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作为顶层设计的经济社会跨越式发展战略,已经成为中国西部地区发展的重要命题。如何破解这个发展命题,找准阻碍跨越式发展的根源,是当前学者和国家都十分关心的热点和关键问题。实施西部跨越式发展战略,加快西部地区发展,关系经济发展、民族团结、社会稳定,关系地区协调发展和最终实现共同富裕,是实现第三步战略目标的重大举措。时值中央提出“一带一路”战略规划,西部地区应借天时地利,抓时代机遇,找准经济社会跨越式发展中存在的问题,加紧基层创新能力,努力寻找新的发展模式,推动早日实现跨越式发展的目标。“跨越式发展”绝不能重走20世纪五六十年代“大跃进”的老路,它必须要有新的内涵,同时,也要求西部地区不能再按照传统的经济社会发展模式亦步亦趋地走,如果还是这个思路,将难以追赶,也没有希望。本书以实现西部地区经济社会跨越式发展为主线,力求通过对西部地区经济社会发展的现状进行较为全面的剖析,找出西部经济社会发展的潜在能力,同时对制约西部地区发展的各种因素进行考证,最终得出实现西部地区经济社会跨越式发展而采取的合理性政策及建议,因地制宜地促进西部地区经济社会发展。本书从个案出发,总结整个西部地区经济发展模式。课题组选取甘肃为调研基地,立足于甘肃省情,以实现甘肃省跨越式发展为突破口,在研究甘肃省模式前提下,提出更适用于西部地区经济社会发展的策略;同时注意分析国家政策对西部发展的影响、全国经济社会发展对西部的影响,以及已经实现跨越式发展的地区和国家的经验对西部发展影响。在分析甘肃省模式时,根据过去十年甘肃省在经济、社会、科技、教育及对外贸易等方面的发展情况,找出支撑甘肃省经济发展的比较优势,并通过分析影响经济发展的劣势,得出其以后经济发展应着力改造的方向,通过实地调研,对所搜集到的信息及调查问卷结果进行认真分析,再结合过去甘肃省经济社会发展各项指标,总结得出甘肃省跨越式发展模式。运用类比方法,对整个西部地区经济社会发展现状进行全面论述,以甘肃省模式为例,找出适用于西部各省市经济社会跨越式发展的道路,并通过对新兴产业发展的现状描述,提出西部战略性新兴产业发展的愿景,进而提出促进经济社会发展的政策与建议,最终实现西部地区持续跨越式发展。本书的主要内容包括:西部经济社会跨越式发展调研的重要意义和必要性,西部经济社会发展的体制、机制与制度安排,西部经济社会发展状况,西部实施经济社会跨越式发展的基础,甘肃经济社会跨越式发展模式和经验,西部战略性新兴产业发展态势和西部经济社会跨越式发展的政策建议。关键词:西部 跨越式发展 甘肃基地 国情调研

As a top-level design of economic and social leapfrog development strategy, it has become an important proposition for the development of western China. How to solve this development proposition and identify the root cause of hindering leapfrog development is a hot spot and key issue that scholars and countries are very concerned about. Implementing the leapfrog development strategy in the western region and speeding up the development of the western region have a bearing on economic development, ethnic unity, social stability, coordinated regional development and ultimately the realization of common prosperity, and are major measures for achieving the third-step strategic goal. At a time when the central government puts forward the "Belt and Road" strategic plan, the western region should take advantage of the time and place, seize the opportunities of the times, identify the problems existing in the leapfrog development of the economy and society, step up the grassroots innovation capacity, strive to find a new development model, and promote the early realization of the goal of leapfrog development. "Leapfrog development" must not follow the old path of the "Great Leap Forward" of the fifties and sixties of the 20th century; it must have new connotations; at the same time, it also requires that the western region can no longer follow the traditional pattern of economic and social development step by step; if this line of thinking continues, it will be difficult to catch up and there will be no hope. This book takes the realization of the economic and social leapfrog development of the western region as the main line, and strives to find out the potential capacity of the economic and social development of the western region through a relatively comprehensive analysis of the current situation of the economic and social development of the western region, and at the same time examine various factors restricting the development of the western region, and finally draw rational policies and suggestions adopted to achieve the leapfrog economic and social development of the western region, and promote the economic and social development of the western region in accordance with local conditions. Starting from individual cases, this book summarizes the economic development model of the entire western region. The research group selected Gansu as the research base, based on the situation of Gansu Province, to realize the leapfrog development of Gansu Province as the breakthrough point, and put forward a strategy more suitable for the economic and social development of the western region under the premise of studying the model of Gansu Province. At the same time, attention should be paid to analyzing the impact of state policies on the development of the western region, the impact of the national economic and social development on the western region, and the impact of the experience of regions and countries that have achieved leapfrog development on the development of the western region. When analyzing the model of Gansu Province, according to the development of Gansu Province in the past ten years in terms of economy, society, science and technology, education and foreign trade, find out the comparative advantages that support the economic development of Gansu Province, and through the analysis of the disadvantages affecting economic development, draw the direction that its future economic development should focus on transformation, through field research, carefully analyze the information collected and the results of the questionnaire, and then combine the indicators of economic and social development of Gansu Province in the past to summarize the leapfrog development model of Gansu Province. Using the analogy method, this paper comprehensively discusses the current situation of economic and social development in the entire western region, takes the Gansu Provincial Model as an example, finds out the path applicable to the leapfrog economic and social development of the western provinces and cities, and puts forward the vision of the development of strategic emerging industries in the western region through the description of the current situation of the development of emerging industries, and then puts forward policies and suggestions to promote economic and social development, and finally realizes the sustained leapfrog development of the western region. The main contents of this book include: the importance and necessity of the investigation of the leapfrog economic and social development of the western region, the system, mechanism and institutional arrangement of the economic and social development of the western region, the economic and social development of the western region, the basis for the implementation of the leapfrog economic and social development in the western region, the model and experience of the leapfrog economic and social development of Gansu, the development trend of strategic emerging industries in the western region and the policy suggestions for the leapfrog economic and social development of the western region. Keywords: western region, leapfrog development, Gansu base, national conditions research(AI翻译)





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