Pragmatic competence is the core of communicative competence,and it's an unavoidable problem for second language teacher to train learners’pragmatic competence by means of pragmatic teaching.The specific characters of Chinese cause that pragmatic teaching is especially important in teaching Chinese as second language,and pragmatic teaching should be adequately carried out in the whole process of Chinese teaching.On the basis of theories of pragmatics,second language acquisition and interlanguage pragmatics,this paper gives a description of the frame of Chinese pragmatic teaching,demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of pragmatic teaching by means of investigation and experiment on pragmatic competence and pragmatic teaching,and discusses the disciplines and process of pragmatic acquisition,the model of pragmatic teaching,and the pragmatic requirements of textbook compiling.The contents of Chinese pragmatic teaching mainlyincludes the structure of “topic—direction”,performance means of focus,the disciplines of sentence variety and its pragmatic meanings,the manners of tones,discourse markers,deixises,the realization way of speech acts,the comprehension way of conversational implication and its principles of politeness&face,and structural model of conversation in Chinese.The result by quantitative and qualitative analysis of the investigation on pragmatic competence shows that there is a magnificent gap of the overall level on pragmatic competence between Chinese and none-Chinese native speakers,and it shows both in structural and communicative pragmatic.From the cognitive point of view,just because of lacking the forms of expression of Chinese pragmatic functions in their knowledge structure,Chinese learners hardly can express their communicative information fully and accurately,and the transfer of their native language causes that their Chinese expression cannot conform to the pragmatic principle of Chinese native speakers.So it is necessary to teach pragmatics during the process of teaching Chinese as a second language.At the same time,the result of experiment on Chinese pragmatic teaching and the cognitive extrapolation of learners’pragmatic acquisition both proves that pragmatics teaching which accords with cognitive regular in Chinese class could promote learners’pragmatic competence greatly.Therefore,pragmatic teaching is quite feasible.An integrated process of pragmatic teaching includes four stages:introduction,presentation of language materials and explanation of pragmatic knowledge,practice,evaluation and feedback.We should follow authenticity of teaching content,interactiveness of teaching process,targeted principles to different countries etc.Materials of language teaching should reflect the acquisition laws and scientific teaching methods of learners,furthermore,the pragmatic information and knowledge should be rendered in Chinese textbooks,which should follow the principles of materials authenticized and contextualized,pragmatic information is representative and could keep pace with the times,and content of pragmatic teaching processes step by step.This paper has five chapters.The first onebrings forward the paper's content,meaning,purpose and method through discussion of academic status in conceptions which are related to pragmatic teaching and interlanguage pragmatics.The second chapter outlines the basic framework of the content of Chinese pragmatic teaching by contrastive analysis between Chinese and foreign languages pragmatics,and the analysis of Chinese learners’pragmatic failures.The third chapter construes the process and outcome of Chinese pragmatic teaching experiment.At the same time,it has detected the difference in pragmatic competence between Chinese learners and native speakers by comparison.The fourth chapter discusses Chinese learners’cognitive trait and course in pragmatic acquisition,puts forward the correlative model of pragmatic teaching,and gives prominence to the model of textbook compiling on pragmatic teaching.The fifth chapter discusses the importance of pragmatic teaching in teaching Chinese as second language,and the basic requirements for Chinese teacher. Keywords:teaching Chinese as a foreign language;pragmatic teaching;pragmatic competence
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