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The Chinese Literature Tradition and the Chinese Novels Written by New Immigrants to North America

















Criticizing the national character is an important task for the intellectuals represented by Lu Xun to realize the cultural transformation during the“May 4th”movement.The Chinese writer of new immigrants to North America are also in the social transition situation,in place of the“May 4th”unfinished,with cross-domain,cross-cultural perspective,standing in the height of mankind by national character criticism into gaze nationality.Thus,they are to explores the innovation and creative transformation of the endogenous Chinese literary tradition under the external influence of western thought and literature.Taking nationality as the entry point,this book discusses the problems of new immigrant novels in North America and the history of Chinese contemporary literature.And then explore the existing Chinese contemporary literature history of space dimension is unreasonable or need to update the part.Scholars pay more attention to the time dimension of modern and contemporary literature history-the starting point of modern literature is controversial,but the discussion of its space dimension is not deep enough.Since the new era,with China's reform and opening up,the identity of Chinese writers in North America has been complicated and specialized.Their literary works also show the characteristics of inheritance and transformation of Chinese literary tradition.Whether it is the construction of the subject of national discourse,or the topic of national discourse,or the presentation of the way of national discourse,the works the Chinese writer of new immigrants to North America have their rationality and legitimacy to access to the history of Chinese contemporary literature.However,the existing mechanism of contemporary Chinese literature history excludes them,the compatibility of the two can be discussed.

The subject construction of national discourse,which concerns the cultural identity of the creative subject.Most Chinese writes of new immigrants to North America have emigrated to North America as adults.They have received the complete education in China,moreover,they shared the experience of planned economy,marketization and globalization with the contemporaries.In literary creation,their cultural identity is more important than their nationality.The psychological expectations of the Chinese writers of the new immigrants to North America point to an“imagined community”with which they share common cultural experiences.They basically tell the“China story”,at the same time,there are also images of foreign cultures,interracial and religious writings,but the foothold also lies in the collision between national culture and foreign culture,as a result,the novel creation of the new immigrants in North America increasingly presents a trend of a community with a shared future for mankind.For a long time,the Chinese literature of the new immigrants to North America has been brought into the contemporary Chinese literature system for observation,which has become the existing literary history fact.

The topic of national discourse embodies the main content of the national discourse and is an important representation of the national character of literature.The Chinese literature of the new immigrants in North America is rich and profound in“Chinese image”,“Chinese family narrative”and“national scars”.Following the May 4th movement's criticism of the national character,the Chinese writers of the new immigrants in North America stared at the national character and presented the diverse images of the global Chinese under the new world situation.They not only stick to the national character inheriting the qualities of diligence,tenacity and tenacity,but also renew the connotation of the national character.Actively engaged in the construction of globalization,the constant pursuit of spiritual construction,but also the allegorical expression of the national spirit,lit up the national spirit abide by the tradition and the courage to innovate and forge ahead.Compared with western culture,The position of“family”in Chinese traditional culture is particularly special.Chinese“family narrative”has three characteristics:the focus of the narrative is the ethical kinship,the isomorphism of the family and the country,and the interlaced network narrative mode of time and space.The family narratives of the new immigrant writers in North America,on the basis of fully absorbing the Chinese classical literature literacy and the“May 4th”modern literature spirit,melt into the essence of western modern literature.It tries to build up the imagination of modern nation state across the domain and integrate it into the modernization process of Chinese culture and literature.It is also the new immigrant writers abroad in the era of globalization,through the family narrative to explore literature and art,through the re-examination of the original nation and national culture,strengthen the national identity.From the middle of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century,The Chinese nation has been traumatized.National scars have become collective memories embedded in the genes of each generation of Chinese and will not disappear with the passage of time and migration of space.The Chinese writers of the new north American immigrants have devoted great enthusiasm to the writing of national scars.It focuses on the unyielding attitude and spirit of the Chinese people in the face of the war of resistance and the“pains”of reform.

The speech mode of national discourse is mainly presented in the expression level of literary language.Dig deeply into the national cultural and linguistic characteristics of the Chinese literature of the new immigrants in North America.Language is not only a tool of communication,but also contains a nation's unique culture and the way of thinking.Therefore,intellectuals in the May 4th movement advocated the reform of language in order to renew national culture and transform national character.The characteristics of Chinese regional culture and language sailed across the seas with the Chinese writer of new immigrants in North America,Beijing dialect and Shanghai dialect are blossoming in North America.The Chinese literature of north American immigrants also inherits the linguistic poetics of Chinese classical novels and absorbs rich national literature nutrition from classical Chinese and vernacular Chinese.In addition,it undertakes the daily language system deeply cultivated by Zhang ailing,Shen congwen,Qian zhongshu,etc.They have made important practices in casting modern Chinese which is both classical and profound.Only on this basis can Chinese literature have a more cosmopolitan quality.From the perspective of the subject construction,theme and mode of discourse,The Chinese writers of the new immigrants in North America and their literary works have the rationality and legitimacy to enter the history of Chinese contemporary literature.The ideological connotation and aesthetic value of the Chinese literature of the new immigrants in North America entered the spiritual vision of the Chinese people,in which the author is infected from foreign countries with universal humanistic values,participating in the construction of national spirit and culture and the transformation of personality.They bear the same social and cultural functions as the contemporary literature created by Chinese writers.It has the thought and the art new quality,to the contemporary literature innovation and the development has also played the promotion function.

Key Words: Construction of creative subject; Topic of national discourse; Speech mode; nationality; Chinese literature by new migrants in North America; History of literature; national character





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