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在中国的市场化改革过程中,地方政府扮演了一个至关重要的角色。但是,地方政府主导的经济发展也带来了诸如贫富差距、环境污染、群体冲突等社会危机。因此,地方政府职能的转变成为全社会关注的焦点问题。为了促进地方政府职能的转变,我们首先需要弄清楚:改革开放以来,中国地方政府行为变迁一般轨迹是什么?地方政府行为转型的内在机制又是什么?为了回答上述问题,本书以广东省L镇政府为研究个案,在实地调研的基础上,详细描述了L镇政府自改革开放以来行为变迁的基本轨迹,并从历史制度主义的角度对L镇政府行为转型的内在机制进行了初步的制度解释。作为珠三角外向型经济发展的一个典型代表,L镇政府在30多年的市场化改革过程中,前后相继发生了三次比较明显的角色转型。在20世纪80年代初,随着国家改革开放政策的实施,一系列放权让利改革政策的推出,L镇政府发展经济的积极性被充分调动起来。在商品短缺、民间资源不足、政治环境不明朗、市场制度缺如的条件下,L镇政府承担起发展经济的主角,积极创办集体企业,开办“三来一补”加工贸易。但是,当政府主导的经济发展遭遇买方市场的时候,危机也随之显现,到了20世纪90年代中期,L镇政府创办的集体企业早已经风光不再,有的已负债累累。在国家实施的自由主义市场化改革政策引导下,L镇政府主动地推进民营化改革,退出了企业的微观经营活动。但是,国家的经济激励依然如故,在分税制的条件下,L镇政府转变为地区经营者,进行大规模的土地开发和招商引资。进入21世纪以来,十年风光的地区经营在遭遇新的市场时,又发生了新的危机。高标准、大规模的地区经营推高了L镇地区的生活、生产成本,但是,企业和工人的素质并没有随着地区经营环境的改善而同步提高,这加剧了资本和劳动力在高成本压力下的外逃风险。在国际金融危机的冲击下,L镇政府开始实施企业升级战略、外来劳动力融入行动、社会保护措施。以历史的视野来审视L镇政府行为的三次转型,本书认为,L镇政府行为的转型主要有以下四个特点。1.政治与市场的互动是转型的基本动力机制L镇政府行为的三次转型都是由于行政主导的经济发展行为遭遇新的市场环境时面临深刻危机,迫使L镇政府改变行政主导经济的方式。其基本脉络是:行政主导——新的市场环境——危机——新的行政主导——新的市场环境——新危机——新的行政主导。2.国家干预与市场约束是转型的基本动力源国家干预和市场约束是促使L镇政府行为转型的两个基本动力源。国家通过意识形态的操控、资源分配规则的改变以及目标考核的调整,在短期内促使L镇政府行为发生大幅度的转型。商品市场、劳动力市场、资本市场结构的变迁,也对L镇政府经济经营行为产生直接影响,有时候,市场对L镇政府行为的约束甚至比国家的约束更为奏效。3.万变不离其宗的是经济增长改革开放以来,L镇政府经历了从经营企业、到经营地区再到经营社会的角色转变历程。但是,万变不离其宗,L镇政府行为变化的基本目的都是为了地方经济增长。4.危机解决取向的政府转型L镇政府行为的转型,都是在应对重大危机事件的过程中开始的,因而是一种危机解决取向的政府转型,它与有目的、有计划、自觉性的政府转型相对立。依循地方法团主义的理论脉络,本书将L镇政府经营社会的新角色概念化为新地方法团主义,与戴慕珍的地方法团主义和丘海雄提出的后地方法团主义概念形成一个概念的连续统,为系统理解地方政府行为变迁轨迹提供新的概念工具。 关键词:地方政府 行为转型 制度分析 地方法团主义

In China's market-oriented reform process,local government plays a vital role.However,local government-sponsored economic development also brings about social crisis,such as gap between the wealthy and poor,environmental pollution,group conflict,etc.Therefore,transformation of government function has become a focus of the whole society.In order to promote local government function shift,we first need to make sure:since the reform and opening up,what is the general trend about the change of Chinese local government behavior? What is the intrinsic mechanism of the transformation of the local government?In order to answer the above questions,take on L town in Guangdong Province as an example,on the basis of the field investigation,this paper described in detail the basic trajectory of behavior change of L town since the reform and opening,and make a preliminary institutional interpretation about the internal mechanism of behavior change of L town from historical institutionalism perspective.Three times of role transformation has been happened to L town during the past 30 year's market oriented reform.In the early 1980s,with the implementation of state's policies of reform and opening,a series of policy of decentralization of power and transfer of profits,the enthusiasm of economic development of L town was fully aroused.Because goods was shortage,folk resources were lack,political en-vironment is uncertain,market system is absent,L town Played a leading role of economic development.It actively founded collective enterprise,and developed three forms of OEM and compensation trades.However,when the government-sponsored economic development encountered with buyer's market,the crisis also was appeared.In the mid 1990s,the collective enterprises founded by L town were early been over the hill,some were already in debt.Then,as the guidance of liberal market policy implemented by the State,L town Government was active in giving impetus to privatization reform,withdrawing from firm's microscopic operations.However,the state's economic incentive system remained as before,under the condition of the system of tax distribution,L town government has become a regional operator,carrying out large-scale land development and investment promotion.Since 21 century,regional operator took a new crisis when encountered with new market condition.High standard,large-scale infrastructural construction pushed up the cost of live and production in L town.But the quality of enterprise and worker was not improved proportionality,which exacerbated the risk of capital and labor flights because of the pressure of high cost.Under the impact of the international financial crisis,L town government began to carry out the enterprise upgrading strategies,migrant labor inclusion action,and social protection measures.Scanning the three times of behavioral transformation of L town government from historical horizon,this paper argues that there are mainly four features about behavioral transformation of L town government.1.The interaction between politics and market is the basic dynamic mechanismThe three times of behavioral transformation of L town government were happened because government-sponsored economic development faces a deep crisis when coming across new market condition,which forcing L town government change the pattern of government-sponsored economic development.Its basic skeleton is:executive-led-new market environment- crisis-the new executive-led- new market environment- new crisis - the new executiveled.2.The reforming driving force comes from the state intervention and market restraintThe reforming twodriving forces of L town government's behaviors came from the state intervention and market restraint,which urged the reforming.The state urgeed the L town government's behaviors to have large scale reforming in short-term by controlling Ideology,changing the rule of resource distribution and adjusting goal inspection.The structure change of commodity market,labor market and capital market,which directly influenced the L town government's economical behaviors.Sometimes,the restraint from market to L town government's behaviors is more effective than state.3.Complicated as it seems,the main subject is economic growthSince the reform and opening up,the L town government has experienced the role transformation process,which took the process from operating enterprises to manage the area,then management society.However,the basic goal of L town government's behaviors is local economic growth.4.Crisis solution-oriented government transformationThe behavioral transformation of L town government was happened during settling the great crisis.Thus it is a form of Crisis solution-oriented government transformation,which contrasts to purposeful,planned and self-conscious government transformation.According to the theoretical context of local corporatism,this paper conceptualizes the new role manage society of L town government to new local corporatism.It forms a conceptual continuum with local corporatism by Oi and post-local corporatism,which gives a new conceptual tool for understanding local government behavioral changes.





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