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地球形成已有47亿年历史,生物圈在地球上也存在了34亿年之久,与它们相比,人类拥有的两三百万年历史显然是微不足道的,但人类活动对地球和生物圈变化的影响却越来越大,尤其是在最近的一百多年。20世纪既是历史上人类社会经济发展最辉煌的一个世纪,也是生态环境被破坏最严重的一个世纪。人类在利用不断进步的科技文明创造辉煌的物质文明同时,由于对自然资源的开发和索取大大超过了自然资源的负荷能力和生态系统的承载力,因而也为自己无节制地向大自然攫取资源财富的行为付出了昂贵的代价,并饱尝其苦果。联合国规划署2002年在巴黎发布的《全球经济综合报告》中指出:“过去十年,传统的线性经济方式进一步导致环境退化和灾难加剧,对世界造成了6080亿美元的损失——相当于此前40年中的损失总和。”“最新气候模型表明,除非大大减缓资源使用,推行循环经济模式,否则到100年以后的2100年,地球温度比现在上升6℃,必然导致气候变暖、生物多样性减少、土地贫瘠、空气污染、水极度缺乏、食品生产减少和致命疾病扩散等全球性重大环境问题。”我国目前正处于工业化中期,既面临着社会生产力、增强综合国力和提高人民生活水平的历史和现实任务,又存在着人口基数大、资源短缺、环境污染、经济发展水平低等一些相当严峻的问题。工业在我国国民经济发展中一直占有绝对重要地位,为我国的经济建设起着不可替代的作用。但长期以来,工业生产过程中,由于企业的总体技术水平不高,因而企业采用的主要还是以大量消耗资源粗放型生产为特征的“资源—产品—排放废物”这一传统的线性生产模式,由此造成的工业污染和资源浪费现象十分严重。据统计,目前我国万元生产总值的能耗是美国的3倍、日本的6倍、韩国的4.5倍;钢耗是美国的5.8倍、日本的2.7倍;全国每天约有1亿吨污水直接排入水体,全国七大水系中有一半以上的河流水质受到污染,经济建设对生态环境的破坏所造成的经济损失近3000亿元;资料还显示,工业污染物占污染物排放总量的70%。这种现象严重阻碍了社会经济的可持续发展和人类生活质量的不断提高。因此,世界各国越来越关注高速发展的工业所带来的生态环境问题。尤其是在1992年6月在巴西里约热内卢举行的联合国环境与发展大会上,世界各国通过了《里约环境与发展宣言》和《21世纪议程》两个纲领性文件以及《关于森林问题的原则声明》,签署了《气候变化框架公约》和《生物多样性公约》。这些文件充分体现了当今人类社会可持续发展的新思想,反映了关于环境与发展领域合作的全球共识和最高级别的政治承诺,对全球经济与人口、资源、环境协调发展起到了积极的推进作用。就我国经济增长方式及发展模式的转型问题,胡锦涛总书记明确提出:“要加快转变经济增长方式,将循环经济的发展理念贯穿到区域经济发展、城乡建设和产品生产中,使资源得到最有效的利用。最大限度地减少废弃物排放,逐步使生态步入良性循环。”为此,国家发改委明确提出,循环经济不仅要成为“十一五”总体规划的重要内容,而且还要用循环经济的理念指导“十一五”规划中的各项分计划,例如,我国在“十一五”发展规划纲要中明确要求:“十一五”期间,单位国内生产总值能耗要降低20%左右、主要污染物排放总量要减少10%。这是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的重大举措;是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择;是推进经济结构调整、转变经济增长方式的必由之路;是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求。可持续发展战略最为广泛接受的定义是由布伦特兰委员会(Bruntland Commission)给出的,该委员会认为:“所谓可持续发展是指一种既满足当代人的需要又不损害后代人满足他们自身需要能力的发展。”而循环经济就是该战略的具体体现。实际上,发展循环经济的主要领域是工业系统,现在工业生产的单向线性经济方式必须逐步改变为循环经济的发展模式。而发展生态工业体系,将有效地促进现有经济发展模式的改变,因为生态工业是按照自然生态学原理和规律而建立的一个工业生态系统,要求物质与能量高效组合利用,并与自然生态相协调,不构成环境危害,是低开采、高利用、低排放的“资源—产品—再生资源”反馈式流动循环经济。生态工业的萌芽出现在20世纪六七十年代,20世纪90年代初又重新被提出,特别是1989年9月《科学美国人》专刊号上发表的《可持续工业发展战略》一文中提出了“生态工业”这一概念:“在传统的工业体系中,每一道制造工序都独立于其他工序,通过消耗原料生产出即将被销售的产品和相应的废料;我们完全可以运用一种更为一体化的生产方式来代替这种过于简单化的传统生产方式,那就是工业生态系统。”生态工业的理论基础是工业生态学,即:仿照自然界生态过程物质循环的方式,应用现代科技所建立和发展起来的一种多层次、多结构、多功能,变工业排泄物为原料,实现循环生产、集约经营管理的综合工业生产体系。生态工业追求的是系统内各生产过程从原料、中间产物、废物到产品的物质循环,达到资源、能源、投资的最优利用。生态工业园区是工业生态学的实践应用,也是发展循环经济的有效途径。它是依据循环经济理念、工业生态学原理和清洁生产要求而设计建立的一种新型工业园区。它通过物流或能流传递等方式把不同工厂或企业连接起来,形成共享资源和互换副产品的产业共生组合,建立“生产者—消费者—分解者”的物质循环方式,使一家工厂的废物或副产品成为另一家工厂的原料或能源,寻求物质闭环循环、能量多级利用和废物产生最小化。其中园区内企业之间的副产品交换是应用工业生态学时最常被使用的战略之一。当前,我国各级各类工业园区发展非常迅速,在经济发展中的地位和贡献日趋突出,因此,对工业园区循环经济发展的研究建设,就是一个来自于实际需求的具体课题,有着重大的理论和现实意义。工业园区实现循环经济的有效途径就是园区内(外)生态工业系统的建设。本书写作的目的,就是希望能对生态工业园区的建设提供理论和实践上的指导,并为生态工业园区的建设提供立项决策和运行评估以及验收的科学依据。生态工业园所涉及的研究领域较多,为此,本书针对国内外相关研究的薄弱环节,分别在工业共生机理、工业共生模式、工业共生企业集群及循环经济下的企业间关系分析等方面开展研究,并注意内容之间的衔接和关联。在这之后,作者提出了“工业共生效率”这一新概念,并对工业共生效率的公式定义、内涵分析和工业共生效率的影响因素等内容进行了研究分析。在研究过程中,综合运用了工业生态学理论、生态工业园理论、产业集群理论、投入产出理论和环境费用(成本)效益分析等有关方法进行规范研究。目前,共生模式的研究角度基本分为四类:一是从企业共生的行为方式角度看,共生模式可分为寄生、偏利共生、非对称互惠共生和对称性互惠共生四种情况,其中后两种可合称为互利共生。二是从组织化程度角度看,共生模式可分为点共生、间歇共生、连续共生与一体化共生四种。三是将企业共生的行为方式和组织化程度二者结合起来,理论上的企业共生模式有16种。但工业共生的基本模式是互惠连续共生的企业共生模式,它是在企业地位对等基础上形成的,是生态工业园区共生企业的理性选择模式。关键是要将企业培育成具有独立地位的企业共生单元。四是从工业共生网络运作模式角度看,共生模式可分为依托型共生网络、平等型共生网络、嵌套型共生网络和虚拟型共生网络四种。与以上角度不同,本研究将循环经济原则与供应链和现代物流研究结合起来,提出并研究分析了两种具体的企业工业共生模式及实现方式,即通过逆向物流与绿色供应链组织和管理方式构建企业共生系统。从企业集群和产业关联理论(产业波及效应)的角度看,进行了基于企业集群导向的生态工业园区发展研究,并分析了生态工业园企业集群的产业选择、生态工业园工业共生的企业集群效应、生态工业园中企业集群的组织结构等内容。从企业关系的角度看,进行了循环经济下的企业行为分析、循环经济下企业间关系运行的机理分析等。为完善指导生态工业园区的规划建设的评价指标体系,定义了工业共生效率的概念并进行了有关研究。根据3R原则、系统性原则、动态性原则、科学性原则和可操作性原则,生态工业园区评价指标体系可分解为经济指标、生态环境指标、生态网络指标和管理指标四类指标[7]。有关ISE的研究是生态工业园研究和建设的重要内容之一,可以说它是一个用于指导和评价生态工业园区规划及建设的综合指标,既有经济和生态环境方面的要求,又有生态工业共生系统构建和管理方面的内容。它强调企业之间的共生关系构建及共生效果评估。这部分研究内容以期为完善生态工业园指标体系和提高实际工作中的指导应用效果,提供一定的补充和支持。在以上规范研究的基础上,进行了相应的实证研究。尤其是结合江西省的实际,通过实地调研和分析,重点研究了江西循环经济及生态工业园区发展。同时针对工业共生问题,也展开了相应的对策研究,提出了生态工业园建设和发展的相应对策,为政府制定园区相关政策提供针对性的建议,为园区管理者和经营者采取相应措施提供决策依据和参考。本书的主要项目基础是《江西省循环经济与生态工业可持续发展模式研究》(2004年江西省普通高校人文社会科学研究项目)和《基于循环经济的江西工业园区建设研究》(2006年江西省社会科学规划项目)。课题组通过调研,一致认为:循环经济、清洁生产和工业生态学即生态工业都是对传统环保理念的冲击和突破,它们之间既有共同之处,又有各自明确的理论、实践和运行方式。循环经济以“3R”为基本行为准则,以生态工业为发展载体,以清洁生产为重要手段,目的都是实现物质资源的有效利用和经济与生态的可持续发展。它们之间的异同之处可阐述归纳为:其一,清洁生产和生态工业园区是遵从循环经济的3R原则——“减量化(Reduce)、再使用(Reuse)和再循环(Recycle)”,通过单个企业的源削减和企业之间的副产品及废物的交换、能量和废水的逐级利用、基础设施的共享,来实现园区在经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的协调发展。其二,生态工业与清洁生产两者的兼容之处:(1)工业生态学是起源于清洁生产的,是清洁生产发展的一个新的阶段。(2)在促进减少污染物的排放和使用生命周期分析方法以及生态效率设计等方面,二者存在相似性,但清洁生产更侧重于要求企业减少对有毒物质的使用和排放。(3)企业之间的共生是对以企业为中心开展清洁生产的一个补充,通过不同材料的交换使用,可减少污染或废弃,有助于实现清洁生产所追求的零废物的终极目标。生态工业与清洁生产二者的区别之处:(1)操作范围不同,清洁生产集中在单个企业中,而工业生态学则在园区内所有企业的范围内,重点关注企业之间的共生方式和共生效率。(2)政府的核心作用在清洁生产的实施过程中相对明显,另外,由于生态工业采用静态手段将企业活动相互锁合在一起,形成有些企业之间过分相互依赖的局面,并且不利于技术创新和污染预防。(3)最大的不可兼容性是它们对再循环、材料效率和减少风险方面所产生的影响,比如,清洁生产的目的是阻止污染物和危险物的产生及再循环,而生态工业更多的是受追求材料和能源的最优化以及其他经济效率所驱动的,不是最大限度地减少污染物和危险物,而是鼓励在闭环系统内的再循环,使有害有毒物质最终进入废物流。其三,经典的清洁生产是在单个组织之内将环境保护延伸到该组织有关的方方面面,而生态工业则是在企业群落的各个企业之间,延伸了环境保护的理念与内涵。与生态工业相比较,循环经济从国民经济的高度和广度将环境保护引入经济运行机制。其四,按可持续发展战略的要求,具体的循环经济活动主要体现在企业、企业群落和社会三个层次。在企业层次上,要求企业减少产品和服务的物料使用量,减少产品和服务的能源使用量,减排有毒物质,加强物质的循环,最大限度地可持续地利用可再生资源,提高产品的耐用性,提高产品的服务强度。此层面更多地体现的是清洁生产的内容。在企业群落层次上,则要求按照工业生态学的原理,建立企业与企业之间副产品或废弃物的输入输出关系。在社会层次上,实施废弃物的无害化、减量化和资源化,即出生产、消费过程中和过程后实施物质和能源的循环。更多地体现的是循环经济战略思想。其五,要实现生态工业的目的,必须使工业生产从粗放型转向清洁型生产。清洁生产的基本精神是源削减,生态工业和循环经济的前提与本质是清洁生产。这一论点的理论基础是生态效率。生态效率追求物质和能源利用效率的最大化和废物产量的最小化,不必要的再用,意味着上游过程物质和能源的利用效率未达到最大化,而废物的再用和循环往往要消耗其他资源,且废物一旦产生即构成对环境的威胁。这也可以从一般通俗的角度来理解,因为,虽然生态工业的主要做法是将上游企业的废物用作下游企业的原材料和能量,但这绝不意味着上游企业想产生什么废物就产生什么废物、想排多少就排多少。同样,下游企业也不能因为还有下游企业可利用其废物而不必要地多排污,相反,它必须在其生产的全过程进行源削减。换言之,系统中每一环都要进行源削减,做到清洁生产。即生态工业系统中生产者的生产量、消费者的消费量和再生者的再生量是可变的,而且是应按照清洁生产的原则进行变化的。本书的写作得到了江西省社科规划办以及教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地“南昌大学中国中部经济发展研究中心”的大力支持和帮助,本书在写作过程中还参考引用了许多专家、学者的文献资料,在此一并表示衷心感谢。囿于水平和时间仓促,书中难免存在疏漏和欠妥之处,恳请各位读者不吝指正。

Compared with the 4.7 billion years of the formation of the Earth and the existence of the biosphere on Earth for 3.4 billion years, the two or three million years of history of human beings is obviously insignificant, but the impact of human activities on the changes in the Earth and the biosphere is increasing, especially in the last hundred years. The 20th century was not only the most brilliant century of human social and economic development in history, but also the century in which the ecological environment was most damaged. While using the ever-advancing scientific and technological civilization to create a brilliant material civilization, human beings have also paid a high price for their unrestrained exploitation of resource wealth from nature because the exploitation and acquisition of natural resources have greatly exceeded the carrying capacity of natural resources and the carrying capacity of ecosystems. "Over the past decade, traditional linear economic approaches have further led to environmental degradation and catastrophe, costing the world $608 billion – the same as the previous 40 years combined," the United Nations Programme's Global Economic Synthesis Report, released in Paris in 2002. "The latest climate models show that unless resource use is significantly slowed and a circular economy model is implemented, by 2100, 100 years from now, the Earth's temperature will be 6°C higher than it is today, which will inevitably lead to major global environmental problems such as warming, biodiversity loss, land impoverishment, air pollution, extreme water scarcity, reduced food production and the spread of deadly diseases." China is currently in the middle of industrialization, facing not only the historical and practical tasks of social productive forces, enhancing comprehensive national strength and improving the people's living standards, but also some quite serious problems such as a large population base, shortage of resources, environmental pollution, and low level of economic development. Industry has always occupied an absolutely important position in China's national economic development and plays an irreplaceable role in China's economic construction. However, for a long time, in the process of industrial production, due to the overall technical level of the enterprise is not high, the enterprise mainly adopts the traditional linear production mode of "resource-product-discharge waste" characterized by extensive production with a large amount of resources, and the resulting industrial pollution and waste of resources are very serious. According to statistics, at present, the energy consumption of China's 10,000 yuan of GDP is three times that of the United States, six times that of Japan, and 4.5 times that of South Korea; steel consumption is 5.8 times that of the United States and 2.7 times that of Japan; about 100 million tons of sewage are directly discharged into water bodies every day; the water quality of more than half of the country's seven major water systems is polluted, and the economic losses caused by economic construction to the ecological environment are nearly 300 billion yuan; the data also show that industrial pollutants account for 70% of the total pollutant emissions. This phenomenon seriously hinders the sustainable development of social economy and the continuous improvement of human quality of life. Therefore, countries around the world are paying more and more attention to the ecological and environmental problems brought about by the rapid development of industry. In particular, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992, the countries of the world adopted the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and Agenda 21, the two programmatic documents and the Statement of Principles on Forests, and signed the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity. These documents fully embody the new thinking of sustainable development of human society today, reflect the global consensus and the highest level of political commitment on cooperation in the field of environment and development, and play a positive role in promoting the coordinated development of the global economy and population, resources and environment. Regarding the transformation of China's economic growth mode and development model, General Secretary Hu Jintao clearly put forward: "We must accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode, and run the development concept of circular economy into regional economic development, urban and rural construction and product production, so that resources can be used most effectively." Minimize waste emissions and gradually bring the ecology into a virtuous circle. To this end, the National Development and Reform Commission clearly proposed that circular economy should not only become an important part of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" overall plan, but also use the concept of circular economy to guide the sub-plans in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", for example, China clearly requires in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" development plan outline: during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, energy consumption per unit of GDP should be reduced by about 20%, and the total amount of major pollutant emissions should be reduced by 10%. This is a major measure to implement the Scientific Outlook on Development and build a harmonious socialist society; It is an inevitable choice for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society; It is the only way to promote economic restructuring and transform the mode of economic growth; It is an inevitable requirement for safeguarding the long-term interests of the Chinese nation. The most widely accepted definition of sustainable development strategy is given by the Bruntland Commission, which argues that "sustainable development refers to development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." The circular economy is the embodiment of this strategy. In fact, the main area for the development of circular economy is the industrial system, and the one-way linear economic mode of industrial production must be gradually changed to the development model of circular economy. The development of ecological industrial system will effectively promote the change of the existing economic development model, because ecological industry is an industrial ecosystem established in accordance with the principles and laws of natural ecology, which requires the efficient combination of material and energy, and coordinates with natural ecology, does not constitute environmental hazards, and is a feedback flow circular economy of "resources-products-renewable resources" with low extraction, high utilization and low emissions. The germination of ecological industry appeared in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century, and was re-proposed in the early 90s of the 20th century, especially in the article "Sustainable Industrial Development Strategy" published in the special issue of Scientific American in September 1989, the concept of "ecological industry" was proposed: "In the traditional industrial system, each manufacturing process is independent of other processes, and the products to be sold and the corresponding waste are produced by consuming raw materials; We can replace this simplistic traditional production method with a more integrated production method, that is, the industrial ecosystem. "The theoretical basis of ecological industry is industrial ecology, that is, a multi-level, multi-structure, multi-functional integrated industrial production system established and developed by applying modern science and technology to imitate the material cycle of natural ecological processes, change industrial excreta as raw materials, and realize circular production and intensive management. Ecological industry pursues the material cycle of each production process in the system from raw materials, intermediate products, waste to products, so as to achieve the optimal utilization of resources, energy and investment. Eco-industrial parks are a practical application of industrial ecology and an effective way to develop a circular economy. It is a new type of industrial park designed and established according to the concept of circular economy, the principle of industrial ecology and the requirements of cleaner production. It connects different factories or enterprises through logistics or energy flow transmission, forms an industrial symbiotic combination of shared resources and exchange by-products, establishes a "producer-consumer-decomposer" material cycle mode, makes the waste or by-products of one factory become the raw material or energy of another factory, and seeks a closed-loop cycle of materials, multi-level utilization of energy and minimization of waste generation. The exchange of by-products between enterprises in the park is one of the most commonly used strategies when applying industrial ecology. At present, all kinds of industrial parks at all levels in China are developing very rapidly, and their status and contributions in economic development are becoming increasingly prominent, so the research and construction of the circular economy development of industrial parks is a specific topic from actual needs, which has great theoretical and practical significance. An effective way for industrial parks to achieve a circular economy is the construction of an ecological industrial system inside and outside the park. The purpose of this book is to provide theoretical and practical guidance for the construction of eco-industrial parks, and to provide scientific basis for project decision-making, operation evaluation and acceptance for the construction of eco-industrial parks. For this reason, this book focuses on the weak links of relevant research at home and abroad, and conducts research on the mechanism of industrial symbiosis, industrial symbiosis model, industrial symbiosis enterprise cluster and analysis of inter-enterprise relationship under circular economy, and pays attention to the connection and correlation between contents. After that, the author proposed the new concept of "industrial symbiotic efficiency", and studied and analyzed the formula definition, connotation analysis and influencing factors of industrial symbiosis efficiency. In the research process, the relevant methods such as industrial ecology theory, ecological industrial park theory, industrial cluster theory, input-output theory and environmental cost (cost) benefit analysis are comprehensively used to carry out normative research. At present, the research perspective of symbiosis mode is basically divided into four categories: First, from the perspective of the behavior mode of enterprise symbiosis, the symbiotic mode can be divided into four situations: parasitic, partial benefit, asymmetric reciprocal symbiosis and symmetric reciprocal symbiosis, of which the latter two can be collectively called mutual benefit symbiosis. Second, from the perspective of the degree of organization, the symbiosis mode can be divided into four types: point symbiosis, intermittent symbiosis, continuous symbiosis and integrated symbiosis. The third is to combine the behavior mode of enterprise symbiosis and the degree of organization, and there are 16 theoretical models of enterprise symbiosis. However, the basic model of industrial symbiosis is the enterprise symbiosis model of reciprocal continuous symbiosis, which is formed on the basis of equal status of enterprises and is a rational choice model for symbiotic enterprises in ecological industrial parks. The key is to cultivate the enterprise into a symbiotic unit with independent status. Fourth, from the perspective of the operation mode of industrial symbiotic network, the symbiotic mode can be divided into four types: dependent symbiotic network, equal symbiotic network, nested symbiotic network and virtual symbiotic network. Different from the above perspective, this study combines the principles of circular economy with the research of supply chain and modern logistics, and proposes and analyzes two specific modes of enterprise industrial symbiosis and their implementation, that is, the construction of enterprise symbiosis system through reverse logistics and green supply chain organization and management. From the perspective of enterprise cluster and industrial correlation theory (industrial ripple effect), the development of eco-industrial parks based on enterprise cluster orientation is studied, and the industrial selection of enterprise clusters in eco-industrial parks, the enterprise cluster effect of industrial symbiosis in eco-industrial parks, and the organizational structure of enterprise clusters in eco-industrial parks are analyzed. From the perspective of enterprise relations, the analysis of corporate behavior under circular economy and the mechanism of inter-enterprise relationship operation under circular economy was carried out. In order to improve the evaluation index system guiding the planning and construction of eco-industrial parks, the concept of industrial symbiosis efficiency was defined and relevant research was carried out. According to the 3R principle, systematic principle, dynamic principle, scientific principle and operability principle, the evaluation index system of eco-industrial parks can be decomposed into four types of indicators: economic indicators, ecological environment indicators, ecological network indicators and management indicators [7]. The research on ISE is one of the important contents of the research and construction of ecological industrial parks, which can be said to be a comprehensive indicator for guiding and evaluating the planning and construction of ecological industrial parks, which has both economic and ecological environment requirements and the construction and management of ecological industrial symbiotic systems. It emphasizes the construction of symbiotic relationships between enterprises and the evaluation of symbiotic effects. This part of the research content is intended to provide some supplement and support for improving the indicator system of ecological industrial parks and improving the guidance and application effect in practical work. On the basis of the above normative research, corresponding empirical research is carried out. Especially based on the actual situation of Jiangxi Province, through field research and analysis, the development of Jiangxi circular economy and ecological industrial park was mainly studied. At the same time, in view of the problem of industrial symbiosis, corresponding countermeasures research was also carried out, corresponding countermeasures for the construction and development of eco-industrial parks were proposed, targeted suggestions were provided for the government to formulate relevant policies of the park, and decision-making basis and reference for park managers and operators to take corresponding measures. The main project basis of this book is "Research on Sustainable Development Model of Circular Economy and Eco-industry in Jiangxi Province" (2004 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Jiangxi Province General Universities) and "Research on the Construction of Jiangxi Industrial Park Based on Circular Economy" (2006 Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Project). Through investigation, the research group unanimously agreed that circular economy, clean production and industrial ecology, that is, ecological industry, are all impacts and breakthroughs on traditional environmental protection concepts, and they have both commonalities and clear theories, practices and operation methods. The circular economy takes the "3Rs" as the basic code of conduct, ecological industry as the development carrier, and cleaner production as an important means, all of which aim to achieve the effective use of material resources and the sustainable development of economy and ecology. The similarities and differences between them can be summarized as: First, cleaner production and ecological industrial parks follow the 3R principles of circular economy - "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle", through the source reduction of individual enterprises and the exchange of by-products and waste between enterprises, the gradual utilization of energy and wastewater, and the sharing of infrastructure to achieve the coordinated development of economic, social and environmental benefits of the park. Second, the compatibility between ecological industry and cleaner production: (1) Industrial ecology originated from cleaner production and is a new stage in the development of cleaner production. (2) There are similarities in promoting the reduction of pollutant emissions and the use of life cycle analysis methods and eco-efficient design, but cleaner production focuses more on requiring enterprises to reduce the use and discharge of toxic substances. (3) The symbiosis between enterprises is a supplement to the enterprise-centered cleaner production, and through the exchange and use of different materials, pollution or waste can be reduced, which contributes to the ultimate goal of zero waste pursued by cleaner production. The difference between ecological industry and cleaner production: (1) The scope of operation is different, cleaner production is concentrated in a single enterprise, while industrial ecology focuses on the symbiotic mode and symbiotic efficiency between enterprises within the scope of all enterprises in the park. (2) The central role of the government is relatively obvious in the implementation of cleaner production, and because the ecological industry uses static means to lock enterprise activities together, it has formed a situation of excessive interdependence among some enterprises, and is not conducive to technological innovation and pollution prevention. (3) The biggest incompatibility is their impact on recycling, material efficiency and risk reduction, for example, cleaner production aims to prevent the generation and recycling of pollutants and hazards, while eco-industry is more driven by the pursuit of material and energy optimization and other economic efficiencies, not to minimize pollutants and hazards, but to encourage recycling within a closed-loop system so that harmful and toxic substances end up in the waste stream. Third, the classic cleaner production extends environmental protection to all aspects related to the organization within a single organization, while ecological industry extends the concept and connotation of environmental protection between various enterprises in the enterprise cluster. Compared with ecological industry, circular economy introduces environmental protection into the economic operation mechanism from the height and breadth of the national economy. Fourth, according to the requirements of sustainable development strategy, specific circular economic activities are mainly reflected in the three levels of enterprises, enterprise communities and society. At the enterprise level, enterprises are required to reduce the material usage of products and services, reduce the energy use of products and services, reduce toxic substances, strengthen the cycle of substances, maximize the sustainable use of renewable resources, improve the durability of products, and improve the service intensity of products. This level is more about cleaner production. At the enterprise community level, it is required to establish the input-output relationship of by-products or waste between enterprises according to the principles of industrial ecology. At the social level, the implementation of harmlessness, reduction and resource utilization of waste, that is, the implementation of material and energy cycles during and after production, consumption, and processes. It is more of a circular economy strategic idea. Fifth, in order to achieve the purpose of ecological industry, it is necessary to shift industrial production from extensive to clean production. The basic spirit of cleaner production is source reduction, and the premise and essence of ecological industry and circular economy is cleaner production. The theoretical basis for this argument is ecoefficiency. Eco-efficiency pursues the maximization of material and energy efficiency and the minimization of waste production, unnecessary reuse means that the efficiency of upstream process material and energy utilization is not maximized, and waste reuse and recycling often consume other resources, and waste once generated, it poses a threat to the environment. This can also be understood from a general point of view, because although the main practice of ecological industry is to use the waste of upstream enterprises as raw materials and energy for downstream enterprises, this does not mean that upstream enterprises can produce whatever waste they want to produce, and discharge as much as they want. Similarly, downstream enterprises cannot use their waste without having to discharge more pollution, but must reduce sources throughout the entire process of their production. In other words, every link in the system must be reduced to achieve cleaner production. That is, the production of producers, the consumption of consumers and the regeneration of regenerators in the ecological industrial system are variable and should be changed in accordance with the principle of cleaner production. The writing of this book has received strong support and help from the Jiangxi Provincial Social Science Planning Office and the key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education "Nanchang University Central China Economic Development Research Center". Due to the level and time constraints, it is inevitable that there will be omissions and inadequacies in the book, and I urge readers to correct them.(AI翻译)





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