本书是课题组第6部城市营销专题研究报告。按照课题组提出的城市品牌发展指数(City Brand Development Index,CBDI)、省域品牌发展指数(Provin Brand Development Index,PBDI)及(Urban Agglomeration Brand Development Index,ABDI)概念及指数模型,本报告选取中国288个城市、30个省及20个主要城市群的品牌发展进行了评估与测量。在此基础上,形成2019年度的中国城市品牌发展指数总报告、中国城市文化品牌发展指数报告、中国城市旅游品牌发展指数报告、中国城市投资品牌发展指数报告、中国城市宜居品牌发展指数报告、中国城市品牌传播发展指数报告、中国省域品牌发展指数报告及中国城市群品牌发展指数报告。本书以“创新创业促进城市内生增长动力”为主题,从城市营销的角度对2018—2019年的中国城市营销在创新驱动及新旧动能转换背景下的发展态势进行了回顾和展望,重点研究了创新创业生态系统与城市内生动力的关系及其对城市品牌发展的贡献。同时,结合中国城市营销与城市品牌化发展的实际需要,报告选取了北京、成都、西安、杭州、深圳、广州、波士顿、旧金山、纽约、伦敦、柏林、斯德哥尔摩、东京、首尔、巴黎、特拉维夫等中外城市,作为创新创业生态系统打造推动城市品牌发展的典型案例进行了深入研究。基于数据分析、发展考察、理论聚焦及案例研究,本课题从多个角度对我国城市(区域)营销与品牌化发展提出对策建议。作为集体努力的成果,本书致力于推进中国城市营销与品牌化研究,并为城市营销实践提供有价值的理论指导与经验借鉴。
This book is the sixth research report on urban marketing in the research group. According to the concepts and index models of the City Brand Development Index (CBDI), Provin Brand Development Index (PBDI) and Urban Agglomeration Brand Development Index (ABDI) proposed by the research group, this report selects 288 cities in China. Brand development was evaluated and measured in 30 provinces and 20 major urban agglomerations. On this basis, the 2019 China City Brand Development Index General Report, China City Cultural Brand Development Index Report, China City Tourism Brand Development Index Report, China City Investment Brand Development Index Report, China City Livable Brand Development Index Report, China City Brand Communication Development Index Report, China Provincial Brand Development Index Report and China City Cluster Brand Development Index Report are formed. With the theme of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promoting Urban Endogenous Growth Dynamics", this book reviews and prospects the development trend of urban marketing in China from the perspective of urban marketing in 2018-2019 under the background of innovation drive and transformation of old and new kinetic energy, focusing on the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem and urban endogenous dynamics and its contribution to the development of urban brands. At the same time, combined with the actual needs of China's urban marketing and city brand development, the report selects Beijing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Boston, San Francisco, New York, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Tokyo, Seoul, Paris, Tel Aviv and other Chinese and foreign cities as typical cases of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem to promote the development of city brands. Based on data analysis, development investigation, theoretical focus and case studies, this project puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the development of urban (regional) marketing and branding in China from multiple perspectives. As the result of collective efforts, this book is committed to promoting the research of urban marketing and branding in China, and providing valuable theoretical guidance and experience for urban marketing practice.(AI翻译)
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