With the development of some ecological ethical principles and guidelines such as the value of ecosystem services,the concept of ecological restoration,the polluter pays principle,the payment of ecosystem services and sustainable development goals in the global scope,people began to improve modern environmental law to provide legal remedies for pure ecological damage,while better remedy the traditional damage caused by the environment as a medium.Compared with other legal system tools,legal liability rules have leading functional advantages,such as embodying the requirement of moral condemnation,directly achieving the goal of repairing or compensating damaged environment,and imposing additional unfavorable burden and behavioral deterrence on liable persons.Therefore,legislators in various countries generally choose the legal liability rules for remedying ecological damage(i.e.EDLLR).Although the EDLLR adopted by extraterritorial legislation are relatively consistent in the normative forms(“legal relationship formed by relief right”-the right holder has the right to require the obligor to repair the damaged environment,or pay monetary compensation for reduced value of the degraded ecological services),but the liability implementation mechanism(or combination)actually selected by each country shows diversified characteristics.Legal nature is the key factor that determine the implementation mechanism of ecological damage legal liability.If the EDLLR is a public law liability,its implementation mechanism can be an administrative mechanism or a judicial mechanism;if it is a private law liability,its implementation mechanism can only be a judicial mechanism.For China,taking the dualism of public and private law as the starting point,no matter from the normative goal or from the functional perspective,the EDLLR should be a kind of public law liability.This means that the implementation mechanism for EDLLR can be either an administrative mechanism or a judicial mechanism.
In general,the main difference between the two kinds of implementation meachnisms is mainly reflected in the right to form the legal relationship(or the right to first make decisions on the questions related to the EDLLR).Specificly speaking,the legal basis for the right to initiate the kind of legal relationship under the administrative mechanism is authorization norms in public law,i.e.administrative organs can collect any necessary information and use the public administrative power to enforce the EDLLR.Meanwhile,only the judicial control power can be carried out when there are failures or illegality of exercising administrative power.While the basic principle of the judicial mechanism is to use the civil enforcement mechanism to enforce the EDLLR,so the right to start the legal relationship after the occurrence of ecological damage under the judicial mechanism is the claim right established by private law.The judicial mechanism presents a characteristic of judicial control due to its reliance on civil judicial procedures,which also determines that it is a judicial power-led model with private litigation and judicial judgment as the core element.In other words,the judicial power does have the right to decide the questions related to the EDLLR firstly.
As a typical late-developing country,China has initiated legislation process of remedying ecological damage in response to the global trend in terms of remedying ecological damage,in combination with the reality of the increasingly frequent ecological damage problems in China,and the people's growing demands for a good ecological environment.On the issue of the EDLLR,Chinese legislators have established a“dual-track model”for different types of ecological damage.On the one hand,in the field of soil pollution or land damage,a mixed model integrating administrative and judicial mechanisms has been established.On the other hand,in other areas of ecological damage,the judicial mechanism is applicable.Is such a system design legitimate,and how should Chinese legislators revise and perfect existing rules in the future?All need to be analyzed and demonstrated from the theoretical level.Therefore,this book aims to research and answer which is the best implementation mechanism for EDLLR between administrative mechanism and judicial mechanism.Using the analysis method of law and economics,this book assumes that the implementation benefits of the two mechanisms are the same,so the key question is transformed into a comparison of the implementation costs of the two implementation mechanisms.Through theoretical analysis and practical investigation,this book draws the conclusion that the function of two implementation mechanisms for EDLLR is relative and uncertain,and the choice of them is actually a choice between two imperfect tools.This conclusion can also be confirmed by the diversified choices in other countries' legislation,there are always a mixture of two mechanisms.Finally,this book attempts to answer how China should choose between administrative mechanism and judicial mechanism for EDLLR? As system design is not drawing on a piece of white paper,legislators need to consider carefully about their established legal tradition and reality.Therefore,in the last chapter,given that China has established a“dual track system”for EDLLR,future legal reforms therefore should focus on repairing this“dual track system”.
Key Words:Ecological Damage; Legal Liability Rules; Ecologial Public Interest;Administrative Meachnism;Judicial Meachnism