钟宏武,四川简阳人,中国社科院经济学部企业社会责任研究中心主任,中国社会责任百人论坛秘书长。毕业于中国社科院研究生院工业经济系,管理学博士。主持国家发展和改革委员会、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会、工业和信息化部等部委机构委托的企业社会责任研究课题20余项。先后访问日本、南非、英国、瑞典、中国台湾、缅甸、苏丹、韩国,研究各国企业社会责任。主持了《中国矿业企业社会责任报告指引》、《中央企业社会责任推进机制研究》、《中央企业社会责任优秀案例》、《上市公司社会责任信息披露》等课题。出版《企业社会责任蓝皮书》、《中国企业社会责任报告编写指南》等专著21 部。在《经济研究》、《中国工业经济》、《人民日报》等刊物上发表论文50 余篇。中国社科院研究生院MBA、人民大学MBA、内蒙古大学EMBA、西北大学EMBA 教授。为中国石化、南方电网、联想集团、民生银行、中国三星等40 余家中外大型企业提供咨询顾问服务。 Dr. Hongwu Zhong began toengage in CSR in 2005,specializing on social disclosure,CSR management,and corporate philanthropy. He works in the Institute of Social Development of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( CASS) ,and was appointed the director of the CSR Research Center,CASS,in Feb. ,2008. He visited UK,Sweden,South Africa,Sudan,Myanmar,Taiwan,Korea to research CSR. Recent years,He has presided many CSR research projects. For example,“Guideline of CSR Report of Mining Enterprises”,“Research on Oversea CSRPractice of Chinese Companies”, “promoting CSR in State Owned Enterprises”,“ISO26000 research”,“Social information disclosure”,and so on. Meanwhile,Dr. Zhong also provides CSR consulting service to big companies,such as Sinopec,SGCC,CNPC,CMCC,CNGG,Lenovo,Samsung( China) ,IBM,Cannon ( China) and so on. he published “CSR Blue Book”2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,“CSR Textbook”,“Guidance Book of CSR Reports Edition in China ( CASSCSR1. 0 /2. 0) ”,the first local guidance of CSR report in China,“Corporate Philanthropy and Financial Performance”,and has published many CSR papers in academic journals and newspapers,such as “Chinese Economics”,“China Industrial Economy”,“the People's Daily”and so on.