist world financial crisis and the source of all evil. Some Western scholars call the gains of fictitious capital the money of fantasy, and the selfish, greedy, and fraudulent nature of financial oligarchs as "animal spirits." In fact, the greed of people is unbridled greed, and this greed has the root of the social system. From the scope of social system, the deeper root causes of the capitalist financial crisis are analyzed, and the relationship between crisis relief and labor liberation is analyzed from a new perspective. Combined with the strike and march movement of workers triggered by the capitalist financial crisis, the new stage of the liberation struggle of workers and the choice of road are analyzed. In the part of international labor and the dream of China's rejuvenation, from the combination of theory and practice, it expounds the socialist road with Chinese characteristics with reform and opening up and the development of international labor as the basic content, and is a broad road for China's rejuvenation. Opening up to the outside world, learning all advanced things from abroad, boldly introducing advanced foreign technology and equipment, vigorously developing international labor, and actively integrating into the international division of labor system are important reasons for China's rapid development and continuous miracles over the past 30 years. On the basis of summing up lessons learned, the severe challenges facing the realization of the Chinese Dream were analyzed from many aspects, and specific countermeasures were put forward to deal with these challenges. In this part of the discussion, it is also emphasized that in this development process, as a major creation of China, migrant workers are indispensable. A large number of migrant workers have gone to the cities to work, and while they have contributed to the industrialization of the country, they have also made their families rich, which is a unique path to industrialization created by China in the reform and opening up. A large number of factories and a large number of infrastructure construction projects have been set up by attracting foreign capital to provide a large number of jobs for migrant workers. With the enthusiasm of getting rid of poverty and getting rich, they went to the city to work, which met the large number of labor required for industrialization. Leaving behind the old people and children, they went to the cities to engage in the heaviest, dirtiest, hardest and greatest labor, endured the most difficult living conditions, and received the most meager wages and treatment, but the migrant workers had no regrets, and always worked hard, practically, and persistently. Look at the tall buildings, dense roads, airports, docks and goods shipped around the world in our country, and in whatever achievement, you can see their hard work. The reason why our country can become the "factory of the world" and achieve today's achievements, in which how much sweat they shed, how much hard work they have paid, how much they have contributed, how much wealth they have created for the country in the past 30 years, who can calculate clearly! Because international labor is a completely new field of study, in the analysis and discussion of this book, not only clear definition of international labor, but also many new concepts are proposed. For example, innovative labor, labor globalization, labor quality, dignified labor, international division of labor structure, mortgage labor consumption, etc. It is worth mentioning that the research in this book has always adhered to the guidance of Marxism. Some theories, such as financial theory, can even be said to be interpretations of Marxism in the new historical era. In other words, this book is also of great significance for popularizing and propagating Marxism in connection with reality, promoting the development of Marxism, and advancing with the times. The author was published in Beijing in June 2013(AI翻译)





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