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The household registration system is an important institutional arrangements in the Chinese society.Contemporary Chinese household registration system was established in the late 1950s.Though the system has made tremendous contributions to China's industrialization,its drawback should not be overlooked.The biggest drawback of the system is unfairness between the urban and rural areas,that is to say,people are divided into agricultural and non-agricultural household population with by administrative means of the government,and two types of people have different rights and interests.In modern society,adherence to fairness in idea and principle is not only the basis and prerequisite of accelerating economic development,promoting social integration and achieving social harmony,but also the inherent requirement of preserving and defending human dignity.Therefore,thisthesis chooses to analyze the household registration system from the perspective of the fairness between the urban and rural areas which was set up on the early days of the People's Republic of China.As the first step,the thesis starts with normative research on the concept of fairness,by which it summaries the connotation of the fairness between the urban and rural areas:fairness means people's expectations and aspirations to rational allocation of the various interests in the process of social interaction.As to the fairness between urban and rural areas,it refers to the nonagricultural and agricultural populations should have the same status,oppor-tunities,rights and so on in the process of the survival and development and should be treated fairly in terms of citizenship;on the other hand,from the regional perspective,it means the state should give balanced support to the urban and rural areas to enable them to realize a healthy,stable and sustained development and mutual promotion according to the different characteristics of the two regions.Due to the needs of research,the article understands the fairness between the urban and rural areas in terms of people's rights and interests.From the perspective of the fairness between the urban and rural areas,thethesis studies the great unfairness between the urban and rural areas caused by the long-running of the household registration system by examining the related literature of laws and regulations.And then analyzes the serious social consequences of the system set up by administrative means of the state.Along the thinking,the thesis traces the formation of the household registration system which separates the rural areas with the urban ones and studies the reasons why such a system was built.After all those research,thethesis summaries the achievements and problems of the household registration system reform with respect of the flow between urban and rural areas,population mobility policy and the adjustment of rights and interests attached to the household registration by the state in turn.And the article studies the deeper reasons which caused those problems.Lastly,the thesis puts forward the goal of future reform and specific proposal of the household registration system.The article draws the following conclusions:Firstly,the unfairness between the urban and rural areas,caused by the contemporary household registration system in China,is related to a citizen's fundamental rights in politics,economy,society and culture and has the feature of comprehensiveness.Just because of this,the state can tie the farmers to the land successfully before the reform and opening.At the same time,it also has resulted in serious social consequences,which includes of the rigidity of the urban and rural social structure,social segmentation,waste of human re-sources and urbanization lag.Secondly,the establishment of the household registration system in China is based not only on practical factors,but also on historical and cultural factors,and are closely linked with the totalitarian political forms of the time in particular,among which the latter is more fundamental.Judging from this angle,it is inevitable to set up the contemporary household registration system in China.Thirdly,the reform of household registration system in China has achieved some success in promoting fairness between the urban and rural areas,but there still exist some problems such as the lack of systematic reform,the local government's apparent orientation of the instrumental rationality and the overemphasis on the urban orientation in the process of reform of the household registration system,which results in fact that the reform is still not in place,and there is still a long way compared with the expectations of society.The deeper reasons that cause these problems include many factors.On the one hand,it is attributed to the limited rationality of the government,and on the other hand,it is related to the lack of right awareness of the farmer and their disadvantaged situation when gamed with the urban people.And all important,it is closely related to the performance concept of development doctrine of the local government.Fourthly,the ultimate goal of reform is to establish a unified household registration system,protecting the equal freedom rights of movement and residence of the urban and rural citizens,and is to completely strip of connection of the household registration to rights and interests.The real practices have provided a good reference for the reform of the household registration system.The reform should adhere to the step-bystep and people-oriented principle,and that of the combination of the central dominance and local practice.The realistic and practical approach should be to innovate the idea,establish a gradient household registration migration system,and promote innovation and reform of the supporting system.





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