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Research on Russian Interest Groups Evolution and its Effects in Trnsition Period









利益集团是介于国家和个人之间的中观组织。一项好的、“合意”的改革能否得以推行,往往并不仅仅取决于其对效率的改进,更重要的是取决于支持和反对力量的对比。在中国渐进式改革由外围向中心推进的今天,如何突破既得利益集团的阻挠,坚持总体方向不变,继续深化经济市场化和政治民主化改革,俄罗斯的转型经验具有独特的借鉴价值。苏联七十多年的计划经济体制和稳定的政治格局孕育了阻挠变革的官僚阶层,冻结了个人和企业独立生产、经营的能力,社会阶层由犬儒到冷漠直至爆发。苏共组织解散、苏联解体似乎发生在一夜之间,然而,“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”。本书文采用新政治经济学的研究视角,秉承经济学“经济人”的假设,把社会范围内的所有利益集团置于从“十月革命”到梅德韦杰夫时期长达90年的历史画卷内,在动态中把握利益集团的相互作用与制度变迁的关系以及利益集团自身在其中的演化,期望能从中得到有益的启示,为改革服务。全书文由七部分组成,包括绪论。绪论主要介绍研究目的、文献综述、研究所采用的视角和研究方法、理论工具、创新点等。第二至第六部分是正文,在每一部分的末尾安排了一个简短的小结或评价,总结这一时期体制的输入变量运行的结果及输出变量,以便衔接下一个历史时期的转型目标。第二部分建立研究框架。抓住利益集团追求本集团“利益”的本质特征,把利益集团分为自发性利益集团和自觉性利益集团,明确了集团的发展演化方向。针对俄罗斯的具体情况,研究框架中将俄罗斯社会分为总统、联邦中央、地方利益集团、普通民众集团和其他活跃性利益集团五类。根据利益集团持有的资源数量和质量,归纳利益集团的作用方式和途径:经济影响、政治投票与舆情掌控。通过目标与结果的比对来考察集团作用的效果。第三部分研究苏联时期的利益集团形成和诉求累积。体制内的“两阶一层”逐渐分化为管理者集团和劳动者集团,管理者集团特别是其中的高层管理者已然成为了既得利益者,在解除了强力机构的监视之后,集团成员相互勾结,从隐性到显性,维护本集团的利益。该集团上下层的利益诉求并不一致,上层官僚集团希望能够打破体制束缚,将生产资料管理权变为所有权;下层官僚集团则寄生于计划经济体制,但是,对于越来越狭窄的上升通道也心存不满。普通民众集团除了经济效率下降带来的利益减少外,更重要的是政治高压下的反弹而形成了对体制的冲击。从斯大林时期到赫鲁晓夫时期、勃列日涅夫时期,诉求长期累积而无处释放。到了戈尔巴乔夫时期,以激进转型的倾向爆发出来,具有历史的必然性。第四部分研究叶利钦时期的利益集团。以叶利钦为首的激进民主派在转型方式的博弈中力克群雄,取得了选举的胜利。选择“休克疗法”的转型方案,执行“自由化”、“稳定化”和“私有化”中出现偏离初衷等,无不是利益集团作用的结果。国家后退、公共政治权力与私人资本相结合,政治经济的混乱使人们从浪漫主义回复到理性思考。第五部分研究普京时期利益集团。“可控市场经济”与“可控民主”治国理念下的税制威严重建、国家资本主义、惩治寡头、行政管理垂直化和保护私有产权、加强基础社会保障等,既是出于国家的自主性,也是缘于普通民众占绝对多数选票的约束。然而官员腐败、一党独大、失衡的产业结构仍然困扰着俄罗斯。第六部分研究梅德韦杰夫时期的利益集团。致力于推动“市场”“民主”转型进程,梅德韦杰夫提出了“现代化”的执政目标,本书从总统与政府的权力配置、利益集团的相互作用角度分析了其结果与目标相去甚远的原因。第七部分是研究结论与启示。本书总结了利益集团活动的边界、国家的自主性、威权传统下国家元首集权的便利性和保持中立的重要性等六大启示。 关键词:利益集团作用演化转型俄罗斯

Interest groups are intermediate organizations situated midway between countries and individuals.The implementation of a good,“satisfactory”reform not only depends on the improvement of efficiency,but more importantly,on the balance of power between the supportive and opposing forces.Today,China’s gradual reform is moving from periphery to center,the Russian experience of transition can serve as a unique reference as to how to break the encirclement of vested interest groups,adhere to the overall direction and continue to deepen the reform of economic marketization and political democratization.More than 70 years of planned economic system and stable political order have bred in the Soviet Union the bureaucracy that obstructs the reform and have frozen the independent production and management capacity of both individuals and enterprises.The social classes become cynic and apathetic and finally their emotions burst out.The collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Soviet Communist Party seem to occur overnight,however“Rome was not built in a day”.From the perspective of a new political economics and by adhering to “economic man”,an assumption in economics,the dissertation places all interest groups of society in the periods of time from October Revolution to Medvedev’s period which lasts for 90 years,and then it studies the relations between the interaction of interest groups and the institutional change as well as the evolution of interest groups in a dynamic way,expecting to get beneficial enlightenment for the reform.The dissertation consists of seven parts,including the introduction.The introduction mainly introduces the purpose of research,literature review,research perspectives and methods,theoretical tools and innovations.The main body of the dissertation is divided into six parts.At the end of each part,there is a brief summary or comment to summarize the operation results of input variables at a given period and the output variables,which serves as a link to the transition goals of the next historical period.Part Two is about the research framework of the dissertation.Since the essential characteristic of the interest groups is to pursue the group interests,the interest groups are divided into spontaneous interest group and self- conscious interest group,thus making clear the direction of the group development and evolution.According to the specific situation of Russia,the dissertation classifies the interest groups in Russian society into five categories,that is,President,Central Federal District,local interest groups,ordinary citizens groups and other active interest groups.The author sums up the way the interest group works and the role it plays,namely,economic impact,political voting and control of public opinion.The effects that groups produce are examined through the comparison of goals and results.Part Three studies the formation and accumulation of demands of interest groups in Soviet Union.The model of“Two- classes,one- layer”within the system is gradually divided into two layers:the management group and the workers group.The management group,especially the senior management,becomes the owner of vested interests.After breaking away from the monitoring of powerful institutions,members of the Group collude with each other,safeguarding the interests of the Group.The demands of interests are not consistent in the upper and lower classes of the group.The upper bureaucratic group wants to break the shackles of system,turning management rights of means of production into ownership;the lower bureaucratic group relies on the planned economic system,and is increasingly dissatisfied with the narrower channels of getting promoted.To ordinary citizens groups,apart from the reducing of interests caused by the decline in economic efficiency,more importantly,the rebound of the political pressure creates great impact on the system.From Stalin,Khrushchev to Brezhnev’s reign,the long- term accumulation of demands finds no way to release.So,it is inevitable that the tendency of radical transition finally occurs in the Gorbachev’s reign.Part Four studies interest groups in Yeltsin’s period.The radical democrats,led by Boris Yeltsin,did well in the game about the transition mode,and achieved victory in the election.Choice of“shock therapy”,and deviation from the original intention in the implementation of“liberalization”,“stabilization”and“privatization”were both the results of the interaction of interest groups.Recession of the country,the combination of public political power and private capital,and political and economic chaos,all made people go from romanticism back to rational thinking.Part Five studies the interest groups in Putin’s period.Due to the state autonomy and the constraints of an absolute majority of votes from the ordinary people,many measures were adopted,such as the reconstruction of the tax system majesty under the concept of“controlled market economy”and“controlled democracy”,state capitalism,punishing oligarchs,vertical administrative management,protection of private property rights,and strengthening basic social security.However,official corruption,one- party dominance,and imbalance in industrial structure continued to plague Russia.Part Six deals with the interest groups in Medvedev’s period.Committing to promoting the transition process of“market”and“democracy”,Medvedev proposed the objective of“modernization”.The dissertation analyzes the reasons of the huge difference between the results and the objectives from the angle of the configuration of the power of the president and the government,and the interaction between different interest groups.Part Seven is the conclusion and enlightenments.The dissertation summarizes six enlightenments such as the boundary of the interest group activities,the state autonomy,the convenience of centralized authoritarian tradition of the Heads of State,and the importance of the neutrality. Key Words:Interest groups Interaction Evolution Transition Russia





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