在汉语词汇系统里,复合词一直是 合成词的主体部分。在新时期以来的汉语新词语中,派生式新词语呈现出不断增多的趋势,而且随着汉语词缀化倾向的不断发展,派生式新词语的族群化衍生日益 明显。这是汉语词汇系统变异的一个重要特点。本书主要运用定量和定性相结合、描写和解释相结合等研究方法,依据原型 范畴理论、潜显理论等相关理论,对改革开放以来的汉语派生式新词语进行了全方位、多角度的研究。在充分占有派生词新词语语料的基础上,探讨了类词缀的确定和形成过程、派生词新词语的特点 和生成机制等问题。
Derivative is an important part of the compound words.In Chinese vocabulary system,composite word has been the main part of the compound words.In New Chinese words since the new era,New derivative show the increasing trend,Moreover,with the continuous development of Chinese suffixation,New derivative Ethnic Group derived increasingly evident.This is an important feature of the Chinese vocabulary system variation.This book mainly use the research methods of combination of quantitative and qualitative,combination of description and explanation,in accordance with the related theory of grammaticalization,lexicalization,prototype theory,implicit-explicit Theory,and so on,to study the Chinese new derivative since the reform and opening up from a comprehensive,multi-perspective.based on possessing the new derivative corpus fully,explore the determination and formation process of quasi-affix,characteristics and generation mechanisms of new derivative,research value,etc.This is the first comprehensive and systematic research on new derivative,among these,the definition of quasi-affix(semantic features of identification and generalization),the scope of quasi-affix and identify methods and linguistic characteristics of new derivative are the main innovations of this article.Apart from the introduction and conclusion,this book can be divided into four chapters.In the introduction,we mainly outline research significance of the topics,review the preliminary results,Define the object of thisbook,proposed corpus sources,research methods and related theories used in this study.Chapter Ⅰ introduced firstly the proposed and established process of quasi-affix,related dictionaries included it and the existing theoretical basis and practical basis of quasi-affix.And then focuses on the definition criterion of quasi-affix.Including the significance standards,structural standards and functional standards,the three closely linked,and as a basis to delineate the scope of quasi-affix which is still productive in Chinese,summed to some operation method to identify them.From the perspective of formation process,the formation of endogenous quasi-affix usually go through“a substantial increase in the frequency of use”“off part of the semantic features”and“become additional element”,etc.The source of exogenous quasi-affix is more complicated,but at the process of evolving into quasi-affix,usually also associated with the above characteristics.Chapter Ⅱ summarized language characteristics of Chinese new derivative in general.By comparing with the traditional derivative,we find that the new derivative whether in local or in the overall structure all have different characteristics with the traditional derivative:At typical affixes,productivity is obviously unbalanced,and individual typical affix have changed in word formation;At quasi-affixes,suffixation tendency is increasingly evident,the source present diversity,the degree of meaning weakening is relatively low,part-time characteristics are more obvious,exist potential quasi-affix.At roots,the sources are wide,exist many potential roots.At relations of roots and affixes,about syllable collocation,“1+2”and“2+1”are the main forms.About grammatical relations,the relationship between quasi-affixes and roots sometimes resemble with some composite structure types,combinations diversified.about semantic relations,the semantic relations between quasi-affixes and roots are more transparent;At the overall structure,word formation ability are strong,the forms are diverse,grammatical words are more,vocabulary words are less,ideographic are clear,justifications are strong,source are also diversified.Chapter Ⅲ analyse the formation mechanism of the Chinese new derivative from internal and external.The language system own adjustment mechanism,including variability mechanism,economic principles,analogy mechanism and so on are the internal reasons of new derivative generation.From the outside,new derivative appeared in large numbers meet the needs of social development,it was boosted by the networks,television and other modern media,was drived by the pragmatic psychological factors of the pursuit of novelty and difference,etc,language contact had also a direct impact to Chinese derived word formation.Chapter Ⅳ discuss the research value of Chinese new derivative.Research on contemporary Chinese new derivative has a wide range of research value,such as,insight into the new trends of Chinese vocabulary system development,can better study the changes of collection and interpretation of new derivative in “The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary”.Finally,conclude the full text in conclusion,and point out the inadequacies and the needs to focus on in future research.Keywords:new derivative;the definition of quasi-affix;meaning identification,generalization;linguistic characteristics;generation mechanism;research value
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