《中国城市竞争力报告No.18》延续了去年从城市看中国这一研究视角,提出了迈向“十四五”及未来15年的城市化中国。新的发现和突破如下:一是新理论与新假设:四要素耦合与轮动决定城市化中国走向;二是新动力与新红利:四大引擎驱动城市化中国发展;三是新格局和新趋势:四大要素绘制城市化中国新美景;四是新问题与新挑战:四个软肋威胁城市化中国;五是新对策与新建议:四大支柱支撑城市化中国。本报告今年以全新的指标体系,在原有理论框架的基础上重新构建了综合经济竞争力和解释性指标体系、可持续竞争力和解释性指标体系,并运用大数据技术采集关键数据,突出强调了关键性指标在城市竞争力中的重要作用。本报告的主题为“劲草迎疾风:中国的城市与楼市”,主要报告分为两部分:第一部分是“城市与楼市:四次外部冲击的比较”,包括“全球经验:典型外部冲击下的城市与楼市”“四次冲击的特征事实描述”“四次冲击下的楼市反应机制比较”三大部分,详尽研究了四次冲击对中国城市和楼市的影响;第二部分是“外部冲击:产业链调整与中国城市格局”,从未来产业链的发展新趋势、中国城市发展空间格局的演变趋势角度分析外部冲击对产业链和城市格局的影响,并判断其在未来的总体走向,为稳定我国宏观经济运行提供建议。在分项报告和区域报告中,本次报告主要对各城市的经济竞争力及分项指标、可持续竞争力及分项指标进行详细研究,对全国城市的基本现状、格局、变化、现象与规律着重进行分析。AbstractThe“Report on China's Urban Competitiveness No. 18”continues the research perspective of looking at China from the city last year, and proposes to move towards the“14th Five-Year Plan”and the urbanization of China in the next 15 years. New discoveries and breakthroughs are as follows: the first is new theories and new assumptions:the coupling of four elements determines the direction of urbanization in China;the second is new power and new dividends:the four engines drive urbanization in China; the third is new pattern and new trends:the four new scenes outline the future of urbanization in China; The fourth is new problems and new challenges:the four weaknesses threaten urbanized China;the fifth is new countermeasures and new proposals:the four pillars support urbanized China.This report uses a brand-new indicator system this year and reconstructs the comprehensive economic competitiveness and explanatory indicator system,sustainable competitiveness and explanatory indicator system on the basis of the original theoretical framework,and uses big data technology to collect key data to highlight The important role of key indicators in urban competitiveness is emphasized.The theme report of this report is divided into two parts:one part is“Cities and the real estate market: a comparison of four external shocks”, including“Global Experience:Cities and the Real Estate Market under Typical External Shocks”,“Fact Description of the Characteristics of the Four Impacts”, and“Comparison of the Response Mechanism of the Property Market under the Four Shocks”, this part has thoroughly studied the impact of the four shocks on cities and the property market; the other part is“External Shocks: Industrial Chain Adjustment and China City pattern”, from the perspective of new development trends in the future industrial chain and the evolution of the spatial pattern of China's urban development,it analyzes the impact of external shocks on the industrial chain and urban pattern, and judges its overall trend in the future, which provides for the stability of China's macroeconomic operation. Suggest.In the sub-reports and regional reports,this report mainly conducts detailed research on the economic competitiveness and sub-indices,sustainable competitiveness and sub-indices of cities, and analyzes the basic status quo, pattern, changes,phenomena and The law focuses on analysis.

- 图片名称: 图5-5 案件审理结果占比
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》
- 图片名称: 图5-4 被告的类型统计
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》
- 图片名称: 图5-3 法律规范发布年份统计
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》
- 图片名称: 表5-5 有关第三人诉讼案件
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》
- 图片名称: 表5-4 地方工作级别关于管理人的文件续表
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》
- 图片名称: 表5-4 地方工作级别关于管理人的文件
- 所属图书: 《 企业破产重整纾困法律问题研究 》