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本书借鉴西方福利三角理论中国家、市场和家庭作为福利提供方及组成的范式作为分析框架。当前,国内借鉴福利三角理论的研究虽有一些,但在社会一角大多仅限于公益组织,忽略了家庭、家族、邻里、社区的福利职能,这是片面借鉴西方、缺乏本土视角的结果,作者力图避免这一不足,提出以国家、市场、社会为内容、与本土相结合的新福利三角分析框架,并用于西南地区Y(云南)省B民族乡 (布朗山布期族乡)的贫困治理研究。

Social policy is an institutional installation under which the state provides welfare insurance for social members to realize the balanced and sustainable socioeconomic development.Narrowly speaking,social policy provides the disadvantaged groups in a society with welfare to satisfy their subsistence needs and prevent their survival crises.Broadly speaking,social policy supplies all members of the society with non-competitive and non-exclusive social welfares.The development of social policy can be traced back to the English Poor Lawin 1601,and ever since then poverty alleviation has always been a major part of social policy.The academia usually contests over such question as whether the poverty alleviation should be delivered by the state(government)and the market mechanism or by individuals(family).The social policy and welfare thinking of Western countries,centered on the liberalism,conservatism and social democracy,evolved from a single concept into a group of increasingly diversified welfare theories and theoretical schools.China is a socialist developing country that is multiethnic and unified.And the issue of poverty in regions inhabited by ethnic minorities has existed for a long time.In the early years of New China,the state carried out a series of policies aimed at promoting the development of the ethnic minority regions,ranging from the initial provision of farm implements and the teaching of production means to the later implementation of the ethnic region autonomy policy.These combine the integration at the national level with the safeguarding of the rights of ethnic minorities,and the poverty alleviation at this stage was characterized by aid-provision“blood transfusion”.Since the introduction of reform and opening up,the poverty alleviation in China's ethnic minority regions has traversed four stages,namely,the advancing of poverty alleviation through institutional reform,the national large-scale development-oriented poverty alleviation,the participatory and comprehensive poverty alleviation and the diversifying of poverty alleviation methods targeted at realizing sustainable development there.This indicates a change in the poverty alleviation approach,from the past aid-provision“transfusion”to the present development-oriented“blood creation”.Besides,the parties engaged in this cause have become multiple,and the poverty alleviation policies diversified and systemized.In the new century,the transformation of China's poverty issues has brought about a change in the addressing of these issues.Accordingly,the social policies have changed from being gap-filling to being relatively universal beneficial,from the reallocation of conventional resources to the capacity building of the poor's own,including the human capital and social capital,from meeting subsistence needs of the disadvantaged to realizing the comprehensive development of individuals.In recent years,China has promulgated a host of social policies aimed at accelerating improving people's livelihood,a shift from taking the economic construction as the central task to the coordinated development between economic and social construction,which also marks the country entering the era of social policies.According to the western welfare triangle theory,the state,the market and family are the welfare-providers and their organization pattern,in this case,is taken as the theoretical framework of this research.At present,there are certain domestic researches drawing on the triangle theory,but largely focusing on the social aspect,they are mainly concerned with public welfare organizations,and overlook the welfare functions of core families,extended families,neighbors and communities.This only results from drawing on the west in a single-faceted manner and lacking a localized perspective.The author tries to avert such a defect,and proposes a new welfare triangle theoretical framework that integrates the state,market and the society as relevant parties with a localized perspective.And it is applied in this research on the poverty alleviation in the B(Bulangshan)ethnic township in Southwest China's Y (Yunnan)province.BulangshanBlang Ethnic Township is the only ethnic township named after Blang Ethnic group in China,and one of the 506key poverty relief townships in Yunnan Province and the 8extreme poor ethnic minority townships along the borders.In the following part,X refers to Xishuangbanna,M Menghai,and B Bulangshan Blang Ethnic Township.This ethnic group is a leap-forward one that has transited directly from the final phase of the pristine society to the socialist society.We approach the subject under investigation,the leap-forward ethnic group-Blang Ethnic Group with a relatively small population,from its ethnic origin,language,religious belief,ethnic culture and marriage.Additionally,taking into consideration the geographic location,population and nations,agricultural production,natural resources and fiscal revenue,we analyses the contributing factors to the poverty there in terms of history,social conceptions,education and market,and conduct a research on the poverty alleviation issue within the framework of the new welfare triangle theory proposed above.First,the thesis gives an introduction of relevant theories and international experience;then the thesis expounds on the diachronic evolution of the poverty alleviation in the township,and subsequently focuses on the current situation,giving prominence to the different dimensions of poverty alleviation and local practice.Last but not least,the thesis points out the problems and defects in the B Township's poverty management,and explores the creative approaches to the addressing of multinational regions'poverty along borders.The research is divided into nine chapters.Chapter 1is the introduction,in which the background and significance of the research and research questions can be found.Chapter 2gives a literature review of previous researches both from abroad and at home.It includes foreign and domestic social policies of poverty and anti-poverty,as well as foreign and domestic social policies of ethnic minority group's poverty and anti-poverty.A brief comment on these policies can also be found in this part.In Chapter 3,the author clarifies the specific thinking behind the research and also the research hypotheses,perspective,major concepts and theories,research methodology and creative points.Chapter 4is about the poverty in the Township and its contributors.Proceeding from the ethnic traits of Blang Ethnic Group,the general situation of the B Township,and the poverty of B,the author analyzes the reasons behind the poverty.Chapters 5,6and 7represent a research on the poverty addressing in multinational regions from the dimensions of state,market and society,applying the above-mentioned new welfare triangle theory.Chapter 8comes up with potential creative approaches to the poverty alleviation there,and draws a conclusion for the whole research.It also states the inadequacies of the research and other question to be solved in future efforts as well as the prospects for relevant research. Key words:multinational areas;Blang ethnic group;poverty alleviation;social policies





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