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A Study on Socialist Construction Thoughts of Buckharin's









近代以来,在世人的心目中,“社会主义”就是一种美好社会的象征。正是源于那份对美好社会的深切向往和不懈追求,几百年来,无数志士仁人前赴后继,勇敢探索,跋涉于“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的思考和实践之程。正如有一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特一样,人们对“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这一问题给出的是各自不同的答案,演奏出的是各自不同的乐章,描绘出的是各自不同的图画。其中既有大量的经过实践检验的真知灼见,也有囿于时代条件局限而产生的荒谬言行。尽管瑕瑜互见,却折射出人民群众创造历史、探寻社会发展规律的无限艰辛。20世纪80年代末,苏联解体和东欧剧变,社会主义运动历经如磐风雨,科学社会主义的光辉在西方遭到遮蔽。历史的曲折性向人们展示出这样一种社会现象并说明了这样一个道理:在历史上,许多先进的、科学的、正确的东西,有时是通过某种间接的、扭曲的方式表现出来、发展起来的。无疑,如果事物的表现形式和事物的本质会直接合而为一,一切科学就都成为多余的了。理论思想,也是在历史的颠簸中行进和发展起来的。“青山缭绕疑无路,忽见千帆隐映来。”在世界风云急剧变幻的今天,中国特色社会主义的建设步伐稳健、凯歌高奏,其原因固然主要是由于中华儿女在马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论的正确指引下,为着振兴祖国一直拼搏奋斗、开拓创新,同时,中国对世界各国关于“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这一问题探索成果的借鉴吸收也是一个不可忽视的重要原因。这其中,就包含着布哈林的社会主义建设思想。如何以史为鉴,从布哈林的社会主义建设思想中汲取对中国特色社会主义建设有益的元素,避免其中的偏差和错误,尽可能理性而智慧地缩短现实社会主义与理想社会主义之间的距离,是本书选题的缘由。尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·布哈林(以下简称为布哈林),曾被列宁誉为“党的最宝贵的”马克思主义理论家、“一位学识卓越的马克思主义经济学家”,是苏联早期积极探索“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这一问题的马克思主义先驱者之一。尽管有过曲折反复,犯过一些错误,也曾被污水泼身,但瑕不掩瑜,布哈林在20世纪20—30年代——苏联“难题成堆的时代”,为解答“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”做出的不懈努力,足以证明他是一位坚持真理、勇于探索、敢于创新、富于创见的马克思主义理论家。列宁去世后,对于“在第一个无产阶级革命胜利不久、脱胎于落后基础的社会主义大国,在极端错综复杂的国际国内环境下,究竟应该如何从俄国当时的具体条件出发,探索一条更好的社会主义建设路径”这个重大的理论和实践问题,布哈林提出了很多令后人称道的开创性、系统性见解,反映出他对社会主义的政治、经济、文化、社会等领域建设的深刻认识,为世界社会主义建设提供了宝贵的理论借鉴。在实行军事共产主义思想建设社会主义的“幻想破灭”后,1921年苏俄开始推行列宁倡导的新经济政策。布哈林的社会主义建设思想也由此逐渐从激进转为现实,接受并宣传、坚持和发展新经济政策。以此为界,布哈林开始脚踏实地,清醒而深刻地认识到,要做好巩固、建设和发展社会主义这一“非常复杂的事情”,必须把生产力的顺畅发展、生产关系的理顺、民主法制的推进、群众需要的满足、阶级差别的消除等,统筹纳入衡量社会主义建设成效的重要指标。布哈林认为,社会主义建设理论不能僵化地“从头脑中产生出来”,不能以对马克思主义理论的片面理解指导社会主义建设,社会主义建设必须从具体的国情、本国的特点出发,不能与世隔绝、妄自空想,需要严肃认真地调查研究客观现实社会的经济生产和生活状况,在政治的、经济的、社会的、文化的、意识形态的等众多领域,探寻适合本国国情、民众乐于接受、具有“民族面貌”的社会主义建设方法。透过散见于布哈林诸多论著中关于社会主义和社会主义建设的言论,我们可以发现,在激进的战时共产主义思想阶段,“俄国战时统制经济的实际,决定了布哈林可能有的理论视野”707463。当时的布哈林过多地囿于马克思、恩格斯基于西欧先进资本主义国家的社会条件而做出的对共产主义的设想,忽视苏俄当时的落后现实,对“社会主义”做出的是带有乌托邦式的理解,对“社会主义建设”的方式方法带有浓厚的“左”倾空想主义色彩,打上了深刻的教条主义烙印。1921年新经济政策实施后,布哈林的社会主义建设思想逐渐发展成为一个比较科学的、系统的有机整体。它以苏俄“落后的社会主义”现状为出发点,以“一个稳定成长中的社会,其各个组成部分应保持有效的、持久的、动态的平衡”为指导理念,认为有计划地满足社会需要的增长是社会主义发展的动力,发展社会生产力、提高生产效率是社会主义发展的根本途径,提出苏俄社会主义建设应依托共产党领导下的无产阶级专政力量,以减少社会矛盾、缩小阶级差距、实现城乡一体、改造全国居民为任务,坚持和发展新经济政策,采用“改良主义”的方法,在政治、经济、文化等领域走和平改良、进化发展之路,实现国民经济和社会建设的平衡发展,最终“和平长入”民富国强、文明平衡的“真正完全的”社会主义。当然,由于历史原因和诸多因素的制约,布哈林的社会主义建设思想中具有很多的缺陷和不足之处。对布哈林的社会主义建设思想,我们应当以历史的、辩证的眼光进行审视,做出实事求是的评析。特别需要指出的是:“纵观20世纪20年代末30年代初的政治形势,国际政治环境十分险恶,帝国主义疯狂扩军备战和歇斯底里地叫嚣战争,不断对新生苏维埃发动武装干涉,稍事歇息又挑起残酷的战争。在这种形势下,虽然布哈林所阐述的发展方案在理论上更接近于列宁晚年思想,是以市场经济为取向的、国民经济较为综合平衡发展的方案,但是要使布哈林方案在当时的苏联顺利地实施下去却不是一件容易的事情。实际上,经济问题与政治问题从来都不是截然分开,而是相互制约和影响的。布哈林的方案仅仅是从经济学的角度提出和分析问题,没有将当时严峻的政治环境因素考虑进去。有时在历史的关键时候,即使将政治问题和经济问题同等看待也要犯错误。早在1921年列宁就批评过布哈林,说他把从政治上看问题和从经济上看问题等同起来,在理论上堕落到折中主义立场上去了。‘一个阶级如果不从政治上正确地看问题,就不能维持它的统治,因而也就不能完成它的生产任务。’”707464以史为鉴,使人明智。研究历史终究是为了服务现实。恩格斯在1874年曾经指出:“社会主义自从成为科学以来,就要求人们把它当作科学看待,就是说,要求人们去研究它。”707465在研究“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”的过程中,人们的认识不断深化和发展。历史已经证明:各国社会主义事业的建设和发展是一项必须胸怀共产主义远大理想又必须立足本国国情、一切从实际出发的伟大征程。在布哈林的论著中,存在着很多与我们目前正在思考和进行的社会主义建设问题的解决办法相类似的元素。本书努力以历史的、辩证的眼光客观审视布哈林的社会主义建设思想,遵循布哈林提出的“精心思考,该作怎样的结论就作怎样的结论”的理念,把布哈林的社会主义建设思想同他当时所处的苏联历史条件结合起来进行客观研究,尽可能避免夸大和苛求。本书从整体视角出发,以布哈林的社会主义政治建设思想、经济建设思想、文化建设思想和社会建设思想为切入点,系统探究了布哈林的社会主义建设思想。著作对1917—1929年苏俄社会主义建设征程中的经验教训进行客观总结,努力探寻布哈林在他的社会主义建设思想中提供了哪些“新东西”,具有哪些合理因素,在当时和现在具有什么样的意义;分析思考布哈林的社会主义建设思想中存在的局限性及错误,同时发掘这些局限性及错误出现的原因,以从中汲取对中国特色社会主义建设有益的经验和元素、避免其中的偏差和错误。作者结合对布哈林社会主义建设思想的研究,对如何从中国国情出发,建设中国特色社会主义提出了一些思考和认识,希望能为推进中国特色社会主义建设事业提供一些参考。前事不忘,后事之师。布哈林的社会主义建设思想犹如一面历史之镜,折射出苏联自1917年十月革命胜利到20世纪30年代社会主义建设实践的经验和教训。今天,我国正在进行中国特色社会主义建设,我们必须从我国的国情出发,深化对“社会主义”和“社会主义建设”的理解,对“做什么”和“不做什么”有清醒的认识,重视借鉴和利用苏联“用很高的代价换来的经验”,避免和改正苏联“当时往往无法避免的那些错误”,从而以史为鉴,进一步深化对中国特色社会主义建设的认识,探求推动中国特色社会主义建设更好更快发展的路径,尽可能理性而智慧地缩短现实社会主义与理想社会主义之间的距离。正如1874年恩格斯在分析德国工人运动时指出的:“德国的实践的工人运动也永远不应当忘记,它是站在英国和法国的运动的肩上发展起来的,它能够直接利用英国和法国的运动用很高的代价换来的经验,而在现在避免它们当时往往无法避免的那些错误。”707466 关键词:布哈林;社会主义;政治;经济;文化;建设

After modern times,socialism is a symbol of a glorious society in people's heart.For hundreds of years,just for yearning for the heartfelt dream and unremitting pursuit,innumerable people step into the breach as another fall,bravely probe into the thought and practice of“What is Socialism and How to construct Socialism”,but different people reach different answers to that.In which there are a great quantity of real knowledge and deep insight and penetrating judgment,and a host of incredible statements and actions constrained by age and condition.In spite of they have both strong and weak points,they reflect the immeasurable fortitude people have committed in the course of creating the history and pursuing the laws of social development.In the late 1980s and early 1990s,the Soviet Union disintegrated and several socialist countries in the East Europe took place tremendoud change,socialist movement suffered severe trials,the brilliance of scientific socialism was sheltered in the West.From this the tortuous history tells us that,the advanced and scitific thing sometimes develop through an indirect and distort way.Undoubtedly,the course of the development of the theory and thoughts present the same situation.Today,in China,socialist construction is advancing amidst songs of triumph.The main reason for socialist China's success is the Chinese nation hold high the great banner of Marxism and Linism,the Maozedong Thought and theories of socialism with Chinese Charactristics,and fears no risks to forge ahead with determination.At the same time,China draws precious experience of other countries’socialist construction,which including Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction.How to draw the valuable essence from Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction and avoid its fraud,and how to shorten the distance from the reality to ideal rationaly,is a significant task.Bukharin,a Marxist pioneer of Soviet Russia who positively pursue the question of“What is Socialism and How to construct Socialism”.In spite of committing a lot of errors,in spite of being defiled,the history has proved that Bukharin is a Marxist theorist and economist,who has an inquiring mind,adheres to the truth,bravely creates new theory,works hard for trying to get the answer for that important question in the tough age ( 1920-1930).After Lenin passed away in 1924,Bukharin put forward some creative and systematical views about how to start the socialist construction from the reality of the Soviet Russian which bases on a backward condition and is confronted with complicated situation,which reflects he expounds profoundly the socialist construction on the political,the economic and cultural fields.After the reality smashed theillusion of building socialism through military communist approach,in 1921,the Soviet Russia began to apply the New Economic Policy which was put by Lenin.The thoughts of socialist construction of Bukharin's changed from radical to practical.He came to realize deeply that consolidate and develop socialism is a very complicated thing,he raised that develop productive forces and deal with production relations smoothly,put forward democracy and legality,meet the people's necessary need,eliminate class difference,etc,should be taken into consideration when dealing with construction.Bukharin considered that the theory of socialist construction should not be created from the mind,people should not understand Marxism in a uncomprehensive view,socialist construction should consider concrete condition of a country and its characteristics,should seriously investigate and research reality and try to find out an appropriate way that suit to the nation's state and people take delight in following it.Through the statements of Bukharin's articles and workswhich were written after the New Economic Policy put into effect in 1921,we can find that his thoughts of socialist construction has grown into a systematic entirety.Its starting point is the Soviet Russia's backward condition,its guiding idea is that a steady and developing society should keep its parts keep an effctive and dynamic balance.Bukharin recognized that the government should make a safe plan to meet people's need which is the important impetus of the development of the society,promoting productive forces and raise efficiency is the fundamental channel to develop socialism.He put that the socialist construction in the Soviet Russia should rely on the strength of dictatorship of the proletariat led by the Communist Party,implement the task of decreasing social contradiction and class disparity,remould the residents and reduce the gap between the city and country.Bukharin stuck to and developed the New Economic Policy,he appealed that the leader should in a balanced and peaceful way,apply a reformist approach to construct socialism,and reach the ideal socialist society in which the country is rich and civilized and the people are prosperous and cultured.Of course,because of the restrict of the historical factors and other reason,Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction has some flaws and defects.We should in a historical and dialectical view to examine it and draw a realistic comment based on facts.People will become sensible if he can drawlessons and learn experience from the history.We research the history just for giving service to the reality.There are a lot of things in Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction which are similar to the questions that we are facing when we carry on the socialist construction with Chinese Charactristics now.In this dissertation,along Bukharin's thought of“think painstakingly and draw the conclusion that should be made”,I combine Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction and the historical condition of the Soviet Russia,try my best to avoid exaggerating and being overcritical.From the perspective of entirety,this dissertation keeps to the subject of Bukharin's thoughts of socialist construction on politics,economy,culture and society field,systematically researches it and sum up its experience and lessons objectively,works hard to find out the“new things”that it has and the significance and the limits of it and try to examine its cause.Doing all this is just for serving for the socialist construction with Chinese Charactristics forging ahead in a better way.Past experience,if not forgotten,is a guide for the future.The socialist construction thoughts of Bukharin's is just like a mirror of history,reflecting the experience and the lesson that can be drawn from the Soviet Russia's socialist construction from 1920 to 1930.Today,China is in the progress of socialist construction with Chinese Charactristics,we must set off from our reality,understand profoundly the question of“What is Socialism and How to construct Socialism”,recognize soberly to the things which should be done and which should not be done,use the costly experience of the Soviet Russia for reference and avoid the weakness of it in our socialist construction,shorten the distance from the reality to ideal rationally.Just as Engels referred to people when he analysed the workers' movement in Germany:“The workers' movement in Germany should not ever forget that it grows from the shoulder of the workers’movement in England and France,it can utilize the costly experience of them and avoid the wrong which couldn’t be avoided at that time.” Key words: Bukharin; Socialism; politics; economy; culture; construction





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